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    1、 20222022 南京市鼓楼区中考英语二模试卷南京市鼓楼区中考英语二模试卷 一、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.Why have you done so well in the Maths exam,Annie? To tell you the truth, Ive made great progress_working in a group since last year. A.by B.with C.at D.on 2.Were going to cli

    2、mb Zijin Mountain this Saturday. Would you like to come along? Im in!That would be pleasant_. challenging. A.as long as B.as far as C.as good as D.as well as 3.Excuse me, sir. Could I be a member of the school football team? Im sorry youre refused_you did a good job in the last match. A. If B.unless

    3、 C. although D.because 4. Learning English in a classroom is important, while using English in real _will improve your English skills greatly. A. positions B. situations C.events D.experiences 5.“Tell me about yourself”is the most common way to start a /an_. A. dialogue B.discussion C.business D.int

    4、erview 6. Yesterday afternoon Joe didnt go back home as usual, _he played basketball with his classmates until his mum called him. A. Anyway B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Moreover 7.Great Heat begins this year on July 23 and ends on August 7. During Great Heat, most parts of China_the hottest season of th

    5、e year. A.enter B. mark C.reach D.drop 8. Susan, why are you still in the classroom?All your classmates are on the bus. Im sorry, but I_what time to get on the bus. A.dont tell B.didnt tell C.haven told D.wasnt told 9._my mother a surprise, I cooked a bowl of chicken noodle soup for her on her birth

    6、day. A.Give B.Giving C.To give D. Given 10 Sorry, Im late. What did the librarian say just now? She told us_. A. how we could renew books online B.how long we can keep books C.where could we find books we want D.how many books can we borrow at a time 11._fearful thunder and lightning! Therell be a g

    7、reat summer storm. Wed better leave at once. Let me call a taxi. A. What B.What a C.How D.How a 2.“It seems hardly likely that the friendly boy will help us do the daily job. Which word in the sentence is an adverb? A.friendly B. daily C.hardly D. likely 13. Read the sentence I saw Peter as I was ge

    8、tting off the bus. The word asis used to_. A. show cause B.show time C.tell a result D. compare things 14. Mrs. Peters would like the students_ A.to look at their notes in Class 5f B.to prepare in the library for a test C to learn how to use a library today D. to wait for her in the school library 1

    9、5. You have a sweet tooth, so itll be hard for you to lose weight. _,but I just cant help myself. A. Thats not the case B.I cant agree more C.You cant be serious D. That cant be better Class 5f, go to the library for todays lesson. Take your notes so you can review. Mrs. Peters 二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1

    10、分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The interviewer led me into a small room and gestured towards an armchair._16_, he said “Ive sent for some coffee. Itll be here in a minute. Right, he said, sitting down opposite me and opening a notebook. Let me tell you something abo

    11、ut the programme. Ill begin by _17_ you-and saying a few nice words about you! Then well start talking. Most of the time Ill ask questions.OK? “OK! I said. “Well now,lets see. I need to check a few_18_ with you. You were born in Dublin-when was it? -thirty seven years ago. You went to university in

    12、Englandin London. But you didnt take a degree. I see. Why was that? “Oh, I got _19_,I explained. I didnt like spending all my time in libraries and lecture rooms. I wanted to do something! “So what did you do _20_?the interviewer asked. Well, I got a job as a steward (乘务员)on one of the boats that we

    13、nt between England and Australia. I used to _21_for about three months at a time and then we got six weeks leave in England. It was during one of these rest periods in England that I wrote my first book. I did it mainly to pass the time! Below Decks,I called it.Have you read it? The interviewer_22_h

    14、is head. Im afraid not,he said. I havent been able to get hold of la copy. Anyway, I_23_ it was about your life as a steward, to guess from the title? “Thats right I said. It was a comic book, because lots of funny things used to happen on board ship. But it wasnt all fun. _24_ the ship caught fire

    15、and that was really serious. “That was near Mombasa, wasnt it?the interviewer asked in surprise. “Yes, I told him. But you havent read the book. Did you see the film? No. It just happens that I was on that boat! I was a child at the time and I was coming back from Australia with my parents. For us k

    16、ids that fire was the one_25_ thing that happened during the journey! Well, what a coincidence(巧合)!” 16 A . Have a drink B.Wait a minute C.Take a seat D. Take a look 17.A. greeting B.introducing C. reminding D.encouraging 18.A. ideas B.clues C.cases D. facts 19.A.worried B.bored C.scared D.stressed

    17、20.A. successfully B.especially C. probably D.exactly 21.A. be away B.be absent C.be trapped D.be home 22.A.raised B.nodded C. shook D.turned 23.A.believe B.suppose C.consider D.confirm 24.A.Once B. Perhaps C.Later D. Suddenly 25.A. tiring B. forgetful C. meaningful D.exciting 三、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分

    18、,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Fitness Courses Yolanda would like to do gentle exercise in the open air in the evenings. She likes to do things with groups of older people. Yoga School In our large mixed ability classes, you can work at your own relaxed speed and l

    19、earn about yoga in ancient India. From 7 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.,on Mondays and Fridays. Bashir likes meeting people, team sports and competition. He wants to improve his sporting skills and get stronger and fitter. He is free two afternoons a week. Beach volleyball Join us every Sunday morning at

    20、 Sunnysands beach. Kids and adults are welcome to take part. Were not professionals. We just play for fun and exercise! Vikash doesnt have much free time. He wants to be able to exercise for an hour a day in the evenings or early morning. He prefers to do things on his own. Taras Tai Chi Most of our

    21、 members are people in their forties, fifties and sixties who enjoy the gentle movements of Tai Chi. All our classes are held in Anderson Park. Week nights from 6 to 8 p.m. Laurent wants something he can do with his wife and teenage children. They all enjoy being outdoors, especially at the seaside.

    22、 He only has weekends free. Fitness Fans Gym Were open every day from 7 a.m. to midnight. Personal fitness trainers will study your individual needs and design an exercise programme just for you. 26. Which fitness course can Vikash take? A. Beach volleyball. B. Taras Tai Chi. C.Yoga School. D.Fitnes

    23、s Fans Gym. 27. Who will choose “Taras Tai Chi?” A. Laurent. B. Laurents wife. C.Yolanda. D.Bashir. 28. What does Laurent think about when he chooses the fitness course? A. The place and the interest. B.The time and the place. C.The children and the team sports. D.The time and the competition. B Whe

    24、n 19-year-old Mary-Jess Leaverland sang for 70 million TV viewers, nobody back home in England knew anything about it. Her victory in the talent show. I Want to Sing to the Stars was seen by five times as many people as watch a similar UK show, called The X Factor, but they were all from the Chinese

    25、 region of Jiangsu,as thats the only place the programme is shown. Mary-Jess was in China to study the language as part of her university course when she entered the competition. A friend had invited her to watch him in a TV quiz show.On their way they passed the talent shows studios. Mary-Jess went

    26、 in, found a producer and sang for him. During the competition she had classes as usual then went to the studios in the evenings. When she wasnt on stage, she was busy doing her homework. Mary-Jess used her 900prizc money to fly home to see her mum. When she returned there were no recording contract

    27、s (合同)to sign or concerts to perform in. She told her mum, whos also a good singer, how amazed she was that she was chosen as the winner, then the two of them chatted happily about their plans to start singing together again at clubs around their hometown. It was only later that Mary-Jesss mum thoug

    28、ht it might be fun to tell the local newspaper about her daughters win. Yet. within 24 hours, Mary-Jesss story had appeared nationally and just weeks later she had a manager. a lawyer and was off to New York with record companies fighting to sign her as one of their artists. Mary-Jesss singing caree

    29、r started. 29. What does the passage say about I Want to Sing to the Stars? A. Its a talent competition made in China. B. Its shown in several countries across Asia. C.Its the most popular TV show in China. D. Its less popular than the show The X Factor. 30. What was Mary-Jesss reason for coming to

    30、China? A. She was visiting a friend of hers here. B. She was here learning to speak Chinese. C.She was teaching at a Chinese university. D. She came here to be in a singing competition 31. How did Mary-Jess feel when she first returned to England? A.Surprised that she had won the competition. B. Sat

    31、isfied that she got so much in prize money. C.Worried about the concerts she would have to do. D.Amazed by all the attention from the UK newspapers. C In many countries, schools have long summer holidays, with shorter holidays in between. However, a new report suggests reducing the length of school

    32、holidays to stop children forgetting what they have learned during the long summer break. Instead of three school terms, it says. there should be five eight-week terms. There would be just four weeks off in the summer, with a two-week break between the other terms. The annual(每年的)amount of holiday t

    33、ime would remain the same. Sonia Montero has two children at primary school and works full time. She supports the idea The kids, she says, have much longer holidays than me and I cant afford to take several weeks off work, so I need someone to take care of them. But nobody wants the work in the summ

    34、er months-they all have holidays of their own. Not surprisingly, some young people disagree. Student Jason Panos. Is, says. Its a stupid idea. I really cant imagine staying at school in the summerId hate it. Its totally unfair, too. The people who suggest this had long school holidays when they were

    35、 young. but now they want to stop us enjoying the summer. They only need to look at places like Spain and America, where they have much longer holidays than here. The kids there dont forget everything theyve learned in a couple of months, do they? Nadia Salib, 14, agrees. Sure, she says, the first w

    36、eek at school after the summer is never easy, but you soon get back into it. The real problem round here is that kids get bored after so many weeks out of school, and then some of them start causing trouble. But the answer is to give them something to do in their free time, not make everyone stay in

    37、 school longer. We all hate that. 32. Why does Sonia prefer shorter school holidays? A. She thinks that middle school holidays are too long. B.She doesnt get any summer holidays in her present job. C. She cant get anyone to look after her children in summer. D. She cant afford to pay someone to look

    38、 after her children. 33.What does Jason say about long summer holidays? A. Schools in other countries dont have them B.They can help children forget about school. C.These days many older people have them too. D They have no influence on childrens education. 34. What does Nadia say about young people

    39、 in summer? A. They would like to spend more time at school. B.Long holidays are very bad for their education. C. Where she lives there is nothing for them to do. D. They behave badly when they go back to school. 5 Which of the following sentences best explains the article? A .Theyve changed all the

    40、 school terms and some students are getting very angry about it B.Some people want to change the school year but not everyone thinks its a good idea. C.Everyones against the idea of shortening the summer holidays so theyve decided to forget the idea. D.Teenagers are very worried because there are go

    41、ing to be fewer school holidays in the year D Ants may be tiny-but theyre serious eaters! Try these experiments (实验)to find out what ants like to eat. Want to find out what the ants in your neighbourhood like to eat? Place small amounts of different foods on the plate. You can use peanut butter, hon

    42、ey, mashed banana, grated apple or cheese, and seeds. Put this feeding station where there are lots of ants. Wait three minutes and count the number of ants feeding on each food. Count how many there are every three minutes. Ants dont always take the first food they find. Instead, they may investiga

    43、te, touching many pieces of food with their antennae(触须).What does this bit taste like? Exactly how big is it? Those are the kinds of things the ants are checking out. When they finally choose a food, the ants carry it back to their nest. Do your ants prefer big seeds or smaller ones? Sweet crumbs o

    44、r less sweet ones? Heres a test: Give ants a choice between full-strength honey and a honey-water mixture (add one teaspoon of honey to five teaspoons of water). Offer a few drops of each choice side-by-side at a feeding station. Then every three minutes count the number of ants you see near each pl

    45、ace. Want to see how far ants travel when they go out to collect food? First find an ant nest. You can do that by following some ants when they carry food home. Now you know how far the ants travelled to get to your food station. Next, move the food station about 30 cm farther from the nest Do the a

    46、nts find it? If so, move the station again. Keep moving the station until the ants no longer appear. When ants find a food they like, they work quickly to collect it. Usually they try to get the nestmates to help. How long does it take an ant to tell others that theres food nearby? To find ou offer

    47、their favourite food at a feeding station. After the first ant finds the food, begin counting the ants every minute. Also, watch their behaviour. When the first ant goes home, what does it do when it gets near one of its nestmates? Does it feed the other ant a bit of food? Or do the two touch the an

    48、tennae together? Is the ant with the food pulling its back end on the ground? It may be leaving strong smell that leads to the food. 36. What is the main purpose of this passage? A.To tell readers about ants antennae. B.To tell readers about different kinds of ants. C.To tell readers how to find out

    49、 where ants live. 7.To tell readers how to find out what ants like to eat. 37. In Paragraph 4,Instead, they may investigate. What does the word investigate mean? A. Quickly eat something. B. Carefully hide something. C.Quickly look at something. D. Carefully check something out. 38. In Paragraph 4,

    50、who will probably askWhat does this bit taste like? Exactly how big is it? A.Ants. B. Scientists. C.Readers. D.Students. 39. How can a person find out how far ants will travel to find a food station? A. By moving the food station farther away. B.By changing the food in the food station. C By showing


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