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    2021年牛津译林版8A Unit3 Task教案

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    2021年牛津译林版8A Unit3 Task教案

    1、8A Unit3 A Day Out 第七课时第七课时 Task 主备人: 审核人: 上课人: 课型: 新授课 授课班级: 总课时数: 备课时间: 上课时间: Teaching Aims: 1. Select, organize and present some information. 2. Fill in the blanks to complete an article about a day out. 3. Learn to write a letter to invite your friend to go outing with you on your own. Focal poi

    2、nt and difficulty: 1. To enable the students to tell the key information, classify them and plan a day out. 2. How to write an invitation letter with facts and opinions to your friends to go outing. Teaching process: 教学环节 个人复备 Step 1 Warming-up Present some questions about Integrated skills and get

    3、them to ask them correctly and accept the reasonable facts as many as possible. e.g: 1. When does the final start? 2. Where do they watch the final? 3. How do they go there? 4. How much is the ticket? 5. What do you think of their trip? (Students own answers!) Step 2 Presentation 1. Present the back

    4、ground of this part: Linda is going back to the USA. So Kitty and Daniel invite their classmates to go out with Linda on a trip. What places in Beijing do you think they will go to? What can they do there? Guide the students to discuss and accept all the reasonable answers. 2. Guide the class to go

    5、through the trip plan in Part A on page 40. Ask some questions like the following; (1) How many places of interest are they going to visit? What are they? (2) What will they do in Beihai Park? (3) How will they get to the Palace Museum from Sunshine Underground Station? (4) What will they do at Tian

    6、anmen Square? (5) How much time will they spend at Tiananmen Square? (6) When will they leave Wangfujing Street? 3. Part C on page 41. Ask the class to complete the invitation letter with the information in Part A. Ill give them help as much as I can at the moment. Step 3 Instructions 1. Guide the c

    7、lass to pay attention to how to write an invitation, including its style and relevant contents: date; name of the receiver; purpose; plan; cost; instructions; closing and signatures. 2. Present some difficult phrases and sentences in the letter (Refer to Teaching content). Ask the class to read them

    8、 out and learn them by heart. Step 4 Practice 1. Create a situation for the class to plan a day outyou need to make a good plan for your trip and write an invitation letter to your classmates. 2. Ask the class to go through Part B on page 41, and make a new plan for themselves. Here, I should remind

    9、 students to have a free discussion to make continuous improvement of their own information. 3. Using Part B on page 41 as a model, write an invitation letter to their classmates to invite them to go outing with them. 4. Collect the students writing and check some good ones as models to share with t

    10、he class. Step 5 Class work design 1. Ill present an instruction for the class, and ask them to write an invitation after class, and ask them to hand them in tomorrow. 2. Complete English sentences according to the Chinese given. These sentences are adpated from this period, which should be mastered

    11、. 板书设计: Unit 3 A day out Task Words: ticket, keep, square Phrases: see the biggest city square, visit the garden and row boats, plan a day out, go back to . Sentences: We will take the underground/bus to Tiananmen Square. =We will go to Tiananmen Square by underground/bus. We will walk to Beihai Park. =We will go to Beihai Park on foot. We hope you can join us. 教学反思:


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