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    1、UNIT2 My Country and English-speaking Countries 满分:100 分 时间:60 分钟 得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,给单词标序号。(10 分) next( ) speak( ) about( ) Australia( ) beautiful( ) Chinese( ) country( ) here( ) know( ) map( ) 二、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10 分) ( )1.A. Its famous. B. Its Canberra. C. Its red and white. ( )2.A. He likes kangaroos.

    2、B. He is a worker. C. He goes to work by car. ( )3.A. She is 11 years old. B. She lives in London. C. She likes it very much. ( )4.A. Its a map. B. Its in Beijing. C. Its red, white and blue. ( )5.A. They speak Chinese. B. They like to watch a film. C. They are workers. 三、听录音,补全对话。(10 分) A: Whats th

    3、is, Mary? B: Its a 1. . A: Yes, this is a 2. of our 3. . We live in 4. . We speak 5. .The 6. of our country is 7. and 8. . The capital 9. is 10. . 笔试部分 四、根据句意、汉语或首字母提示写单词。(10 分) 1.Do you k the boys name? 2.She has a b skirt. 3.There are many s in the sky at night. 4.The Great Wall is in C . 5.The fl

    4、ag o Canada is red and white. 6.This is a (地图) of Australia. 7.The film is (关于) love of mother. 8.There are many people (在这里). 9.They (讲) Chinese here. 10.There are many people and cars in the big (城市). 五、选择正确的答案。(20 分) ( )1.This is a map the world. A. of B. about C. by ( )2.My uncle lives in China.

    5、 He Chinese. A. says B. speaks C. talks ( )3. does he live? In China. A. What B. Where C. Which ( )4.Where does Joan ? A. is from B. from C. come from ( )5.Cathy lives Australia. A. at B. on C. in ( )6. has a king or a queen. A. The U.S. B. Canada C. The U.K. ( )7.The president of lives in the White

    6、 House. A. the U.K. B. the U.S. C. Australia ( )8.He hopes a kangaroo in Australia. A. to see B. see C. sees ( )9.She has money. So she can buy nothing. A. a little B. little C. few ( )10.The Great Wall is very here. A. famous B. easy C. right 六、选择合适的一项,补全对话。(10 分) A. Tiananmen Square B. Beijing C.

    7、flag D. capital E. China Li Ming: Whats this, Jenny? Jenny: Its a 1. .Is this your countrys flag? Li Ming: Yes, this is a flag of our country. I live in Shijiazhuang of 2. . Jenny: Whats the 3. city of China? Li Ming: Its 4. . Jenny: Is 5. in Beijing? Li Ming: Thats right. 七、按要求完成句子。(10 分) 1.I live

    8、in London now. (对画线部分提问) 2.they, do, What, in, Canada, speak (?) (连词成句) 3.Canberra is the capital city of Australia. (对画线部分提问) 4.They speak English in the U.S. (对画线部分提问) 5.He is from China. (同义句转换) 八、阅读短文,完成表格。(10 分) My name is Timmy. Im 10 years old. I live in New York. The Statue of Liberty is fam

    9、ous here. I like it very much. I have many friends. They live in different countries. John is 11 years old. He lives in Canada. He likes to go to the CN Tower. Lisa is 10 years old, too. She is from Australia. There are many lovely kangaroos. She likes them very much. I also know a girl from China.

    10、Her name is Wang Lu. She is 12 years old. She likes the Great Wall in China. Sam is from the U.K. He is 9 years old. He likes Big Ben. Its very beautiful. Name Age Country He/She likes Timmy 10 years old 1. the Statue of Liberty John 11 years old Canada 2. Lisa 10 years old 3. kangaroos Wang Lu 4. C

    11、hina the Great Wall Sam 9 years old 5. Big Ben 九、写作。(10 分) 请用本单元所学的词汇和句型简单介绍一下所学的某个国家的首都、国旗、景 点和所讲语言等相关情况。 参 考 答 案 UNIT 2 单元测试 听力部分 一、听力材料 1.about 2.next 3.country 4.Australia 5.here 6.Chinese 7.map 8.speak 9.beautiful 10.know 答案: (横向)2 8 1 4 9 6 3 5 10 7 二、听力材料 1.Whats the capital city of Australia

    12、? 2.What does he like? 3.Where does your aunt live? 4.What colour is the flag of the U.K.? 5.What do they speak? 答案: 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 三、听力材料 A: Whats this, Mary? B: Its a map. A: Yes, this is a map of our country.We live in China.We speak Chinese. The flag of our country is red and yellow.The cap

    13、ital city is Beijing. 答案: 1.map 2.map 3.country 4.China 5.Chinese 6.flag 7.red 8.yellow 9.city 10.Beijing 笔试部分 四、1.know 2.beautiful 3.stars 4.China 5.of 6.map 7.about 8.here 9.speak 10.city 五、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.A 六、1.C 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.A 七、1.Where do you live now? 2.What do they spe

    14、ak in Canada? 3.What is the capital city of Australia? 4.What do they speak in the U.S.? 5.He comes from China. 八、1.the U.S. 2.the CN Tower 3.Australia 4.12 years old 5.the U.K. 九、略 期中测试 听力部分 一、听力材料 1.My sister has long hair and big eyes. 2.My father is a driver. 3.Tom goes to school by bus. 4.I liv

    15、e in the U. S. 5.Its the flag of China. 答案:4 3 5 2 1 二、听力材料 1.My grandfather likes to play cards. 2.Li Mings father is tall. 3.This is a map of our country. 4.My mother is a worker. 5.When will you arrive in Beijing? 6.I want to take a train. 7.They stay with my family for two days. 8.We go to the P

    16、alace Museum on Thursday. 9.Does he need a pair of socks? 10.Danny runs to the train and jumps on. 答案:1.grandfather 2.tall 3.map 4.worker 5.arrive in 6.a train 7.my family 8.Thursday 9.socks 10.jumps 三、听力材料 1.How old is Bob? 2.What colour is Jennys hair? 3.Is your father a teacher? 4.Whats the capit

    17、al city of Canada? 5.Who lives in the White House? 答案:1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 四、听力材料 There are five people in my family, my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and me.My grandfather likes to play cards.I often play cards with him.My grandmother and my mother like to watch TV.My father likes to work

    18、 on the computer.I like to play football on Sunday. 答案:1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 笔试部分 五、1.has 2.worker 3.Chinese 4.likes 5.flowers 6.make 7.to swim/swimming 8.to see 9.him 10.driver 六、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 七、1.What does your father do? 2.What does she look like? 3.How do you go to Canada? 4.How far is it from the U.K.to the U.S./the U.S.to the UK.? 5.What is the capital city of the U.K.? 八、1.C 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.A 九、1.Yes; there is 2.monkeys ; elephants 3.Yes; they can 4.Regents 5.cages 十、略


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