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    Unit1 Writing课件-2021-2022学年高一上学期英语外研版(2019)必修第一册

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    Unit1 Writing课件-2021-2022学年高一上学期英语外研版(2019)必修第一册

    1、 How do you feel on your first week of senior high school? Circle the pictures that describe how you feel. happy anxious excited annoyed frightened Read the journal entry and answer the questions. 1.Whats the passage about? Its about the authors experiences during the first week at senior high. 2. W

    2、hat happened in her physics class? She couldnt take notes of everything the physics teacher said, but the teacher told her to stop taking notes and just listen. He said that thinking was more important than note-taking and memorising. 3. What did she do after class? She hurried to the school skatebo

    3、arding club, and bumped into a girl on the way. Then she tried skateboarding at the club and made friends with the girl she bumped into earlier. Think of your own experiences of the first week at senior high and complete the notes. 1. My impression of the first week 2. An enjoyable class 3. After-sc

    4、hool activities 4. How I made a new friend Now write a journal entry about your first-week experiences at senior high. Use the expressions in the box to help you. Things are going well At junior high, After class, Im going to A journal can be a timeline of your daily activities, a summary of your th

    5、oughts, or simply a way to keep yourself on track while you complete an assignment. How to write a journal entry To write a journal entry for yourself, consider writing about the events of your day, secrets you need to get off your head, or random trains of thought. A journal entry for yourself To w

    6、rite a journal entry for school, read the assignment carefully, reflect on what youve learned, and write your analysis of the information being reviewed. A journal entry for school The exact rules of why, when, where and how you write are probably the things you need to determine in either case, but

    7、 these points are usually good places to start. GOLDEN RULES Friday 7 September Now I become a new student of Senior High. Our school life is very interesting. Let me tell you something about it. Every morning I go to school at 7:30. classes begin at 8 oclock. We now have more subjects than in junio

    8、r school, but we are not bored. Thats because we have so many good teachers now. Our English teacher is always enthusiastic and so we are very excited to work with her. Sometimes, we have misunderstanding between us. For example, she once told us to guess the meaning of words, and we thought it not

    9、necessary to remember these words. But now we try to remember as many words as possible. Our after-school activities are always exciting. We have sports every day. We have soccer, basketball, volleyball and swimming. I like basketball, because I like CBA. I dont like to watch football matches becaus

    10、e sometimes they are disappointing and not enjoyable. Friday 8 September How time flies! I cant believe the first week is coming to an end. Things are going quite well, and there are one or two things in particular that have left a deep impression on me. The English class on Thursday was unforgettab

    11、le. During the class, we were asked to give a short speech about the first day at senior high. All my classmates were excited but I buried my head in my book. I had never delivered a speech in English before, and worse still, I didnt feel quite at ease speaking in public. I was secretly hoping that

    12、nobody would notice me, when suddenly I heard my name called. I stood up, blushing, with nothing coming out of my mouth. “Dont be shy! Just think of your first day at senior high and say whatever comes to mind. Imagine we are all pumpkins if it helps.” The teachers words made me relax a bit, and I f

    13、inally began to say something. Despite my trembling voice, I gave my first ever public speech in English. It was hard, but it didnt feel bad. After school that day, I decided to go to the English Club to further practise my English. I believe that by practising more I can improve a lot. As the sayin

    14、g goes, “Practice makes perfect.” While I was trying to pick up the courage to talk to someone, I heard a kind voice behind me. “Hello, Im Tom. Nice to meet you.” Sitting side-by-side, he shared with me some tips on how to improve my English. We had a lovely chat and soon became friends. The first week of senior high has been quite exciting, and I am looking forward to making the most of senior high!


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