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    1、20222022 年浙江省温州瑞安市中考二模英语试题年浙江省温州瑞安市中考二模英语试题 一、单项选择(本题有一、单项选择(本题有 10 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 从从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Wow, what a cool model spaceship! Thanks! My father gave it to me as _ birthday present. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. What animals do you want to choo

    2、se for your paper cutting? _. They are a symbol of energy and power in China. A. Dogs B. Tigers C. Pandas D. Monkeys 3. To make students _, the teacher always encourages them to think of more new ideas. A. honest B. polite C. healthy D. creative 4. Do you improve your English by watching films or si

    3、nging songs? _. I usually read English novels. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None 5. Whats that pair of chopsticks for? Well, those are serving chopsticks. They _ reduce the spread of some diseases. A. can B. must C. need D. should 6. Made from vegetables, EnviGreen bags can break down _ in only 6

    4、0 days. A. suddenly B. difficultly C. harmfully D. naturally 7. Several years after we got separated, I met my friend Mike _ while traveling in Paris. A. in time B. as well C. by chance D. at once 8. Shall we go to the art exhibition this Sunday? Good idea, but I _ my sister to go to the library. A.

    5、 promise B. have promised C. was promising D. will promise 9. Milly, can you tell me _? Sure. Ill walk along the river to take some beautiful photos this afternoon. A when you will come back B. what you plan to do here C. where youre going fishing D. why you like taking photos 10. Justin, Im sorry I

    6、 broke your cup just now. _. I can buy a new one tomorrow. A. Youre kidding B. Hang on a minute C. Its nothing serious D. Here we go 二、完形填空(本题有二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 “LOOK! A letter from Leo!” Mom said while clearing out Great-grandmothe

    7、rs attic. “Leo?” Andy waved his hands to cool his face. It was quite _11_ working in the attic. “Grannys favorite _12_. He made her some wooden toys including a special box. It hasnt been opened on the windowsill for years.” Mom said. “Could you take the letter to Granny?” Andy walked downstairs wit

    8、h it. Halfway he saw the _13_ box. He picked it up and carried it to Granny. “Leos box!” Granny cried. “He made it for my seventh birthday. But the key has been hiding for seventy years. Everyones _14_ it.” “What did you put in here?” “_15_! He insisted I use it for something special, but I couldnt

    9、decide. He locked my box and hid the key _16_ he left for boot camp”. He said hed invent a word game and send clues*, but.” She blinked. “I got none from his letters. Before long, we heard the _17_ news that hed never come back.” “Im sorry, Granny. But here is a _18_ from him.” Andy handed it to her

    10、. “I havent seen this before.” Granny _19_ pulled out the letter. “Dearest Littlest Sister.That was _20_.” Her voice quivered.”Ewe reed four make knead. Nonsense* words!” Andy stared at the paper for a while and said, “Wait! Lets read _21_, instead of across. Ewe knead foo reed this.Listen to how th

    11、e words _22_, not the way theyre spelled!” “You need to read this aloud for it to make some sense.” Granny went on reading. “Look above the hole where rain does not come down. See the time piece? There! Inside!” Andy ran into the living room and _23_ the clock above the fireplace. Granny opened the

    12、clocks tiny glass door and found a silver _24_. She carefully opened the box with it. There was a photo of a girl and her big brother with words on the back: I KNEW youd figure it out. Use this box for all your special _25_. Leo Granny gently placed the photo and the letter inside the box, and then

    13、locked it. 11. A. wet B. dry C. cold D. hot 12. A. cousin B. brother C. son D. uncle 13. A. painted B. locked C. broken D. decorated 14. A. searched for B. looked after C. benefited from D. written about 15. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing 16. A. if B. unless C. before D. so 17. A.

    14、 terrible B. strange C. boring D. useless 18. A. box B. letter C. toy D. photo 19. A. angrily B. tiredly C. curiously D. proudly 20. A. her B. you C. me D. them 21. A. through B. out C. back D. down 22. A. sound B. end C. feel D. change 23. A. hid B. fetched C. put D. cleaned 24. A. key B. ring C. p

    15、en D. fork 25. A. inventions B. products C. treasures D. documents 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 A Nighttime Snacks When night falls and the stars come out, night animals start looking for snacks. If you are hungry in the evening, try these nighttime snacks. Oaty Apple Owl What Youll Need: oatmeal cookie rice cake B

    16、anana Fruit Bat What Youll Need: banana fruit leather apple 2 chocolate chips piece of cheese knife spoon What to Do: 1. Set the cookie above the rice cake. 2. Cut the apple into half circles for the wings. Place them on the edges of the rice cake. 3. Use the spoon to cut two more thin apple circles

    17、 for eyes. Place them on the cookie. 4. Place chocolate chips on the apple circles. 5. Tear off a corner of the cheese for the mouth. Place it on the cookie. 2 raisins 3 chocolate chips 2 carrot sticks butter knife What to Do: 1. Cut the fruit leather from one corner to the opposite corner. 2. Cut t

    18、he banana in half. Lay the flat side of one piece on the fruit leather. 3. Stick the raisins in the banana for ears. 4. Add the chocolate chips for the eyes and mouth. 5. Stick the carrot sticks into the cut end of the banana for legs. 26. Both Oaty Apple Owl and Banana Fruit Bat need _. A. cookies

    19、B. rice cakes C. bananas D. chocolate chips 27. According to the instructions, you should _. A. follow four steps to finish Oaty Apple Owl B. place cheese on the apple of Oaty Apple Owl C use the raisins for the eyes of Banana Fruit Bat D. cut at least twice while making Banana Fruit Bat 28. Who wil

    20、l most probably follow the instructions above? A. Jerry, a teacher who loves traditional Chinese food. B. Peter, a cook who plans to make a big meal for friends. C. Amy, a student who often tries to make some simple food. D. Lily, a worker who usually has no idea what to eat for lunch. B Some white

    21、cliffs appear in Denizli Province, Turkey. In them are small, bluey-green poolsit looks as if the snow is melting. In fact, those arent icy cliffstheyre terraces of rocks. Because of its appearance, the site is known as Cotton Castle. Cotton Castle is more than 325 feet high and nearly 9,000 feet lo

    22、ng. There are 17 hot springs at the top and the spring water is between 35 and 60. The springs are the reason for Cotton Castles unusual appearance. Forced by earthquakes, the mineral-rich water comes up from inside the Earth. When the mineral in the water meets air, it forms a jellylike thing as it

    23、 makes its way down the cliff. Eventually the jelly dries and hardens into white rocks. Some water also collects to create pools. Because the water cools several degrees as it flows into the pools, its possible to swim in these natural hot springs. The process has gone on for tens of thousands of ye

    24、ars. Cotton Castle has been a popular attraction since around 200 B.C., when a king founded a town called Hierapolis near the site. People believed the hot springs had healing powers. By the 1970s, Cotton Castle was so popular that hotels were built nearby, even on top of it. Unfortunately the const

    25、ruction caused parts of Cotton Castle to break off, and heavy foot traffic turned some pools brown. To avoid any future damage, the government listed it as a protected World Heritage Site. The hotels were soon torn down, and now only some pools are open to visitors. With these steps, Cotton Castle w

    26、ill hopefully be around for many years, its ice-like beauty frozen in time. 29. Which picture shows Cotton Castle? A. B. C. D. 30. According to the passage, Cotton Castle _. A. has 325 hot springs at the top B. heats the spring water after it flows out C. is a new attraction near a town D. is formed

    27、 after mineral-rich water meets air 31. Whats the writers opinion according to the last paragraph? A. The beauty of Cotton Castle may remain for a long time. B Tourists will not be allowed to visit those pools any more. C. More hotels and towns will be built around Cotton Castle. D. Cotton Castle wi

    28、ll disappear soon due to peoples damage. 32. Whats the best title for this passage? A. An “Ice” Castle B. A Healing Site C. A Private Castle D. A Man-made Site C What does your bodys smell show? A lot, as it happens: your age, your diet, your feelings, and if youre getting sick and if so, with which

    29、 disease (including COVID-19). Our bodys smell has three levels, all coming from the skin. At the surface level, we often fight stink with showering. The middle level is affected by diet and environment. Under those levels, well find a persons baseline smell. It tells detailed information about our

    30、health. The key to this personal smell is our MHC genes. “Everyone, unless you have an identical twin, has a unique set of MHC genes.” says smell researcher Rachel Herz. Studies prove that mothers and babies know each other first by smell. In one experiment, doctors found most of newborns moved towa

    31、rd the pad that smelled of their mothers. Over 90%of new mothers correctly identified their children by smelling baby undershirts, even though theyd spent only 10 minutes to an hour in all with their newborns since birth. Diseases can be diagnosed by smell too. A trained doctor (or dog) can smell ou

    32、t illnesses, like Parkinsons disease, malaria and lung cancer. In November 2020, a French-Lebanese team trained 18 dogs to smell out COVID-19 and tested their two best-trained dogs in an airport. The dogs smelled out negative results with 100% accuracy and positive cases with 92% accuracy. _. In one

    33、 study, researchers collected sweat from men participants while they were watching a scary movie. Before that, the men were asked to stay away from smoking, alcohol, smelly foods and other products. Researchers then let women participants get close to these “fear” sweat samples. These women showed t

    34、hat “fear” in their face and eye movements without any awareness. After the control of COVID-19, the next time you hug a friend, please smell deeply. Youre breathing in a lot of information about them: their mood, what they ate for dinner, their health, even the individual stamp of their personhood.

    35、 Its all in your friends bodily smell in the air. 33. According to the passage, _ can influence our baseline smell. A. our diet B. MHC genes C. our age D. the environment 34. The underlined word “diagnosed” in Paragraph 4 probably means _. A. discovered B. caused C. developed D. treated 35. Which of

    36、 the following can be put in the blank _ in the passage? A. Bodily smell cannot tell serious illnesses B. Bodys smell can even show our feelings C. Bodys smell has good effect on our mood D. Mens bodily smell differs from womens 36. The passage is written to _. A. introduce three levels of our bodil

    37、y smell B. explain how we fight COVID-19 by smell C. encourage us to do more research on smell D. show what information our bodily smell tells D The waves crashed over the sides of our little boat. Rain beat against my clothes and my back. I could hardly see Jerel or Kaleb, or anything else. Going f

    38、or a boat ride when our parents made dinner had seemed like a good idea. My cousin Jerel grew up on this lake. My brother Kaleb and I got to see him only on holidays. We had rowed to explore rocky islands, but we didnt notice the clouds collecting until the sky got dark. Kaleb looked worried, but I

    39、didnt. Jerel knew what to do. “We need to get back before the storm starts!” He turned the boat around and rowed quite fast. Suddenly, the thunder rolled across the sky. It seemed as if every cloud in the universe opened up. Water poured from the sky. It was above my feet and rising fast. Jerel yell

    40、ed, “Kaleb! Come back to the center of the boat!” Kaleb was holding the side of the boat tightly. Every time he let go of the boat, it shook, throwing him to the side. I crawled forward until I reached him. “Hang on to me!” I said. CRASH! Kaleb and I were thrown forward into the icy lake before craw

    41、ling back. The life jackets kept our heads above the water until we felt the rocks under our feet the same rocks our boat had hit and got stuck on. We came out of the water and looked around for Jerel. Seeing him under the boat. Kaleb and I helped him onto the rocks. He had hurt his shoulder. The sk

    42、y was a little lighter, but I could feel ice mixed with rain. It was sleeting. “We have to find a shelter!” The island we were on was tiny and the only shelter was the boat. We managed to turn it over, sticking the front of it up. We hid under the boat together. Soon we heard the voices calling our

    43、names. We yelled as loud as possible. I crawled out and waved my arms. A boat came near and my father called. “Are you boys OK?” Before we knew it, we were home. “Im sorry we ruined our dinner,” I said after Aunt Maureen and Jerel left for the hospital. Mom looked me in the eyes. “You didnt. Youre a

    44、ll safe. and we are very thankful.” Hours later, we finally sat down at the table with our reheated dinner. We were all warm and dry. As Kaleb recounted our scary experience, I realized Mom was right. We had a lot to be thankful for. 37. What happened when the three boys went for a boat ride? A. Kal

    45、eb hurt his shoulder. B. Their boat broke into pieces. C. They lost their life jackets. D. All of them fell out of the boat. 38. From the underlined sentences in Paragraph 3, we know that _. A. the sky was a little lighter B. the sun would come out C. a heavy storm would come D. everything was peace

    46、ful 39. What can we infer from the passage? A. The three boys set out without telling their parents. B. Boys suffered from this awful experience in the afternoon. C. Kaleb was too frightened to help with anything on the island. D. The writer wasnt worried at first because he knew what to do. 40. Wha

    47、t might they be thankful for? Why?(请用约 40词回答) _ 四、词汇运用(本题有四、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题。每小题小题。每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分) A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用 1次。 quiet celebrate housework I below 41. We take it in turns to do _ in my family. 42. I dont think my friends hobby has to be the same as _. 43. Night temperature can drop

    48、_ 15 degrees here in summer. 44. Visitors walked _ on the path, enjoying the peace of the countryside. 45. Each year World Book Day _ to encourage people to read and write. B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。 Do you know Ma Yifei, a 16-year-old girl with a sight problem? On _46_ (三月) 13, she played the

    49、 violin at the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games. At that moment, she showed the world her beautiful and confident _47_ (微笑) through her music, which moved everyone. Ma lost her eyesight at the age of two because of illness. She became _48_ (感兴趣) in music when she was youn

    50、g, and then she began to learn the violin. _49_ (然而), it was difficult for her. Ma needed _50_ (触摸) the teachers hands and arms to learn the movements, and she always listened to music over and over again to feel it by _51_ (她自己). Once her mother advised her to give up because it took her _52_ (百) o


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