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    1、译林版(三起)英语六年级上期中易错点检测卷译林版(三起)英语六年级上期中易错点检测卷 一、单选题一、单选题 1Eight years ago, Mr. Brown _ letter _ his friend. ( ) Awriting; for Bwrote; to Cwrites; for Dwrite; to 2Miss Fox waits _ the answer. ( ) Afor Bto Cin Da 3My uncles daughter is still _ the window. ( ) Alook after Blook for Clook out of Dlooking o

    2、ut of 4Mr. Williams _ some beautiful stamps _ us this morning. ( ) Ashows; for Bshowed; to Cshow; for Dis showing; to it 5The kite flew high and we _ hold _ it. ( ) Acant; onto Bcouldnt; onto Ccan; on Dcould; on 6The UK called underground _, the US names it _. ( ) Ametro; highway Bsubway; metro Cmet

    3、ro; subway Dhighway; subway 7He _ e-books _ news. ( ) Aread; for Breads; to Cwatches; for Dwatch; to get 8It was _ in the morning. But it _ in the afternoon. ( ) Asunny; rainy Bsunny; rained Crainy; sunny Drained; sunny 二、补全句子二、补全句子 9Six years ago, Peter c_ read and write. 10The bees are busy making

    4、 h_. 11Its s_ today. Its warm. 12We can use m_ to call people anywhere. 13Dont b_ any drinks to the reading room. 14Mike _ (eat) a cake last National Day. 三、选内容三、选内容补全对话补全对话/ /短文短文 Liu Tao is talking about the May Day holiday with Mike. Mike: Hello, Liu Tao. Where did you go for the holiday? Liu Tao

    5、: I went to London. Mike: Great! _15_ Liu Tao: Did you go there before? Mike: Yes, I did. _16_ . Liu Tao: Thats cool! How did you go there? Mike: We went there by plane. Liu Tao: _17_ . Mike: Yes. I visited the Big Ben, too. Liu Tao: What did you do there? Mike: _18_ . Liu Tao: Sounds great! Can I s

    6、ee your pictures sometime? Mike: _19_ ANo problem. BWe took lots of pictures. CLondon is really a great city. DWere you happy there? EMy family went there last summer. FDid you visit the London Bridge? 四、汉译英:整句四、汉译英:整句 20愚蠢的人看不见它们。 _ people _ see them. 21国王没有穿任何的衣服。 The king isnt _ _ clothes. 22昨天风很

    7、大,我们没有爬山。 It _ _ yesterday, we didnt go climbing. 23山姆上周在公园里遇到了博比。 Sam _ Bobby in the _ last week. 24Tom 正在朝窗外看。 Tom is _ _ of the window. 五、连词成句五、连词成句 25mother, my, hard, works, day, every (.) _ 26start, they, to, had, the, again, story (.) _ 27did, Where, you, go, last, Monday (?) _ 六、阅读选择六、阅读选择 J

    8、ack is a little boy. He is only five years old. One day, he went to the cinema.It was his first time to do that. He was late. He bought a ticket quickly and ran into the cinema. But after two or three minutes he came out. bought a second ticket and ran into the cinema. After a few minutes he came ou

    9、t again and bought a third ticket Two or three minutes later he came out and bought another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked Jack. Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet? Jack answered, No, I have no friends here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and te

    10、ars my ticket 28Jack is only _. ( ) Afour years old Bfive years old Cthree years old 29It was his _ time to go to the cinema. ( ) Asecond Bthird Cfirst 30Jack bought _ tickets in all (总共) that day. ( ) Afour Bthree Ctwo 31Does Jack have many friends? ( ) AYes, he does. BNo, he doesnt. CYes. he doesn

    11、t. 32The big boy is a _. ( ) Abad boy Bcinema worker Cfoolish boy 七、阅读判断七、阅读判断 Last Sunday was a funny day. Liu Tao came to Mikes home in the morning. They studied English together. They read some interesting English stories. At about ten oclock, they went to Chengnan Park on foot. And they fished t

    12、here. It was very interesting. They cooked lunch at about 12 oclock and it was very nice. Then they cleaned the kitchen. They watched TV after lunch. At about 4 oclock in the afternoon, they played table tennis. 33Mike watched TV in the afternoon. ( ) 34Mike and Liu Tao went fishing in the zoo. ( )

    13、35They went to the park by bike. ( ) 36This afternoon they also played football. ( ) 37Mikes mother cooked lunch. ( ) 八、提纲作文八、提纲作文 38上个周末,你是如何度过的?是和爸爸妈妈一起去了公园,还是和好朋友一起进行了一次有趣的户外活动?请写一篇有关你周末的短文,可以有适当的发挥。 注意:1. 字数不少于 50 个。 2. 书写工整清晰,短文连贯通顺,条理清晰,时态得当。 _ _ _ _ _ 参考答案参考答案 1B 【详解】句意:八年前,布朗先生写信给他的朋友。由句子中 a

    14、go 可知句子时态为一般过去时,write 的过去式是 wrote,给某人写信 write.to,所以 B 的形式是对的,故选 B。 【点睛】 2A 【详解】句意:狐狸小姐在_答案。结合句意和选项可知,此处应用介词 for,wait for 意为等待,为固定用法,故选 A。 3D 【详解】句意:我叔叔的女儿还在看窗_。A 照顾,B 寻找,C 看外面,D 正在看外面。该句时态为现在进行时,结构为:be+doing,look 的现在分词为 looking,ABC 均不符合语法要求,故选 D。 4B 【详解】句意:威廉斯先生今天早上给我们看了一些漂亮的邮票。shows 动词第三人称单数,showed

    15、 动词过去式,show 动词原形,is showing 现在进行时,根据句中的 this morning,可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,show sth to sb 给某人看某物,show 过去式为 showed,故选 B。 【点睛】 5B 【详解】句意:风筝飞得很高,我们不能抓牢它。该句一般过去时,故 AC 选项错误,根据句意可知是不能抓牢,故 D 选项错误,couldnt 不能,hold onto 抓牢,故选 B。 6C 【详解】 句意: 英国叫地铁_, 美国叫它_。 由文化常识可知在英国地铁是 metro。 在美国地铁是 subway,故选 C。 【点睛】 7A 【详解】句

    16、意:他_电子书_新闻。看书用 read,read e-books 意为读电子书,其后应用介词 for 表示目的,意为为了,故选 A。 8B 【详解】句意:早上_,下午却_。该句时态为一般过去时,前句系动词 was 后应用形容词 sunny作表语,意为阳光明媚的。后句谓语动词应用 rain 的过去式 rained,意为下雨,故选 B。 9can#an 【详解】句意:六年前,彼得会读和写。由句中 and 可知句子应为肯定句,由首字母提示可知应是会 can,故答案为 can。 【点睛】 10honey#oney 【详解】句意:蜜蜂正忙着采蜜。结合句意和首字母提示推测应是蜂蜜,因此该空应填 honey

    17、,故答案为honey。 【点睛】 11sunny 【详解】句意:今天是_。它是温暖的。根据句意和首字母,可知考查单词 sunny 阳光明媚的,形容词,故答案为 sunny。 【点睛】 12mobile phone 【详解】句意:我们可以用_给任何地方的人打电话。根据句意和首字母,可知考查短语 mobile phone移动电话,名词词组,故答案为 mobile phone。 【点睛】 13bring#ring 【详解】句意:不要把饮料_阅览室。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填 bring 带来,Dont 后跟动词原形,故答案为 bring。 14ate 【详解】句意:去年国庆节迈克吃了蛋糕。此题考

    18、查一般过去时,因为有明显的过去时间点,eat 的过去式时 ate,故答案为 ate。 【点睛】 15C 16E 17F 18B 19A 【分析】对话大意:刘涛和迈克在谈论五一假期去了哪里,怎么去的,做了什么等。 15根据上文我去了伦敦。及上一句好极了!可知 C 选项伦敦真的是一个非常伟大的城市。符合语境,故选 C。 16根据问句以前你去过那里吗?及上一句是的,我去过。可知 E 选项我全家去年夏天去的那。符合语境,故选 E。 17根据答语是的。我们也参观了大本钟。可知 F 选项你们参观伦敦桥了吗?符合语境,故选 F。 18根据问句你在那做什么了?可知 B 选项我们拍了很多照片。符合语境,故选 B

    19、。 19根据问句有空我能看看你的照片吗?可知 A 选项没问题。符合语境,故选 A。 【点睛】 20 Foolish dont 【详解】根据句意可知该句是陈述句,时态为一般现在时。愚蠢的 foolish,see 是实义动词,主意 people 是复数,故否定句需加助动词 dont,故答案为 Foolish;dont。 【点睛】 21 wearing any 【详解】根据汉语意思,可知句子是陈述句,时态是现在进行时。现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,穿 wear,wear 的现在分词是 wearing,否定句中任何用 any,故答案为 wearing,any。 【点睛】 22 was wi

    20、ndy 【详解】根据句意可知该句是陈述句,时态为一般过去时。主语 It 是单数第三人称,故 be 动词用 was,多风的 windy,故答案为 was;windy。 【点睛】 23 met park 【详解】该句是陈述句的肯定形式,时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,遇到为 meet,过去式为met,公园为 park,in the park 在公园里,介词短语,故答案为 met;park。 【点睛】 24 looking out 【详解】该句是陈述句的肯定形式,时态是现在进行时,be doing 结构,朝外看为 look out of ,动词短语,look 的现在分词为 looking,故

    21、答案为 looking;out。 【点睛】 25My mother works hard every day. 【详解】mother 妈妈,my 我的,hard 努力, works 工作, day 天,every 每一个人,由句子符号可知是陈述句,根据词义可连成句子:我的妈妈每天努力工作。故答案为 My mother works hard every day. 【点睛】 26They had to start the story again. 【详解】start 开始,they 他们,had to 必须,the 表示特指,again 再一次,story 故事,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述

    22、句, 根据所给词义可以连成句子:他们必须重新开始这个故事。故答案为 They had to start the story again. 27Where did you go last Monday? 【详解】did 助动词,Where 哪,you 你/你们,go 去,last Monday 上周一,由所给问号可知句子是由 Where引导的特殊疑问句,句子时态为一般过去时,结合所给单词词义可以连成句子为:你/你们上周一去哪了?故答案为 Where did you go last Monday? 【点睛】 28B 29C 30A 31B 32B 【分析】短文大意:短文主要讲述杰克去电影院看电影发

    23、生的事儿。 28句意:杰克只有_。由短文 He is only five years old.可知杰克只有五岁,A 四岁,B 五岁,C 三岁,故选 B。 29 句意: 那是他_次去电影院。 由短文 It was his first time to do that.可知那是他第一次去电影院, A 第二,B 第三,C 第一,故选 C。 30句意:杰克那天一共买_张票。由短文短文可知他一共买了四张票,A 四,B 三,C 二,故选 A。 31句意:杰克有很多朋友吗?由短文Jack answered, No, I have no friends here.可知杰克没有朋友,因此应作否定回答,结合选项 B

    24、 符合题意,故选 B。 32句意:那个大男孩是一个_。由短文推测那个男孩应是电影院工作人员,结合选项 B 符合题意,故选B。 【点睛】 33T 34F 35F 36F 37F 【分析】本篇文章介绍了迈克和刘涛上个星期天的活动。 33句意:迈克在下午看电视。根据文章 They watched TV after lunch.得知迈克在午饭后看电视。句意与原文意思符合,故答案为 T。 34句意:迈克和刘涛在动物园里去钓鱼。根据文章 At about ten oclock, they went to Chengnan Park on foot. And they fished there.得知他们去的

    25、是城南公园。然后在那钓鱼。句意与原文意思不相符合,故答案为 F。 35句意:他们骑自行车去公园。根据文章 At about ten oclock, they went to Chengnan Park on foot. 得知他们是步行去的公园。句意与原文意思不相符合,故答案为 F。 36句意:这天下午他们也踢足球。根据文章 At about 4 oclock in the afternoon, they played table tennis.得知他们打乒乓球。句意与原文意思不相符合,故答案为 F。 37句意:迈克的妈妈做的午饭。根据文章 They cooked lunch at about

    26、12 oclock and it was very nice. 得知是迈克和刘涛做的午饭。句意与原文意思不相符合,故答案为 F。 【点睛】 38范文: I had a happy and busy weekend last week. On Saturday, I went to the park with my parents. I played football with my father in the park. I flew a kite with my mother. I was tired, but I was happy. On Sunday, I visited my gra

    27、ndmother with my mother. I helped my grandmother wash the clothes. I cleaned her rooms. This was last weekend. 【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求用第一人称单数来介绍自己的上个周末。然后再阐述在上个周末做的事情。注意文章为一般过去时态并要符合单词数量要求。 2. 参考词汇与句型: 参考单词:happy 高兴的;busy 忙碌的;weekend 周末;park 公园;played football 踢足球;flew a kite 放风筝;visited my grandmother 看望我的祖母;wash the clothes 洗衣服;cleaned her rooms 打扫房间; 参考句型:I had .;On Saturday, I went to.; I played football.;And there is.;I flew a kite.;I was.;On Sunday, I visited.; I helped.; I cleaned.;


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