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    1、 广东省广州市黄埔区广东省广州市黄埔区 2022 年中考二模英语试卷年中考二模英语试卷 一、语法选择(共一、语法选择(共 15 小题小题, 每小题每小题 1 分;满分分;满分 15 分)分) 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从 115 各题所给 的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 On a Friday evening, Danny turns on his computer, clicks on a video, and starts to experience what he calls the world of knowledg

    2、e. The high schooler is taking 1 online course called tcModem Arts from a website. The website provides 2 online courses that are open to everyone. Danny has completed seven courses since he was in 3 grade. Online courses give me a chance to improve my English and get knowledge. Danny said, “and the

    3、 best part is, its free! 4 saves me a lot. So far, the hope for self-improvement 5 many Chinese students to take those chances beyond physical classrooms. With the internet technology developing so 6 nowadays, students are becoming much 7 in online classrooms. Online courses cover different kinds of

    4、 subjects, 8 arts, science to business. These subjects 9 by many top universities around the world, such as Harvard, Yale, Tsinghua University, and the University of London. Students treat online courses as a buffet(自助餐). They are glad that they 10 choose the online materials according to their inte

    5、rests. Matt finished a public speaking course with pleasure last week. He didnt expect the experience to be so interesting at first, 11 he thought highly of it after trying. According to his words, it was the courses active learning environment connecting him with other teenagers around the world th

    6、at kept him 12 back. But there are problems. Many courses require the learners 13 at least once every week. These courses require hard work. Choose 14 fits you and stick with it, suggested a middle school student in Shanghai, 15 has just completed the course How to Apply for American High Schools on

    7、line. Both interest and efforts are important for the success of online learning. he said. 1. A. / B. the C. an D. a 2. A. many B. much C. little D. a little 3. A. ninth B. the nine C. nine D. the ninth 4. A. That B. These C. Those D. This 5. A. is leading B. has led C. led D. leads 6. A. quickly B.

    8、 quick C. more quickly D. most quickly 7. A. active B. more active C. most active D. actively 8. A. like B. to C. from D. too 9. A. are offered B. offered C. offers D. offer 10. A. should B. can C. must D. had better 11. A. as B. so C. but D. however 12. A. came B. come C. to come D. coming 13. A. s

    9、tudy B. to study C. studying D. studied 14. A. whether B. what C. that D. if 15. A. why B. who C. which D. that 二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共 10 小题小题, 每小题每小题 1 分;满分分;满分 10 分)分) 阅读短文, 掌握大意, 然后从 16-25 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 项中, 选出最佳选 项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The first live class was given by Shenzhou-13 crew members, Zhai Zhigang,

    10、Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu, some 400 kilometers above the Earth in Chinas space station. It was to over 60 million 16 across China. In the beginning, Wang Yaping gave a 17 of Tianhe space station herself starting with sleeping rooms, then moving on to exercise areas, and finally arriving at the 18

    11、hall. She showed them the microwave, mini-fridge, and water machine in the space kitchen. She said their drinking water was recycled, and there was no difference in taste between 19 and recycled water. With a water recycling system, every drop of water was made 20 use of in the space station, for wa

    12、ter there was quite valuable. After that, the team gave an interesting 21 lesson. In a series of water-related experiments, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu showed the students how water acts 22 in space because of the loss of gravity. Wang Yaping 23 a table tennis ball in a glass of water. Instead of 24

    13、to the surface like on Earth, the ball remained in the middle of the water. If you are interested, you can later search for some information and think about the 25 . The secrets of space and science are boundless(无边界的). Its a good chance for you to learn Physics. Wang Yaping said to the students. At

    14、 the end of the 60-minute class, the three astronauts answered students real-time questions and ended the class with their best wishes. 16. A. students B. teachers C. scientists D. astronauts 17. A. tour B. result C. report D. plan 18. A. main B. dining C. lecture D. music 19. A. salty B. used C. re

    15、gular D. sweet 20. A. small B. full C. interesting D. half 21. A. Science B. Art C. P. E. D. Maths 22. A. actively B. similarly C. differently D. difficultly 23. A. saw B. hit C. played D. put 24. A. flying B. rushing C. following D. floating 25. A. questions B. reasons C. balls D. results 三、阅读(共两节三

    16、、阅读(共两节, 20 小题;满分小题;满分 35 分)分) 第一节第一节 阅读理解(共阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分;满分分;满分 30 分)分) 阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后 从 2640 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 项中, 选出 最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 (A) Julia lived with a German shepherd dog named Lucy in a small apartment in the city. One day, Julia saw a news story about volunteers with search-a

    17、nd-rescue dogs. From the news story, Julia learned how search-and-rescue dogs are difierent. They are so filled with motivation that they will work hard for a reward, like a toy or a bone. To search-and-rescue dogs, looking for lost people was like playing a game. From what she learned, Julia though

    18、t Lucy seemed like a natural search-and-rescue dog. Soon Julia and Lucy began training with other dog trainers and their search-and-rescue dogs. With each successful find, Lucy received a special toy. Julia trained herself too, like running, biking, and climbing, so she would be strong enough to kee

    19、p up with Lucy. Their first rescue call came in the middle of the night. Three college students had gone hiking in a far-away forest and had not come home. The woods were filled with all kinds of dangers. At the site, Julia met up with her team and got her task. As day broke, she took Lucy down a ro

    20、ad. Lucy ran ahead, smelling with her nose in the air. Filled with anxiety and concern for the safety of the students, Julia called out their names. She and Lucy spent hours along the trail. Julia was proud they helped in some way, although another team found the hikers finally. Julia and Lucys next

    21、 chance to help came soon. An earthquake shook the city in which Julia had once lived. Many people were missing or hurt. Lucy and Julia and other trained volunteers searched the city blocks for people to rescue. Using her nose as a guide, Lucy led the workers to people trapped (被困住的)in the falling b

    22、uildings. Julia felt honored to be a part of the work. She also knew that she and Lucy had found their calling in life at the moment* She knew what they should do to make their life meaningful. She decided they would always be a part of a rescue team later in life. 26. How are the two search-and-res

    23、cue tasks different according to the passage? A. One is exciting, and the other is disappointing. B. One ends in failure, and the other ends in success. C. One is for practice, and the other is a real rescue task. D. One happens in the forest, and the other happens in the city. 27. What does the und

    24、erlined word anxiety in Paragraph 5 mean? A. Anger. B. Sadness. C. Excitement. D. Worry. 28. Which word best describes Julias feelings about the two searches? A. Amazed. B. Proud. C. Frightened. D. Upset. (B) By the year 2050, it is said that the worlds population will reach nine billion. With such

    25、a large population to feed, what should we do to provide everyone with enough food in the future? What will happen if everyone needs more meat in the diet? Food supply is going to be a big headache. Australian journalist and science writer, Julian Cribb, explains the challenges. Cribb says there is

    26、a major problem in the current food system, especially in the developed world. As more and more people move towards city centers, the less and less they know about where their food comes from. Most think food simply grows on supermarket shelves, and they don*t consider the environmental effects of f

    27、ood production. Food also has many hidden costs: huge amount of water, energy, and land degradation (退化). Consumers add their own costs by simply throwing away a lot of food. The figures for food waste in West are surprising. To solve this problem of public ignorance(无知)about food, Cribb suggests th

    28、at food should be taught as a subject at primacy school. This would help to create a future generation that could better deal with the worlds coming food challenges. This powerful measure can help them become more educated consumers, more productive farmers, and so on. Cribb offers other solutions a

    29、nd suggestions as well. One is to increase the money for agriculture(农业)research, which has not been taken seriously so far. He also suggests organic(有机的)fanning should be understood on a scientific basis. People should change their fixed thinking and get the very best out of organic farming systems

    30、. By doing so, we may know how to stop wasting water and learn how to grow food more cheaply. Besides, Cribb asks all consumers to eat more fruits and vegetables. Compared with meats, they take less time and water to grow so that they are much greener as food and more friendly to the environment. 29

    31、. What is the main problem about food mentioned in the 2nd paragraph? A. Increasing ignorance about food production. B. Food production doing harm to the environment. C. An increasing number of people moving to city centers. D. Over population with nine billion people to feed. 30. Which of the follo

    32、wing is NOT a reason for making food a subject at school? A. To train more productive farmers. B. To educate students about food production. C. To better prepare students for future food challenges. D. To help students understand more about city environment. 31. What is the structure of the passage?

    33、 (Pl=Paragraph l P2=Paragraph2 P3=Paragraph3 P4=Paragraph4 P5=Paragraph5) 32. The text is mainly about _. A. public blindness about food and education B. organic farming and its research C. food problems in the future and some solutions D. the worlds population in 2050 and the environment (C) His fr

    34、iends and family call him Big Feng because he is very tall and played basketball as a young man. But he is also big in a different way 一 he fights hard to protect Chinas past. His real name is Feng Jicai and he has written many novels about life in China. Several years ago, however, he put down his

    35、pen for a while and began to protect the cultural relics (文化遗产)in Tianjin where he lived. Once someone asked him why he no longer wrote. He replied that at the moment he felt protecting cultural relics was more important. Feng loves his hometown. He believes that old things must be given a place nex

    36、t to new things, or people will soon forget their great past. He does not make speeches to get others to help him in his projects. Instead, he goes out and does what he can himself If others follow him, so much the better. One of his biggest projects was to protect the oldest street in Tianjin. Alon

    37、g that street some shops had been in business for seven hundred years. Although the city government rebuilt this street, they did save its oldest building. Another project was more successful: he suggested the city government reserve (保留)some land in the centre of the city so it could not be sold fo

    38、r business. This area is very important for the history of Tianjin. It was here that the city was first built during the Song Dynasty Later many treasures were found here. To Feng, digging down into the earth is like reading a book page after page. Each dynasty found in the earth is like an interest

    39、ing story. Not long ago, he and other writers and artists took photos of the old parts of Tianjin. The photos were put into a book which was very popular The money from the book helps his projects. Once, an old man asked Feng to sign a book for him, saying he would give it to his grandson who was no

    40、t yet born. Feng was glad to do it he knows that the past is not only for us to enjoy but also for the children of the future. 33. What did Big Feng do to protect old things in Tianjin? A. He had written many novels about them. B. He made speeches to ask others to help him. C. He worked hard and did

    41、 what he can himself D. He rebuilt the oldest street in his hometown. 34. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph? A. Digging down into the earth is as comfortable as reading a book. B. Learning more about cultural relics helps us know more about the history. C. By diggi

    42、ng down into the earth, we can dig out some interesting books. D. Big Feng is interested in digging down into the earth and reading books. 35. Which of the following will Big Feng agree to? A. Old things should give way to the new things. B. The government should reserve more land in the city centre

    43、. C. Protecting cultural relics was as important as writing. D. Children of the future should get to know the past. 36. What is the best title for the text? A. Big Feng and His Novels B. A Great Chinese Novelist C. Cultural Relics in Tianjin D. Big Feng and His Rescue (D) Having over 5, 000 years of

    44、 history, China has become a popular place for students around the world who want to take an educational trip. Here are our top four tour routes for you to choose. 5-Day Tour of Beijing With a history of more than 3, 000 years, Beijing is one of the four ancient capitals of China. It remains home to

    45、 a rich supply of historical relics. Appreciate the treasures in the Forbidden City Get to know about the ancient Chinese customs Visit the beautiful section of the Great Wall Make dumplings with local people in Hutong 4-Day Classic Lhasa Tour Lhasa is the entrance to the mystery land of Tibet. You

    46、will be amazed by Tibetan culture, Buddhism, and the. local peoples life, Thats the reason why you start your Tibetan adventure. Try real Tibetan food Connect with the history of Tibet through lots of ancient relics See the debate about Buddhist scriptures(佛教经文). Private 7-day Outdoor Adventure to G

    47、uilin and its Neighboring Countrysides Because of the rich natural resources, this tour offers a special chance for you to take part in outdoor adventures where you need to work with your friends. You can spend more time in getting along with nature and enjoy Guilin scenery. Hike the most beautiful

    48、parts of the Li River and terraced fields(梯田) Learn some basic fanning skills and do seasonal form work Experience rock climbing on the hills in Yangshuo Private 2-Day Tour to Gardens and Water Town in Suzhou Suzhou has long been famous for its beautiful gardens, and is also known as Oriental Venice

    49、. Here, you will visit the most famous private gardens in different sizes and an ancient street, Visit the Humble Administrators Garden(拙政园), a great work of traditional garden Discover the water town with a boat ride Get to know about some ancient houses in Suzhou 37. This passage is most probably

    50、written for _. A. Chinese students B. travellers at different ages C. photographers D. students from home and abroad 38. According to the passage, we can know that the tour _. A. in Beijing mainly focuses on its natural beauty B. in Lhasa cant provide chances to communicate with local people C. in G


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