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    1、2023年广东省深圳市中考英语考前冲刺试卷(2)第一部分 选择题(50分)一、完型填空(10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1分)There was a beautiful peacock (孔雀) out on a rainy day. He looked at himself in the water. He said, “How beautiful I am!” But when he heard his own _1_, he became sad. Then, he heard

    2、 a nightingale (夜莺) _2_ in the trees.Listening to the nightingales sweet song, he began to cry. “Why dont I have such a beautiful voice?” At that moment, the goddess Juno _3_. She went to the peacock.“Why are you _4_?” Juno asked.The peacock told her about his _5_ voice. “Why does the nightingale ge

    3、t such a beautiful voice? My voice sounds like rocks rolling over sand.”Then Juno said, “Every living thing is _6_ in its own way. The nightingale has a beautiful voice, but you have beautiful _7_! The nightingale told me he wants to _8_ you. He is sad about his brown color.”The peacock stood up thi

    4、nking for a while, “Youre right,” he said. “I have the most beautiful color in the forest. The nightingale has the sweetest voice. We are both great in our own ways.”The peacock didnt _9_ his voice at all. “You cant have it all,” he thought. _10_, he remembered what made him special.Cherish what you

    5、 have and make yourself a better one.1AvoiceBspeechCrecordDnoise2AcryingBshoutingCspeakingDsinging3AfollowedBleftCappearedDapologized4AunhappyBboredCsurprisedDafraid5AbeautifulBroughCloudDdeep6AinterestingBsweetCcheerfulDspecial7AlegsBeyesCcolorsDfootprints8Alook likeBplay againstCtake photos ofDmak

    6、e friends with9Ashow offBworry aboutCsatisfy withDsearch for10AStillBSuccessfullyCInsteadDBesides二、阅读理解(40分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选山最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题-2分)AExpected to open in 2024, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan bridge across the Pearl River will cut travel time between the two cities in

    7、 South Chinas Guangdong province (省) from two hours to about 30 minutes.The project crosses the sea, connecting two bridges, two islands, underwater channels and a two-way eight-lane tunnel (八车道隧道). According to the China Daily newspaper, 320,000 tons of steel (钢材) will be needed to build the two-wa

    8、y eight-lane tunnel, which will be 6.8 km long and 46 meters wide, making it the largest and widest in the world. The connection is made up of 19 bridges, the longest of which is 10 kilometers. The speed limit on the bridge, when it is completed, will be a speed of 100 km per hour at most.As an impo

    9、rtant project in China under the countrys 13th Five-Year Plan (20162020), the bridge, once completed, is expected to improve communication in the Greater Bay Area, which covers Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong. The bridge will also join up the Nansha, Qianhai, Cuiheng and Hengqin areas of the province

    10、.Chen Lei, a doctor now working in Shenzhen, was born and raised in Zhongshan. He couldnt hide his excitement when talking about the bridge, “It would be much more convenient for me to visit my parents. My friends who run business on local food products are happy with the huge market in Shenzhen and

    11、 reduced traffic cost. There have also been more Shenzhen-based companies and factories setting up offices, building houses and getting workers in my hometown. I believe the bridge will not only benefit my hometown but also all the connected parts in Guandong.”11How much travel time will be saved by

    12、 the Shenzhen-Zhongshan bridge?A30 minutes.B60 minutes.C90 minutes.D120 minutes.12How does the writer present the bridge in the second paragraph?ABy listing examples.BBy giving numbers.CBy describing pictures.DBy showing differences.13What does the third paragraph mainly introduce about the bridge?A

    13、Its look.BIts size.CIts influence.DIts development.14What can we learn from Chen Leis words?ALocal house price will be reduced in Shenzhen.BMore factories are creating new offices in Shenzhen.CMore job opportunities will be provided in Zhongshan.DLocal market of food products will be huge in Zhongsh

    14、an.15Where is the passage probably taken from?AA newspaper.BA storybook.CA travel diary.DA science book.BWhen Misty Copeland was 25, she was awarded the gold medal of the Varna Ballet (芭蕾舞) Competition (比赛), one of the greatest prizes for a ballet dancer. On her trip to success, this talented dancer

    15、 has met lots of challenges, but she got over them and danced towards her dream, the art of ballet.Misty spends most days perfecting the beautiful movements of her art. She takes it as the most important thing everyday. “I feel really confident on stage,” she said.But Misty didnt always feel so conf

    16、ident. The hard time in the past made her strong. The day she turned 21, Misty found it difficult to rise to her feet, which was a disaster for a dancer. In addition, because she was the only African American in the theatre, she sometimes didnt fit in. Although Misty felt discouraged, she didnt give

    17、 up and learned to be brave. She went to hospital and actively took part in rehabilitative (康复的) training.After 2 years of training, she finally stood up for her dream and continued to follow her dream. In 2015, she was named a top dancer at American Ballet Theatre. She is the first African American

    18、 woman to win this prize. Her story has moved thousands of African Americans to work for their dreams. “No matter what that dream is, and how hard life could be,” she said. “Dont run away and work for it with a brave heart,” she added.“Every morning, I wake up and think, today I can be better than y

    19、esterday,” she said, “and thats pretty cool.”16Misty got over challenges to _.Ahave a tripBwin the awardCshow her talentDachieve her goal17What does “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?AThe work of practice.BThe feeling on stage.CThe journey to success.DThe movement of ballet.18What happened to Misty when

    20、she was 21?AShe became a doctor.BShe couldnt stand up.CShe received ballet training.DShe couldnt fit into her dress.19What can we learn about Misty from paragraph 4?AShe called on people to face difficulties.BShe helped African Americans to find a job.CShe cared about others to gain a good name.DShe

    21、 invited African Americans to learn ballet.20Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?AHealth Leads to SuccessBBe Brave for Your DreamCPerfection Comes from PracticeDGet Prepared for DifficultiesCHave you seen your parents having a headache and reach for a bottle of aspirin (阿

    22、司匹林)? We use it when were hurting. And it all started with a man who gave a taste of tree skin centuries ago.In 1758, Edward Stone took a walk on a beautiful, sunny morning in England. He stopped to rest under a willow (柳树) tree. Suddenly, he decided to try a bit of the tree skin. The bitter (苦的) ta

    23、ste reminded him of medicine and he started to think whether it could be used as a medicine. Edward referred to medicine books for answers, but he failed. Still, he decided to test it on his family, friends and neighbors with headache and it really helped them feel better.Edward Stone wasnt the firs

    24、t one to learn this medicine. Willows grow everywhere, so theyre cheap and easy to get. People around the world have been using it for thousands of years to reduce agony. But Edward was the first to work on it and record the risk of it.In 1888, the Bayer company was looking for new medicines to sell

    25、. Two years later, the company invited scientists to find out which part of the willow skin could be used for medicine. Then, they studied how to turn it into medicines that were easy to take. Finally, after 7 years of work, they succeeded. The Bayer company named this new pain-killing medicine “asp

    26、irin”.Soon, the medicine became a success and made huge money for Bayer. The hard work of scientists makes a history. Aspirin has become one of the most-used pain-killing medicines and you can buy it at a cheap price from almost every medicine store all over the world. And it all started with Edward

    27、s curiosity.It is curiosity that makes us learn and benefit from nature. Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Maybe you are the next scientist that changes the world.21What inspired Edward to use willow skin as a medicine?AThe bitter taste of willow.BThe sick people around him.CThe good weather in England.DTh

    28、e medicine book about plants.22What does the underlined word “agony” in paragraph 3 mean?ACost.BDanger.CPain.DWork.23When did scientists invent aspirin?AIn 1888.BIn 1890.CIn 1895.DIn 1897.24What can we learn about aspirin from paragraph 5?AIt is widely used.BIt was sold by scientists.CIt is expensiv

    29、ely made.DIt was invented by Edward.25What is the purpose of this passage?ATo advise scientists to taste plants.BTo encourage people to stay curious.CTo praise people for protecting trees.DTo thank scientists for their achievements.第二节(每小题1分,共5分) 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。Most people

    30、 living in cities keep pets so that they wont feel lonely. Therefore, pets are easily treated like their own children or part of their family. No matter how much you love your pet, you will still be faced with odor problems. Even if you spend a lot of time cleaning them, pets will still have an odor

    31、. _26_Let in some fresh air. Ventilation (通风) is important to reducing the bad odors. _27_Use baking soda. _28_ It is the best way to remove pet odor. It is not only used as a natural air freshener, but also able to remove the odor in clothes, furniture, and even the odor of garbage cans._29_ Bathe

    32、your pets once a week or bring them to the pet salon in order to keep them tidy and free from bacteria (细菌) that may cause bad odor. Make sure to clean their fur and paws (毛和爪子) after walking them outside.Wash pet beds regularly. _30_ Besides, keeping your pets favorite spot clean and fresh benefits

    33、 its skin and fur as well.AYour pets bed is most likely the main cause of the bad odor (气味) in your home.BKeep pets clean.CHere are some tips on how to reduce pet-related odors from your homes.DYou may do this by turning on your fans or air conditioners or simply by opening your windows.EMake pet be

    34、ds tidy.FBaking soda (小苏打) is a natural odor absorbent (吸收剂).第三节(每小题1分,共5分) 下面材料AF分别是六个旅游地介绍。请根据五个人的兴趣爱好和需求,帮助他们选择一个他们最感兴趣的目的地,并将其标号填入题前括号内。_31_ Lucy loves watching cartoons. She wants to visit a country which is famous for cartoons._32_ Jack always wants to see aurora. And he wants to experience di

    35、fferent cultures._33_ Amy loves the sea. She wants to spend all day on the beach. She also likes to try different kinds of fruits._34_ Ben is interested in animals. He would like to try hunting on the grassland._35_ Molly enjoys nature. She likes all about nature. Mountains, rivers, beaches. She als

    36、o loves cute animals.AThailand is a fascinating country. Here you can enjoy the sun, the sand and the sea. You can also taste a wide variety of fruits and seafood. The local people are friendly. If you come here, youll feel at home.BJapan is an island nation in the Pacific. In Japan you can enjoy be

    37、autiful cherry blossoms, snowy mountains and hot springs. It is also the home of cartoons. If you are a fan of cartoons, you can not miss here.CThe United States is a big country with many places of interest. Here you can visit the vast Grand Canyon or spend a comfortable weekend by the sea. New Yor

    38、k is one of the largest cities in the world. You can see many tall modern buildings there.DAustralia is rich in natural beauty and unique culture. From beaches to mountains, waterfalls to lakes, it can meet all your needs. Here you can also see cute kangaroos and koalas, and taste the special local

    39、food.E. The vast grasslands, the hot and colorful islands, and the beautiful snow mountains. This is the African country Tanzania (坦桑尼亚)! When you come to Tanzania, you will be amazed by its grassland hunting.F. If you want to experience the snow, ice and aurora (极光), you should not miss Finland. Fi

    40、nland is also the land of ten thousand lakes and the home of Santa Claus. Here you can experience a unique culture.第二部分 非选择题(25分)三、语法填空(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整,正确。What do you think of rabbits in Chinese culture? As we celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, it is worth _

    41、36_ (notice) that the rabbit has been spread and enriched as a cultural image all around the world.The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, US, for example, _37_ (hold) its own “Celebrating the Year of the Rabbit” art exhibition _38_ Jan 21. This exhibition presents 16 outstanding Chinese works.

    42、They show how rabbits have been a famous artistic subject _39_ancient times. The museum has also taken care _40_ (explain) the mythical (神话的) meaning behind rabbits in China to visitors. The exhibition can help to spread the popularity of rabbit culture _41_ (wide). Just as the museums official webs

    43、ite describes, “the rabbit is _42_ popular animal in Chinese literature and folklores (民间传说). It _43_ (believe) to live on the moon and help the goddess Change by preparing her elixir of immortality (长生不老药).”These rabbit _44_ (work) of art have seen wide attraction globally. The post by the Metropol

    44、itan Museum of Art which announced the opening of _45_ (they) “Celebrating the Year of the Rabbit” exhibition received more than 10,000 views on Twitter and 2,600 likes on Facebook.四、书面表达(15分)46湿地公约第十四届缔约方大会在我国成功召开。深圳作为重要的湿地城市,也积极响应公约(Wetlands Convention)号召。假如你是学生李华,是学校环保俱乐部一员,你们俱乐部举行了“湿地保护节”(Wetlan

    45、d Protection Festival)。请根据以下提示给你的外国朋友Mike写一封邮件,介绍此次活动。要点:1.目的:见证深圳湿地建设的成就;提升环保意识2.内容:前往深圳红树林生态公园观赏红树林和鸟类;深圳湿地摄影展;3.你的感受:要求:1.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内;2.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;3.可适当增加细节,以使条理清楚、行文连贯;4.标点正确,书面整节。参考词汇:witness 见证;awareness 意识;mangrove forest红树林;Shenzhen Mangrove Ecological Park深圳红树林生态公园;Dear Mike,As an important wetland city, Shenzhen is making efforts to answer the call of the Wetlands Convention._Yours,Li Hua2023年广东省深圳市中考英语考前冲刺试卷(2)第一部分 选择题(50分)一、完型填空(10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所


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