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    Unit1 Presenting ideas and Reflection课件-2021-2022学年高一上学期英语外研版(2019)必修第一册

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    Unit1 Presenting ideas and Reflection课件-2021-2022学年高一上学期英语外研版(2019)必修第一册

    1、 To put forward your own views on campus life To give suggestions on high school learning life and campus life To propose solutions to problems in senior high school life What do you think of your school? Is it in the greatest shape or an enthusiastic place? Are there some aspects should be improved

    2、? e.g. My school is a wonderful school which has a beautiful environment. Our school is beautiful with tall trees and gardens. Imagine you are a member of your class committee. Think about the changes you would suggest to the head teacher to improve your school. Talk about your suggestions and prepa

    3、re a short presentation. Use the expressions in the box to help you. The first thing I would suggest is I think it would be a good idea to Another thing I would suggest is In my opinion, I strongly suggest that My advice on . is that I advise 1. If it rains, we wont attend P.E. classes. What a shame

    4、! I suggest that my dear school should build an indoor playground so that we can do sports on rainy days. 2. The school rules require us to wear a school uniform every day, but I think it is not a good idea. 3. We should protect our environment instead of destroying it. In this way, we can make our

    5、school more beautiful. 4. In my opinion, its necessary for us to go for an outing. It is a good chance for us to see the outside world and relax ourselves, because we are so busy that we havent got much time to have a good rest. a school trip 5. Although our school life is colorful and happy, yet I

    6、still want to give a suggestion to our school. In my opinion, our school should organize more activities like going for a spring outing, holding art festivals, a spring outing and reading and speech contest, for these activities can not only enrich our knowledge and broaden our mind, but also make u

    7、s more confident. It is rewarding for us to experience some interesting and meaningful things. art festival speech contest 6. In my opinion, we have too much homework. A large amount of homework keeps us busy and tired. Thats why some students begin to lose interest in study. I strongly suggest that

    8、 we should have less homework so that we can have more free time to do something else. 7. The school should offer us more interesting courses in addition to the basic courses. After completing this unit, I can rate my performance 1 (excellent), 2 (good) or 3 (in need of improvement). talk about scho

    9、ol clubs exchange ideas write a journal entry describe my school experiences build self-confidence one by one butterflies in ones stomach in panic putunder pressure depend on make the most of graduate from be about to go as if 依次地,一个接一个地依次地,一个接一个地 情绪紧张,心里发慌情绪紧张,心里发慌 惊慌地惊慌地 把把置于压力下置于压力下 依赖于依赖于 充分利用充分利用 毕业于毕业于 即将,就要即将,就要 似乎,仿佛似乎,仿佛 keep an open mind deal with at the sight of go all out hold ones head up In particular givea hand 愿听取(接受、考虑)愿听取(接受、考虑) 别人的意见(想法)别人的意见(想法) 处理处理 看到看到 全力以赴,竭尽全力全力以赴,竭尽全力 昂首挺胸,抬起昂首挺胸,抬起头来头来 尤其,特别尤其,特别 帮助,帮助,协助协助


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