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    1、20222022 年江苏省泰州市医药高新区(高港区)中考二模英语试年江苏省泰州市医药高新区(高港区)中考二模英语试卷卷 一、单项选择(共一、单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分) 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。 1. As we all know, Shenzhou-13 landed successfully _ April 16, 2022. A. on B. in C. at D. of 2. Students can not only learn from their teachers b

    2、ut also learn by _ during online courses. A. they B. them C. themselves D. their 3. How do you like Taizhou? Its really a beautiful city, and the Eight Sights of Qinghu Lake _ me most. A. expressed B. impressed C. experienced D. improved 4. Children are not allowed to use the swimming pool _ they ar

    3、e with their parents. A. though B. until C. unless D. or 5. Ive made little progress in midterm exam last month. Dont worry. _. A. Its never too old to learn B. Rome was not built in a day C. Well begun is half done D. You cannot burn the candle at both ends 6. Who is your favourite _ in the series

    4、A Life Long Journey (人世间)? Zhou Bingkun is. A. director B. writer C. reader D. character 7. Welcome to Jiangsu! To _ the prevention and control work of COVID-19 and ensure your convenience in Jiangsu, please apply for your own “Jiangsu Health Code” (苏康码)! A. carry on B. carry out C. carry away D. ca

    5、rry through 8. Its so kind of you to give me a ride. _. We are friends. Ill give you a hand whenever you need. A. All right B. It doesnt matter C. Dont mention it D. With pleasure 9. _ of the students parents in our school are in their _. A. Two-thirds; forties B. Two-thirds; fortieth C. Two-third;

    6、forties D. Two-third; fortieth 10. Excuse me. Could you tell me _? Sure. You can take the No. 603 bus to get there. A. where is the CMC Conference and Exhibition Center B. how long it will take me to the CMC Conference and Exhibition Center C. how far is my trip to the CMC Conference and Exhibition

    7、Center D. how I can get to the CMC Conference and Exhibition Center 二、完形填空二、完形填空 (共共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分分) 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 On Sept 1, 2021, Li Xianggang and his two students started the new term at Changxi Primary School. The school, _11_ in 1968, is in Qianfeng village on a

    8、 mountain with cliffs (悬崖) on three sides. It is the only primary school in the village and Li Xianggang is the only teacher. In 2006, Li came back from a big city and started to teach at the school, willing to serve the children here _12_ the pay was low. As the only teacher, Li uses a flexible (灵活

    9、的) teaching mode. He teaches all subjects _13_ Chinese, Maths, Science, PE and Arts. “When I teach the boy Maths, I might _14_ the girl to draw, and vice versa (反之亦然),” he explained. The two students of the terma boy in Grade 1 and a girl in preschool_15_ classes together. _16_ teaching, Li needs to

    10、 take care of the students. At noon, Li cooks lunch for the students. Once, he carried a sick student _17_ his back and walked for half an hour down the mountain path to send him home. Li has witnessed _18_ students decreases over the years. In 2006, there were more than 30 students. Li _19_ that so

    11、me local villagers have moved to nearby cities and towns for better jobs. “A rural (乡村的) teacher should be a guide. Ill stick to my job as a teacher _20_ I can, so that more children can go to school,” said Li, _21_ in the past 16 years has taught more than 100 students. Many of them are now enjoyin

    12、g a _22_ future. In recent years, China _23_ more attention to teachers in rural areas and improved _24_ working and living conditions. The career development and payment of the rural teachers will be _25_ improved. 11. A. build B. built C. was build D. was built 12. A. so B. because C. if D. though

    13、 13. A. including B. include C. included D. includes 14. A. let B. make C. have D. get 15. A. hold B. join C. attend D. join in 16. A. Except B. Moreover C. Besides D. Since 17. A. in B. on C. at D. over 18. A. the number of B. a number of C. lots of D. a lot of 19. A. explains B. explaining C. was

    14、explaining D. explained 20. A. as far as B. as soon as C. as well as D. as long as 21. A. what B. who C. whom D. whose 22. A. brighter B. easier C. harder D. safer 23. A. took B. paid C. has paid D. has taken 24. A. their B. them C. they D. theirs 25. A. completely B. quietly C. happily D. continuou

    15、sly 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 (共共 18 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 36 分分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 A International Red Panda Day In September, in addition to the red leaves, there are also red pandas in the forests. Every year, the third Saturday in September marks International Red Panda Day. The red

    16、panda is tiny compared to the black-and-white giant that shares its name. These pandas usually grow to the size of a house cat, though their big tails add an extra 30-50cm. The pandas use their tails as blankets in the mountains. They live alone, mainly active at night, and are mostly inactive durin

    17、g the day. Why are they endangered? 1. Hunting 2. Loss of living areas 3. Limited food supply 4. Predators (天敌) 26 What information about red pandas can we get from the article above? a. looks b. abilities c. reasons why they are in danger d. food e. predators f. living habits A. abcd B. bcde C. acd

    18、f D. cdef 27. According to the article, which of the following is true? A. International Red Panda Day falls on the first Saturday in September. B. Red pandas are as big as giant pandas and they have big tails. C. The number of red pandas in the wild is becoming much smaller. D. Red pandas usually l

    19、ive as a family in the mountain forests. 28. Where can we probably read the article? A. In a novel. B. In a science magazine. C. In a news report. D. In a history book. B Sun Ruifeng, a mother in Beijing, changed some of her plans for her 8-year-old sons summer vacation. She looked for an English tu

    20、toring (辅导) course, but in the end, she changed it to a swimming training class. Suns choice is part of the result of the governments growing efforts to reduce the academic pressure (学业压力) on young students. On July 24, 2021, Chinese government introduced a guideline to reduce the academic pressure

    21、on primary and junior high school students. It lists requirements in areas such as reducing the amount and the difficulty of homework and improving the quality of education and after-class services provided by schools. For example, homework for children below the third grade is not allowed, while ho

    22、mework for junior high school students should take no longer than 90 minutes to finish. According to the guideline, tutoring institutions (机构) cannot teach students content that students havent learnt at school. No tutoring courses can be taught on weekends, national holidays or during winter and su

    23、mmer vacations. The moves aim to guide the educational training industry to focus on improving students all-round quality, Chen Xianzhe, a professor at South China Normal University, told Xinhua. According to Global Times, more than 75 percent of Chinese children who live in cities, from grade 1 to

    24、grade 12, take part in tutoring programs. This has led to many social problems such as students falling levels of physical fitness, more mental health problems and huge family costs, said Chu Zhaohui, a senior researcher with the National Institute of Education Sciences. Many parents showed their su

    25、pport for the new moves. However, there are also some worries. A parent from Shanxi said that although she agreed with the new moves, she worried about what her son would do after school if both parents have no time to be with him. According to the guideline, primary and middle schools are asked to

    26、offer after-school services, including homework tutoring, sports, arts, reading and interest groups. 29. The change of Sun Ruifengs choice is a good example to show that _. A. the governments guideline works well B. Swimming training classes are popular C. parents only care about childrens health D.

    27、 Beijing has few English tutoring courses 30. According to the governments guideline, which of the following is allowed? A. Grade 2 students can have half an hour of homework every day. B. Grade 9 students can have one hour of homework every day. C. Tutoring institutions can give lessons on National

    28、 Day holiday. D. Schools can increase the amount and difficulty of homework. 31 From the passage we can know that _ thinks taking part in too many tutoring programs not only does harm to students health but also costs too much. A. Chen Xianzhe B. Chu Zhaohui C. Sun Ruifeng D. a parent from Shanxi 32

    29、. If both parents have no time to be with children, which may be a good way to solve the problem now? A One parent gives up the job to be with children. B. Children stay at home alone or with grandparents. C. Primary and middle schools offer after-school services. D. Children go to tutoring institut

    30、ions to learn extra programs. 33. What is the best title for the passage? A. Taking the pressure off B. Calling for less homework C. Health or success D. A colorful life, a better future C “I really want to, but I cant because.” It hurts every time I hear someone say it. I see it for what it isan ex

    31、cuse. Every one of us has hopes, dreams and goals. We talk about how we will achieve them, but when its time to do them, we use that sentence. During my teen years, I felt stuck. I wanted to learn so many things and achieve my wildest dreams, yet I couldnt. Living in an underdeveloped country, we ar

    32、e in great need of water, electricity, and opportunities (机遇). One day, I had had enough. I decided to use the resources I had to create the future I dreamed of. I made up my mind to get the Japanese Monbusho Scholarship. I found articles and books online to study Japanese. In a few months, I was ab

    33、le to hold a simple conversation in Japanese. I realized that I would need money. I set out to build a hedgehog (刺猬) care website. Every day, after school, I would research hedgehogs and write detailed articles about them. I studied Japanese and wrote about hedgehogs for three years. Im sure youre e

    34、xpecting a perfect ending where I travel to Japan. Thats not how this story ends. The fact is, I didnt even get the chance to apply for the scholarship. I failed. Unwilling to accept the facts, I started an online university the next year. And the hedgehog website made me a total of $60. I can tell

    35、you that I tried, but it didnt work out. It didjust not the way I expected. Im not in Japan, but I know how to speak Japanese and have met many interesting people along the way. My hedgehog website didnt succeed, but I created a new one, thats even better with the experience I gained. I didnt let my

    36、 difficulties stand in my way, and I created my own opportunities. Anyone can accept the cards theyve been dealt (发牌) and create their own way to make them into a winning hand. 34. According to Paragraph 2, what does “that sentence” refer to (指的是) _. A. Every one of us has hopes, dreams and goals. B

    37、. We will achieve our hopes, dreams and goals. C. I really want to, but I cant because. D. During my teen years, I felt hopeless. 35. According to the passage, which graph can best describe the writers attitude(态度) towards life? A. B. C. D. 36. Which of the following is the correct order of what hap

    38、pened to the writer? a. She failed to apply for the Japanese Monbusho Scholarship. b. She studied Japanese and built a hedgehog care website. c. She started an online university and created a better website. d. She wanted to learn so many things but had few chances. A. b-a-d-c B. d-b-a-c C. d-a-b-c

    39、D. b-c-d-a 37. What does the underlined phrase “a winning hand” in the last paragraph mean? A. 一手好牌 B. 好手气 C. 金手指 D. 拿奖的手 38. The writer writes the passage mainly to _. A. tell us her terrible experience and hopeless life B. advise us to get a scholarship and create a website C. show off that she cr

    40、eated two successful websites D. encourage us to keep trying and realize our dreams D Making velvet flowers (绒花) was an endangered folk art, but its now kept alive with more young craftsmen devoting themselves to the art. Murong Yi, 21, a senior studying at a university in Beijing, is one of them. R

    41、ecently, she posted her video about how to make velvet flower head-wear shaped like a golden phoenix on Sina Weibo. The artwork was made of 4,000 pieces of cocoon fiber (蚕丝) in 12 days. Generally, it only takes two to three days to make a velvet flower. The video has received over 2.4 million views

    42、on Bilibili. Velvet flowers are called ronghua in Chinese, it means great wealth. It was a popular decoration in festivals and weddings, but few people know about it now. _ “I started to learn about it five or six years ago from some ancient Chinese costume historical dramas,” she said. She tried to

    43、 learn from others but couldnt find many online tutorial videos. Finally, she watched a one-hour TV program, in which an inheritor (继承人) showed how to make velvet flowers in detail. Then, there was the problem of buying materials. Velvet flowers are made of silk and copper wires (铜线). “However, it w

    44、as difficult to buy these materials at that time,” Murong said. Another key step is to choose copper wires in the proper size and type. “The hardness really do matter,” she said. “Even 1-millimeter would lead to a different shape.” Without much experience, she had to learn from failures and tried ag

    45、ain. New ideas naturally came up when Murong grew as a skilled creator. She found a way to have ready-made fiber produced in a factory, which helped make the handicraft much easier. Now, people interested in this craft can simply buy the material from her Taobao store. “By doing this, I hope it will

    46、 help those who want to try ronghua,” Murong said. As a lover of Chinese traditional culture, she said “Ill learn more about different handicrafts and help make them popular among young people by social media.” 39 What are velvet flowers made of? A. Cocoon fiber and flowers. B. Copper wires and flow

    47、ers. C. Copper wires and silk. D. Silk and flowers. 40. What do we know about Murong Yi from the passage? A. She is a university teacher from Beijing. B. She is an inheritor who makes velvet flowers. C. She is a factory worker who makes fiber. D. She is a lover of Chinese traditional culture. 41. Th

    48、e underlined sentence “The video has received over 2.4 million views on Bilibili.” in Paragraph 2 shows that _. A. many people take interest in Murongs velvet flowers B. people in China like watching short videos on Bilibili C. people can learn different kinds of skills by watching videos D. Murong

    49、wants to be an online celebrity (网红) by making videos 42. Which sentence can be put in the Blank in Paragraph 3? A. Luckily, Murong knows how to make velvet flowers. B. Therefore, Murong faced challenges in learning this handicraft. C. Many young people show interest in it and Murong is one of them.

    50、 D. Murong decided to make velvet flowers by watching videos online. 43. According to the passage, what may Murong do in the future? A. Learn more about different handicrafts and make videos about them. B. Open more stores on Taobao to sell ready-made fiber and make money. C. Sell velvet flowers on


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