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    1、2023年浙江省温州市(六校)中考一模英语试卷一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was 8:15 a. m. when Henry put the last newspaper at 15 Birch Street. He should ride his bike to get to The Gazette office by 8:30. There must be something 1 for the editor in chief, Mr. Trotta, to meet with an

    2、11-year-old paperboy. “Well 2 this newspaper office, Henry. The television and the computer are how people get their news today. And on newspapers, advertising* now is 3 quickly.” Mr. Trotta said.“Then people wont get their neighborhood news anymore.” said Henry. Mr. Trotta nodded and sighed. “We he

    3、ld out as long as we could, 4 theres just no way.”Sadly, Henry 5 himself to make the head up to say good-bye. A week later, Henry wondered if his customers 6 The Gazette as much as he did. He thought of a way to find out. Henry started out with his 7 . First stop: Mr. Jonas, 17 Oak. When Henry asked

    4、 him about the old newspaper, Mr. Jonas was quick to answer, “I 8 liked reading The Gazette. I wish to read them again so much. By the way, I have a pile of storybooks. Any ideas?”“Maybe 9 would want them. Ill ask around.” He took out a pen and made some notes at once. Then, Henry stopped at Mrs. Bu

    5、rkes, 27 Maple. She opened the door holding the three 10 .Henry stared. “You could use a babysitter.”“Exactly. I was going to 11 an advertisement in The Gazette, butKnow any neighbors with experience?”As Henry made more notes, a/an 12 began forming in his head. Maybe he could create a newsy page for

    6、 the neighbors. Definitely, all the neighbors cheered for him. They were 13 to provide the news. Henry typed the news, mimeographed purple copies, and delivered* the 14 Tree Streets News on Saturday. From then on, customers continued providing stories. They also advertised wanted help, and requested

    7、 books or music. In fact, Henry was making news and 15 neighbors. Though he missed his old Gazette job, he had started something too. 1. A. interestingB. importantC. helpfulD. personal2. A. closeB. buyC. saveD. develop3. A. inB. aroundC. onD. down4. A. andB. soC. butD. or5. A. warnedB. pushedC. prom

    8、isedD. allowed6. A. checkedB. usedC. missedD. forgot7. A. computerB. newspaperC. storybookD. notebook8. A. probablyB. surelyC. mainlyD. hardly9. A. everybodyB. anybodyC. somebodyD. nobody10. A. babiesB. catsC. flowersD. letters11. A. think aboutB. look throughC. wait forD. put up12. A. adventureB. i

    9、deaC. taskD. question13. A. pleasedB. sweetC. surprisedD. confident14. A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. last15. A. controllingB. findingC. protectingD. connecting二、阅读理解(本题有15小题,第16-18小题,每小题1分;第19-29小题,每小题2分;第30小题5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,第16-29小题从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,第30题请在答题纸规定区域作答。ALIVE LIFE PAIN FREEMany peo

    10、ple are being affected by foot, leg or back pain in their lives. Our shoes are designed to help. The technology, Shock Absorption System, in our shoes provides protection from harmful shocks. And it allows muscles* in the feet, legs and back to relax and find your natural balance. It also works whil

    11、e you are standing long hours on hard surfaces. Try and enjoy the benefits of GDEFYUltimate ComfortRenewed EnergyMaximum ProtectionImproved PostureSizesColorsMen: 7.5-15 M/W/XWGrayBlueBlackWomen: 6-11 M/W/XWPrice$145, but 20% off if you pay before May 30th 202360-Day Try Defy GuaranteeFree Exchanges

    12、, Free Returns. We want you to have plenty of time to try out our shoes and experience the differences they will make in your life! Call 1(800)429-003916. We know GDEFY can help _in the passage. A. relax musclesB. lose weightC. stop painD. protect arms17. If Lucy wants to buy two pairs of GDEFY this

    13、 May Day, she needs to pay _.A. $116B. $145C. $232D. $29018. According to the passage, _will most probably buy GDEFY. A. David who wears shoes of size 6. 5B. Jack who needs to stand for a long timeC. Lucy who loves pink or white shoesD. Maria who wants to treat her knee painBSweden produces about 4.

    14、 4 million tons of waste a year, but only 1% makes its way to the landfill. When it comes to waste management, Sweden is ahead of its time. How has Sweden done it?In Sweden, everyone works hard to make the environment free of waste. People are taught to recycle from a very young age. They are asked

    15、to return cans and bottles to supermarkets. The government places recycling stations no more than 300 meters from homes, schools, and offices. These all help waste management in Sweden much easier and more practical. The country also rewards those who recycle. In 1984, Sweden started the panta syste

    16、m. It encourages people to recycle bottles in exchange for money. The process is very simple. People put their items into a machine. Each piece has a small barcode that tells the machine how much it is worth. People can collect a voucher* for that amount by pressing a green button, or they can donat

    17、e the money to charity by pressing a yellow button. In 2021, the Swedish recycled 1.8 billion bottles and cans by using panta system. Sweden recycles nearly 50% of what it throws away. But what about the other half? _Altogether Sweden has 34 waste-to-energy plants that provide 1, 445, 000 homes with

    18、 heat and 780, 000 homes with electricity. Changing waste into energy has reduced Swedens CO2 emissions by 2.2 million tons a year. In 2016, Sweden had started running out of trash, so it began importing* waste from other countries. It not only keeps the plants working, but also lets Sweden make muc

    19、h money. That is what makes Sweden different from the other countries. Swedens waste management has made a great success. But still, the country is wondering how it can do more. They hope to see a day when landfills are a thing of the past. 19. The word “These” in Para. 2 refers to the _that help to

    20、 recycle the waste. A. plansB. meaningsC. actionsD. reasons20. In the panta system, people can _.A. find recycling stations easilyB. sell bottles to supermarketsC. change the waste into energyD. get rewards from machines21. Which of the following can be best filled in the _in Para. 4?A. This waste i

    21、s recycled by Swedish at home. B. This waste goes to landfills and is burnt there. C. This waste is put into machines and is sold abroad. D. This waste goes to plants and is changed into energy. 22. The purpose of this passage is to _.A. celebrate the success of waste recycling in SwedenB. advise ot

    22、her countries to ask for help from SwedenC. introduce the Swedish method of waste managementD. show Sweden earns much money by recycling wasteCHumans are getting away from the nature gradually because of the developing technology. But now Digital Technology is offering us an opportunity to listen to

    23、 the sounds in the nature in powerful ways, making us get closer to the worlds of animals and plants. All around the nature, there are sounds that we struggle to pick up and understand. Elephants, for example, communicate with each other using infrasound, a sound far below our human hearing range. C

    24、oral in the ocean also communicates with each other through sound waves, with one purpose of attracting baby coral to areas where it can successfully grow. This is a shocking fact as coral doesnt have any ears!To pick up sounds humans are normally unable to hear, scientists have placed listening dev

    25、ices* in these environments. Researchers have attached tiny microphones to honeybees and turtles, and stuck listening posts that can receive different sound waves from coral reefs and trees. These devices are controlled by computers and networked with digital sensors and satellites. When interconnec

    26、ted, these digital devices work like a hearing aid: enabling humans to observe and record natures sounds beyond the limits of our own listening ability. After the sounds are recorded, AI is then able to determine their meanings. With this technology, humans can not only understand the animals, but a

    27、lso communicate back to them. For example, a team of researchers in Germany decoded the honeybees behavior with AI. Then they taught tiny robots how to do the honeybee dance. Using these dancing machines, the scientists were able to order the honeybees to stop moving, and to communicate where to fly

    28、 to collect a specific nectar. In addition to the possibility of speaking with animals, the research could also be used to create a form of healing for animals and plants. Thats to say, in the near future, scientists might be able to get coral to grow in certain areas by playing “healthy reef sounds

    29、, which could help to heal some of the damage we have caused. Now, Digital Technology provides a new way for humans to listen to the vivid sounds all around us. The dream of allowing humans to socialize with different animals and plants throughout the nature is being on its way. 23. According to the

    30、 passage, now people can use Digital Technology to _.A. see corals earsB. listen to the sounds of treesC. play with elephantsD. dance with honeybees themselves24. Which is the right order to pick up the sounds from the nature for scientists?a. Analyze the meanings with the help of AI. b. Place liste

    31、ning devices into the nature world. c. Collect the sounds from the animals or plants. d. Connect the devices with computers and networks. A. bdcaB. bcdaC. cbadD. cdba25. What could most probably happen with the help of Digital Technology?A. More people will choose to live in the nature. B. There wil

    32、l be much fewer animals in the nature. C. People can protect the environment more easily. D. Robots can be used to communicate with anything. 26. Whats the best title of this passage?A. Digital-tech: An Invention to Change Peoples LifeB. Digital-tech: A Suggestion to Rebuild the Nature WorldC. Digit

    33、al-tech: An Aid to Enable People to Hear EverythingD. Digital-tech: A Skill to Help People to Talk with the NatureDThis year my mom lost her job, and I knew Christmas would be different. It had been just Mom and I for a long time, and we would be worse. My best friend, Becky and I had gone to see Th

    34、e Nutcracker together every year before, but not this year. Going to the ballet* was my favorite holiday tradition. I loved the dancing, the costumes, and especially the music. I worried that it wouldnt feel like Christmas without The Nutcracker. The week before Christmas, Mom and I went to Hauser F

    35、arm. We went there to find our Christmas tree every year. She pretended to check the tree for half an hour, but I knew she was checking the price tag. “I dont think theyre quite right,” Mom said. “How about skipping the tree this year?”“Sure.” I smiled for Mom. She smiled back, but I could tell she

    36、was feeling bad. The ballet was my favorite thing about Christmas, but the tree was my moms favorite. She loved pinethe deep green, the rich smell, and the sticky sap*. Christmas Eve arrived, and it was time for another tradition. Every year, we drove around to see Christmas light displays. Mom went

    37、 downstairs to the car first and she started the engine. As soon as I got into the car, I heard the opening overture* from The Nutcracker. “You got The Nutcracker music for me? For our drive?” I asked. “Yes, I did.” she answered, grinning. A light snow began to fall, and the lights seemed to shine e

    38、xtra brightly. The Nutcracker music made everything feel magical. But for me, I also had a surprise for Mom! Before we went home, I directed Mom on and stopped the car just outside Hauser Farm. “Sweetie,” Mom said, “I dont think there will be any trees left. Besides, we dont have”“I know,” I said. “

    39、But I called Mr. Hauser, and he said this was OK.”Finally, we stopped beside a field of new trees, next years Christmas trees. Outside the car, the air smelled of pine. “We dont have just one tree this year, but we have a whole field.” I said. Mom put her arm around me and kissed my forehead. “So, t

    40、his is an evergreen Christmas for us. Thank you.”We opened the car windows and cranked* up The Nutcracker. We walked and danced happily, looking and smelling and touching until our gloves were sticky with sap. We hugged each other tightly in the field. Tears filled our eyes27. How many traditions di

    41、d the writer usually have for Christmas?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 28. What did the writers mom do for her on Christmas Eve?A. Her mom drove her to Hauser House. B. Her mom bought a big Christmas tree. C. Her mom took her to the Nutcracker ballet. D. Her mom surprised her with The Nutcracke

    42、r. 29. Which sentence in the passage has a similar meaning with “an evergreen Christmas”?A. B. C. D. 30.Why were the writer and her moms eyes filled with tears at last? (请用约40词左右回答)_三、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。simple unless except nine influence31. The Internet _our life grea

    43、tly since it was invented. 32. Jason is crazy about the motorbike _because he thinks its cool. 33. My family all went to see The Wandering Earth 2 _me yesterday. 34. Wu Ming is hard to understand _you know about Chinese history. 35. Lisa won the _place in 800-meter race, but we still felt proud of h

    44、er. B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。Hooray! Here comes 2023, the Year of the Rabbit! Rabbits are gentle and smart. They are very 36 (受欢迎的) with people from all over the world.In China, the rabbit stands for the moon. Ancient Chinese people 37 (相信) a rabbit was living on the moon. The rabbit is calle

    45、d the Moon Rabbit and helps Change, a goddess who is widely known in China, to make 38 (药). Besides, rabbits can have many babies in the nature, 39 (甚至) in terrible conditions. In the past, people thought the more children they had, the 40 (更好的) their life would be. These can tell why rabbits 41 (认为

    46、,考虑) to be a lucky sign in China.Similarly, rabbits are seen to be lucky in Western culture. There are some traditions about how to gain the rabbits good luck for 42 (你自己) . For example, a rabbits foot is one of the most famous 43 (象征) of good luck and its holder is supposed to be lucky. In North 44 (美国), people usually say the word “rabbit” on the first mornin


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