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    1、2022 年浙江省杭州市滨江区中考英语一模试卷年浙江省杭州市滨江区中考英语一模试卷 第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共分)第一节(共 4 小题,每小题小题,每小题 6 分,满分分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。)中选出最佳选项。 1 (6 分) Avoid Giving Certain Flowers in Russia Be careful when giving flowers to your friend or a business partne

    2、r in Russia.Yellow flowers mean trick or a relationship break up.No red carnation(康乃馨),too.Traditionally , red carnations have something to do with death. Dont Show up on Time in Venezuela Heres one place.Being early or on time is viewed as being rude there.In Venezuela if you are invited over to so

    3、meones home for a meal, its suggested that you arrive 10 to 15 minutes later than the requested time.Early or on time guests are viewed as being too eager(急切的). Always Use a Knife and Fork in Norway In Norway , table manners are extremely important.Most meals,including sandwiches,are eaten using ute

    4、nsils like knives and forks. Skip the Tab in Turkey When doing business in Turkey,its the custom for your host to pay for your meal.Requests to split (平摊) the bill will be viewed as a polite way but wont be accepted.If you would like to pay your share,Turks suggest inviting your host to a followup m

    5、eal. (1)Which of the following is TRUE according to the texts? A.In Norway,you should use chopsticks for dinner. B.You can give red carnations to your teachers in Russia. C.In Venezuela,its polite to arrive 10 to 15 minutes earlier for a meal. D.When doing business in Turkey,usually your host will p

    6、ay for the meal. (2)According to the texts,which country values table manners? A.Russia. B.Venezuela. C.Norway. D.Turkey. (3)Which column(栏目)of a magazine do these texts probably come from? A.Health. B.Customs. C.Education. D.Environment. 2 (8 分) Ever since Greg was 5 years old, he had watched his g

    7、randfather carve (雕刻) the small wooden figures(图形)Greg was amazed by the quickness of his grandfathers fingers as he passed the carving knife from one hand to the other,breathing life into what was once a lifeless piece of wood.Few people had this skill like his grandfather.Greg often wished that he

    8、 could create wonderful little wooden works as his grandfather did. One day, Gregs grandfather called the boy into the workshop. Today is the day that you begin to learn the lost art of carving. Greg couldnt believe his ears as he pulled up a small tool next to his grandfathers working table.The sha

    9、rp smell of the wood filled his nose,and he moved in closely to where his grandfather was working.Gregs head was soon filled with the names of the different tools his grandfather used to create the wooden treasures. After the introduction to the tools was complete,Greg picked up a piece of wood to m

    10、ake his first try at carving.He loved the feel of the rough(粗糙的)wood biting into his fingers.He worked for hours that day,trying to learn much from his grandfather. Although his small, wooden piece was far from perfect, both Greg and his grandfather were quite proud of the work Greg had done. I will

    11、 give this piece a place of honor on my shelf, Gregs grandfather told him.Gregs eyes shone with joy.He knew that it would take many years to become as skillful as his grandfather,but Greg was going to enjoy every minute of it! (1)Why did Gregs grandfather put Gregs wooden figure on the shelf? A.Beca

    12、use Gregs grandfather used to put the wooden figures there. B.Because Gregs grandfather knew it was not a good piece of work. C.Because Gregs grandfather was proud of Gregs first wooden carving. D.Because Gregs grandfather had never seen such a wonderful wood carving. (2)Why did Gregs grandfather ca

    13、ll wood carving a lost art? A.No one knew how to carve wood by hand. B.There were no books about how to carve wood. C.Carving wood was done only by the lost people. D.Not many people could carve wood by hand anymore. (3)What does the underlined part breathing life into what was once a lifeless piece

    14、 of wood mean? A.Gregs grandfather would like to make a lifeless piece of wood. B.Gregs grandfather always blew on the wood before he carved it. C.Gregs grandfather couldnt breathe when he carved the wooden figures. D.Gregs grandfather could make a reallooking figure from a piece of wood. (4)What wo

    15、uld Greg probably do after he had his first lesson? A.Keep working on it to get better. B.Throw out his first wooden figure. C.Cut down a tree in order to get wood. D.Give up as he isnt as good as his grandfather. 3 (8 分)In a forest just outside Beijing,friends Li Xing and Sun Lian are digging. Toda

    16、y is March 12.Its Tree Planting Day. explains Sun Lian. In China,people all over the country plant trees on this day. The idea of an annual day for planting trees was first put forward in 1911 by Sun Yatsen,the great pioneer in Chinas history.He said more trees were needed as a protection against fl

    17、ood and drought (旱涝灾害).In 1915,the government named April 5th as Tree Planting Day.Then,in 1979,the day was changed to March 12th,to remember the date on which Sun Yatsen died.The whole country plants trees on this day.In the last ten years,65 billion trees have been planted across China. Everyone h

    18、as heard of the Great Wall of China. says Xing. But have you heard of the Green Wall of China?Thats the biggest tree planting program of all. The Gobi Desert in the north of China is growing every year.Terrible sandstorms blow away soil,making more land dry and useless.In 1978,a tree planting progra

    19、m began to try to stop the Gobi from spreading.The government and local farmers are planting millions of trees in a great green wall along the edge of the desert.When it is finished in 2050,it will be 4,500 kilometers long. Tree planting is a tradition in China now. says Sun Lian. Everyone does it o

    20、n March 12th but many people also plant a tree on a day that is special just for them.My parents planted trees when I started school and we planted one on my cousins wedding day.We do it for the environment and for ourselves. (1)Whats the idea behind Tree Planting Day at the very beginning? A.To cel

    21、ebrate the coming spring. B.To make the environment beautiful? C.To protect against flood and drought. D.To remember the date on which Sun Yatsen died. (2)What does the underlined word it in paragraph 3 refer to? A.The Green Wall. B.The Great Wall. C.The Gobi Desert. D.The sandstorm. (3)In which ord

    22、er did the following events develop? a.65 billion trees have been planted across China. b.Tree Planting Day was changed to March 12th. c.The government named April 5thas Tree Planting Day. d.A tree planting program began to stop the desert from spreading. A.cbda B.cdba C.dcba D.dbac (4)Whats the pas

    23、sage mainly about? A.The prediction about the Green Wall. B.The introduction of Tree Planting Day. C.The problem of sandstorms people are facing. D.The importance of protecting the environment. 4(8 分) The original Olympic Games were held in Peloponnesus, Greece, over fifteen hundred years ago.Later,

    24、the modern Olympic Games were revived (恢复) because of a French educator and sportsman.Allmale Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece.Later, the first Winter Olympic Games were held in 1924,in Chamonix,France. For many people,the Olympic Games consist of popular sports like swimming,runnin

    25、g,or ice skating.Here are three unusual Olympic events,and three athletes who fell in love with them. Curling Curling is a sport that is played on ice.Two teams of four players each move eight round stones along the ice to a colored circle (called the house).The object of the game is to place a ston

    26、e closest to the center of the house.I started curling from primary school. Canadian Olympic curler Sammy McCann told us. My father Ind a hotel with an ice rink (溜冰场) .As soon as the people left the ice, my friends and I would get right on and start curling. Trampoline Kids have been jumping on tram

    27、polines for almost a hundred years,but it was only at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney that trampoline became an official Olympic sport.In Olympic competitions,each trampoline athlete shows ten different skills.An athlete can score well by showing that they can control their bodies while jumping hig

    28、h and turning over in the air. I love the sport.Ive been doing it since I was five years old. said Jennifer Parilla,American trampoline athlete.After Jennifer competed in the 2000 Olympics (as the only American trampoline athlete) ,she got a tattoo (纹身) of a butterfly to remind her of her new beginn

    29、ings as an Olympian. Skeleton The sport of skeleton racing first became an Olympic sport in 1928.Skeleton racers slide down an icy course at very high speed on a simple sled(雪橇). I didnt start skeleton until I was 30, said American Skeleton racer Zach Gale. While driving,my girlfriend and I took a w

    30、rong turn at Lake Placid,New York.Thats where the 1980 winter Olympics took place.They were offering skeleton classes that afternoon.My girlfriend Marcia Carter said, Why dont we give it a try?It was fun!I fell in love with it. (1)Which of the following is curling? A. B. C. D. (2)Who became interest

    31、ed in the event at the youngest age? A.Zach Gale. B.Jennifer Parilla. C.Marcia Carter D.Sammy McCann (3)Why did these athletes take up these sports? A.Because they fell in love with these sports. B.B.Because their parents told them to do sports. C.Because they wanted to enter the Olympics. D.Because

    32、 they caught the chance by accident. (4)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? 第二节(其第二节(其 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 10 分,满分,满分分 10 分)阅读下面的短文,从方框中所给的选项中选择合适的小标分)阅读下面的短文,从方框中所给的选项中选择合适的小标题填入第(题填入第(1)-(5)小题(选项中有一项是多余选项)小题(选项中有一项是多余选项) 5 (10 分)Traveling teaches us a lot of things that noth

    33、ing else can.No matter how you look at it,traveling is important. (1) We travel to be free.It not only makes us discover ourselves ,but also encourages us to be ourselves.Traveling gives us a break from busy life.It show us that there is more to life than spending most of your time trying to earn mo

    34、ney to buy what you think is necessary. (2) We are expected to have amazing and unexpected experiences every time we travel.Traveling makes us meet new people,both locals and likeminded travelers who are going the same trip.We learn to understand more things in life and the reasons for many things.

    35、(3) Visiting places means discovering new cultures and ways of living.If you ask someone why he travels,you are likely to hear him say something about learning new cultures.How people live and how they do their traditions can be a little different,but it doesnt change the fact that they are really i

    36、nteresting. (4) It doesnt matter whether youre lying down on the beach in Asia,hiking in South America,or walking around the cities of Europe.You will surely be doing something!An active body leads to an active mind.You will be healthier to face anything. (5) Taking a little break from your daily wo

    37、rk reduces stress by simply going somewhere new.The pleasure of preparing yourself for a trip could be a wonderful experience which will also free your mind of everyday problems. A.It can open our eyes. B It introduces us to new cultures. C.It can help you keep away from stress. D.It can help us sol

    38、ve our daily problems. E.It makes us active both in mind and body. F.It is a great chance to get away from your busy life. 第三部分第三部分 英语知识运用英语知识运用 (共两节,满分(共两节,满分 15 分)第一节分)第一节 完形填空完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项个选项 A、B、C、D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 6 (15 分)A little boy always thoug

    39、ht of himself as the most unlucky child in the world because polio (小儿麻痹症) made him unable to walk normally.He (1) played with his classmates.When the teacher asked him to answer questions,he always lowered his head without a word. One spring,the boys father asked for some saplings (树苗) from the nei

    40、ghbor.He wanted to plant them in the (2) .He told his children to plant a sapling each.The father said to them, Whose tree grows best, I will (3) him or her a gift. The boy also wanted to get his fathers gift, but seeing his brothers and sisters carrying water to water the trees carefully, anyhow, h

    41、e came up with a (n) (4) .He hoped the tree he planted would die soon. (5) after watering it once or twice,he never attended to it. A few days later,when the little boy went to see his tree again,he was (6) to find it not only didnt wilt (枯萎) , but also (7) some fresh leaves, and compared with the t

    42、rees of his brothers and sisters,his tree appeared greener and more lively.His father kept his (8) bought the little boy his favorite gift and said to him, From the tree you planted,you will become an outstanding botanist (植物学家) when you grow up。 From then on,the little boy slowly became (9) .One da

    43、y,the little boy lay on the bed but couldnt sleep. (10) the bright moonlight outside the window.he suddenly remembered (11) the biology teacher once said:Plants generally grow at night.Why not go to see the tree?When he came to the yard quietly,he (12) his father was watering his tree.All of a sudde

    44、n,he understood:His father had been (13) taking good care of his small tree!He returned to his room,tears running down his face (14) control. (15) is the best nourishment (营养) of life.Even if it is just some clear water, it can make the tree grow strong。 (1)A.always B.seldom C.still D.ever (2)A.yard

    45、 B.school C.farm D.park (3)A.show B.share C.wish D.buy (4)A.fact B.idea C.truth D.reason (5)A.If B.So C.Unless D.Although (6)A.afraid B.sorry C.surprised D.angry (7)A.planted B.lost C.grew D.picked (8)A.promise B.spirit C.truth D.value (9)A.nervous B.creative C.worried D.confident (10)A.Waiting for

    46、B.Talking about C.Going through D.Looking at (11)A.how B.when C.what D.why (12)A.found B.hoped C.doubted D.guessed (13)A.confidently B.secretly C.immediately D.disappointedly (14)A.in B.under C.without D.for (15)A.Love B.Trust C.Courage D.Respect 第二节第二节 语法填空语法填空 阅读下面材阅读下面材料料,在空白处填入适当的内容(,在空白处填入适当的内容

    47、(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 7 (10 分)Where did you go yesterday?Did you hear music at any of those places?There is a good chance that you did.Today most stores and restaurants play music.You might even hear music in(1) office or on a farm. Scientists believe that music influences the way peop

    48、le behave (2) (deep).According to some scientists,the sound of western classical music (Mozart and Bach) (3) (make) people feel richer.When a restaurant plays classical music,people spend more money(4) food and drinks. (5) , when the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money.With no bac

    49、kground music,people spend even less. It(6) (believe) that loud,fast music makes people eat faster.People actually chew their food faster when the music gets faster.Some restaurants play fast music during (7) (they) busy hours.This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly.In this way,restaurants

    50、can make(8) (much) money. Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better.They say that music helps(9) (student) to be more energetic.It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed.And listening to music can help you relax. Next time you hear music somewhere, be careful,


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