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    1、 广东省部分市广东省部分市 2020-2021 学年高学年高一一上上期末期末英语试卷分类汇编英语试卷分类汇编 完形填空完形填空 广东省梅州市广东省梅州市 2020-2021 学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 三、完形填空三、完形填空 I often imagined discussing school choices with my son. However, I didnt expect to be having such a_16_with him at his thirteen years of age. Earlier this year, he_17_hi

    2、s wish to go to one of the biggest public_18_in our small city, because several of his long-time friends were also going. I fought back the thought to_19_my eyes. I told him that if he went to this school, he would be going from a class in the_20_of 18 to being one of several hundred in the freshman

    3、 class. He wouldnt be able to receive the_21_attention of his teachers any more. He would have to do homework at night. He didnt change his mind, however, so I made a deal with him. He would need to_22_a list of reasons and then we would sit down and have a talk. Later that night, as_23_, we had a d

    4、iscussion. He gave his argument with a list of strong reasons. First, he explained that he would have more_24_in courses and after-school activities._25_, attending this school would better prepare him for college because he would_26_what it was like on a big campus. He added that he would learn to_

    5、27_his time. He also promised that he would make use of the drop-in tutoring the school offered if he ran into trouble. I sat back and listened, touched by the thought and research he had prepared._28_, I could have put my foot down and said “no”, or “just wait another year”, but I would have been d

    6、oing that for me, not for him. At last, we let our son have the_29_say on choosing a high school. I knew if my kid put the same_30_as he did in persuading us, he would be perfectly fine in high school. 16Acompetition Bquarrel Cdisagreement Dconversation 17Arealized Badmitted Cexpressed Dcommunicated

    7、 18Aschools Bhospitals Ccountries Dlibraries 19Aroll Bclose Craise Dfocus 20Anumber Bsize Ccontent Dcontainer 21Aextreme Bregular Cspecial Dequal 22Acome up with Bkeep up with Cput up with Dend up with 23Aimagined Bexpected Creminded Dpromised 24Ainterests Bchoices Crules Dpreparations 25AInstead BB

    8、esides CTherefore DHowever 26Aremember Bprove Cdiscover Dlearn 27Asave Bspare Cmanage Ddevote 28ALuckily BHonestly CGenerally DBriefly 29Acorrect Busual Ccommon Dfinal 30Aresponsibility Breason Ceffort Dpatience 广东省清远市广东省清远市 2020-2021 学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 三、完形填空三、完形填空 My grandmother stayed

    9、 in the nursing home for five years. _21_ all of the elders that I got to spend time with there, I couldnt _22_ what it was like for them without any visitors at all. That day, I saw an old _23_ alone on a bench, in the front entrance hall of the nursing home. Earlier he had been trying to _24_ Jean

    10、 with one leg, from his wheelchair. Jean is a woman who had cerebral palsy (中风) and couldnt _25_ alone in her wheelchair. I asked if they would mind my pushing Jean the rest of the _26_, Jean said, “Yes, please!” The old man smiled and said, “Thank you.” Now, this same man was _27_ on the bench and

    11、as I got closer, he recognized me and smiled. I realized he had only one leg which was dry and a little dirty. Maybe because of the _28_ , he was scratching (挠) the leg _29_ . I had a cream (药膏) in my bag that seemed to do good to his _30_ skin. So I handed the cream to him. He couldnt speak English

    12、 but spoke to me in his _31_ language and tears started to come down his face. I wiped his _32_ with a towel (毛巾). He kept _33_ and looking at me as if I understood . I didnt really understand, but I listened and nodded. We didnt _34_ each other and arent blood-related but, at that moment, we shared

    13、 a _35_ that went beyond blood, heart to heart. When I see him again, he may not remember me but I will remember him. 21ADealing with BThinking about CTurning to DSearching for 22Aremember Bappreciate Cdetermine Dimagine 23Anurse Bdoctor Cman Dpartner 24Aharm Bcalm Cpush Dentertain 25Asettle Bexplor

    14、e Cescape Dmove 26Away Bblock Cstreet Dyard 27Afrightened Balone Cactive Ddusty 28Adirt Bsteam Closs Dtype 29Ahappily Bresponsibly Ccontinuously Duniversally 30Aface Bleg Chand Dhead 31Apoor Bfoolish Cnative Dselfish 32Ahair Bpackage Cfeet Dtears 33Adebating Blaughing Cbargaining Dtalking 34Aadmit B

    15、know Ccalm Daffect 35Aconnection Bdisadvantage Csuffering Dmedal 广东省广东省珠海珠海市市 2020-2021 学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 四、完形填空四、完形填空 This spring, in Montreal, a box appeared on a fence beside a popular walking path. It was _31_white with black lettering reading: “Box for _32_ or suggestions for the u

    16、niverse. All topics _33_.” Francois, 38, has lived in Montreal for two decades. He says, “During the outbreak of COVID-19, people had things they needed to _34_. And I wanted to offer them a _35_ way to express them than on social media. It stays _36_, kind of a mystery. So, people dont address a pe

    17、rson, they really address the box.” He says he has _37_ about 300 notes in all. The main _38_ have always been love, and then work, studies or financial worries. “Dear universe,” reads one note that he _39_. “Me again. I hope to find my dream job that _40_ my values before October.” One person wishe

    18、s to find a(n) _41_ in the neighborhood with cool roommates. Someone else wishes for the world to take adolescent depression more _42_ so that it can draw enough attention. Someone wishes for friends. Francois says the notes give him a sense of Montreals _43_, the “pulse of the city,” as he puts it.

    19、 He doesnt have _44_ for the notes, thinking that the box is most useful for people to express them. He just plans to keep collecting the letters _45_ the box lasts. If it disappears one day, maybe that is what the universe had in mind. 31Apainted Bdelivered Cexisted Dmeasured 32Acomments Bwishes Cq

    20、uestions Dthoughts 33Ademanded Bagreed Caccepted Dneeded 34Aexpress Bforget Clearn Dread 35Anecessary Bboring Chopeful Ddifferent 36Apriceless Bnameless Cworthless Dharmless 37Areviewed Bapproved Creceived Dattempted 38Anotes Bproblems Cideas Dtopics 39Aunlocks Bunfolds Chides Dsends 40Areflects Bch

    21、anges Ccompares Dloses 41Aenvelop Bexplanation Cbox Dapartment 42Afriendly Bsmoothly Cseriously Djoyfully 43Ahistory Bluck Ccity Dmood 44Aplaces Bplans Cboxes Dtime 45Aas soon as Bas well as Cas long as Das much as 广东省肇庆市广东省肇庆市 2020-2021 学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 三、完形填空三、完形填空 On my twelfth birt

    22、hday, I got my dream gift a cellphone. I gave my parents a big hug and made a _16_ that I would continue doing well at school. When I got to school the next morning I _17_ my phone and asked everyone for their numbers. I wouldnt _18_ on the lessons because I was too _19_ to my phone. But I was sure

    23、that the teacher was _20_ that I stopped listening to her because a week later I _21_ an important test. Knowing my test result, my parents started to say that the phone was _22_ to me. I would say, “I m doing nothing wrong. Im just texting my friends. Theres no reason for you to be _23_.” My parent

    24、s asked me, “Do you realize that you _24_ pay attention to us? Its like you have your own world and we dont _25_ as much with your phone between us. I started to wonder if my parents were correct. So I tried going a whole day without the cellphone and it didnt go that _26_ .I had so much _27_ becaus

    25、e I was spending time with my family. Certainly,phones are not so bad that we should _28_ using them, but you do have to make some time to spend with your family and not get _29_ with your phone. I will keep using my phone, but I have it under _30_ now. 16Arequest Bchoice Cproposal Dpromise 17Ashowe

    26、d off Blent out Cadmired Dbroke 18Acall Bagree Cconcentrate Ddepend 19Aused Bfamiliar Caddicted Dimportant 20Asatisfied Baware Canxious Dshocked 21Atook Bpassed Cfailed Dset 22Anecessary Bharmful Crelated Dpositive 23Aannoyed Bpainful Cconfused Dembarrassed 24Ahardly Balways Cever Dstill 25Aexercise

    27、 Bcomment Cbenefit Dcommunicate 26Aquickly Bbadly Cwell Dfar 27Afun Btrouble Cstrength Dpressure 28Afinish Benjoy Cadmit Dquit 29Atired Bstuck Cconcerned Ddisappointed 30Acontrol Bdiscussion Cinvestigation Drepair 广东省汕尾市广东省汕尾市 2020-2021 学年高一上学期期末学业质量监测英语试题学年高一上学期期末学业质量监测英语试题 三、完形填空三、完形填空 It was late

    28、 in the evening when Janice Esposito jumped into her minivan, and began the 20-minute drive home. Shed just_17_from visiting her mother. Suddenly, out of nowhere a_18_hit into Espositos minivan, pushing her backward some 100 feet onto the railroad tracks. At the moment, Pete DiPinto was getting read

    29、y for_19_when he heard the sound of broken glass coming from outside his bedroom window. A volunteer firefighter, DiPinto, 64, never_20_to think. He ran out of the house, still in his pajamas. Any firefighter would have done the_21_, he told My NBC5. The first car he came upon was the one that had_2

    30、2_Esposito. Once DiPinto concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and found Espositos minivan_23_across the railroad tracks. And the bells were signaling a coming train. I see the_24_of the train, he told Newsday. DiPinto_25_to Espositos minivan and banged on the drivers side window. Unconsciou

    31、s, though, Esposito seemed unhurt. He tried to_26_the door, but it was jammed shut. The train, traveling at 65 miles per_27_, was coming very close to them. DiPinto ran to the passenger side and threw open the door. He grabbed Espositos arms, pulled her toward him and speedily walked her to_28_behin

    32、d a signal box a few feet away. Within six seconds, the train_29_the minivan. It was like a Hollywood movie, DiPinto said the next day. But this one turned out to be_30_. Last night, the_31_arrived in pajamas, not in a fire truck, reporters said. 17Areturned Bsuffered Cbenefited Dlearned 18Aglass Bm

    33、an Ccar Dtrain 19Abed Bmeal Cwork Dchurch 20Atried Bdared Cstarted Dstopped 21Arest Bsame Ctrick Dbest 22Amet Bhurt Chit Drang 23Arunning Bflying Cmoving Dlying 24Aheadlight Bspeed Cdriver Dengine 25Ajogged Blistened Crushed Dpointed 26Ahold on Bbreak down Cput out Dknock at 27Aday Bweek Cminute Dho

    34、ur 28Asafety Bpeace Chospital Ddanger 29Aswept away Bcrashed into Cgave up Dworked out 30Agood Btrue Cdifferent Dwrong 31Amovie Bwoman Ctime Dhero 参考答案参考答案 广东省梅州市广东省梅州市 2020-2021 学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 16D 17C 18A 19A 20B 21C 22A 23D 24B 25B 26D 27C 28B 29D 30C 【分析】本文是记叙文。作者的孩子想要选择一所大的公立学校读高

    35、中,作者对此忧心忡忡。但最终,孩子用强有力的理由说服了作者。 16考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,我没有想到,在他 13 岁的时候,会有这样的谈话。A. competition 竞争,比赛;B. quarrel 争吵;C. disagreement 不同意;D. conversation 对话。根据第三段“and then we would sit down and have a talk.”和第四段“we had a discussion.”可知,此处指作者和儿子之间的谈话。故选 D。 17考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年早些时候,他表达了去我们这个小城市最大的一所公立学校的愿望,因为他的几个老朋

    36、友也要去。A. realized 意识到;B. admitted 承认;C. expressed 表达;D. communicated 交流。根据空后“his wish to go to”可知,此处需用动词 expressed,表示表达的愿望。故选 C。 18考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. schools 学校;B. hospitals 医院;C. countries 国家;D. libraries 图书馆。根据下文第三段“I told him that if he went to this school”可知,此处去一所公立学校的愿望。故选 A。 19考查动词词义辨析。句意:我忍住了想翻

    37、白眼这个念头。A. roll 滚动;B. close 关闭;C. raise 提高;D. focus 关注。根据后文“ He didnt change his mind, however, so I made a deal with him.”可知,作者不赞同儿子的想法,很生气,所以此处需用 roll,表示本来想翻白眼,以示不同意。故选 A。 20考查名词词义辨析。句意:我告诉他,如果他去了这所学校,他将从一个 18 人的班级变成一年级几百人的班级之一。A. number 数字;B. size 大小;C. content 内容,目录;D. container 容器。根据空后“of 18 to

    38、being one of several hundred in the freshman class.”可知,此处需用 size,表示班级的规模和大小。故选 B。 21考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他再也不能受到老师们的特别关注了。A. extreme 极端的;B. regular 有规律的, 规则的; C. special 特别的; D. equal 平等的。 根据前文描述可知, 如果作者儿子不去那所公立学校,班级只有 18 人,这样就会得到特别的关注。故选 C。 22考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他需要列出一长串理由,然后我们坐下来谈谈。A. come up with 想出;B. keep up

    39、 with 跟上;C. put up with 忍受;D. end up with 以结束。根据空后“a list of reasons”可知,此处指想出一些合理的理由,这样作者会和儿子谈一谈。故选 A。 23考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上晚些时候,我们如约进行了讨论。A. imagined 想象;B. expected期待;C. reminded 提醒;D. promised 承诺。根据上一段“He didnt change his mind, however, so I made a deal with him.”可知,此处指作者按照约定和儿子进行了讨论。故选 D。 24考查名词词义辨析

    40、。句意:首先,他解释说他在课程和课外活动上会有更多的选择。A. interests 兴趣;B. choices 选择;C. rules 规则;D. preparations 准备。根据空后“in courses and after-school activities.”可知,此处指在课程和课外活动上会有更多的选择。故选 B。 25考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,上这所学校可以更好地为他上大学做准备,因为他会了解到在一个大校园里是什么样子的。 A. Instead 相反; B. Besides 此外; C. Therefore 因此; D. However 然而。 根据前文“First, he e

    41、xplained that ”可知,此处需用 besides,表示补充说明上这所公立学校的原因。故选 B。 26考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. remember 记得;B. prove 证明;C. discover 发现;D. learn 了解,得知。根据空后“what it was like on a big campus.”和下一段 “He added that he would learn ”可知,此处指了解大学是什么样子的。故选 D。 27 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 他补充说, 他将学会管理自己的时间。 A. save 节约; B. spare 抽出; C. manage管理;D

    42、. devote 投身。根据空后“time”和常识可知,此处表示他将学会如何管理自己的时间。故选 C。 28 考查副词词义辨析。 句意: 说实话, 我完全可以坚决拒绝, 或者“再等一年”, 但我这么做是为了我自己,而不是为了他。A. Luckily 幸运地;B. Honestly 老实说;C. Generally 通常地,一般地;D. Briefly 简要地。根据空后“I could have put my foot down and said “no”, or “just wait another year”可知,此处表达作者的内心真实想法,需用副词 honestly。故选 B。 29考查形

    43、容词词义辨析。句意:最后,我们让儿子在选择高中方面有最后的决定权。A. correct 正确的;B. usual 往常的;C. common 普通的;D. final 最后的。根据文章最后一句话描述可知,作者最后让儿子自己选择高中,也就是说最后的决定权在作者儿子自己。故选 D。 30考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道,如果我的孩子也像他那样努力说服我们,他在高中的时候一定会表现得很好。A. responsibility 责任;B. reason 原因;C. effort 努力;D. patience 耐心。根据空后“as he did in persuading us”和常识可知,说服一个人需要努

    44、力。故选 C。 广东省清远市广东省清远市 2020-2021 学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 21B 22D 23C 24C 25D 26A 27B 28A 29C 30B 31C 32D 33D 34B 35A 【分析】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要讲述作者的祖母在养老院住了有五年了,作者经常去探望,并给读者讲述了在疗养院里遇到一位老人帮助老人的故事。 21考查动词短语辨析。句意:一想到所有我曾在这里花时间和他们待在一起的老人,我不能想象没有任何访客他们会是什么样。A. Dealing with 处理;B. Thinking about 想到;C. Turning t

    45、o 转向;D. Searching for 搜寻。根据上文“My grandmother stayed in the nursing home for five years.”可知祖母在这家疗养院有五年了,作者很熟悉这里的人,所以作者一想到他们,就很理解他们。故选 B。 22考查动词词义辨析。句意:一想到所有我曾在这里花时间和他们待在一起的老人,我不能想象没有任何访客他们会是什么样。A. remember 记得;B. appreciate 欣赏;C. determine 决定;D. imagine 想象。根据上文,作者一想到他们,就感叹自己不能想象没有任何访客他们会是什么样。故选 D。 23考

    46、查名词词义辨析。句意:那天,我看到一位老人独自坐在疗养院前门大厅的长凳上。A. nurse 护士;B. doctor 医生;C. man 人,男人;D. partner 搭档。根据下文“The old man smiled and said, “Thank you.”可知此处应填 man。故选 C。 24考查名词词义辨析。句意:之前,他曾一直努力用一条腿坐在轮椅上推着 Jean。A. harm 伤害;B. calm 冷静;C. push 推;D. entertain 娱乐。根据下文“I asked if they would mind my pushing Jean the rest of t

    47、he 6 , Jean said, “Yes, please!”可知,作者看到老人推 Jean,所以问能不能他来推,所以此处应填 push。故选 C。 25考查动词词义辨析。句意:Jean 是一位中风的女性,一个人在轮椅上不能动。A. settle 解决,定居;B. explore 探索;C. escape 逃跑;D. move 移动。根据前半句“who had cerebral palsy (中风)”可知 Jean 不能动。故选 D。 26考查名词词义辨析。句意:我问他们是否介意接下来的路由我推 Jean。A. way 路,方法;B. block 街区; C. street 街道; D. y

    48、ard 院子。 根据前半句可知, 作者遇到他们后想帮忙推着 Jean 走剩下的路。 故选 A。 27考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在,这个老人独自坐在长凳上,当我走近他时,他认出了我并且对我微笑。A. frightened 害怕的;B. alone 独自的; C. active 积极的;D. dusty 尘土飞扬的。根据上文“That day, I saw an old 3 alone on a bench”可知,老人独自一人坐在长凳上。故选 B。 28考查名词词义辨析。句意:可能由于有污垢,他一直不断地挠他的腿。A. dirt 污物,污垢;B. steam 蒸汽;C. loss 损失; D.

    49、type 类型。根据上文“I realized he had only one leg which was dry and a little dirty.(我意识到他只有一条干燥并且有点脏的腿)”可知,腿上干燥并有点脏。故选 A。 29考查副词词义辨析。句意:可能由于有污垢,他一直不断地挠他的腿。A. happily 开心地;B. responsibly 负责任地;C. continuously 不断地;D. universally 普遍地。根据上文老人腿很干燥并有点脏,所以老人不断地挠腿。故选 C。 30考查名词词义辨析。句意:我包里有药膏,似乎对他的腿有好处。A. face 脸;B. le

    50、g 腿;C. hand 手;D. head 头。根据上文“he was scratching (挠) the leg ”老人一直挠腿,可知药膏对腿有好处。故选 B。 31 考查形容词词义辨析。 句意: 他不会说英语但是用他自己的本地语言跟我讲话并且开始流泪。 A. poor 贫穷的;B. foolish 愚蠢的;C. native 本地的;D. selfish 自私的。根据上文“He couldnt speak English”可知,老人用的是自己本地的语言与作者交谈。故选 C。 32考查名词词义辨析。句意:我用毛巾擦掉他的泪水。A. hair 头发;B. package 包裹;C. feet


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