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    1、2020-2021 学年上海市奉贤区十二联考七年级学年上海市奉贤区十二联考七年级上期末英语试卷上期末英语试卷 V. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(选择最恰当的答案)18% 1We will decorate our flat before the Spring Festival.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?( ) A/dkreit/ B/dekreit/ C/dekereit/ D/dekrit/ 2Thank you for giving me such_useful

    2、suggestion.( ) Aan B/ Ca Dthe 3Winter is coming.I am looking forward_snowmen with my parents.( ) Ato making Bto make Cmake Dwill make 4Youre too fat. Youd better eat _ fast food and have _fruits and vegetables( ) Amore.more Bfewer.more Cless.fewer Dless.more 5When I was a little girl,I_blind boxes (

    3、宣盒) ( ) Aused to buy Bam used to buying Cwas used to buy Dam used to buy 6You_ buy milk in the supermarket.Weve got enough at home.( ) Aneed Bdont need to Cdont need Dneednt to 7Joe likes going hiking in autumn.Its interesting._( ) ASo does Jack. BNeither does Jack. CSo Jack does. DNeither Jack does

    4、. 8We_a picnic tomorrow if it_rainy.( ) Awill have;will be Bwill have;is Cdont have;will be Dwont have;is 9The dress fits you so much.Who_it for you? My aunt.( ) Abuys Bbought Chas bought Dbuy 10_are you going to stay in Hong Kong? For about 2 weeks.( ) AHow often BWhen CHow long DHow many 11Look at

    5、 the sign. We _ leave rubbish here.( ) Amay not Bshouldnt Ccant Dmustnt 12The sign tells us_here.Its too dangerous( ) Ato swim Bnot to swim Cswimming Dto not swim 13Children from Rose Garden School raised money _ the leftbehind(留守)children.( ) Afor Bto Cwith Dat 14_ I had an accident yesterday and I

    6、 broke my arm.( ) AWhat was the matter with you? BWhats the matter with you? CWhat was the wrong with you? DWhats the wrong with you? 15Alice is a good girl. She often helps her mother_the little sister( ) Alook after Blooking after Clook for Dlooking for 16Must I finish my homework now? _ You can f

    7、inish it tomorrow.( ) AYes,you need. BNo,you neednt. CYes,you must. DNo,you mustnt. 17The food in this restaurant is delicious. Why dont we come here again next week? _.( ) AThats a good idea BThats all right CNo, thanks DYes, we must VI.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in th

    8、e box.Each can only be used once. (将下(将下列单词或词组前的字母填入空格,每词只能填一次)列单词或词组前的字母填入空格,每词只能填一次)4% 18 (4 分)A.agreed B in the future C hard D.happily E. interested in Like many other six year old children , Sam loves trains and hope to work with them(1) .When the England National Railway Museum wanted a direct

    9、or (馆长) , Sam wrote a letter to ask for the job.Finally, Sam got it. Little Sams letter caught the eye of the museum workers and manager.They were deeply moved by Sams love of trains, so they(2) to have him as the director. Sam didnt get paid but he still worked very (3) . He told the other staff me

    10、mbers how to make the museum a fun place for children. He also suggested the museum should open up a model train exhibition centre for more children who were(4) trains. VII.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)下列句子,每空格限填一词)6%

    11、 19We should do exercise to stay healthy. (regular) 20First, the water and flour together.(mixture) 21 ,Dave didnt pass the exam (luck) 22The earthquake made many people . (home) 23I like listening to light music because it is very (relax) 24The police try to keep us (safe). VIII.Rewrite the followi

    12、ng sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词)(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词) 12% 25 (2 分)I have already been to Beijing. (改一般疑问句) you been to Beijing ? 26 (2 分)I would rather have some noodles.(改否定句) I would have any noodles. 27 (2 分)I visit my grandparents in the countryside twice a month.(对划线部分提问) do y

    13、ou visit your grandparents in the countryside? 28 (2 分)I will prepare some food and drink for the party tomorrow.(对划线部分提问) you prepare for the party tomorrow? 29 (2 分)I spend 20 minutes getting to my office every day.(保持句意不变) It me 20 minutes get to my office every day. 30 (2 分)go to,late,Tom,bed,no

    14、t,any,will,longer(连词成句) . IX. Reading comprehension. (阅读理解)(阅读理解) 23%A.Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)答案)5% 31 (5 分)Do you know how to wash your hands?It seems like a stupid question because everyone washes his or her hands so many times each day.However,according to a report

    15、by the Ministry of Health(卫生部) ,most people in China dont know how to wash their hands correctly. The report was from a survey of people in Beijing,Liaoning,Yunnan and Shanxi.The report shows that only 4% of Chinese people wash their hands correctly.More people in cities seem to know how to wash the

    16、ir hands.Women wash their hands more correctly than men. The World Health Organization tells us that we should wash our hands in the following situations(情况) :before eating and cooking, after using the bathroom, after cleaning around the house, after playing with pets,before and after taking care of

    17、 any sick person,and after touching money. Washing ones hands should also take at least 20 seconds and its best to use warm water. (1)According to the first paragraph,we know that . A.everyone likes washing his or her hands B.most Chinese people can wash their hands correctly C.the Ministry of Healt

    18、h had a report about washing hands D.many Chinese people dont often wash their hands (2) know how to wash their hands more correctly. A.Women in cities B.Men in cities C.Women in the countryside D.Men in the countryside (3)How many situations are mentioned in which we should wash our hands? A.Four B

    19、.Five C.Nine D.Six (4)Which of the following is TRUE? A.Its best to use cool water to wash hands. B.The report was based on a survey of people only in Beijing. C.You dont need to wash your hands after using the bathroom. D.We should wash our hands before eating. (5)How long should we wash hands at l

    20、east? A.10 seconds. B.20 seconds. C.30 seconds. D.More than one minute. B.Choose the words to complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)6% 32(6分) After leaving high school, I managed to get a job as a parttime animal keeper at the (1) .Now six years later,things have changed I have passed m

    21、y exam and I am now a(2) animal keeper. Im not paid too much money.I only get f 8, 000 a year.It can be (3) work, too, especially in winter when you have to be outside in the rain and snow.But it doesnt matter to me because animals are the most important thing in my life. There are a hundred monkeys

    22、 and fifty deer in my part of the zoo.I have to feed them and clean their houses everyday.I also need to watch them(4) to be sure that they are in good health. The zoo is open everyday and I work five days each week.I live in a small house twenty minutes away and I(5) at 6:50 to arrive at work by ei

    23、ght.I am usually very dirty when I reach home in the evening,so the first thing I do is to(6) . (1)A.shopping centre B.post office C.city zoo D.city park (2)A.fulltime B.good C.new D.kind (3)A.happy B.hard C.easy D.interesting (4)A.sadly B.carelessly C.carefully D.wonderfully (5)A.stand up B.pick up

    24、 C.turn up D.get up (6)A.go to sleep B.have a rest C.have dinner D,take a shower 三、三、C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper words.(在短文空格内填入适当的词,使其内(在短文空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)7% 33(7 分) Because of the COVID19 (新冠) , students stayed at home from March to Ma

    25、y and learned all the (1)s from the School in the air(空中课堂) ,which make it popular to study online. On one hand,studying online can save a lot of time.For some students,the school is so (2)f from their home.It takes a long time to go to school.If they study online, they dont need to (3) s the time o

    26、n the road.They just click the mouse and then the knowledge is coming. However, on the (4) o hand, studying online also brings them subhealth (亚健康) .For example more and more students begin to wear (5)g because they have to look at the (6)c or mobile phones for along time.And also they are becoming

    27、fatter and fatter.They stay at home all day long and have few chances to do (7)e like running and playing ball games. Every coin has two sides.We should make good use of studying online. D.Read the passage below and answer the following questions.(根据文章内容,回答问题)(根据文章内容,回答问题)5% 34 (5 分) Every country h

    28、as its own way of saying thingsits own special expressions. Many everyday American expressions are based on colours. Today our program is all about colours. Red is a hot colour. Americans often use it to express heat. They may say they arered hotabout something unfair. When they arered hot,they are

    29、very angry about something. Pink is a lighter kind of red. People sometimes say they arein the pinkwhen they are in good health.It probably comes from the fact that many babies are born with a nice pink colour that shows they are healthy. Blue is a cool colour. Blue is slow and sad. Someone who is b

    30、lue is very sad. The colour green is natural for trees and grass. But it is an unnatural colour for humans. A person who has a sickfeeling stomach may say he feelsa little green.A passenger on a boat who feels sick may look very green. The colour black is used often in expressions.People describe a

    31、day in which everything goes wrong as a black day. (1)What are everyday American expressions based on? (2)What colour expresses heat? (3)Why do we use pink to describe good health? (4)Green isnt natural for humans, is it? (5)When can you use the colour black? 五、五、X. Writing. 10% 35 (10 分)Write at le

    32、ast 60 words about the topicGrowing up with good habits(以好习惯,伴成长为题,写一篇不少于 60 个字的短文。 ) Suggested questions: 1)What bad habits do you have? 2)How do your bad habits affect(影响)you? 3)What should you do to change the bad habits into the good ones? 2020-2021 学年上海市奉贤区十二联考七年级(上)期末英语试卷学年上海市奉贤区十二联考七年级(上)期末英语

    33、试卷 参考答案与试题解析参考答案与试题解析 V. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(选择最恰当的答案)18% 1We will decorate our flat before the Spring Festival.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?( ) A/dkreit/ B/dekreit/ C/dekereit/ D/dekrit/ 【分析】我们将在春节前装饰我们的公寓。下列哪项是划线的单词的正确发音? 【解答】decorate 意为装饰,其发音为 dekre t。 故选

    34、:B。 【点评】掌握单词的发音是解答本题的关键。 2Thank you for giving me such_useful suggestion.( ) Aan B/ Ca Dthe 【分析】谢谢你给我这么一个有用的建议。 【解答】an 一个,修饰以元音音素开头的单词;/零冠词;a 一个,修饰以辅音音素开头的单词;the 表示特指。这里泛指一个的建议。useful 是以辅音音素/ju;/开头,用 a 修饰。 故选:C。 【点评】考查不定冠词,不定冠词包括 a 和 an,a 修饰以辅音音素开头的单词,an 修饰以元音音素开头的单词。要根据语境完成试题。 3Winter is coming.I a

    35、m looking forward_snowmen with my parents.( ) Ato making Bto make Cmake Dwill make 【分析】冬天快到了,我很期待和父母一起堆雪人。 【解答】 to making 介词+动名词; to make 不定式; make 做, 动词原形; will make 一般将来时。 look forward to doing sth期待做某事固定搭配。填介词 to 和动名词 making。 故选:A。 【点评】掌握固定搭配 look forward to doing sth期待做某事,分析选项,选择合适答案。 4Youre too

    36、 fat. Youd better eat _ fast food and have _fruits and vegetables( ) Amore.more Bfewer.more Cless.fewer Dless.more 【分析】你太胖了。你最好少吃快餐,多吃水果和蔬菜。 【解答】Fast food 是不可数名词,fruits and vegetables 是可数名词。fruit 泛指不可数,在此指的是水果的种类,所以可数。根据本句句意,应该吃是少吃快餐,多吃水果和蔬菜。fewer,更少的,修饰可数名词,less 更少的,修饰不可数名词。more,更多的,修饰可数名词和不可数名词都行。

    37、 故选:D。 【点评】知道修饰可数名词的词是什么,修饰不可数名词的词是什么。 5When I was a little girl,I_blind boxes (宣盒) ( ) Aused to buy Bam used to buying Cwas used to buy Dam used to buy 【分析】当我还是个小女孩的时候,我常常买盲盒。 【解答】Used to do 过去常常做某事。be used to doing 习惯做某事。根据本句题干,当我还是个小女孩的时候,应该是我常常买盲盒,而不是我习惯卖盲盒。 故选:A。 【点评】掌握这两个易混短语。 6You_ buy milk i

    38、n the supermarket.Weve got enough at home.( ) Aneed Bdont need to Cdont need Dneednt to 【分析】你不需要在超市买牛奶超市。我们家里已经够多了。 【解答】need 需要,情态动词或动词原形;dont need to 不需要;dont need 不正确,need 作为实义动词,后面不能跟动词原形;neednt to 不正确,情态动词后不用 to。根据 Weve got enough at home我们家里已经够多了可知,不需要买牛奶了。用 dont need to。need to do sth需要做某事。 故选

    39、:B。 【点评】掌握 need 实义动词或情态动词的不同用法,结合语境,分析选项,选择合适答案。 7Joe likes going hiking in autumn.Its interesting._( ) ASo does Jack. BNeither does Jack. CSo Jack does. DNeither Jack does. 【分析】乔喜欢秋天去远足。这很有趣。杰克也喜欢。 【解答】so+助情系+主语,表示前者的肯定情况也适用于后者。助动词、系动词或情态动词要和上一句保持一致。 上一句用的是 likes, 后面的主语是 Mike, 对应助动词 does. 本句句意为, 乔喜

    40、欢秋天去远足,杰克也喜欢。所以用 So does Jack. 故选:A。 【点评】前者的肯定情况也适用于后者,记住这一个特殊句型的表达。 8We_a picnic tomorrow if it_rainy.( ) Awill have;will be Bwill have;is Cdont have;will be Dwont have;is 【分析】如果明天下雨,我们不会去野餐。 【解答】 if 引导的条件状语从句, 主句一般将来时态, 从句一般现在时态。 A、 C 不正确。 根据 if it is rainy.如果下雨可知,我们不会去野餐用否定形式 wont have。B 不正确。 故选:

    41、D。 【点评】掌握 if 引导的条件状语从句,主句一般将来时态,从句一般现在时态。结合语境,分析选项,选择合适答案。 9The dress fits you so much.Who_it for you? My aunt.( ) Abuys Bbought Chas bought Dbuy 【分析】这件衣服很适合你。谁给你穿买的?我姑妈。 【解答】这件衣服很适合你,谁给你买的?买这个动作发生在过去,我现在没有任何关系,所以用一般过去时 bought. 故选:B。 【点评】理解动作发生的时间,确定时态。 10_are you going to stay in Hong Kong? For abo

    42、ut 2 weeks.( ) AHow often BWhen CHow long DHow many 【分析】你打算在香港呆多久? 大约两周。 【解答】How often 多久,对频率提问;When 什么时候;How long 多久,对一段时间或长度提问;How many 多少,修饰可数名词复数。根据 For about 2 weeks大约两周可知,对一段时间提问用 How long。 故选:C。 【点评】疑问词组通常用来构成疑问句,要根据回答的具体内容进行选择,注意一些固定搭配,分清疑问词组的用法,选择合适答案。 11Look at the sign. We _ leave rubbish

    43、 here.( ) Amay not Bshouldnt Ccant Dmustnt 【分析】看那个牌子。我们不允许把垃圾留在这里。 【解答】may not 可能不;shouldnt 不应该;cant 不可能;mustnt 禁止、不允许。根据 Look at the sign看那个牌子可知,我们不允许把垃圾留在这里。用 mustnt。 故选:D。 【点评】考查情态动词。情态动词在句中不受人称、性别、单复数变化的影响,但是要考虑时态,交际用法等。结合语境,选择正确答案。 12The sign tells us_here.Its too dangerous( ) Ato swim Bnot to

    44、swim Cswimming Dto not swim 【分析】这个标志告诉我们不要在这里游泳。这里太危险了 【解答】Tell sb do sth 让某人做某事,其否定形式为 tell sb not to do sth 不让某人做某事儿。要在不定式的前面加 not. 所以本句为 not to swim. 故选:B。 【点评】固定用法记住即可。 13Children from Rose Garden School raised money _ the leftbehind(留守)children.( ) Afor Bto Cwith Dat 【分析】玫瑰园学校的孩子们为留守儿童募捐 J 钱。 【

    45、解答】raise sth for sb 为某人募捐某物。固定搭配,后面的介词一定用 for. 故选:A。 【点评】固定搭配记住即可。 14_ I had an accident yesterday and I broke my arm.( ) AWhat was the matter with you? BWhats the matter with you? CWhat was the wrong with you? DWhats the wrong with you? 【分析】你怎么了?我昨天出了事故,胳膊断了。 【解答】你怎么了?三种表达为:Whats the matter with yo

    46、u?Whats wrong with you?Whats up ?C 和D 项表述错误;根据答语 yesterday 可知时态是一般过去时,A 项符合题意。 故选:A。 【点评】记住这三个固定说法。 15Alice is a good girl. She often helps her mother_the little sister( ) Alook after Blooking after Clook for Dlooking for 【分析】爱丽丝是个好女孩。她经常帮助她的母亲小妹妹。 【解答】Look after 照顾,look for 寻找。Help sb to do/do sth

    47、帮助某人做某事。help 后面接动词原形和不定式都对。根据本句句意应该是照顾妹妹,所以用 look after. 故选:A。 【点评】知道固定用法以及每个短语的含义。 16Must I finish my homework now? _ You can finish it tomorrow.( ) AYes,you need. BNo,you neednt. CYes,you must. DNo,you mustnt. 【分析】我现在必须完成作业吗? 不,你不必。你可以明天完成。 【解答】Must 开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答 Yes,sb must.是的,某人必须。否定回答 No,sb nee

    48、dnt.不,某人不必。根据 You can finish it tomorrow.你可以明天完成可知,现在不必完成作业,用否定回答No,you neednt.不,你不必。 故选:B。 【点评】掌握 Must 开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用 Yes,sb must.是的,某人必须。否定回答用 No,sb neednt.不,某人不必。结合语境,选择合适答案。 17The food in this restaurant is delicious. Why dont we come here again next week? _.( ) AThats a good idea BThats all rig

    49、ht CNo, thanks DYes, we must 【分析】这家餐馆的食物很好吃。 我们下周为什么不再来呢? 这是个好主意。 【解答】Thats a good idea 这是个好主意;Thats all right 没关系;No,thanks 不,谢谢;Yes,we must是的,我们必须。根据 The food in this restaurant is delicious.这家餐馆的食物很好吃。及 Why dont we come here again next week?我们下周为什么不再来呢?可知,应该说这是个好主意。 故选:A。 【点评】考查情境对话。分析选项意思,结合语境,积

    50、累一些交际用语,选择符合句意的答案。 VI.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each can only be used once. (将下(将下列单词或词组前的字母填入空格,每词只能填一次)列单词或词组前的字母填入空格,每词只能填一次)4% 18 (4 分)A.agreed B in the future C hard D.happily E. interested in Like many other sixyearold children, Sam loves trains and ho


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