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    1、 8AUnit7 单元检测单元检测 一、单项选择 ( )1They think John the best student. Here the sentence structure is “_” A.S+V+DO B. S+V+I0+DO C. S+V+DO+OC D. S+V+P ( )2.When did the bus accident happen? It happened _a rainy night. A.At B. on C. in D. For ( )3. We all know 50 means 50 _zero and 100 means 100 below zero. A

    2、.above B. on C. over D. under ( )4.Its summer now. The weather is getting _. A. higher and higher B. lower and lower C. hotter and hotter D. colder and colder ( )5.The temperature will be lower tomorrow. It will_ to -5. A. fell B. fall C. cover D. drop 二、阅读理解 On the early morning of December 17, the

    3、 Change-5 lunar probe (月球探测器) landed safely on the grasslands in Inner Mongolia, meaning the Change-5 mission (任务) ended successfully. Change-5 was launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan Province on November 24, 2020. On December 1, the probe got to the moon. During the stay on the

    4、 moon, it collected 1,731 grams of rock and soil samples (样品). On December 3, our national flag was shown on the moon. After that, the probe was ready to go home. China is no stranger to lunar exploration (探月) programs. Over the years, it has sent a number of increasingly challenging missions to the

    5、 moon. One of the most famous missions was the historic landing of Change-4 spacecraft on the moons far side in 2019. As Change-5 reached a new area of the moon, this launch successfully pushed the limits (极限) even further. Its no doubt a great step forward for the space industry. This is a truly hi

    6、storic event for Chinas space program, making China the third nation in the world to bring samples back from the moon. The success has also made Change-5 the first spacecraft to bring back samples from the moon since 1976 when a Russian spaceship brought back 170.1 grams of samples to the earth. Thi

    7、s was no easy task, but China has made it. ( )1. How long did the whole Change-5 mission last? A. About half a month. B. Around 10 days. C. Over a month. D. More than 20 days. ( )2. The underlined word “launched” in paragraph 2 means _ in Chinese. A. 回收 B. 发射 C. 发明 D. 销毁 ( )3. Paragraph 3 mainly tal

    8、ks about _. A. the importance of space exploration B. the difficulty in lunar exploration C. the future of Chinas space program D. the progress in Chinas moon missions 三阅读与回答问题 To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, governments at every level in China have been using many different control

    9、measures. In heavily-affected areas, the government has chosen to lock down cities. In Ji Lin province, for example, after Chang Chuns lockdown on March 11, some other cities in the province also taken lockdown measures. The decision proved effective (有效的) in stopping the virus spread at its root, C

    10、hina Daily said. In some villages, people put up red banners (条幅) or used loudspeakers to educate people about the virus. Many communities also set up checkpoints to check peoples temperatures, keep records of their travel history, keep non-residents (非住户) out of the community, and make sure that pe

    11、ople quarantine (隔离) themselves after returning from high-risk areas. Some community workers also help those who stay at home by bringing in food or medicine, taking out the rubbish, and offering psychological (心理的) advice. The community workers have built the first line of defense (防御) against the

    12、virus across China. According to Xinhua, there are millions of community workers in 650,000 urban and rural (城市和农村)communities across the country. Many people from all walks of life have volunteered to do this job. “In the face of an unexpected outbreak, its amazing to see that China could organize

    13、people on such a large scale (规模),” Li Baoping from the Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences told Xinhua. “Great governance capacity (治理能力) at all levels gives us confidence in winning the battle.” 1. Why do governments at every level use many different control measures?_ 2. What has the government ch

    14、osen to do in heavily-affected areas?_ 3. Who has built the first line of defense against the virus across China?_ 4. How many community workers are there across the country? _ 5. What gives us confidence in winning the battle? _ 四阅读理解六选五 QR code(二维码)(二维码)yes or no Walking along a common street in C

    15、hina, you will easily find people hold their phones, scan(扫描)something and take away the products. _1_. But Chinese people are used to it-QR code. _2_. However, people did not pay much attention to it until the new century. Entering the 21st century, people start to use QR code widely. _3_. If you m

    16、ake a new friend, the first thing you should do is to scan his or her WeChat code; If you go to the supermarket, you dont have to bring some cash (现金) because you can use WeChat payment or Ali payment (支付宝) . _4_. However, some people are afraid of using it. _5_. Its much easier to spend more money

    17、if you dont use cash. Also, some bad people can use QR code to get your information-your name, your phone number and even your address. What do you think of QR code? Do you like to use it? AIf you want to know some information of a product, just scan the QR code. BQR code was first invented by a Jap

    18、anese company in 1994. CPeople all over the world use QR code. DIf you are a foreigner, you may feel surprised because people dont pay cash. ENowadays in China, QR code can be found in every corner of the society. FThe first reason is that you cant control your spending. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 五、短文首字母填

    19、空 When a thought has found words Poetry (诗歌)is the forgotten child of literature. Few people read it for pleasure. In Western high schools, poetry is (1)s_ taught because it is considered to be out of date and have little to do with the life of todays students. In China, however, poetry is (2)s_ an

    20、important part of the curriculum (课程). Recently, the Ministry of Education has (3)i_ the number of old Chinese poems for students to memorize and recite, from 14 to 72. Why is it important to learn poems? First of all, poetry is a necessary part of learning traditional Chinese (4)c_. It is a path to

    21、 understanding your history and your society. It is also the key to understanding the thoughts and feelings that are (5)c_ to everyone but that we may be unable to expressthe joy of Li Bai dancing with the moon, for example. Everyone has feelings of joy, love, loneliness, sadness and even anger, and

    22、 a good poem can put those feelings into (6)w_ and bring us self-understanding. Poems can also express beauty. In a few short (7)1_ even something common can become beautiful. Here is a poem called Fog by Carl Sandberg: The fog comes/ on silent haunches (弓腰)/ and then moves on. Yes, fog does move sm

    23、oothly, silently and like a cat, and Sandberg (8)c_ that feeling and image (形象),and makes it beautiful. Of course, to really enjoy poetry, it has to be read aloud. After all, a poem is really just a song without music. Most (9)a_ poetry, like Homers Epics (荷马史诗)and Chinas Book of Songs (诗经),was spok

    24、en for hundreds of years before it was (10)w_. The American poet Robert Frost said, Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 8AU78AU7 单元检测单元检测 一、单项选择 CBACD 二、阅读理解 DBD 三阅读与回答问题 1To prevent the spread of the novel coronav

    25、irus 2The government has chosen to lock down cities 3The community workers 4Millions of community workers 5Great governance capacity (治理能力) at all levels gives us confidence in winning the battle 四阅读理解六选五 DBEAF 五、短文首字母填空 1seldom2still 3increased 4culture 5common 6words 7lines 8catches 9ancient 10written


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