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    1、Module 3 Out and about模块综合与测试一、听音,标号.1.听音,标号 _ _ _ _ _ _ 二、听音,判断正误。2.People can learn about many different cultures in the park ( ) 3.There are a lot of paintings in the Louvre Museum( ) 4.Peter will go to the cinema on foot( ) 5.It takes about five hours to get to Shanghai from Beijing by train( )

    2、6.I did my homework and had an apple yesterday ( ) 7.People can see all the things in the museum on one trip ( ) 三、听音,填单词并完成下列短文.8.听音,填单词并完成下列短文APolice BJill cfilm DSnow WhiteEinteresting FweekendBen:What are you going to do this_?Kitty:Im going to see a_with Jill and PeterBen:What film would you li

    3、ke to see?Kitty:_and l would like to see Snow White, but Peter wants to see_StoryBen:Which film are you going to see then?Kitty:Were going to see_Its an_filmIts about a beautiful princessWould you like to go with us,Ben?Ben:Yes,Id like to go with you. I like this film 四、听音,完成下列表格.9.听音,完成下列表格Where?Ho

    4、w to get there?How long does it take?Shanghai-_By_Shanghai-KunmingBy_More than _Beijing_By plane12 hours五、听音看图,并在横线上填上正确的单词。10.听音看图,并在横线上填上正确的单词(1)Boat 2 is in the_ of Boat 1 (2)Boat 3 is in the _ of Boat 4 (3)Boat 1 is in the_of Boat 4 (4)Boat 5 is in the_of Boat 4 (5)Boat 1 is in the _ of Boat 5.

    5、(6)Boat 5 is in the_of Boat 2. (7)Boat 3 is in the _ of Boat 1 (8)Boat 5 is in the_of Boat 1 六、判断画线部分的发音是否相同.11.stop robot ( ) 12.balloon stalk ( )13.watch water ( ) 14.floor root ( ) 15.knock often ( ) 16.because daughter ( ) 七、读句子并选出正确的单词.17.读句子并选出正确的单词.Abuildings BLondon C.tourists Dprincess E.su

    6、shi (1)They like travellingThey travel for fun( ) (2)She is fairShe is the daughter of the king( ) (3)They are tallPeople live or work there ( ) (4)Its a kind of food. Japanese people like it( ) (5)Its the capital of the UK( ) 八、选择填空.18.Who is the fairest all? A. in B. on C. of19.How does it take to

    7、 get to Shanghai from Beijing by train? A. often B. along C. long20.People in Beijing love eating A. sushi B. dumplings C. fish and chips21.Are the two cities far from each other? A. away B. on C. off22.The children of Class B the art museum last Monday A. saw B. visited C. watched九、读短文并完成以下任务23.读短文

    8、并完成以下任务 I went to see a film with my friend Kitty y The name of the film was S It was a a pretty p , her stepmother(继母)and a handsome princeWe bought the t from the InternetThe film was very i (1)根据首字母补全单词y_ S_ a_ P_ t_ i_ (2)根据短文内容回答下列问题:What was the film about? (3)根据短文内容回答下列问题:How did they feel ab

    9、out the film? 十、读短文,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“T表示,错误的用“F表示.24.读短文,判断下列句子正误 During holidays,Kitty usually goes to see the exhibits in many museums,such as the history museum,the art museum,the museum of science and technology and the museum of natural historyThere are thousands of wonderful things in museum.Ther

    10、e are paintings,sculptures(雕塑),costumes(服饰),swords(剑),ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals(动物标本)and many othersIt is always a good review of history to visit those museumsIt is also a great way to learn more things by myself (1)Kitty usually goes to many palaces during a long vacation (2)

    11、There are many wonderful things in museum (3)There is only one kind of things in museum (4)Kitty can learn many things in those museums (5)Kitty can see sculptures,ancient animal bones and many others in museum 十一、仔细阅读下列信息,并帮助Alice制订一个假期游览计划。25.仔细阅读下列信息,并帮助Alice制订一个假期游览计划 Summer holiday is comingId

    12、like to visit a great city, , It is . I want to visit therePeople in . I can there 答案解析部分一、听音,标号. 1.【答案】5;1;6;3;2;4 【解析】【听力原文】We had a picnic last weekendSnow White is very prettyIts a story about a clever monkeyLets play footballBeijing is the capital of ChinaShall we visit the car museum tomorrow?

    13、【分析】(1)听力原文翻译为:我们上周末吃了一顿野餐。图片5是吃野餐的。故答案为:5(2)听力原文翻译为:白雪公主非常漂亮。图片1是白雪公主。故答案为:1(3)听力原文翻译为:这是一个关于一只聪明猴子的故事。 图片6是一只猴子。故答案为:6(4)听力原文翻译为:让我们踢足球吧。图片3是踢足球的。故答案为:3(5)听力原文翻译为:北京是中国的首都。图片2是北京天安门。故答案为:2(6)听力原文翻译为:我们明天去参观汽车博物馆好吗?图片4是汽车博物馆。故答案为:4【点评】本题考查正确理解听力原文与合理分析图片信息。二、听音,判断正误。 2.【答案】错误 【解析】【听力原文】People can l

    14、earn about many different cultures in the museum【分析】听力原文翻译为:人们可以在博物馆里了解许多不同的文化。题干翻译为:人们可以在公园里了解许多不同的文化。比较可知,听力原文和题干所反映出的了解不同的文化的地址不同,故答案为:错误【点评】考查正确理解听力原文与题干的意思。3.【答案】正确 【解析】【听力原文】There are a lot of paintings in the Louvre Museum【分析】听力原文正是题干的英文,故答案为:正确【点评】考查听力原文与题干的英文是否一致。4.【答案】错误 【解析】【听力原文】Peter wi

    15、ll go to the cinema by bus【分析】听力原文翻译为:彼得将乘公共汽车去电影院。题干翻译为:彼得将乘步行去电影院。比较可知,听力原文和题干反映出去电影院的交通方式不同,故答案为:错误【点评】考查正确理解听力原文与题干的意思。5.【答案】错误 【解析】【听力原文】It takes about two hours to get to Shenzhen from Beijing by plane【分析】听力原文翻译为:乘飞机从北京到达深圳大约花费两个小时。题干翻译为:坐火车从北京到上海大约花费五个小时。 比较可知,听力原文和题干反映交通方式和目的地不同,故答案为:错误【点评】考

    16、查正确理解听力原文与题干的意思。6.【答案】错误 【解析】【听力原文】I watched TV and did my homework yesterday evening【分析】听力原文翻译为:昨天晚上我看了电视并做了我的作业。题干翻译为:昨天我做了我的作业并吃了一个苹果。 比较可知,听力原文和题干反映做事的时间不同和做的事不完全一样,故答案为:错误【点评】考查正确理解听力原文与题干的意思。7.【答案】错误 【解析】【听力原文】People cant see all the things in the museum on one trip【分析】听力原文翻译为:在一次旅行中人们不能看到博物馆里

    17、所有的东西。题干翻译为:在一次旅行中人们能看到博物馆里所有的东西。 比较可知,听力原文和题干所表达的意思刚好相反,故答案为:错误【点评】考查正确理解听力原文与题干的意思。三、听音,填单词并完成下列短文. 8.【答案】F;C;B;A;D;E 【解析】【听力原文】Ben:What are you going to do this weekend?Kitty:Im going to see a film with Jill and PeterBen:What film would you like to see?Kitty:Jill and l would like to see Snow Whit

    18、e,but Peter wants to see Police StoryBen:Which film are you going to see then?Kitty:Were going to see Snow WhiteIts an interesting filmIts about a beautiful princessWould you like to go with us,Ben?Ben:Yes,Id like to go with youI like this film【分析】备选单词的中文:APolice警察 BJill吉尔 cfilm电影 DSnow White白雪公主Ein

    19、teresting有趣的 Fweekend周末听力原文翻译为:Ben:这个(周末)你打算做什么?Kitty:我打算和吉尔和彼得一起去看(电影)。Ben:你想要看什么电影?Kitty:(吉尔)和我想要看白雪公主,但是彼得想看(警察)故事。Ben:那你打算看哪部电影?Kitty:我们打算看(白雪公主)。这是一部(有趣的)电影。它是关于一个美丽的公主。本,你愿意和我们一起去吗?Ben:是的,我愿意和你们一起去。我喜欢这部电影。根据听力原文的翻译和备选单词的中文可知答案为:(1)F(2)C(3)B(4)A(5)D(6)E【点评】考查正确理解听力原文的翻译和备选单词中文的掌握。四、听音,完成下列表格.

    20、9.【答案】Sanya;plane;three/3 hours;train;thirty-six/36 hours ;London 【解析】【听力原文】一Would you like to go to Sanya this summer holiday,Lucy?一Great, Id love toHow shall we get there?一We can get there by planeIt takes about three hours to get to Sanya from Shanghai一Where is Kunming?一Its in the southwest of Sh

    21、anghai一Is it far from here?一Yes, its quite farIt takes more than thirtysix hours to get there from Shanghai by train一Hi,AmyWhats your plan for the coming holiday?一I will go to London and meet my e-friend一Thats so cool! How long does it take to get to London from Beijing by plane?一It takes about twel

    22、ve hours【分析】听力原文翻译为:露西,今年暑假你愿意去三亚(Sanya)吗? 太好了,我很乐意。我们将如何到达那里? 我们可以坐飞机(plane)到达那里。从上海到三亚大约花费三个(three/3 )小时(hours)。分析表格后可知与听力原文有关的小题答案为:(1)Sanya(2)plane(3)three/3 hours 昆明在哪里? 它是在上海的西南。 它离这里远吗? 是的,很远。坐火车(train)从上海到那里花费三十六个(thirty-six/36 )多小时(hours )。分析表格后可知与听力原文有关的小题答案为:(4)train(5)thirty-six/36 hours

    23、 你好,艾米。对于即将到来的假期你的计划是什么? 我将要去伦敦(London)见我的网友。 这太酷了!坐飞机从北京到达伦敦花费多长时间? 那花费大约十二个小时。分析表格后可知与听力原文有关的小题答案为:(6)London【点评】考查正确理解听力原文的意思与正确分析表格的能力,平时要加强单词音形意的掌握。五、听音看图,并在横线上填上正确的单词。 10.【答案】(1)northeast(2)west(3)north(4)east(5)northwest(6)south(7)southwest(8)southeast 【解析】【听力原文】Boat 2 is in the northeast of B

    24、oat 1Boat 3 is in the west of Boat 4Boat 1 is in the north of Boat 4Boat 5 is in the east of Boat 4Boat 1 is in the northwest of Boat 5Boat 5 is in the south of Boat 2Boat 3 is in the southwest of Boat 1Boat 5 is in the southeast of Boat 1【分析】根据所听到的内容,可知答案为northeast;west;north;east;northwest;south;s

    25、outhwest;southeast【点评】考查根据听到的内容补充句子,听的时候要注意抓住字眼,着重听清楚缺少的单词。六、判断画线部分的发音是否相同. 11.【答案】正确 【解析】【分析】单词划线字母的发音:stop/, robot/. 比较可知,它们发音相同,故答案为:正确 【点评】本题考查单词划线字母o的发音,平时要注意掌握。12.【答案】错误 【解析】【分析】单词划线字母的发音:balloon/ ,stalk/:/. 比较可知,它们发音不同,故答案为:错误【点评】本题考查单词划线字母组合al的发音,平时要注意掌握。13.【答案】错误 【解析】【分析】单词划线字母的发音:watch/, w

    26、ater/:/ . 比较可知,它们发音不同,故答案为:错误【点评】本题考查单词划线字母a的发音,平时要注意掌握。14.【答案】错误 【解析】【分析】单词划线字母的发音:floor/:/, root/u:/. 比较可知,它们发音不同,故答案为:错误【点评】本题考查单词划线字母组合oo的发音,平时要注意掌握。15.【答案】正确 【解析】【分析】单词划线字母的发音:knock/, often / . 比较可知,它们发音相同,故答案为:正确【点评】本题考查单词划线字母o的发音,平时要注意掌握。16.【答案】错误 【解析】【分析】根据becausebkz,daughterdt可知,au在此两个单词中不同

    27、,故答案为错误。【点评】本题主要考查字母组合在单词中的发音,字母及字母组合的发音规则是解题关键,学生应该掌握。七、读句子并选出正确的单词. 17.【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)A(4)E(5)B 【解析】【分析】备选单词的中文:Abuildings 建筑物 BLondon伦敦 C.tourists旅行家 Dprincess公主 E.sushi寿司(1)句意:他们喜欢旅行。他们旅行是为了好玩。选项C符合句意, 故答案为:C(2)句意:她是公平的。她是国王的女儿。选项D符合句意, 故答案为:D(3)句意:它们是高的。人们在那里生活或工作。选项A符合句意,故答案为:A(4)句意:它是一种食物。日本人

    28、喜欢它。选项E符合句意,故答案为:E(5)句意:它是英国的首都。选项B符合句意,故答案为:B【点评】本题考查正确理解句意和备选单词中文的掌握。八、选择填空. 18.【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:谁是最美丽的那个人?A.在里面;B.在什么 ;C.的。of all在所有当中。故答案为C。【点评】本题主要考查介词。此处主要考察of+范围,是最高级的标志词之一19.【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:从北京到上海乘火车需要多长时间?A.经常;B.沿着;C.长的。how often多久,通常询问频率;how long多长,通常询问时间或距离。结合语境,此处询问多长时间,故答案为C。【点评】本题主要考查

    29、固定句型It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费某人一些时间。对some time提问,使用疑问词how long。20.【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:北京人喜爱吃饺子。A.素食;B.饺子;C.炸鱼和土豆片。根据生活常识可知,中国北方人喜欢吃饺子。故答案为B。【点评】本题主要考查生活常识。了解各地的饮食习惯是学生应该掌握的一项基本知识。21.【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:那两座城市之间彼此离的远吗?A.离开;B.在上面;C.切断。far away远离,固定短语。故答案为A。【点评】本题主要考查固定短语。far away from,远离,是固定搭配,a

    30、way可以去掉。22.【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:班里的孩子们上周一去参观艺术博物馆。A.看见;B.参观;C.观看。结合语境,去博物馆应该用“参观”一词。根据last monday可知,句子时态为一般过去时。故答案为B。【点评】本题主要考查词义辨析及一般过去时。九、读短文并完成以下任务 23.【答案】(1)yesterday;Snow White;about;princess;tickets;interesting(2)It was about a pretty princess,her stepmother and a handsome prince(3)They felt inter

    31、estingIt was interesting 【解析】【分析】根据句中单词和单词的首字母提示可推知短文的中文为:(昨天)我去和我的朋友基蒂看了一部电影。这部电影的名字是(白雪公主)。它是(关于)一个美丽的(公主),她的继母和一个一个英俊的(王子)。我们从网上买的(票)。这部电影是很(有趣的)。(1)昨天的英文是yesterday,白雪公主的英文是Snow White,关于的英文是about, 公主的英文是princess,票的英文是tickets,“有趣的”的英文是interesting。故答案为:yesterday Snow White about princess tickets in

    32、teresting(2)问题句意:这部电影是关于什么的?根据短文第三句可知答案为:It was about a pretty princess,her stepmother and a handsome prince(3)问题句意:他们觉得这电影怎么样?根据短文末句可知答案为:They felt interestingIt was interesting【点评】本题考查根据句中单词和单词的首字母提示推知短文中文的能力和单词的拼写及能从短文中寻找问题的答案。十、读短文,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“T"表示,错误的用“F"表示. 24.【答案】(1)0(2)1(3)0(4)1(

    33、5)1 【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了Kitty在假期里去博物馆参观了很多展览。(1)细节理解。根据During holidays, Kitty usually goes to see the exhibits in many museums.可知,Kitty没有去许多地方,所以本题错误。(2)细节理解。根据There are thousands of wonderful things in museum.可知,本题正确。(3)细节理解。根据There are paintings, sculptures, costumes, swords, ancient animal bones and p

    34、lants, stuffed animals and many others.可知,所以本题错误。(4)细节理解。根据It is also a great way to learn more things by myself.可知,所以本题正确。(5)细节理解。根据There are paintings, sculptures, costumes, swords, ancient animal bones and plants, stuffed animals and many others.可知,本题正确。【点评】本题主要考查对文章的综合理解。做题时要把握文中的关键词句,在文章中找出正确的答案。十一、仔细阅读下列信息,并帮助Alice制订一个假期游览计划。 25.【答案】暂未更新 【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文。根据所提供的内容,帮助Alice制定一个假期旅行的计划。文章主要内容包括旅游目的地,景点,用餐情况和方式交通方式。结合语境,句子时态用一般将来时,人称用第一人称。【点评】本题是写作题,考查对所学知识的综合运用,结合提示短语,熟练的应用短语,写合适的句子,注意时态及人称。


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