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    1、期末试题(一)一、选出划线部分的读音与另外两个不同的单词1.选出划线部分发音与众不同的一项( ) A.likeB.listenC.film2.选出画线部分读音与其他两个不同的选项( ) A.theB.throwC.teeth3./std/ A.SundayB.FridayC.Saturday4.读读,找出下列划线部分发音不同的单词 A.anyB.appleC.back5.选出划线部分读音不同的一项 A.lick,lionB.mouse,louseC.milk,mad二、选择填空6.He has _ American stamp. Its very nice. A.aB.anC.theD.7.I

    2、m _ and _ than you. A.big, strongB.bigger, strongC.bigger, stronger8.Have a cup tea, Grandma.Thank you.A.ofB.forC.in9.Xiaoming is going to _ stories. A.haveB.tellingC.tell10.She is _ shy. A.a bitB.bitC.a bits11.What _John _? A.is; doingB.are; doingC.are; does12.I took Ted _ a restaurant _ taste diff

    3、erent kinds of food. A.for, toB.to, toC.to, for13.dog is here. A.YouB.YourC.Yours14.Peter, dont be late school again. A.atB.ofC.for15.当你想知道近处的物品是什么时,你会说:_ A.Whats this?B.Whats that?三、根据括号里所给的中文提示,完成横线上所缺的单词,每空一词16.I have _ today.17.读读,按要求写出下列单词的变化形式usually(同类词) _ e-mail(复数形式) _you(所有格) _ I(宾格) _blun

    4、t(反义词) _ grandchild(复数) _once(同类词) _ one(序数词) _18.正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点 what are these in english linda they are socks_19.Look at the boy. He can _ a book.20._was your v_? It was great四、根据标点符号提示,连词成句21.Lingling having party birthday a is (. )(连词成句)_22.They, then, werent, old(. )(连词成句)_23.to,invite,we,frie

    5、nds,house,our,our(. )(连词成句)_24.in, front, them, sitting, the, dog, is, of (.) (连词成句)_25.party to you like to come his would (?)(连词成句) 五、根据图片提示,仿照例句,完成句子。26.He often _ (go) fishing after class.六、阅读理解27.补全对话。A: Hello! How are you?B: _A: Im fine, too. Thank you.B: Whats in your hands?A: _I want to go t

    6、o the library. _B: I can show you.A: Thats good.B: Look! _A: Thank you. See you!B: _A. Youre welcome. See you!B. Some books.C. Wheres the library?D. Here it is.E. Im fine, thanks. And you?28.阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致 This is Dick s desk (迪克的书桌). It is in his room. His schoolbag, pencil-box and books are

    7、on his desk. Dick has three rulers, two pencils and a pen. They are in his pencil box. A new chair is beside(在的旁边) the desk and a small ball is under(在的下面) the chair.(1)Dicks desk is in the library. (2)Dicks pencil-box is on the desk. (3)Dick has two rulers. (4)The pen is in the pencil-box. (5)The b

    8、all is beside the desk. 29.阅读理解 Today is New Years Day. The students are very happy and busy. They are in the classroom now. They are having a big party. Chen Jie is singing and dancing. Amy is drinking water. Jim is eating a big apple. There are many fruits in front of him. Sarah is watching TV. Zh

    9、ang Peng is talking to Jack. What is the teacher doing? She is writing Happy New Year on the blackboard. Everybody has a good time today.(1)Whats the date today? Its A.June 1stB.October 1stC.January 1st(2)The students are now. A.in the parkB.in the classroomC.at home(3)Are there any fruits in the cl

    10、assroom? A.Yes, there are.B.Yes, they are.C.Yes, it is.(4)Do the students have a good time? A.Yes, they do.B.No, they dont.C.We dont know.参考答案 一、选出划线部分的读音与另外两个不同的单词 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 二、选择填空(本大题共10分,每小题1分) 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A 三、根据括号里所给的中文提示,完成横线上所缺的单词,每空一词。

    11、16. Music 17. never/often;e-mails;your;me;sharp;grandchildren;twice;first 18. What are these in English, Linda? They are socks. 19. read 20. How;vacation 四、根据标点符号提示,连词成句。(本大题共7.5分,每小题1.5分) 21. Lingling is having a birthday party. 22. They werent old then. 23. We invite our friends to our house. 24. The dog is sitting in front of them. 25. Would you like to come to his party? 五、根据图片提示,仿照例句,完成句子。(本大题共7.5分,每句1.5分) 26. goes六、阅读理解(本大题共22.5分) 27. E;B;C;D;A 28. (1)错误(2)正确(3)正确(4)正确(5)错误 29. (1)C(2)B(3)A(4)A


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