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    1、20222022 年北京市通州区中考一模英语试题年北京市通州区中考一模英语试题 一、单项填空(共一、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题分,每小题 0.5分)分) 从下面各题所给的从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Mary, could you pass _ the dictionary? OK. Here you are. A. me B. him C. her D. them 2. How do you usually go to school, Jack? I usually go to school _

    2、 bus. A. to B. by C. for D. at 3. _ glasses are these? They are Anns. A. Who B. What C. Where D. Whose 4. My fathers leg was hurt, _ he went to see a doctor. A. but B. because C. so D. or 5. Football is _ than volleyball in our school. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 6

    3、. _ you go shopping with me this afternoon, Kate? Sorry, I cant. Ill have a dancing lesson. A. Need B. Must C. Can D. May 7. What were you doing at 8 oclock yesterday evening, Jim? I _ to music at home. A. listen B. listened C. will listen D. was listening 8. What did you do yesterday, Jenny? I _ mo

    4、untains with my friends. A. climbed B. will climb C. climb D. have climbed 9. Be quiet. Our grandparents _ now. OK. A. sleep B. are sleeping C. slept D. were sleeping 10. My English teacher _ in Beijing since 2008. A. has lived B. lived C. lives D. will live 11. More trees and flowers _ in our town

    5、next year. A. plant B. planted C. will be planted D. are planted 12. This book is interesting. Could you tell me _? Yes. I bought it from Xinhua Bookstore last Saturday. A. where you will buy it B. where did you buy it C. where will you buy it D. where you bought it 二、完形填空(每题二、完形填空(每题 1 分,共分,共 8 分)分

    6、) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Run Free John was frightened when his dad told him he signed him up for Run Free, the after-school running club. He _13_threw down the book that he was reading. “I cant run! Im the worst athlete in the school!” John once played basketball, and it was

    7、awful. Dave, the star of his team, always _14_ when John made mistakes. There was no way John was going to embarrass (使难堪) himself in a running club. His dad, however, insisted, and John soon realized that he had no _15_ about the matter. The weekend before the clubs first meeting, Johns dad took hi

    8、m to buy some running shoes. Later that day, his dad _16_ that he should go on a run in the park near their home. John really didnt feel like it. “Come on,” said his dad, “You can take Buck with you. Thatll make it _17_.” John loved taking the family dog out for long walks sometimes. So, he took Buc

    9、k outside. After a few minutes of walking, John _18_ that he would give running a try. He saw a lamppost (路灯) far away and decided to try to make it to that lamppost. To his surprise, he did it, but he felt completely out of breath. When John got home, he told his dad about his _19_. “Its only going

    10、 to get easier,” said his dad. “Pretty soon, if you run each day, youll run farther.” John thought about what his dad said, and he went out running with Buck again the next day. John went farther, and even though he ended up out of breath again, he kind of liked _20_ himself to see how far he could

    11、make it. He ran every day and by the end of the week, he was looking forward to the first club meeting. 13. A. secretly B. bravely C. finally D. immediately 14. A. worried B. complained C. continued D. explained 15. A. advice B. problem C. choice D. doubt 16. A. agreed B. suggested C. found D. learn

    12、ed 17. A. safe B. tiring C. fun D. useful 18. A. proved B. insisted C. predicted D. thought 19. A. attitude B. experience C. goal D. decision 20. A. controlling B. teaching C. challenging D. accepting 三、阅读理解(每题三、阅读理解(每题 2 分,共分,共 26 分)分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择

    13、最佳选四个选项中,选择最佳选项。项。 A Learning to Cook Do you know how to cook? More and more students are interested in learning how to cook. Carol I have cookery classes in school every Friday My mum is a good cook and she has always made my brother and me take turns in meal preparation. It has been really useful

    14、for me in my classes. George When I was a little boy, I didnt like to help out with getting meals on the table. My parents never imagined I turned into a cook! I learned how to cook from my parents and I enjoy myself when I cook. Sally I enjoy helping out in the kitchen and I often make easy dishes

    15、like salad. But I sometimes mess up. Last Sunday, I bought a cookery book and decided to get a better understanding of basic skills of cooking. Daniel Ive always enjoyed watching my mum throw a collection of unlikely foods together and produce something really delicious. Making chocolate cakes is my

    16、 favorite. When I make cakes, my mum is always around to help me. 21. Who has cookery classes in school? A. Carol. B. George. C. Sally. D. Daniel. 22 When did Sally buy a cookery book? A. Last year. B. Last Friday. C. Last month. D. Last Sunday. 23. What does Daniel like doing? A. He likes reading c

    17、ookery books. B. He likes having cookery classes. C. He likes making chocolate cakes. D. He likes working with a cook. B Taking a Chance When Emily handed Ms. Miller her homework, she couldnt imagine how writing a short story would lead to more than a grade. Emily, who was shy, had few close friends

    18、. In her art class, when other students discussed painting skills, she usually kept quiet. No one except Sofia seemed to notice her at all. Emily wanted to invite Sofia to see the art show at the local museum. Every time she had an opportunity to bring it up, she would start by talking about her own

    19、 painting. She wasnt sure where else to begin and she never got to the invitation before the bell rang. When Emily received an A+ on her story, she was excited. She knew that writing was fun and came easily to her, but she didnt realize she was good at it. Ms. Millers opinion about her story made he

    20、r think she had a special talent, kind of like Sofias for painting. Ms. Miller encouraged her to enter an upcoming national writing competition. At the beginning, Emily didnt want to enter the competition. She was worried about losing her new pride in herself if she didnt win. But Ms. Miller insiste

    21、d that taking risks was part of knowing who you were and what you could do. Emily finally agreed to enter the competition. When she won second place, she was still proud of herself to be brave enough to enter the competition. She felt so good when she took the risk of asking Sofia to the art show, a

    22、nd Sofia said yes. 24. When other students discussed painting skills in the art class, Emily usually _. A. joined in the discussion B. wrote stories C. talked with Sofia D. kept quiet 25. Ms. Millers opinion about Emilys story made Emily think _. A. she needed Sofias help B. she had a talent for wri

    23、ting C. her story was popular D. writing was really difficult 26. When Emily won second place, she was proud of herself because _. A. she spent little time preparing for the competition B. she was praised by her teacher and parents C. she had the courage to enter the competition D. she made a new fr

    24、iend during the competition C One of the most important life skills is self-discipline (自律). It helps us develop healthy lifestyle habits. Everyone feels good when they know that they are doing good things. Probably one of the biggest problems with self-discipline is the word “discipline”. Disciplin

    25、e really does not have to be painful or difficult. You can start by taking small actions and only one at a time until it becomes something that really makes you feel good when you are doing it. Let us say that you want to lose a little weight or get in better shape. You do not have to sign up at the

    26、 gym and begin a 5-day a week program. What about walking around your community once a day for a week, and then increasing it to two times a day for two weeks? It really starts with finding your motivation (动力). Why do you want to lose weight or get in shape? Is that reason strong enough? We need to

    27、 remember that we have choices and one of them is to say “no” to the things that will take our attention away from completing things to make our life happier and healthier. We have the power to say “yes” to right things, no matter how small, each day, to head us in the direction of our goals. We all

    28、 know that when people make a plan with small, simple steps to get to the goals they have, they are more likely to reach them. You need to listen to your heart and know what effort you want to put into it as you move towards living a better life. You dont need to make this hard. Just do something to

    29、 head yourself in the right direction today and then do it again tomorrow and every day after that! Remember a baby step is better than no step at all. 27. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. The reasons for the pain of self-discipline. B. The way to make self-discipline easier. C. The difficulties

    30、 of building self-discipline. D. The importance of exercise for self-discipline. 28. According to the passage, to develop self-discipline, _. A. people need to keep asking others for help and support B. it requires people to set up a goal and complete it quickly C. people should know that they need

    31、to have more choices D. it is important for people to know their motivation first 29. What is the writers main purpose in writing this passage? A. To discuss the importance of plans for self-discipline. B. To stress the benefits of building our self-discipline. C. To advise us to try to improve our

    32、self-discipline. D. To explain how self-discipline helps us achieve goals. D For years, scientists have known how to measure (衡量) the intelligence (智力) of a person. Recently they began to do research into group intelligence. Early research suggests that group intelligence is not the total of the int

    33、elligence of the persons in it. So what is the secret of a groups success? Researchers at a research company and a university have both dealt with this question and they believe they finally have a handle on what makes some work teams successful. In the study of the company, researchers collected in

    34、formation and studied it to find patterns (模式). Are members of effective groups friends outside of work? Do members with similar personalities work together best? They discussed many opinions, but found no patterns to support them. In fact, who was in the team did not make a difference. Instead, the

    35、 difference between more and less effective teams lay in the interaction (互动) among the members. The university group collected information by using digital badges (数字徽章) that people agreed to wear. These badges provided a wealth of information that included how long people spoke, what kinds of gest

    36、ures they made, where they were looking during interaction, and their facial expressions. As in the study of the company, the university research group found that the key to an effective team was how members interacted. Among the findings the most important is that, in effective teams, members spoke

    37、 for almost the same amount of timenot at every meeting or interaction, but across the course of a project. The second one was that members showed empathy, an understanding of how it might feel to walk in somebody elses shoes. A high level of these two characteristics makes a member feel comfortable

    38、 when he voices his opinions and makes suggestions without fear of a negative response from other members. They believe that others will listen to them and value what they say. One might argue that most of these findings are obvious. However, understanding group intelligence can help people make the

    39、 basic changes that are necessary to improve group performance. 30. The words “have a handle on” in Paragraph 2 probably mean “_”. A. make a deep discussion about B. do a lot of research on C. have a clear understanding of D. have reasons to find out 31. How did the university group do their researc

    40、h? A. They studied the findings of some earlier researches. B. They discussed their opinions and found common patterns. C. They asked people questions and explained the answers. D. They collected information of peoples behaviors. 32. What can we learn about the researchers findings? A. Group members

    41、 need to divide the amount of time in an interaction. B. It is necessary for group members to understand each others feelings. C Negative responses will be more common to see among group members. D. The interaction patterns should be different among the members of a group. 33. Which of the following

    42、 would be the best title for the passage? A. The Value of Team Members B. The Secret of Group Research C. The Key to Successful Work Teams D. The Competition between Group Patterns 四、阅读表达(每题四、阅读表达(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Teens Making a Difference The power of teens is making an influenc

    43、e. These students are showing they have a valuable talent for inspiring younger children to do their best. Tutors (辅导教师辅导教师) Program Younger children sometimes are worried about their homework. In one Seattle after-school program, student tutors come to help. They help the children with artworks whe

    44、n their homework is done. The younger students are happy to get help with their homework. They are even happier to get the attention of older students. The younger students say the tutors are great role models. The student tutors say they get a great experience from working with younger children. It

    45、 gives them confidence and improves their communication skills. Youth Coaches Program Whats better than a play day at school? A play day with teen coaches! Just ask the six hundred students at a Florida primary school. Each year, they spend a special day with some of high school athletes. The teens

    46、teach all kinds of athletic skills. Some children learn to play basketball while others learn to play tennis or football. The teens also take time to explain how they balance sports and schoolwork and the young listeners hang on every word the teens say! Dance Teachers Program When parents in one Bo

    47、ston community were asked what they wished their children could do after school, they said, “Dance!” They probably wouldnt predict what happened next. Six teens volunteered to learn Latin dance. They wanted to teach the children in the community how to dance! The teens formed a group and began shari

    48、ng the dance steps they learned. The program grew quickly. More teens became teachers and more younger children learned to dance. For the younger children, it was a chance to spend time with teen role models that they admired. Today, the program is a big success. Over three hundred children take par

    49、t in the classes every year. 34. How do the younger students feel about getting help with their homework in the Tutors Program? _ 35. What do the teens in the Youth Coaches Program teach? _ 36. Why did six teens volunteer to learn Latin dance in the Dance Teachers Program? _ 37. How many children ta

    50、ke part in the classes every year in the Dance Teachers Program? _ 38. What do you think of these programs? Why do you think so? _ 五、文段表达(五、文段表达(10 分)分) 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作。文中词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你


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