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    1、 人教版新目标人教版新目标 8 年级上册期末复习年级上册期末复习 【词汇专项】【词汇专项】 【目录】 Part1 词形变化梳理 Part2 重点词汇考点梳理 Part3 期末真题练习 题型一、单项选择 题型二、用所给词的适当形式填空 【附录】 词形转化测试 Part1 词形变化梳理词形变化梳理 1.few(adj)fewer(比较级)较少的fewest(最高级)最少的 2. wonder(v.&n.)wonderful (adj.)精彩的;绝妙的 3.decide(v.)decision(n.)决定;抉择 4. difference(n.)different (adj.)不同的differen

    2、tly (adv.)不同地 5.die(v.) died (过去式/过去分词)dying (现在分词)消失;灭亡;死亡 death (n.)死;死亡dead (adj.)死的;失去生命的 6. write(v.)(过去式) wrote (过去分词)written (现在分词)写作;写字 writer (n.)作者;作家 7. build(v.)built (过去式/过去分词)建造 8. diary(n.)diaries (pl.)日记 9.hungry(adj.) hunger (n.)饥饿 10.trade(v.&n.)trader (n.)商人 11. wait(v.)waiter (n.

    3、)男服务员;侍者waitress (n.)女服务员 12. hard(adv.)hardly (adv.)几乎不 13.one(num.)once (adv.)一次;曾经 14.two(num.)twice (adv.)两次;两倍 15.full(adj.)empty (adj.反义词)空的hungry (adj.反义词)饿的 16. health(n.) healthy (adj.)健康的unhealthy (adj.反义词)不健康的 17. good(adj. ) better (比较级)更好的 best (最高级)最好的 18. compete(v.)competition (n.)比赛

    4、;竞赛;竞争 19.win(v.)won (过去式/过去分词)获胜;赢;赢得winner (n.)获胜者;优胜者 20.care(v.)careful (adj.)小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的 carefully (adv.)细致地;小心地;谨慎地 21. comfort(v.&n.)comfortable (adj.)使人舒服的;舒适的uncomfortable (adj.)令人不舒适的 22.clear(adj.)clearly (adv.)清楚地;清晰地;明白地 23.talent(n.)talented (adj.)有才能的;有才干的 24. say(v.)saying (n.)谚语

    5、;格言;警句 25.close( adj./v.)closed(adj.)关闭的(反义词)open (adj./v.)开着的;打开 26.bad/badly(比较级)worse(最高级)worst 27.create( v.)creative(adj.)有创造性的 28.magic( adj.)magician (n.)魔术师 29.educate(v.) education (n.)教育 educational (adj.)有教育意义的 30.discuss(v.) 讨论,商量 discussion (n.) 讨论 31.mean(v .)meaning(n.)意思meaningful (a

    6、dj.)有意义的meaningless (adj.)无意义的 32.appear( v.)disappear (v.)消失 33.success(n .)successful(adj.)成功的successfully(adv.)成功地succeed (v.)成功 34.luck( n.)lucky(adj.)幸运地unlucky (adj.)不幸的 luckily (adv.)幸运地 35.engineer(n.) engine(n.) 发动机 engineering (n.)工程 36.violin(n.) violinist (n.)小提琴手 37.piano(n.)pianist (n.

    7、) 钢琴家 38.science(n.) scientist(n.)科学家 39.begin (v.) beginning (n.)开头,开端 (过去式)began 40.own (adj./v./pron.) owner (n.) 拥有者;物主 41.relate (v.) relationship (n.)关系 relative (n.)亲戚 42.able(adj.)ability (n.)能力;才能 disable (adj.)残疾的 43.medicine(n.)medical(adj.)医疗的;医学的 44.foreign(adj.)foreigner (n.)外国人 45.imp

    8、rove(v.) improvement (n.)改进;改善 46.main(adj.)mainly (adv.)主要地;总体上;大致 47.agree(v.)disagree (v.反义词)不赞成agreement (n.)意见一致 disagreement (n.反义词)不赞成 48.culture(n.)cultural (adj.)与文化有关的;文化的 49.week(n.)weekly(adj.&adv.)每周的(地) 50.person(n.)personal (adj.)个人的;私人的 51.move (v.)moving (adj.)感人的,移动的moved (adj.)感动的

    9、movement (n.)移动 52.act(v.) acting (n.)表演 actor (n.)男演员 actress(n.) 女演员activity (n.)活动action (n.)行动;行为active (adj.)积极的 53. Japan(n.)Japanese (n.)日本人;日语Japanese (adj.)日本的,日本人的;日语的 54. pollute(v.)pollution(n.)污染;污染物 55. believe(v.)belief (n.)相信;信赖;信仰;信条believable(adj.)可相信的;可信任的 56. probable(adj.) proba

    10、bly(adv.)很可能;大概 57.peace(n.)peaceful(adj.)和平的 58. danger(n.)dangerous (adj.)危险的;不安全的safe (adj.反义词)安全的endangered (adj.)濒危的 59. inside(adv. &prep.)outside(adv. &prep.反义词)在外面 60. possible(adj.)impossible(adj.反义词)不可能的 61.environment(n.) environmental (adj.)环境的;有关环境的 62.fall(v.) fell (过去式) fallen (过去分词/a

    11、dj.落下的)falling (现在分词) 63.little (adj.) less (比较级)比较少的 least (最高级)最少的 64.many/much(adj.) more(比较级)比较多的 most (最高级)最多的 65.simple (adj.) simply (adv.)仅仅;只 66.predict(v.) prediction (n.) 预测;预言 67. shake(v.)shaking(现在分词)shook(过去分词) 68.spoon(n.)spoonful(n.)一匙;一匙的量 69.final(adj.)finally(adv.)最后;最终 70.salt(n

    12、.)salty(adj.)咸的 71.dig(n.)dug(过去式)掘(地) ;凿(洞) ;挖(土) 72.tradition(n.)traditional (adj.)传统的 73.travel(v.)traveler(n.)旅行者travelled/traveled(过去式) 74.England(n.)English (adj./n.)英国的;英语 75.celebrate(v.)celebration(n.)庆祝 76.fill(v.)filling(n.)填充物 full (adj.)满的;饱的 77.die(v.)death(n.)死亡 dead (adj.)死亡的dying(现在

    13、分词/adj.)垂死的 78.serve(v.)service(n.)服务 79.turn (v.)turning(n.)转弯处 80.invite (v.)invitation(n.)邀请 81.prepare(v.)preparation (n.)准备 82.surprise(v./n.)surprised (adj.)惊讶的surprising (adj.)令人惊讶的 83.advice (n.不可数) advise (v.)建议 84.understand(v.)understanding (adj.)善解人意的 Part2 重点词汇考点梳理重点词汇考点梳理 1. help v.帮助(

    14、帮助(helpful adj. 有帮助的有帮助的 helpless adj.没有帮助的)没有帮助的) help with sth. 帮忙做某事 help sb. with sth. (名词/短语) help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。 同义句转换: I often help her with her English.=I often help her (to) learn English. help oneself (反身代词)+to 随便吃 Help yourselves to some fruit, children.孩子们,随便吃点水果。 cant/couldnt

    15、 help +v-ing 情不自禁做 She couldnt help laughing.她情不自禁的笑了起来。 2. surprise (v.) .令人惊讶; (令人惊讶; (n.)惊喜惊喜 surprised (adj.)惊讶的 修饰人 surprising (adj.)令人惊讶的 修饰物 be surprised + that 从句 令感到吃惊 be surprised at sth.对某事感到惊讶 to ones surprise 令人惊讶的是 3.afraid adj. 害怕的害怕的 be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 I am afraid to travel b

    16、y plane. 我害怕乘飞机旅行。 .be afraid of sb. sth. 害怕某人某物 She is afraid of the dog. 她害怕那只狗。 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 Dont be afraid of asking questions. 不要怕问问题。 4.though 用法总结用法总结 (副词 )可是;然而 (通常用于句末,前有逗号) He said he would come; he didnt, though.他说他会来,但他没有。 (连词)虽然;尽管 (引导让步状语从句,可以与 although 互换) I like him.

    17、 Though he makes me angry sometimes. 我喜欢他,尽管他有时会惹我生气。 5.beat&hit&win 区分区分 beat&win 比赛、游戏奖杯、奖牌战争或球队等)比赛、竞争对手(如人获胜,赢得winbeat beat &hit beat 强调连续或反复地“打”,心脏跳动 My heart beats fast. hit 重重一击或用力敲打 He hit her hard on the face. 6.mind v. 当心/注意 I dont mind it. 我不在意。 Do/Would you mind +形代+v-ing? 你介意.?Do you mi

    18、nd my smoking here? (难点) n. 想法/决心/意见 change ones mind 改变主意 keep.in mind 记住 make up ones mind= make a decision 决定 Never mind! 不要紧!/ 没关系 7.reach/arrive/get to 区分区分 三者都可以表示到达,结构区分如下: reach 及物动词 reach+地点名词 I reached Beijing last night. arrive at 到达(+小地点名词) He arrived at the station at six this morning.

    19、arrive in 到达(+大地点名词)She arrived in Paris on Friday. get to +地点名词 如果 at/in/to 后面接副词 here, there, home 等,介词须省略。 8.decide 【句型】 decide to do sth. 决定做某事。=make up ones mind to do sth 【词形拓展】decision n.决定 make a decision 做出决定 9.hope/wish 区分区分 hope v.希望(hopeful adj. 有希望的 hopeless 无望的) hope to do sth. 希望做某事。

    20、hope (that)+宾语从句 I hope so. 我希望如此。 I hope to go to America one day. 我希望有一天,我能去美国。 Good luck!I hope it goes well. 祝你好运!我希望这件事进展顺利。 【区分】wish v./n. 希望;祝愿 wish (sb.)to do sth. 希望(某人)做某事。 wish(that)+宾语从句(可能性比较小) I wish to talk with the boss. 我希望和老板谈谈。 The princes wish came true. 王子的愿望实现了。 I wish you can

    21、be quiet for a moment. 我希望你能安静一会。 We wish him to come here on time. 我们希望他能准时到这。 10.move 考点考点: 【词形】moving (adj.)感人的,移动的moved (adj.)感动的movement (n.)移动 【用法】 搬家;移动 move to/into +地点 搬到地方 move in 搬进(后面不能接宾语) 感动 This story moves me. 11.sure 考点考点: be sure of/about sth. 确信;对有把握 I am sure of my success. be su

    22、re to do. 一定做某事。 I am sure to succeed. be sure that 从句 一定. I am sure that I can succeed. make sure (that)确保确信Just make sure you try your best. 12.keep 考点考点: keep on doing sth. 继续做某事(强调决心) We must keep on working hard. keep doing sth. 一直做某事。 (强调没有停止) She kept eating. keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事。 She

    23、 kept her daughter playing the piano. keep from doing sth. 阻止做某事. We should keep children from playing computer games. 13.agree v. 同意同意 【词形】disagree (v.反义词)不赞成agreement (n.)意见一致 disagreement (n.反义词)不赞成 【句型】agree to do sth.同意做某事。 agree with sb. 同意某人的看法。 14.send v.邮寄;发送邮寄;发送 【句型】send sb. sth.=send sth

    24、. to sb. 把某物邮寄/发给某人。 【短语拓展】send out 发送;派遣 send for 派人去叫 15.able adj.能够;有能力的能够;有能力的 【词形】able(adj.)ability (n.)能力;才能 disable (adj.)残疾的 【拓展】 the disabled 残疾人(the +形容词 表示一类人) be able to+动词原形,“能够” ,强调经过努力而获得的能力 一般现在时: am/is/are able to 一般过去时: was/were able to 一般将来时:will be able to 【区分】can 强调自身具备的能力,过去式 c

    25、ould 16.own (owner 物主物主/ 主人主人) v. 拥有 I own a lot of money.=I have a lot of money. adj. /pron.自己的 on ones own = alone = by oneself 独自 17.promise v.许诺许诺 【拓展】 promise to do sth. 许诺做某事; He promises to help us. 他许诺帮助我们。 make a promise 许下诺言 keep ones promise 遵守承诺 make promises to sb. 向某人许下承诺 18.“花费花费”的表达方

    26、式总结的表达方式总结 19.few/little/many/much 区分区分 词汇 比较级/最高级 用法 易错点 few fewer/fewest 修饰可数名词复数 few“很少,几乎没有”否定意义 a few “几个”肯定意义 little less/least 修饰可数名词, 表示“小的” 修饰不可数名词,表示“少的” little 修饰不可数名词, “很少, 几乎没有”否定意义 a little 修饰不可数名词, “一点;少量”肯定意义 a little+可数名词单数,表示“一个小的.” a little girl 一个小女孩 a little +adj. 表示有点.=kind of

    27、+adj. many more/most 修饰可数名词复数 many/much 的比较级和最高级相同,使用时一定注意区分 much 修饰不可数名词 20.hundred(thousand.)/hundreds(thousands.) of 结构区分结构区分 hundred, thousand , million(百万), billion(十亿)当这类数词前面有具体的数字时, 数词不能用复数形式。 three hundred 三百 five thousand 五千 hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of 表示不确切的数量 主语 句 型 take it It

    28、 takes sb. + 时间 + to do sth. 过去式:took spend 人 on sth . 人 spend + 金钱 / 时间 + 过去式:spent 单三: spends (in )doing sth. pay 人 人 pay + 钱 for 物. 人 pay for sth. 过去式:paid 单三:pays cost 物 物 cost + 钱(vi.) 物 cost + sb. + 钱(vt.) 过去式:cost 单三:costs hundreds of 成百上千 thousands of 成千上万 21.happen/take place 区分区分 happen 表示

    29、偶然发生(没有计划) sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 What happened to you? sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事 She happened to be out when we called. It happened that碰巧 It happened that I met my teacher on my way home. take place 有计划的发生 ,举行 The sports meeting will take place quickly. 22.maybe/probably/possible 区分区分 ma

    30、ybe adv.可能(=perhaps) 通常放在句首 【易混】may be 通常放在句中 Maybe I am wrong / I may be wrong. probably adv.可能 ,通常用来修饰动词,放在助动词后实义动词前 When did the story probably happen? possible adj. “可能的,也许 ”,只作表语 It is possible to take classes at home. 23.seem 句型句型 seem + (to be) +adj 看起来 Computers seems impossible 100 years ag

    31、o. seem to do sth. “似乎,好像做某事”。 We seem to have got into trouble. It seems/seemed+从句 看起来好像;似乎. It seemed that I was late again. 24.turn 实义动词 “旋转”“转身” 【短语拓展】 turn on 打开 turn off 关掉 turn out 结果是 turn up 调高(声音) turn over 翻身;翻转 turn down 调低(声音);拒绝 turn around 转身;调头 系动词,“变得”表示颜色变化 You cant cross the road

    32、until the traffic lights turn green. 25.fill v.(使)充满;填满(使)充满;填满 fill.with . 用. 填满. Fill the turkey with this bread mix. 用面包混合物填满火鸡。 be filled with=be full of 装满.的 Life is filled with happiness and sadness.=Life is full of happiness and sadness. 生活充满了欢乐和悲伤。 【词形拓展】 fill(v.)filling(n.)填充物 full (adj.)满的

    33、(反义词:empty);饱的(反义词 hungry) 26.another (三者或三者以上)另一个三者或三者以上)另一个 Do you want another one? 你想再来一个吗? My mother had another baby. 我妈妈又有了一个孩子。 【短语拓展】 another 10 minutes= 10 more minutes 另外 10 分钟 (another +数词+名词=数词+more+名词) one another=each other 彼此 【易混区分】other/the other/another/others/ the others 区分 不定代词 用

    34、法 示例 other 作定语,泛指“另外的人或物”,常修饰复数名词,表示 除 去 一 部 分 外 的 另 外 一 些 ; 若 other 前 有some,each,every,any 等修饰时,其后跟单数名词。 I have no other choices. the other 常考结构:one.the other 一个.另一个 作定语修饰名词复数时,表示其余全部 I have two books.One is a storybook,and the other is a maths book. another 泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个” Would you like ano

    35、ther cake? others 泛指“其他的人或物”(不是全部) 常考结构:some.others 一些.另一些 Some went to the park,and others visited the museum. the others 特指“其余所有的人或物”,相当于“the other +复数名词” Five students in our class are Canadians,and the others are Chinese. 27.advise 【句型】advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事。 I advised him to put off the

    36、meeting. 【词形拓展】 (对应名词) advice 不可数 【近义词】suggest (对应名词) suggestion 可数 【句型】suggest doing sth. We suggested putting off the meeting. 28.mean 意思是;打算意思是;打算 【词形变化】 过去式: meant 名词:meaning 意义;意思 形容词:meaningful 有意义的 (反义词)meaningless 无意义的 【句型区分】 mean to do sth. 打算做某事。 I didnt mean to trouble you yesterday. mean

    37、 doing sth. 意味着做某事。My new job will mean traveling all over the world. 29. prepare 用法用法 prepare for sth. 准备 prepare sb. sth. = prepare sth. for sb.为某人准备某物 I am preparing my son a gift.=I am preparing a gift for my son. prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 I am preparing to do my homework. 30. experience 经验 (不可数)

    38、Their parents have more experience than them. 经历(可数)an unusual experience 一次不同寻常的经历 Part3 期末真题练习期末真题练习 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1 (2022 四川遂宁 八年级期末)Vegetables are _. They are good for our _. Ahealth; healthy Bhealth; health Chealthy; healthy Dhealthy; health 2 (2022 辽宁 大洼教师进修学校八年级期末)With the “double reduction” (

    39、双减), students have much _ time to do after-school activities. Amany Bmuch Cmore Dmost 3 (2022 湖北 老河口市教学研究室八年级期末)All the volunteers were very tired, but _of them had a rest. They were busy helping the firemen. Aboth. Bneither Call Dnone 4 (2022 安徽蚌埠 八年级期末)_American people and British people speak the

    40、 same language, their cultures are quite different. ASince BIf CAlthough DBecause 5 (2022 辽宁抚顺 八年级期末)Now farmers neednt plant the corn by hand, and they can use the _. Ascreens Bshapes Cmachines Dvideos 6 (2022 云南 峨山彝族自治县教育科学研究所八年级期末)Can you tell me some _ about the housing price(房价)in 2021? I think

    41、 you can get it on the Internet. Aactivities Bpercent Cprograms Dinformation 7 (2022 辽宁抚顺 八年级期末)Nicks little dog died last week but he still cant _ it. Amix Bcelebrate Cdelete Daccept 8 (2022 辽宁抚顺 八年级期末)Yesterday _ of us replied to Mr. Browns letter so he was upset. Asomeone Bno one Ceveryone Dnone

    42、9 (2022 辽宁抚顺 八年级期末)Excuse me, Mr Green. How can I my spoken English? You can join an English club. Asend Bread Ctell Dimprove 10 (2022 吉林长春 八年级期末)How many birds can you see in the trees? I can see _ birds in them. Ahundreds of Bhundred of Cfive hundreds of Dfive hundreds 11 (2022 辽宁 大洼教师进修学校八年级期末)My

    43、 parents expect me _ good grades in the final exam. Aget Bgets Cto get Dgetting 12 (2022 湖北 天门市教育科学研究院八年级期末)I eat birthday cakes on my birthday. What about you? In China, ou_ food for birthday is long noodles. Aeducational Btraditional Cpersonal Dinternational 13 (2022 贵州铜仁 八年级期末) Would you mind _ m

    44、e with my English? Not at all. Ahelp Bto help Chelps Dhelping 14 (2022 贵州铜仁 八年级期末)My grandma spends an hour _ the supper every day. Acooks Bcook Ccooking Dto cook 15(2022 天津天津 八年级期末) Can you give me some _ on how to improve my Chinese writing? Adanger Btrouble Cmedicine Dadvice 二、用所给词适当形式填空 1 (2022

    45、内蒙古 四子王旗教育局教研室八年级期末)Look! Your pet dog is _ (die). 2(2022 江苏 扬州市梅岭中学八年级期末) The little girl didnt sell all her matches, she looked so _. (help) 3 (2022 广东深圳 八年级期末)To help you have a better _ (understand) of the article, please watch this video first. 4 (2022 广东深圳 八年级期末)If you travel to another countr

    46、y, you can experience a _ (difference) culture. 5 (2022 广东深圳 八年级期末)With his hard work, he finally _ (success) in getting a prize in the 21st Cup English Speaking Competition last week. 6 (2022 广东深圳 八年级期末)The little boy dreams to be a _ (science) in the future, so he works hard to make it come true.

    47、7 (2022 江苏 淮安市淮安区教师发展中心学科研训处八年级期末)It is _ (excite) to throw snowballs at each other in winter. 8 (2022 江苏 景山中学八年级期末)“You can do what you like. Help _ (you), children!” said Toms mother. 9 (2022 河南开封 八年级期末) The doctor _ (advice) me to rest for a few days yesterday. 10 (2022 山东临沂 八年级期末)What a pity tha

    48、t you made such a _ (care) mistake in the exam! 11 (2022 山东临沂 八年级期末)You can sit the most _ (comfortable) because they have the biggest seats. 12 (2022 山东临沂 八年级期末)I like playing the violin. So I want to be a successful _ (violin) when I grow up. 13 (2022 山东临沂 八年级期末)If you want to do everything well,

    49、making a _ (prepare) is very important. 14 (2022 吉林 乾安县教师进修学校八年级期末)The father looks forward to _ (go) to the letter from his son. 15 (2022 山东临沂 八年级期末)People usually eat _(tradition) food like dumplings during the Spring Festival. 16 (2022 山东临沂 八年级期末)I am afraid she will refuse my _ (invite) because

    50、we dont know each other well. 17(2022 山东临沂 八年级期末) _ (hundred) of people lost their lives in the terrible accident. 18 (2022 山东临沂 八年级期末)Although I _ (agree) with your plan, I will try my best to help you organize the party this Saturday. 19 (2022 吉林长春 八年级期末)They invited some famous scientists to the


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