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    1、摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇绝密 绎 考试结束前2022 年 10 月高等教育自学考试基基础英语试题课程代码:00088摇 摇 1. 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。摇 摇 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。选择题部分注意事项:摇 摇每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 不能答在试题卷上。一、词汇应用和语法结构:本大题共 30 小题,每小题

    2、1 分,共 30 分。(一)词汇应用(15 分)选择最佳答案完成句子,请将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。 错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。1. How could John get himself into such a 摇 摇 摇 ?A. compareB. comparisonC. messyD. mess2. Credit card and online payment 摇 摇 摇the need to carry a lot of cash.A. eliminateB. grantC. possessD. unfold3. This island is 摇 摇 摇populated t

    3、hough life is not so convenient.A. apparentlyB. absolutelyC. denselyD. hopefully4. To our surprise, the twins do not look 摇 摇 摇 .A. alikeB. unlikeC. likelyD. like5. In 50 minutes, the train will 摇 摇 摇the small town.A. stopB. reachC. arriveD. due6. The village was used as the 摇 摇 摇for the famous movi

    4、e.A. highwayB. locationC. packageD. tourism7. The 摇 摇 摇of the book is to provide comprehensive guide to the university.A. drawbackB. transportationC. routeD. purpose8. The bank has extended over 1. 2 million in 摇 摇 摇to the company.A. depositB. moneyC. financeD. loan浙 00088# 基础英语试题 第 1 页(共 8 页)9. The

    5、y 摇 摇 摇to view that they should take no action at the moment.A. likelyB. inclineC. putD. report10. If his plan failed, he could offer them money in 摇 摇 摇for his own freedom.A. shockB. tradeC. exchangeD. account11. He is not taking the train. At 摇 摇 摇this is what he told me last week.A. mostB. leastC

    6、. lastD. length12. The meeting is coming to an end. Would anyone like to 摇 摇 摇anything to what I蒺ve said?A. tryB. forceC. addD. persuade13. The shirts you delivered do not 摇 摇 摇the sample we provided.A. matchB. combineC. workD. communicate14. His handwriting is not bad, but it蒺s hardly 摇 摇 摇with you

    7、rs.A. comparableB. beneficialC. automaticD. decent15. The factory turns out a large 摇 摇 摇of paper products.A. qualityB. quantityC. formD. abundance(二)语法结构(15 分)选择最佳答案完成句子,请将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。 错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。16. The man 摇 摇 摇have a walk along the river after work when he was young.A. used toB. is used

    8、toC. willD. would be17. He left home quite early for the appointment. He 摇 摇 摇be late for it.A. canB. can蒺tC. willD. needn蒺t18. It is going to rain 摇 摇 摇an hour.A. inB. beforeC. atD. over19. It was so late 摇 摇 摇I had to stop reading.A. thatB. becauseC. forD. which20. He would try 摇 摇 摇he failed anot

    9、her time.A. even ifB. howeverC. thusD. no matter how21. No fishing is allowed 摇 摇 摇a twenty mile limit.A. outsideB. insideC. withoutD. within22. The work is really 摇 摇 摇 .A. tireB. tiringC. tiredD. to tire23. I keep the window open 摇 摇 摇it蒺s really cold.A. whenB. sinceC. in caseD. unless浙 00088# 基础英

    10、语试题 第 2 页(共 8 页)24. There were few applicants for the job 摇 摇 摇the wage was too low.A. butB. althoughC. asD. so25. The lack of food made 摇 摇 摇hard for him to survive.A. themB. thatC. itD. this26. 摇 摇 摇more time, he would succeed.A. GivingB. GivenC. GiveD. Gave27. He welcomes us to the house as if he

    11、 摇 摇 摇the owner.A. isB. beC. wereD. being28. Nobody knows 摇 摇 摇the meeting will be held.A. whereB. in whichC. aboutD. for29. He had to quit his job 摇 摇 摇 his son蒺s illness.A. becauseB. because ofC. thoughD. even though30. I got to know the couple ten years ago. They 摇 摇 摇married for three years by t

    12、hat time.A. had beenB. have beenC. gotD. were二、判断选择:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。下面句子中有 A,B,C,D 四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,无需改正,将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。 错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。31. I have got the toothacheAandBI need toCgo to a doctorD.32. A decisionAwillBbe makeCafter careful considerationD.33. Don蒺t worry atAyour grandma蒺sBi

    13、llness. She willCbe all rightDsoon.34. I wish I hadn蒺t seenAthe movieB. It wasCa waste of timesD.35. By contrastA, in 1976, more thanB700,000 American workers areCinvolved inDthe production ofautomobiles.36. They care not onlyAabout theBquality of goods, but alsoCthe cost of makeDthem.37. You are mo

    14、reAlikely toBmake mistakesCwhen you are not carefullyD.38. My university is only two milesAfromBthe train station, butCI always ride a bikeDthere.39. KnowAthe reasons behindBdecisions to runCbusiness makes a better managerD.40. He does notAknow what doBnext when hearingCthe complaintsD.浙 00088# 基础英语

    15、试题 第 3 页(共 8 页)三、完型填空:本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分。选择最佳答案完成句子,请将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。 错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。摇 摇 In Venice, it is not uncommon to see tourists carry suitcases through waist鄄high water, or sit attables in Piazza San Marco in their swimsuits. Pictures of Venice in the most dramatic flooding arereally

    16、摇 41摇 .We are used to thinking of Venice as a city in 摇 42摇 ,a glorious relic (古迹) of humancreativity that is about to 摇 43摇any day and suddenly the end looks closer. However, as climatechange makes extreme weather more 摇 44摇 , Venice looks less like a 摇 45摇of the sea and morelike an old survivor th

    17、at can teach the rest of the world how to live with water.People barely notice how 摇 46摇the art treasures of Venice are kept on the upper floors ofpalaces and museums, even on a dry summer day. It is also 摇 47摇to worry about all the art inchurches because no other city has such a sharp 摇 48摇of prote

    18、cting itself from water.In their art, the people of Venice are as happy on water as on 摇 49摇 . Vittore Carpaccio蒺spainting Hunting on the Lagoon shows young Venetians standing easily 摇 50摇in low鄄sided boats toshoot arrows at water birds. In a Gentile Bellini蒺s painting, priest swim in the canal sear

    19、ching for alost relic. Titian portrays a woman bathing in open water in his painting. Hunting and fishing,swimming and bathing, Venetians always know how to 摇 51摇water.The palaces built in Venice are also good examples of the prevention of 摇 52摇 . Each has itsliving spaces on upper floors, often wit

    20、h a courtyard on the ground floor that 摇 53摇water instantly.The danger of Venice is real and this treasury of civilization does need protecting. But it is notall bad news. Or 摇 54摇 ,as the news gets worse for the entire planet, Venice has some lessons toteach about how to 摇 55摇the sea.41. A. alarmin

    21、gB. wonderfulC. positiveD. reasonable42. A. luxuryB. desperationC. funD. danger43. A. flowB. shiftC. sinkD. blow44. A. basicB. frequentC. predictableD. demanding45. A. victorB. victimC. contributorD. loser46. A. willinglyB. plentifullyC. smartlyD. loyally47. A. needlessB. necessaryC. tastelessD. sim

    22、ilar48. A. brainB. enduranceC. contrastD. awareness49. A. seaB. continentC. landD. soil50. A. reservedB. boredC. preservedD. balanced浙 00088# 基础英语试题 第 4 页(共 8 页)51. A. enjoyB. highlightC. protectD. survive52. A. floodB. fireC. riskD. resource53. A. containsB. drainsC. storesD. rejects54. A. contrari

    23、lyB. consequentlyC. moreoverD. rather55. A. care forB. hold upC. live withD. sail on四、阅读理解:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分。本部分有两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题,每个问题有四个选项,请选择一个最佳答案,将其选出并将答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。 错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。Passage 1摇 摇 People have been talking about health for a long time because people know the importance of it.Pe

    24、ople蒺s understanding of health also becomes deeper with the progress in scientific research.Recently the term “health冶 has come to have a wider meaning than it used to. It no longer meansjust the absence of illness. Today, health means the well鄄being of your body, your mind and yourrelationship with

    25、 other people. This new concept of health is closely related to another term quality of life. Quality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life.Why has the emphasis of health shifted from the absence of disease to a broader focus on thequality of a person蒺s life? One

    26、 reason for this has to do with the length and conditions of life thatpeople can now expect. Medical advances have made it possible for people today to live longer,healthier lives. Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900. You could have expectedon average to live until about the age

    27、 of 47. In contrast, if you were born in the year 1999, youcould expect to live to the age of 75.56. 摇 摇 摇 leads to people蒺s deeper understanding of health.A. Common knowledgeB. Progress in scientific researchC. Better conditions of livingD. Quality of life57. According to the passage, to people of

    28、today, health means摇 摇 摇 .A. absence of illnessB. a long lifeC. good conditions of livingD. overall satisfaction with life58. The emphasis of health has shifted nowadays because摇 摇 摇 .A. people enjoy better conditions of living and they can live longerB. people pay more attention to their physical h

    29、ealth, not their mental healthC. people have realized the importance of mental well鄄beingD. people are inspired by medical advances浙 00088# 基础英语试题 第 5 页(共 8 页)59. We can infer from the passage摇 摇 摇 .A. nowadays the emphasis of health has a broader focus because of improvements in the qualityof foodB

    30、. the overall quality of people蒺s lives improved greatly in the 20th centuryC. those who never fall ill are the truly healthy peopleD. those who were born before 1900 could not have lived until now60. This passage is mainly about 摇 摇 摇 .A. different understandings of the term “health冶B. improving th

    31、e quality of lifeC. the importance of quality livingD. people蒺s expectations of a long and healthy lifePassage 2摇摇Daniel Anderson, a famous psychologist, believes it蒺s important to distinguish television蒺sinfluences on children from those of the family. We tend to blame TV, he says, for problems itd

    32、oesn蒺t really cause, overlooking our own roles in shaping children蒺s minds.One traditional belief about television is that it reduces a child蒺s ability to think and tounderstand the world. While watching TV, children do not merely absorb words and images.Instead, they learn both explicit and hidden

    33、meanings from what they see. Actually, children learnearly the psychology of characters in TV shows. Furthermore, as many teachers agree, childrenunderstand far more when parents watch TV with them, explaining new words and ideas. Yet, mostparents use an educational program as a chance to park their

    34、 kids in front of the set and dosomething in another room.Another argument against television is that it replaces reading as a form of entertainment. Butaccording to Anderson, the amount of time spent watching television is not related to reading ability.TV doesn蒺t take the place of reading for most

    35、 children; it takes the place of similar sorts ofrecreation, such as listening to the radio and playing sports.Things like parents蒺 educationalbackground have a stronger influence on a child蒺s reading.“ A child蒺s reading ability is bestpredicted by how much a parent reads. 冶 Anderson says.Traditiona

    36、l wisdom also has it that heavy television鄄watching lowers IQ scores and affects schoolperformance. But here, too, Anderson notes that no studies have proved it. In fact, researchsuggests that it蒺s the other way around. “If you蒺re smart young, you蒺ll watch less TV when you蒺reolder,冶 Anderson says. Y

    37、et, people of lower IQ tend to be lifelong television viewers.浙 00088# 基础英语试题 第 6 页(共 8 页)For years researchers have attempted to show that television is dangerous to children. However,by showing that television promotes none of the dangerous effects as conventionally believed,Anderson suggests that

    38、 television cannot be condemned without considering other influences.61. By watching TV, children learn 摇 摇 摇 .A. images through wordsB. more than explicit meaningsC. more about images than wordsD. little about people蒺s psychology62. An educational program is best watched by a child 摇 摇 摇 .A. on his

    39、 ownB. with other kidsC. with his parentsD. with his teachers63. Which of the following is most related to children蒺s reading ability?A. Radio鄄listening.B. Television鄄watching.C. Parents蒺 reading list.D. Parents蒺 educational background.64. Anderson believed that 摇 摇 摇 .A. the more a child watches TV

    40、, the smarter he isB. the younger a child is, the more he watches TVC. the smarter a child is, the less likely he gets addicted to TVD. the less a child watches TV, the better he performs at school65. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To advise on the educational use of TV.B. To describe TV

    41、蒺s harmful effects on children.C. To explain traditional views on TV influences.D. To present Anderson蒺s unconventional ideas.非选择题部分注意事项:摇 摇 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。五、单词或短语的英汉互译:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。(一)将下列词语译成中文(5 分)66. in most instances67. capital equipment浙 00088# 基础英语试题 第 7 页(共 8 页)68

    42、. industrial production69. economies of scale70. standardized containers(二)将下列词语译成英文(5 分)71. 国际贸易72. 金融中心73. 无形贸易74. 易手75. 广告媒介六、英汉句子互译:本大题共 4 小题,共 15 分。(一)将下列句子译成中文(8 分)76. It is necessary to adjust the oil prices. The adjustment will be made according to marketconditions. (4 分)77. So long as he wo

    43、rks hard, I don蒺t mind when he finishes the experiment. (4 分)(二)将下列句子译成英文 (7 分)78. 许多疾病是由缺少锻炼而致。 (3 分)79. 你在那个国家无论走到哪里,都会发现大量的物质资源。 (4 分)浙 00088# 基础英语试题 第 8 页(共 8 页)绝密绎启用前2022 年 10 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试基础英语试题答案及评分参考(课程代码摇 00088)一、词汇应用和语法结构:本大题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分。(一) 词汇应用 (15 分)1. D2. A3. C4. A5. B6.

    44、B7. D8. D9. B10. C11. B12. C13. A14. A15. B(二)语法结构 (15 分)16. A17. B18. A19. A20. A21. D22. B23. D24. C25. C26. B27. C28. A29. B30. A二、判断选择:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。31. A32. C33. A34. D35. C36. D37. D38. C39. A40. B三、完型填空:本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分。41. A42. D43. C44. B45. B46. C47. A48. D49. C50. D51

    45、. A52. A53. B54. D55. C四、阅读理解:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分。56. B57. D58. A59. B60. A61. B62. C63. D64. C65. D五、英汉互译:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。(一)将下列词语译成中文 (5 分)66. 大多数情况下67. 资本设备68. 工业生产69. 规模经济70. 标准化集装箱(二)将下列词语译成英文(5 分)71. international trade72. a financial center73. invisible trade74. change hands75

    46、. advertising media基础英语试题答案及评分参考 第 1 页(共 2 页)六、英汉句子互译:本大题共 4 小题,共 15 分。(一)将下列句子译成中文(8 分)评分标准:(1)句中意思有遗漏,大处扣 0. 5 分,小处酌情扣分;(2)翻译后意思表达有偏差,大处扣 0. 5,小处酌情扣分。参考译文:76. 调整石油的价格很有必要。 这是根据市场情况而作出的调整。 (4 分)77. 只要他努力工作,我不在乎他什么时候完成这个实验。 (4 分)(二)将下列句子译成英文(7 分)评分标准:(1) 单词拼写错误每个扣 0. 5 分, 同一单词重复拼写错误,按一次扣分算;(2) 语法或句法错误每个扣 0. 5 分;(3) 重要词汇错误扣 0. 5,其他词汇酌情扣分;(4) 原句意思有遗漏,一处扣 0. 5 分;(5) 整句错译或句子意思不明不得分。参考译文:78. Many illnesses result from lack of exercises. (3 分)79. You could find plentiful material resources wherever you go in that country. (4 分)基础英语试题答案及评分参考 第 2 页(共 2 页)


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