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    1、 英美文学选读试题答案及评分参考第 1 页(共 3 页) 绝密启用前 2022 年 10 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英美文学选读英美文学选读试试题题答案及评分答案及评分参考参考 (课程代码 00604) 一、单项选择题: :本大题共 40 小题,每小题 1 分,共 40 分。 1D 2D 3C 4B 5A 6C 7A 8B 9C 10B 11A 12B 13D 14D 15D 16C 17A 18C 19A 20C 21B 22D 23A 24D 25B 26A 27C 28B 29A 30A 31C 32A 33B 34C 35B 36C 37D 38A 39B 40A 二、阅读理

    2、解题: :本大题共 4 小题,每小题 4 分,共 16 分。 41. A. Daniel Defoe; Robinson Crusoe. (2 分) B. Robinson Crusoe. (1 分) C. The writer describes the first days when Robinson is cast onto the shore of an island. (1 分) 42. A. T. S. Eliot. (1 分) B. Prufrock. (1 分) C. The Waste Land. (2 分) 43. A. Mark Twain; Adventures of

    3、Huckleberry Finn. (2 分) B. Whether or not he should write a letter to tell Miss Watson where Jim is. (1 分) C. Jim is Miss Watsons runaway slave. (1 分) 44. A. Robert Lee Frost; “After Apple-Picking”. (2 分) B. It means gray or white. (1 分) C. A religious question. (1 分) 英美文学选读试题答案及评分参考第 2 页(共 3 页) 三、简

    4、答题: :本大题共 4 小题,每小题 6 分,共 24 分。 45. The traditional theme of the play is to praise the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, (1 分) to idealize Portia as a heroine of great beauty, wit and loyalty, (1 分) and to expose the greed and brutality of the Jew. (1 分) Many people today tend to regard the pl

    5、ay as a satire of the Christians hypocrisy and their false standards of friendship and love, (1 分) their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness (1 分)and their prejudice against Jews. (1 分) 46. The physical settings are sometimes a mixture of the contemporary and the recollected past, the stories, thou

    6、gh usually double- or multiple-plotted, are much better structured, (1 分) and the institutions are important not only in themselves but as metaphors for a repressive social psychology. (2 分) The attack now becomes more urgent and passionate, and this urgency creates novels of great compactness and c

    7、oncentration. (1 分) As Dickens “explores more bleakly a bleaker world,” there are fewer jokes and the comedy becomes harsher. (1 分) The happy ending is there no more. (1 分) 47. Skillful handing of conventions, (1 分) force of language, (1 分) the development of a rhetorical plan (1 分) in which meter,

    8、rhyme, scheme, imagery and argument (1 分) should all be combined to frame the emotional theme (1 分) and throw it into high relief. (1 分) 48. By using simple spoken language and conversational rhythms, Frost achieved an effortless grace in his style. (1 分) He combined traditional verse forms with a c

    9、lear American local speech rhythm, the speech of New England farmers. (2 分) In verse form he was assorted; (1 分) he wrote in both the metrical forms and the free verse, and sometimes he wrote in a form that borrows freely from the merits of both. (2 分) 四、论述题: :本大题共 2 小题,每小题 10 分,共 20 分。 49. Shelley

    10、eulogized the powerful west wind and expressed his eagerness to enjoy the boundless freedom from the reality. (1 分) He gathered in this poem a wealth of symbolism, employed a structural art and his powers of metrical orchestration at their mightiest. (2 分) The autumn wind, burying the dead year, pre

    11、paring for a new Spring, becomes an image of Shelly himself. (2 分) The whole poem has a logic of feeling, a not easily analyzable progression that leads to the triumphant, hopeful and convincing conclusion: “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” (2 分) The nervous thrill of Shellys response to

    12、nature however is here transformed through the power of art and imagination into a longing to be united with a force at once physical and prophetic. (1 分) Shelleys ode is an invocation to a primitive deity, a plea to exalt him and to trumpet the radical prophecy of hope and rebirth. (2 分) 英美文学选读试题答案

    13、及评分参考第 3 页(共 3 页) 50. Young Goodman Brown is one of Nathaniel Hawthornes most profound tales. In the manner of its concern with guilt and evil, it exemplifies what Melville called the “power of blackness” in Hawthornes work. (1 分) The hero, a naive young man who accepts both society in general and h

    14、is fellow men as individuals worth his regard, is confronted with the vision of human evil in one night, and becomes distrustful and doubtful. (2 分) Allegorically, our protagonist becomes an Everyman named Brown, a “young” man, who will be aged in one night by an adventure that makes everyone a fall

    15、en idol. (2 分) According to Hawthorne, there is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity. (2分) A piece of literary work should “show how we are all wronged and wrongers, and avenge one another.” (1 分) In“Young Goodman Brown”, he sets out to prove that everyone possesses evil secret. (1 分) The “birthmark” drives home symbolically Hawthornes point that evil is mans birthmark, something he is born with. (1 分)


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