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    1、 Unit3Unit3 综合测试卷综合测试卷 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1This is _ Asian animal and it eats meat. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 2I love cola and hamburgers, _ they are not healthy. Aor Bso Cbut Dand 3Its a _. I use it to drink water(用它喝水). Acup Bruler Cquilt Djacket 4Hi! I _ Grace. Hi! My name _ Jim. Aam; am Bam; is Cis; am Dis; is 5

    2、I am playing _ piano right now while he is playing _ basketball. Athe; / B/; / C/; the Dthe; the 6 What do you want to be in the future, Lucy? I want to be_ teacher. Its _ exciting job. Aa; a Ba; an Ca; the Dthe; a 7Jack, whats your dream? My dream is to be _ actor. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 8Little Tom can co

    3、unt numbers well now, but he _ count last year. Acant Bcan Ccould Dcouldnt 9Does Kangkang often comes to school by bus _ on foot? Aor Band C/ Dwith 10 is it? Its red. AHow BWhats color CWhat color DHows 11 Jack, can you sing? Sorry, I cant. _ I can play the piano. AAnd BSo CBut DOr 12I went to _ sup

    4、ermarket to buy _ birthday gift for my aunt yesterday. Aan, a Ba, a Cthe, / D/, the 13Please color the bike . Aa green Bgreen Cgreen color Dgreens 14There is _ office next to the classroom. _ office is big. Aa; An Ban; The Cthe; An Dan; An 15My sister doesnt like playing _ violin, but she likes play

    5、ing _ tennis. Athe; a Ba; / C/; the Dthe; / 16What does he _? Can you _ me? Sorry, I dont know. Asay; tell Bspeak; talk Cspeak; tell Dsay; talk 17Jack, you missed _”u” in _ word “usually”. Sorry, sir. Aa; the Ban; the Ca; a Dthe; the 18Biden, _ president of the USA, will visit Britain _second time n

    6、ext month. Athe; the Bthe; a C/; a D/; the 19Is that book _ he borrowed on Friday? Athat Bwhich Cthe one Dwho 20Look! There is _ beautiful rainbow in the sky. Wow, its so beautiful. Id like to take a photo of _ rainbow before it disappears. Aa; the Bthe; a Cthe; the Da; a 二、完形填空二、完形填空 (一) Red is the

    7、 color of China. Among all the _21_, red is most easily seen. The color red is fresh and pure, and in China we call it China Red. Chinese people are attracted by the color red not only because it makes people excited, but also because it has _22_ meanings in Chinese culture and history. No country i

    8、n the world have ever _23_ a color in such a way as China. Here, red is a symbol. It gives color to the soul of the nation. In the past, red represented dignity and mystery. Even now Chinese people love the color much more than others do. It can be said that “China Red” is an everlasting theme for C

    9、hina, and an _24_ color for the Chinese people, “Chins Red” has _25_ a very popular word, attracting the worlds attention. Finding red-colored things in China is very _26_, as you can see the color everywhere. All traditional red things have been playing a special role in China, the walls of _27_ pa

    10、laces, the national flag, Chinese knots and lanterns. Red is the color of the _28_, health, harmony, happiness, peace, richness and so on. Only real things and events fully _29_ and explain its beauty. The color can be alive and meaningful only when its connected with people. In China, red is more t

    11、han just a color. It carries the long history and culture of the Chinese nation. China Red is _30_ of mysterious charm beyond description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel and discover! 21Acolors Bnews Cpapers Dpaints 22Apoor Brich Csimple Dcorrect 23Aused Bshared Cdrawn Dchanged

    12、 24Ainteresting Bexpensive Chonest Dimportant 25Aseen Bsaid Cbecome Dgot 26Ahard Beasy Cspecial Dunusual 27Aancient Bmodern Cbright Dexcellent 28Arainbow Bfear Cloneliness Dluck 29Abelieve Bshow Ctalk Dwrite 30Apleased Bcrowded Cfull Dfilled (二)(二) Hi, boys and girls! I _31_ Tom. This is _32_ bag. T

    13、here are many things in it. This is a _33_ and it is a white ruler. This is _34_orange. I like(喜欢)oranges very much. This is a pen and _35_ is black. That is a jacket. Its _36_, too. Black is my favorite(最喜欢的)_37_. That is a map. I can _38_ it. Its M-A-P. Oh, its a CD _39_ English. Its my sister Gra

    14、ces _40_. 31Ais Bam Care Dbe 32Ahis Byour Cmy Dmine 33Amap Bruler Cpen Djacket 34Aan Ba Cthe D/ 35Ait Bthis Che Dshe 36Ablue Bpurple Cblack Dwhite 37Amap Bcolor Cafternoon Dquilt 38Aspell Bsay Csee Dknow 39Aat Bon Cin Dabout 40Akey BCD Ccup Dapple 三、阅读单选三、阅读单选 ( 一) Miss Han: You bring(带来) many thing

    15、s to school, Kevin. Can you tell (告诉) me what are on your desk? Kevin: Yes, I can. There is an eraser, a ruler, three pencils and a pencil box on my desk. Miss Han: What is in your drawer(抽屉)? Kevin: In my drawer, there are two books and a notebook. Miss Han: What is that on the floor? Kevin: It is

    16、my school bag. Miss Han: Do you bring your lunch box (饭盒) to school? Kevin: Yes, I do. Miss Han: Where do you put it? Kevin: I put it under my desk. 41_ is (are) NOT on Kevins desk. AAn eraser BA ruler CA picture DThree pencils 42_ are in Kevins drawer. ASome notebooks BThree books CTwo notebooks an

    17、d a book DTwo books and a notebook 43_ is on the floor. AA ruler BAn eraser CA pen DA school bag 44The underlined word (划线词) put means _in Chinese. A吃 B用 C放 D买 45Kevin puts his lunch box _ his desk. Aon Bunder Cto Din (二) Hello, Im Frank. Whats this? Its a pen. Its my red pen. My black pen is in my

    18、bag (在我的包里). My bag is orange. And my key is in it. Its blue. This is my ruler. Its white. Its on my desk (在我的桌子上). And my orange is on the desk, too. 46Frank has (有) _ pens. A1 B2 C3 D4 47What are in Franks bag? AA pen and a key. BA pen and an orange. CAn orange and a ruler. DAn key and a ruler. 48

    19、Whats the meaning of (的意思) orange? A大码的 B淘气的 C橙色的 D亲切的 49What color is the ruler? ARed. BBlack . CWhite. DBlue. 50Where (在哪里) is the orange? Ain my bag Bon my desk Con the chair Din the desk 四、补全对话四、补全对话 7 7 选选 5 5 A: Excuse me. _51_ B: Yes, I do. I have a girl pen pal. A: _52_ B: She is from Sydney

    20、. A: Where is Sydney? B: Its a city in Australia. A: _53_ B: Yes. Koalas are from Australia. They sleep in the day and get up to eat leaves at night. A: That sounds interesting. And _54_ B: Its warm in winter and cool in summer. A: _55_ B: Youre welcome. 五、多句选词填空五、多句选词填空 用用 am,is,are 填空填空 56Excuse m

    21、e! _ this your eraser? 57What _ those? _ they birds? 58This _ his ruler. Where _ my ruler? 59I _ in Class Three. _ you in Class Three,too? 60_ these her English books? 61Those _ their apples. Where _ his apples? 62She _ eleven. How old _ that boy? 63He _ my friend. _ your friend a boy or a girl? 64_

    22、 those maps? No,they _ not. They _ pictures. 65These _ your bananas. Here you _. 六、小作文六、小作文 66 今天是开学第一天,张丽和李磊第一次见面,他们互相询问了姓名,张丽还问了一些东西的颜色。请你根据图片写一段小对话,不少于四句。 _ 参考答案参考答案 1-10BCABA BBDAC 11-20CBBBD AACCA 21-30ABADC BADBC 31-40BCBAA CBACB 41-50CDDCB BACCB 51-55CEFDA 56Is 57 are Are 58 is is 59 am Are 6

    23、0Are 61 are are 62 is is 63 is is 64 Are are are 65 are are 66例文 Zhang Li: Good morning! Li Lei: Good morning! Zhang Li: My names Zhang Li. Whats your name? Li Lei: Im Li Lei. Zhang Li: What color is the map? Li Lei:Its blue. Zhang Li: And what color is your schoolbag? Li Lei: Its yellow. Zhang Li: Thanks.


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