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    2021年译林版牛津英语8A Unit2第五课时 学案

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    2021年译林版牛津英语8A Unit2第五课时 学案

    1、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Grammar2 【预习成果展示预习成果展示】 1.Kitty has (little) orange juice than Amy. 2.Jack has (little) free time than John. 3.Millies skirt is nicer than (I). 4.Playing games is (good) than (do) homework. 5.Who listens _, Tom, Jack or Bill? 6.My home is _ ( far ) than your home . 【课堂我行我秀】知

    2、识点讲解课堂我行我秀】知识点讲解 一、副词最高级的一、副词最高级的注意点注意点: 1)在形容词的最高级前一般加 the, 副词的最高级前一般不加 the . 如:Wang Xue does her homework (the) most carefully of all my students 在我所有的学生中,王雪做作业最认真。 2)“主语+be+ the + 序数词+形容词最高级+单数名词”意为“是第几大” It is the second biggest supermarket near here. 它是附近第二大超市。 二、二、比较级与最高级的区别与联系比较级与最高级的区别与联系 (1

    3、) 比较级是用来把彼此独立的适合人进行比较; 最高级是把一个群体中的一员与整体进行比较, 这个群体必须包括这个成员,请看下面例句: (A)Mary is taller than her two sisters. 玛丽比她的两个姐姐高。 ( B )Mary is the tallest of the girls.玛丽是这些女孩中最高的。 【注意】句(A)中玛丽是在另外两个姐妹之外,是玛丽一个人同另外两姐妹 (作为一方)来比较,所以用比较级。句(B)中玛丽是这些女孩之一,所以用最高级。 (2)拓展:拓展:同同范围比较用范围比较用 any other +可数可数名词单数名词单数, 表示表示“其他任何

    4、一个其他任何一个”,用,用 the other+可数可数名词名词 复数,表示复数,表示“其余其余的的”; 不同不同范围比较用范围比较用 any +可数名词单数表示可数名词单数表示“任何一个任何一个” Jack is taller than any other student in his class. Jack is taller than the other students in his class Jack is the tallest in his class. Jack is taller than any student in class 5. (Jack is in class

    5、3.) China is bigger than _ _ _ in Asia(亚洲). China is bigger than _ _ _ in Asia. China is bigger than _ _in Arica(非洲). 注意:注意: 形容词的最高级前面要加定冠词 the (但是,最高级前面有“形容词性物主代词” 或“名词所有格”, 去掉 the ,即限定词唯一) He is my the best friend. 改错:_ He is Toms the best friend. 改错:_ 2 一、选择 ( )1.China is one of in the world. A.

    6、larger country B. larger countries C. the largest countries D. largest country ( )2.Chongqing has more people than in Jiangsu and in China. A. any city; any city B. any city; any other city C. any other city; the other cities D. any other city; any city ( )3.Jim has _ than Tom. A. more CD B. less sh

    7、eep C. fewer news D. fewer flowers ( )4.He knows a little about maths and his brother knows even_. A. much B. more C. less D. fewer ( )5.I know_ of those persons in the room, so I leave. A. few B. a few C. a little D. little ( )6.Jack drives Amy, so it will take Jack time to go to the hotel. A. much

    8、 faster than; less B. more slowly than; less C. as fast as; more D. as slowly as; more ( )7.No wonder(难怪)Kobe Bryant is one of the best players. He practices than his teammates. A. more hardly B. much harder C. much hardly D. more harder ( )8.- He is the only one who failed in the exam. - Really? Yo

    9、u mean he studies _. A the most careful B the most carefully C the least careful D. the least carefully ( )9.Why come and play basketball with us? A. not you B. dont C. not to D. not ( )10.I have money than you, but I have friends than you. A. more; more B.less; more C.fewer; more D.more; less 二、翻译句

    10、子。 1.May 英语说的很好,但是那个穿校服的男孩比她说的好得多。 May ,but the boy speaks _her 2.我们班我加入的社团最多,所以我经常回家最迟。 I join_ clubs in my class. So I often . 3.这三个孩子当中,Jim 写作业最慢,但是犯错往往也最少。 Of the three children, Jim does his homework_. But he usually makes _ . 4.汤姆跳得比其他任何学生都远,他总是赢得跳远比赛。 Tom jumps _ . He always wins the long jump. 5.这个山的羊比那个山上的羊要少。 in this hill than in that hill. 6.当我在南京假期间,王小姐主动提供给我帮助。 During my holiday in Nanjing, Miss Wang .


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