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    1、2023年广西柳州市中考一模英语试卷一、听力(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)(一)听句子,选图片。你将听到五个句子,请选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,有一幅图是多余的。每个句子读两遍。ABCDEF1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _(二)听短对话,选择最佳答案。你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请根据对话内容,选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。6. What does Alex want to be in the future?A. A doctor.B. An engineer.C. A manager.7. Whats in Jims box?A. Some erasers.B.

    2、Some pencils.C. Some books.8. Who does the woman buy a coat for?A. Her daughter.B. Her son.C. Her husband.9. What does the woman think of the Spring Festival Gala (春晚)?A. Helpful.B. Humorous.C. Wonderful.10. How many bottles did the man and woman collect?A. 11.B. 13.C. 24.(三)听长对话,选择最佳答案。你将听到三段对话,请根据

    3、对话内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。请听第一段对话,回答第11至13小题。11. Where is David going?A. His house.B. His friends house.C. The Old Peoples House.12. How often does David go there?A. Twice a week.B. Twice a month.C. Twice a year.13. What will Sally do?A. Join David.B. Have a walk.C. Do some shopping.请听第二段对话,回答第14至16小

    4、题。14. Why does the man want to ride to work?A. Because he cant drive.B. Because his car is broken.C. Because the air pollution is heavy.15. How long will it take the man to ride to work?A. Twenty-five minutes.B. Thirty minutes.C. Fifty-five minutes.16. How many bikes are there in the mans home?A. No

    5、ne.B. One.C. Two.请听第三段对话,回答第17至20小题。17. Whats Tonys favourite sport?A. Basketball.B. Volleyball.C. Football.18. Which team does the woman like best?A. France.B. Argentina (阿根廷).C. England.19. When is the match between France and Argentina?A. At 11 pm.B. At 11 am.C. At 10 pm.20. Whats the probable re

    6、lationship between the speakers?A. Brother and sister.B. Friends.C. Father and daughter.(四)听短文,选择最佳答案。你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。21. Where does Daming often read books about space?A. In the library.B. In the bookshop.C. In the museum.22. What does Daming often make when he is free at home?A.

    7、 Model ships.B. Model planes.C. Model spaceships.23. When does Daming work as a little guide in the museum?A. On Friday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.24. How many times has Chen Dong been to space?A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.25. What does Daming do every day to realize his dream?A. Buy a lot of bo

    8、oks.B. Do sports a lot.C. Check his body.(五)听短文,填信息。你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入答题卡对应的横线上,每空一词。短文读三遍。How to become a successful learner26 an interestConnect what you need to learn with something interesting. You wont get 27 .Develop your study skills Know the best way you can study. Review what you have

    9、 learned by 28 the information to another student.Ask questions 29 comes from questioning (质疑). Ask questions 30 or after class.二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从下列各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。31. _ is it from your home to school?About ten kilometers.A. WhatB. How farC. Where32. _ on this book, Lucy!Sorry, I wont

    10、.A. DrawingB. DrawC. Dont draw33. To be an honest man, we should keep our _ first.A. promisesB. mistakesC. health34. Must you get to school before 7 oclock now?No, we _. We can get there before 8 oclock now.A. mustntB. needntC. cant35. Have you watched the film The Wandering Earth (流浪地球2)?Yes, its s

    11、o moving. I have never seen a _ one.A. goodB. betterC. best36. “Here is your ticket, ” the conductor (售票员) smiled and said _.A. angrilyB. politelyC. hurriedly37. The team saved many peoples lives in the earthquake in Turkiye (土耳其).Thats right. I think thats why people think highly of _.A. youB. usC.

    12、 them38. Hurry up. The World Cup is about to begin. Tom _ for us at the gate.Im sorry. Im coming.A. is waitingB. will waitC. waited39. Eric, would you like to come to my party tonight?Sorry, my mother has been infected (感染) with COVID-19, so I have to _ her.A. look afterB. look atC. look for40. Coul

    13、d you tell me _?Sure. Just as President Hu says “Happiness is achieved through hard work”.A. what happiness isB. who can make us happyC. how we can find happiness三、补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。Steven: Hi, Li Hua. 41 Li Hua: We have eight lessons, five in the morning and thr

    14、ee in the afternoon.Steven: Whats your favourite lesson?Li Hua: 42 Its very interesting and helpful.Steven: Really? I havent heard of such a lesson. 43 Li Hua: We can learn how to cook, how to plant vegetables and how to raise animals.Steven: Thats really interesting. When do you have the lesson?Li

    15、Hua: 44 Steven: Can you show me some photos of thevegetables you have planted?Li Hua: Sure! 45 Steven: Thank you.Li Hua: You are welcome.A. On Friday afternoon.B. The labor (劳动) class.C. We have one labor class a week.D. I will send them to you this evening.E. What can you learn in the labor class?F

    16、. How many lessons do you have a day?四、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。Once there was a relative who gave a man and his three sons two baskets of peaches (桃子). One basket of peaches were just ripe(成熟) while 46 were already overripe (熟透的) and would go 47 at once.The father asked

    17、, “Which way of eating can avoid 48 a peach?”The eldest son said, “We should eat those overripe, for they cant be 49 for three days.”“But after we eat up those peaches, the peaches in the other basket will go bad!” Certainly, the father was not 50 with the eldest sons advice.The second son thought f

    18、or a while and said “We should eat the peaches 51 ripe. Choose the good ones!”“If so, wont the overripe peaches be wasted? Dont you think it a 52 ?” The father turned to the youngest son, “What good idea do you 53 ?”“I feel,” the youngest son said, “wed better mix them together, take 54 of them to t

    19、he neighbors houses, and let them eat with us, so that we wont waste a peach at all.”Hearing this, the father 55 and said with a smile, “OK. It is really a good way. Then lets do it by your way.”46. A. anotherB. otherC. the other47. A. wrongB. badC. mad48. A. wastingB. losingC. buying49. A. soldB. k

    20、eptC. returned50. A. busyB. strictC. satisfied51. A. justB. neverC. hardly52. A. surpriseB. victoryC. pity53. A. wantB. haveC. need54. A. allB. someC. none55. A. noddedB. leftC. relaxed五、阅读理解(共20小题,第5660小题,每小题1分;第6175小题,每小题2分,共35分)AA 6-year-old girl went to her elder sister who was in the kitchen.Sh

    21、e saw her frying (煎) fish and asked her, “Lucy, why did you cut the head and the tail of the fish off before frying it?”Her sister thought about it for a while and said, “Why? I dont know. But Mum does it this way, so I do it in this way too.”Hearing this, the little girl ran to her mother and asked

    22、 her mother the same question. Her mother too, took a while to think and said, “Why? I never thought about it. I dont know. But your grandmother does it in this way, so I do it this way too.”The little girl felt surprised and she really wanted to find the answer to the question. So she ran towards h

    23、er grandmother and asked, “Grandma, why do you cut the head and the tail of the fish off before frying it? Lucy and Mum do it, and they told me you did it too.”“I dont know why they cut the head and the tail, but I did it because my frying pan was very small,” her grandma answered.根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误,正确

    24、的在答题卡上将“T”涂黑,错误的在答题卡上将“F”涂黑。56. Lucy has an elder sister.57. Lucys mother never cut the head and the tail off before frying fish.58. Lucy and her mother didnt know the answer to her sisters question.59. Lucys grandma cut the fish head and tail off because her pan wasnt big enough.60. Its the curiosi

    25、ty (好奇心) that helps the little girl find the answer to her question.BVocational education (职业教育) in ChinaVocational education is hoped to grow fast in China as the government continues to encourage high-quality (质量) development. China Youth Daily did a survey on April 29. They asked 1000 parents abo

    26、ut their attitudes (态度) towards vocational education. Here are the results.Parents attitudes towards vocational educationInformation about secondary vocational schools (中等职业学校) in ChinaNumberYearschoolsstudentsteachers20217,29413,118,100695,40020227,40012,161,663642,197More information:The Ministry

    27、of Education (教育部) plans to set up a separate (单独的) entrance examination system for vocational students.This year, 18 colleges and universities in Beijing are adding 46 vocational majors (专业). Most of the new ones focus on (集中在) cutting-edge (尖端的) fields like AI technical services.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。61.

    28、When was the survey done by China Youth Daily?A. On April 9.B. On April 19.C. On April 29.62. What did the survey show?A. 100 parents didnt take part in the survey.B. 240 parents didnt know anything about vocational education.C. Most parents could accept that their children received vocational educa

    29、tion.63. How many students were there in secondary vocational schools in China in 2022?A. 13,118,100.B. 12,161,663.C. 3.950,427.64. What does the underlined word “ones” refer(指代) to?A. Schools.B. Majors.C. Jobs.65. Where does this text probably come from?A. A newspaper.B. A travel magazine.C. A stor

    30、ybook.COnce again, I was at a new school. So was a girl in my class named Paris. That was where the similarities ended.I was tall and she was small. I was one of the oldest in the class while she was the youngest. My hair was thick, short and ugly while hers was long and beautiful. I was shy. She wa

    31、snt. I couldnt stand her, considering her my enemy. But she wanted to be friends.One day, she invited me over and I said yes I was too shocked to say no. Actually, no one had invited me to play before. But this girl wanted to invite me.She lived on the fourth floor in a two-room place with her big f

    32、amily. When we got to the room she shared with her sister, she took out a big case of Barbies (芭比娃娃) which was my next surprise. I had never played with them. But we sat on the floor laughing as we made up crazy stories about the Barbies. Thats when we found out that we both wanted to be writers whe

    33、n we were older. We both had wild imaginations. We had a great time that afternoon.Paris charmed (吸引) the whole community. The bookstore owners lent her magazines, the movie theater gave her free passes and the pizza place let her have free pieces. Soon I was included in her magic world. We slept ov

    34、er at each others houses and spent every free moment together. I let my hair grow out and learned to love being tall.Paris, my first real friend since childhood, helped me get through my tough teenage years and taught me an amazing thing about making friends: Your “worst enemy” can turn out to be yo

    35、ur best friend.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。66. What did the writer mean by saying “That was where the similarities ended”?A. She had little in common with Paris.B. She wanted to know more about Paris.C. Her friendship with Paris came to an end.67. Why did the writer consider Paris her enemy?A. Because she couldnt

    36、 stand with Paris.B. Because she was too shy to make friends with Paris.C. Because she felt that Paris was better than her in some ways.68. What does the underlined word “shocked” mean in Paragraph 3?A. Tired.B. Surprised.C. Nervous.69. What happened to the writer after she made friends with Paris?A

    37、. She started to accept herself.B. She got some Barbies as gifts from Paris.C. She became popular in her community, too.70. What does the writer want to tell us in this story?A. Friends should share their things with each other.B. You can be good friends even if you are different.C. Never judge (判断)

    38、 a person by his or her looks (样貌).DEliminating (消除) poverty (贫困) is a common task all over the world. Its even more difficult for China, the biggest developing country with the largest population in the world. But China has done a good job of dealing with it.In 2013, President Xi Jinping put forwar

    39、d “targeted poverty alleviation” (精准扶贫) and set a goal to eliminate poverty by 2020. From 2013 to 2016, 55.64 million rural (农村的) people in China were lifted out of poverty. By the end of 2020, China had made all the rural people get rid of (摆脱) poverty.On Feb 25, 2021, President Xi announced (宣布) t

    40、hat China has made a “complete victory” in the fight against poverty. That means 98. 99 million rural people have been lifted out of poverty. The 832 counties (县) and 128,000 villages which these people live in are no longer in poverty.Such great achievements (成就) have caught the eyes of the world.

    41、How did China make it? It found its own way to fight poverty. Instead of just giving money to poor people, it has tried to educate people and give them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Since 2015, three million officers from the government, state-owned (国营的) companies, and publ

    42、ic organizations (组织) have also been sent to rural (农村的) areas.Eliminating poverty is not the end, but the starting point of a new life. This year, the National Administration for Rural Revitalization (国家乡村振兴局) was set up. Its goal (目标) is to fully develop the countryside. Hopefully, there will be s

    43、trong businesses and a pleasant living environment.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。71. Why is it even more difficult for China to eliminate poverty?A. Because China doesnt have experience in eliminating poverty.B. Because too much money should be given to the poor in rural areas.C. Because China is a developing count

    44、ry and has the largest population.72. When was “targeted poverty alleviation” put forward?A. In 2013.B. In 2016.C. In 2020.73. How many rural people have been lifted out of poverty since 2013?A. 43.35 million.B. 55.64 million.C. 98.99 million.74. Whats Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. What has happened i

    45、n China since 2015.B. The ways of eliminating poverty in China.C. Chinas great achievements in eliminating poverty.75. What can we infer (推断) from the last Paragraph?A. China still needs to eliminate more poverty in the future.B. The goal of eliminating poverty is to fully develop the countryside.C.

    46、 China will continue to help the countryside to become a better place.六、选词填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)根据语篇内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次。touch much enjoy eye without close shake abroad careful strangeThere are many people who love travelling to different countries. But if you plan to go 76 , you should know how to behave (表现) in different situations around the world.Many travelers 77 meeting new people. But sometimes you may be rude 78 saying anything. In Russia, you are not supposed 79 hands in a doorway (门口). If you are travelling in Thailand, people dont 80 peoples heads


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