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    1、 2021-2022 学年广东省清远市清新区三校七年级学年广东省清远市清新区三校七年级上期中英语试卷上期中英语试卷 一、语法选择(共一、语法选择(共 10 分)分) 1(10 分) Liu Ying is a nice girl. (1) is twelve years old.She is tall and (2) long black hair.Her(3) are big.She has(4) wide mouth.She is(5) a blue skirt.She (6) blue best.Now guess,whose is this blue skirt?Yes,you are

    2、 right.The blue skirt is (7) .Liu Yings mom is tall .She is (8) Chinese teacher.Her favorite color (9) white.She has a new white car.It is very nice.Do you want(10) a new car? (1)A.Her B.She C.Hers D.He (2)A.having B.haves C.have D.has (3)A.eye B.eyes C.ear D.nose (4)A.an B.the C.a D. / (5)A.in B.on

    3、 C.at D.of (6)A.like B.likes C.to like D.liking (7)A.she B.hers C.her D.his (8)A.our B.we C.us D.ours (9)A.am B.are C.is D.be (10)A.buy B.buys C.buyies D.to buy 二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共 10 分)分) 2(10 分) Hello!My (1) is Lucy.I am an English girl and I am 10 (2) old.I am a (3) .I am in(4) Two,Grade Seven.I am

    4、at school now.(5) !This is my school.At school,I(6) a good friend.He is a Chinese boy. (7) name is Li Lei.I have five (8) .I like Miss Sun best.She is a very (9) teacher.She can (10) English well. (1)A.family B.class C.name D.grade (2)A.months B.years C.days D.year (3)A.boy B.girl C.teacher D.studen

    5、t (4)A.School B.Family C.Class D.Home (5)A.Go B.Listen C.See D.Look (6)A.spell B.do C.have D.help (7)A.His B.Her C.My D.Your (8)A.classmates B.students C.sisters D.teachers (9)A.big B.bad C.good D.small (10)A.tell B.speak C.talk D.say 三、阅读理解(本大题有三、阅读理解(本大题有 15 小题,共小题,共 30 分)分) 3 (10 分) Name: Julia N

    6、ame: Paul Name: Linda From: Cuba From: England From: Canada Look: long hair,round face,big eyes Look: short blond hair,long face,small blue eyes Look: long red hair,round face,big brown eyes Clothes: green dress ,white shoes Clothes: yellow jacket,blue pants,brown shoes Clothes: white dress,brown sh

    7、oes QQ number: 3746360 QQ number: 7364851 QQ number: 51053867 Tel: 543752 Tel: 874599 Tel: 4358390 (1)Julia is from . A.England B.Cuba C.China D.Canada (2)Paul has . A.big eyes B.a round face C.long hair D.small eyes (3)Linda has hair . A.short red B.short blond C.long red D.long brown (4)Paul is in

    8、 . A.white shoes B.yellow pants C.brown pants D.brown shoes (5)Lindas QQ number is . A.51053867 B.543752 C.7364851 D.51053876 4 (10 分)Hello,I am Li Hong.I am 13 years old.Im a middle school student.Im in Guangdong,China.My telephone number is 6351208. David is my friend.He is an English boy.Hes 12 a

    9、nd he is my pen friend.His telephone is black and his telephone number is 7439506.My good friend at school is Hu Ming.He is 13,too.He is a good boy.His telephone is blue and his telephone number is 6352317.Miss Peng is my English teacher.She is a good teacher.She has a new red car.I think it is so c

    10、ool . (1)How old is Li Hong? A.12 B.13 C.14 D.15 (2)Where is David from? A.England B.the USA C.America D.China (3)How many friends does Li Hong have? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Five. (4)The underline(下划线)word It refer to (指代) . A.the friend B.the telephone C.the school D.the car (5)This passage is mai

    11、nly about(关于) . A.a middle school B.Li Hongs friend C.telephone number D.Li Hongs friends and teacher 5 (10 分)左栏是对五位学生的个人情况的描述,右栏是七则寻人启事的信息。请为左栏的每一位学生选择与之相匹配的信息。 (1) My name is Annie.Im from England.I am eleven.Im tall with black hair.I have two big eyes. (2) I am Jane.Im from the USA.Im twelve.I ha

    12、ve a round face and two big eyes.Im short and thin. (3) My name is Amy.Im an English girl.Im in Grade Seven.Im twelve.I have a round face and long black hair. (4) My name is Yukio.Im from Japan.Im thirteen.Im short and fat. (5) My name is Mike.I come from Canada.Im very tall with yellow hair.Im thir

    13、teen. A.Boy Missing,13 years old.He is very tall with yellow hair. B.Girl Missing,an American girl,12 years old.She is short and thin. C.Boy Missing, 14 years old.He is very heavy. D.Girl Missing,an English girl,12 years old.She has a round face and long black hair. E.Girl Missing,an English girl,11

    14、 years old.She is tall with black hair. F.Girl Missing,a Chinese girl,11 years old.She is tall with black hair. G.Boy Missing,13 years old.He is short and fat. 四、短文填空(本大题有四、短文填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 15 分)分) 6 (15 分) Im Jenny Green.Jenny is my given name and Green is my (1) name.Im (2) the

    15、 UK.I am(3) English girl. (4) I am in China now.My favorite(5) is pink.My student ID(6) is 6753965.I (7) a good friend.(8) name is John.We are in the(9) school.We all like English very(10) . 五、读写综合(本大题分为五、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B 部分,共部分,共 25 分)分) 7 (10 分)回答问题。阅读下面这篇短文,回答下列问题。 Michael is thirteen years old.He

    16、is a student in Guangya Junior High School.He is in Class 2, Grade 7.He is from England.He has a round face,big ears and big blue eyes.Now he is in a yellow Tshirt. Bob is his friend, but they look different.Bobs face is small.He has small black eyes and a small nose.His mouth is wide,but his ears a

    17、re small.He likes white.Look!He is in a white Tshirt and blue pants.He is thirteen,too.Jenny is their Chinese teacher.They often talk in Chinese after school. (1)Where is Michael from? (2)What color is Michaels Tshirt? (3)How old is Bob ? (4)Do Michael and Bob look the same ? (5)Who is their Chinese

    18、 teacher? 8 (15 分)假设你有一个名叫 Jane 的朋友,请你根据下面提示的内容介绍一下她。 内容包括: 1.12 岁; 2.是光明初级中学(Guangming Junior High School)七年级(6)班的学生; 3.来自美国,但现在住在中国; 4.像她妈妈,圆圆的脸蛋,小小的嘴巴,大大的眼睛,留着棕色长发; 5.穿黄色 Tshirt ,蓝色裤子 ,白色鞋子; 6.你们在同一个年级,但是在不同班级。你们是好朋友,每天过得很开心。 要求:70 个词左右。意思连贯,符合逻辑 ,可适当增加内容。 参考答案详解参考答案详解 一、语法选择(共一、语法选择(共 10 分)分) 1

    19、(10 分)Liu Ying is a nice girl. (1) B is twelve years old.She is tall and (2) D long black hair.Her(3) B are big.She has (4) C wide mouth.She is (5) A a blue skirt.She (6) B blue best.Now guess,whose is this blue skirt?Yes,you are right.The blue skirt is (7) B .Liu Yings mom is tall .She is (8) A Chi

    20、nese teacher.Her favorite color(9) C white.She has a new white car.It is very nice.Do you want(10) D a new car? (1)A.Her B.She C.Hers D.He (2)A.having B.haves C.have D.has (3)A.eye B.eyes C.ear D.nose (4)A.an B.the C.a D. / (5)A.in B.on C.at D.of (6)A.like B.likes C.to like D.liking (7)A.she B.hers

    21、C.her D.his (8)A.our B.we C.us D.ours (9)A.am B.are C.is D.be (10)A.buy B.buys C.buyies D.to buy 【分析】文章主要介绍了刘莹的个人情况。 【解答】 (1)代词辨析。A 她的;B 她;C 她的;D 他;结合上文Liu Ying is a nice girl.(刘莹是一个好女孩。 )可知,应填入指代女生的人称代词主格 she。句意,她 12 岁。故选:B。 (2)动词辨析。A 动名词;B 错误;C 动词原形;D 动词的三单形式;分析本句结构可知,空处应填入与 is 并列形式的谓语动词, she 为第三人

    22、称单数, 所以用 has。 句意, 她很高, 有着长长的黑头发。 故选:D。 (3)名词辨析。A 眼睛(单数) ;B 眼睛(复数) ;C 耳朵;D 鼻子;由空后 are 可知,应填入可数名词复数 eyes,表示两只眼睛。句意,她眼睛很大。故选:B。 (4)冠词辨析。A 一个(元音音素开头的单词) ;B 定冠词;C 一个(辅音音素开头的单词) ;D 不填;空后 wide 为辅音音素开头的单词,所以用不定冠词 a 修饰。句意,她有着一张大嘴。故选:C。 (5)介词辨析。A 里面;B 上面;C 在;D 的;in+颜色常指穿什么颜色的服装。句意,她穿着一条蓝色的短裙。故选:A。 (6)动词辨析。A 动

    23、词原形;B 动词的三单形式;C 动词不定式;D 动名词;本句为一般现在时,主语She 为第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用 likes。句意,她最喜欢蓝色。故选:B。 (7)代词辨析。A 她;B 她的;C 她的;D 他的;分析句式结构可知,空处应填入名词性物主代词 hers,与 is 构成系表结构。句意,蓝色的短裙是她的。故选:B。 (8)代词辨析。A 我们的;B 我们;C 我们;D 我们的;应填入形容词性物主代词 our,修饰空后名词短语。句意,她是一名中文老师。故选:A。 (9)be 动词辨析。A 主语为 I 时的 be 动词形式;B be 动词的复数形式;C be 动词的三单形式;D be动词

    24、原形;本句为一般现在时,主语 Her favorite color 为第三人称单数,所以 be 动词用 is。句意,她最喜欢的颜色是白色。故选:C。 (10)不定式辨析。A 动词原形;B 动词三单形式;C 错误;D 不定式;want to do sth.想要做某事。句意,你想买辆新车吗?故选:D。 二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共 10 分)分) 2 (10 分)Hello!My(1) C is Lucy.I am an English girl and I am 10(2) B old.I am a (3) D .I am in(4) C Two,Grade Seven.I am at sc

    25、hool now.(5) D !This is my school.At school,I(6) C a good friend.He is a Chinese boy.(7) A name is Li Lei.I have five(8) D .I like Miss Sun best.She is a very (9) C teacher.She can (10) B English well. (1)A.family B.class C.name D.grade (2)A.months B.years C.days D.year (3)A.boy B.girl C.teacher D.s

    26、tudent (4)A.School B.Family C.Class D.Home (5)A.Go B.Listen C.See D.Look (6)A.spell B.do C.have D.help (7)A.His B.Her C.My D.Your (8)A.classmates B.students C.sisters D.teachers (9)A.big B.bad C.good D.small (10)A.tell B.speak C.talk D.say 【分析】本文主要介绍了我的年龄,所在班级,我的学校,我的朋友和老师的情况。 【解答】 (1)名词辨析。A.family

    27、家庭;B.class 班级;C.name 名字;D.grade 年级。根据后面的词语是Lucy,可知,我的名字叫 Lucy。故答案为:C。 (2)名词辨析。A.months 月;B.years 年;C.days 天;D.years 年。根据空格前面的词语是 10,可知要用复数名词来填空。数词+years old 表示.岁,故答案为:B。 (3)名词辨析。A.boy 男孩;B.girl 女孩;C.teacher 老师;D.student 学生。根据下文的 I am at school now.(现在我在学校里。 )可知我是一个学生。故答案为:D。 (4)名词辨析。A.School 学校;B.Fa

    28、mily 家庭 C.Class 班级;D.Home 家。根据句子后面的词语是 Grade Seven(七年级)可知,我在七年级二班。故答案为:C。 (5)动词辨析。A.Go 去;B.Listen 听;C.See 看见;D.Look 看。根据下一句 This is my school.(这是我的学校)可知,看!这是我的学校。故答案为:D。 (6)动词辨析。A.spell 拼写;B.do 做;C.have 有;D.help 帮助。根据 I(6)_ a good friend.(我有一个好朋友)可知,have 符合语境。故答案为:C。 (7)代词辨析。A.His 他的;B.Her 她的;C.My 我

    29、的;D.Your 你的。根据上一句的 He,可知,他的名字叫 Li Lei。故答案为:A。 (8)名词辨析。A.classmates 教室;B.students 学生;C.sisters 姐姐;D.teachers 老师。根据 I like Miss Sun best.(我最喜欢 Miss Sun。 )可知,我有五个老师。故答案为:D。 (9) 形容词辨析。 A.big 大的; B.bad 坏的; C.good 好的; D.small 小的。 根据 She is a very (9) _teacher.(她是一个很好的老师。 )可知,她是一个很好的老师。故答案为:C。 (10) 动词辨析。 A

    30、.tell 告诉; B.speak 说;C.talk 谈论; D.say 说。根据空格后面的词语是 English,可知,要用 speak 来填空,speak 指的是说某种语言。故答案为:B。 三、阅读理解(本大题有三、阅读理解(本大题有 15 小题,共小题,共 30 分)分) 3 (10 分) Name: Julia Name: Paul Name: Linda From: Cuba From: England From: Canada Look: long hair,round face,big eyes Look: short blond hair,long face,small blu

    31、e eyes Look: long red hair,round face,big brown eyes Clothes: green dress ,white shoes Clothes: yellow jacket,blue pants,brown shoes Clothes: white dress,brown shoes QQ number: 3746360 QQ number: 7364851 QQ number: 51053867 Tel: 543752 Tel: 874599 Tel: 4358390 (1)Julia is from B . A.England B.Cuba C

    32、.China D.Canada (2)Paul has D . A.big eyes B.a round face C.long hair D.small eyes (3)Linda has C hair . A.short red B.short blond C.long red D.long brown (4)Paul is in D . A.white shoes B.yellow pants C.brown pants D.brown shoes (5)Lindas QQ number is A . A.51053867 B.543752 C.7364851 D.51053876 【分

    33、析】本文介绍了三个人的个人信息。 【解答】 (1)细节理解题。根据 Julia Cuba(朱莉娅,古巴)可知她来自古巴。故选:B。 (2)细节理解题。根据 short blond hair,long face,small blue eyes(金色短发,长脸,蓝色小眼睛)可知保罗长着小眼睛。故选:D。 (3)细节理解题。根据 long red hair,round face,big brown eyes(红色长发,圆脸,棕色大眼睛)可知琳达长着红色长发。故选:C。 (4)细节理解题。根据 yellow jacket,blue pants,brown shoes(黄色夹克,蓝色裤子,棕色鞋子)可知

    34、保罗穿着棕色鞋子。故选:D。 (5)细节理解题。根据 QQ number 51053867,可知琳达的 QQ 号码是 51053867。故选:A。 4 (10 分)Hello,I am Li Hong.I am 13 years old.Im a middle school student.Im in Guangdong,China.My telephone number is 6351208. David is my friend.He is an English boy.Hes 12 and he is my pen friend.His telephone is black and hi

    35、s telephone number is 7439506.My good friend at school is Hu Ming.He is 13,too.He is a good boy.His telephone is blue and his telephone number is 6352317.Miss Peng is my English teacher.She is a good teacher.She has a new red car.I think it is so cool . (1)How old is Li Hong? B A.12 B.13 C.14 D.15 (

    36、2)Where is David from? A A.England B.the USA C.America D.China (3)How many friends does Li Hong have? B A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Five. (4)The underline(下划线)word It refer to (指代) D . A.the friend B.the telephone C.the school D.the car (5)This passage is mainly about(关于) D . A.a middle school B.Li Hon

    37、gs friend C.telephone number D.Li Hongs friends and teacher 【分析】本文主要介绍了 Li Hong 的两个朋友和老师的情况。 【解答】 (1)细节理解题。根据 I am 13 years old.(我 13 岁了)可知,Li Hong13 岁了。故答案为:B。 (2)细节理解题。根据 He is an English boy.(他是一个英国男孩)可知,David 来自英国。故答案为:A。 (3) 细节理解题。 根据 David is my friend. (David 是我的朋友。 ) 以及 My good friend at sch

    38、ool is Hu Ming.(我在学校里的好朋友是 Hu Ming)可知,我有两个朋友。故答案为:B。 (4)细节理解题。根据 She has a new red car.I think it is so cool .(她有一辆红色的车。我认为它很酷。 )可知,it 指的是车。故答案为:D。 (5)细节理解题。本文主要介绍了 Li Hong 的两个朋友和老师的情况。故答案为:D。 5 (10 分)左栏是对五位学生的个人情况的描述,右栏是七则寻人启事的信息。请为左栏的每一位学生选择与之相匹配的信息。 (1) F My name is Annie.Im from England.I am ele

    39、ven.Im tall with black hair.I have two big eyes. (2) B I am Jane.Im from the USA.Im twelve.I have a round face and two big eyes.Im short and thin. (3) D My name is Amy.Im an English girl.Im in Grade Seven.Im twelve.I have a round face and long black hair. (4) G My name is Yukio.Im from Japan.Im thir

    40、teen.Im short and fat. (5) A My name is Mike.I come from Canada.Im very tall with yellow hair.Im thirteen. A.Boy Missing,13 years old.He is very tall with yellow hair. B.Girl Missing,an American girl,12 years old.She is short and thin. C.Boy Missing, 14 years old.He is very heavy. D.Girl Missing,an

    41、English girl,12 years old.She has a round face and long black hair. E.Girl Missing,an English girl,11 years old.She is tall with black hair. F.Girl Missing,a Chinese girl,11 years old.She is tall with black hair. G.Boy Missing,13 years old.He is short and fat. 【分析】左栏是对五位学生的个人情况的描述,右栏是七则寻人启事的信息。 【解答】

    42、 (1)根据 My name is Annie.Im from England.I am eleven.Im tall with black hair.I have two big eyes.(我叫安妮。 我来自英国。 我十一岁了。 我很高, 有一头黑发。 我有两只大眼睛。 ) 可知与 F.Girl Missing,a Chinese girl,11 years old.She is tall with black hair.(F、女孩失踪,一个中国女孩,11 岁。她高高的,有一头黑发。 )相吻合,故选 F。 (2)根据 I am Jane.Im from the USA.Im twelve.

    43、I have a round face and two big eyes.Im short and thin.(我是简。我来自美国,我十二岁。我有一张圆脸和两只大眼睛。我又矮又瘦。 )可知与 B.Girl Missing,an American girl, 12 years old.She is short and thin. (B、 失踪女孩, 美国女孩, 12 岁。 她又矮又瘦。 ) 相吻合,故选 B。 (3)根据 My name is Amy.Im an English girl.Im in Grade Seven.Im twelve.I have a round face and lo

    44、ng black hair.(我的名字是艾米。我是一个英国女孩。我在七年级。我十二岁了。我有一张圆脸和一头长长的黑发。 )可知与 D.Girl Missing,an English girl,12 years old.She has a round face and long black hair.(女孩失踪,一个英国女孩,12 岁。她有一张圆脸和一头长长的黑发。 )相吻合,故选 D。 (4)根据 My name is Yukio.Im from Japan.Im thirteen.Im short and fat.(我叫 Yukio。我来自日本。我十三岁。我又矮又胖。 )可知与 G.Boy

    45、Missing,13 years old.He is short and fat.(男孩失踪,13 岁。他又矮又胖。 )相吻合,故选 G。 (5) 根据My name is Mike.I come from Canada.Im very tall with yellow hair.Im thirteen. (我的名字是迈克。我来自加拿大。 我很高, 黄头发。 我十三岁。 ) 可知与 A.Boy Missing, 13 years old.He is very tall with yellow hair.( 男孩失踪,13 岁。他很高,有一头黄头发。 )相吻合,故选 A。 四、短文填空(本大题有

    46、四、短文填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 15 分)分) 6 (15 分) Im Jenny Green.Jenny is my given name and Green is my (1) last name.Im (2) from the UK.I am(3) an English girl. (4) But I am in China now.My favorite(5) color is pink.My student ID(6) card is 6753965.I (7) have a good friend.(8) His name is Joh

    47、n.We are in the(9) same school.We all like English very(10) much . 【分析】短文主要是珍妮格林做的自我介绍和介绍的她的朋友约翰。 【解答】 (1)考查形容词。句意:珍妮是我的名,格林是我的姓。last name 姓,故填 last。 (2)考查介词。句意:我来自英国。be from 来自,故填 from。 (3)考查冠词。句意:我是一个英国女孩。an 用在元音音素开头的单词前,故填 an。 (4)考查连词。句意:但是我现在在中国。but 但是,表示转折,故填 But。 (5)考查名词。句意:我最喜欢的颜色是粉红色。color 颜

    48、色,故填 color。 (6)考查名词。句意:我的学生证是 6753965。ID card 学生证,is 要求主语是单数,故填 card。 (7)考查动词。句意:我有一个好朋友。have 有,一般现在时,I 做主语,动词要用原形,故填 have。 (8)考查代词。句意:他的名字叫约翰。his 物主代词,修饰后面的名词 name,故填 His。 (9)考查形容词。句意:我们在同一所学校。the same.相同的.,故填 same。 (10)考查副词。句意:我们都非常喜欢英语。very much 非常,故填 much。 五、读写综合(本大题分为五、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B 部分,共部分,共 2

    49、5 分)分) 7 (10 分)回答问题。阅读下面这篇短文,回答下列问题。 Michael is thirteen years old.He is a student in Guangya Junior High School.He is in Class 2, Grade 7.He is from England.He has a round face,big ears and big blue eyes.Now he is in a yellow Tshirt. Bob is his friend, but they look different.Bobs face is small.He

    50、has small black eyes and a small nose.His mouth is wide,but his ears are small.He likes white.Look!He is in a white Tshirt and blue pants.He is thirteen, too.Jenny is their Chinese teacher.They often talk in Chinese after school. (1)Where is Michael from? He is from England. (2)What color is Michael


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