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    1、2023年浙江省杭州市西湖区中考一模英语试卷第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍,1. Who is good at chess?ATina. B. Mike. C.Clark.2. When did Susan wake up this morning?A.At 6:30. B.At 7:00. C.At 7:30.3. What does the girl w

    2、ant to buy?A. Shoes. B. Trousers. C. Glasses4. Where is the man?A. On a bus. B. At a restaurant C. At a bus stop5. What are they talking about?A. A book. B. A player. C. A game.第二节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)听下面3段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作

    3、答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题,6. Who is Annie with?A. Her boyfriend. B. Her cousin C. Her brother.7. Where is the beach?A. In England. B. In Australia. C. In America.8. What are Annie and Mark good at?A. Geography. B. Sports. C. Science.听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题,9 When is Mr. Brown leaving?A. Next w

    4、eek. B. Next month. C. Next term.10. What do the speakers think of Mr. Browns class?A. Interesting. B.Boring. C. Difficult.11. How will the speakers say thank you to Mr. Brown?A. By making a call. B. By writing a letter. C. By making a video.听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15四个小题,12. Where did the speaker spend two

    5、months studying abroad?A. In France. B. In Japan. C.In China.13. What made the speaker feel nervous before leaving?A. The language. B. The customs. C. The school life.14. What class did the speaker take?A.History. B.Math. C. Science.15. Which of following amazed the speaker most?A. The friendly peop

    6、le. B. The traditional foods. C. The clean environment.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。A HomeschoolingWhat do most people remember about their school days? Playing with classmates during breaks, eating food in the dining hall, or going to the headmasters of

    7、fice, perhaps. But 850,000 teenagers in the United States dont experience these things, because they are homeschooled. They dont go to a regular school.Their parents teach them. Their education takes place at home and in the community. What is it like to be homeschooled? Read Dylans blog about his h

    8、omeschooling experience.MONDAY, July 10Im Dylan and Im 14 years old. This is my third year of being homeschooled by my mom, a university professor (教授). A lot of people ask me how I feel about it. They ask, “Do you miss being in school with other kids?”Well, my daily life is different from the daily

    9、 lives of millions of children who go to regular schools, but Im enjoying my time with my mom. Im learning things at my own pace. We can go fast or slow, depending on the subject. These days, Im reading books that most kids only read when they get to college. Im studying French, German, art, and the

    10、 histories of the worldthings Im very interested in.A lot of kids think I never get to communicate with other kids, but thats not true. I get together with the other homeschooled kids during our weekly sports games and at social events. I dont just study at home. My mom takes me to all kinds of fiel

    11、d tripsto museums, theaters, libraries, and lots of other cool places. And college? Im not worried about it. I know Im preparing myself well for it.1. Who teaches homeschooled children according to the text?A. School headmasters.B. Their friends.C. University professors.D. Their parents.2. What does

    12、 the underlined word “pace” probably mean?A. Cost.B. Distance.C. Risk.D. Speed.3. How can homeschooled kids communicate with other kids?A. Through home meetings.B. Through college festival.C. Through social events.D. Through school lessons.4. What does Dylan think of homeschooling?A. He thinks it co

    13、sts too much.B. He likes traditional school better.C. He enjoys homeschooling.D. He thinks it makes kids lonely.BLast year, I started doing some volunteer work for a charity (慈善机构) in my town that helps disabled children. I found out that the charity needed to buy some new wheelchairs, but that they

    14、 really didnt have the money. So, I started to think about what I could do to raise money.When I mentioned this to my friends, they said, “Well, why dont you run the London Marathon?!” They laughed and so did Iwe all know that Ive never done any running before. But later, I started to think that it

    15、might not be a bad idea.I talked to the charity people and they agreed to put my name forward. I bought some gear (装备) and started running. After a month or so, I found I could do almost five kilometers. The problem, though, was that the marathon is 42 kilometers. The race was only five months away.

    16、 I practiced as hard as I couldI had to run and finish the race, because if I did, I would raise enough money to buy four new wheelchairs.Well when the big day came, I was not at all sure that I was ready. During my training, Id managed to run 25 kilometers, but 42? Could I do it?Luckily, it wasnt a

    17、 hot day and the people running with me helped me a lot. However, after about 34 kilometers, I was really tired and I nearly stopped, but the people watching cheered me on and I managed to struggle (挣扎) on to the finish line. My time was five hours and ten minutes.It was hard, but I finally did the

    18、marathon and got the wheelchairs for the charity.5. Why did the writer decide to run a marathon?A. She wanted to raise some money for charity.B. She wanted to be a professional runner.C. She wanted to improve her physical health.D. She wanted to be a popular volunteer.6. What was the hard challenge

    19、for the writer?A. She had never done any running before.B. She didnt have enough gear.C. The charity people didnt agree with her.D. Her friends all laughed at her.7. How long did the writer practice before the London Marathon?A. About a month.B. About three months.C. About six months.D. About nine m

    20、onths.8. How might the writer feel after the race?A. Afraid.B. Proud.C. Sad.D. Surprised.CShould you see a doctor every time youre sick? Of course not! Doctors dont have a cure (疗法) for everything. In fact, there are many simple illnesses that are difficult for doctors to cure. Sometimes people use

    21、different “home remedies (治疗法)” for them.The cold virus (病毒) is one example. People in many countries dont take medicine for a cold. They make a big pot of hot chicken soup instead. They eat the soup and rest. Many people believe that chicken soup is a natural and healthy cure for a cold. And in fac

    22、t it really helps: drinking a lot of water is good when you have a cold. Also, the hot soup helps you breathe better and helps your throat.And in China, its common to cure a headache with an egg. You boil the egg, take off the shell and rub (揉) the egg on your face, head and neck until the egg becom

    23、es cool. Some people think this helps you sleep better, too. Rubbing with the egg relaxes you. Often headaches are because of stress, so relaxing is a great idea.What about a fever? There are a lot of different home remedies, but an interesting home remedy uses vinegar (醋). In Russia, people rub it

    24、into the skin. Vinegar makes your skin feel cooler, and it can help lower your body temperature a little.One of the worlds oldest home remedies is tea. You can use herbal (草药) teas for all kinds of simple stomachaches and sore throats. Some popular ingredients in home remedy teas make a sore throat

    25、feel better and help you relax.9. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. European doctorsB. Simple illnesses.C. Different people.D. Asian countries.10. What do many people think is a natural cure for a cold?A. Drinking hot chicken soup.B. Eating a cool egg.C. Rubbing vinegar

    26、 into the skinD. Drinking herbal teas11. When do Chinese rub with an egg?A. When they have a fever.B. When they have a headache.C. When they have a cold.D. When they have a sore throat.12. Which of the following best shows the structure of the text? (P = Paragraph)A. B. C. D. DIs your mobile phone b

    27、ook full of phone numbers of people you dont really want to talk to? Do you go out with people from work or university more often than with your real friends? Do you say yes to invitations because you think you should, not because you want to? If you answered yes to at least two of these questions,

    28、then perhaps its time to “edit (编辑) your friends”.Nowadays people spend a lot of time with workmates or classmates. The result is that we dont have enough time to see our real, close friends. As our lives get busier, it becomes more important to spend the little free time with people we really want

    29、to see, people we love and who really love us.Who are the friends you need to edit? A few years ago, I read a book about how to get rid of (摆脱) unnecessary things. It said you should ask yourself: Is it useful? Do I really like it? Do I feel better every time I look at it? If the answer is not to an

    30、y one of those questions, you should throw it away. Maybe we should ask similar questions about our friends.What kind of friends will you probably need to edit? Sometimes its an old friend who you used to have a lot in common with, but now you have very little or nothing to say to. Or it might be a

    31、new friend who you get on quite well with, but who is taking up too much of your time. Next time one of these people calls you and suggests a meeting, think, “Do I really want to see this person?” and if the answer is no, say no, and make an excuse. That way youll have more time to spend with your r

    32、eal friends.13. Why does the writer list three questions at the beginning of the text?A. To show different opinions.B. To lead into the topic.C. To do scientific research.D. To describe his friends.14. What questions should you ask yourself when deciding which friends to edit?A. How smart are these

    33、friends?B. Do I really like spending time with them?C. Are they new or old friends?D. Will they make us look good in public?15. What is the purpose of “editing your friends”?A. To increase the number of friends in your social circle.B. To get much closer to your workmates and classmates.C. To focus

    34、on spending quality time with real friends.D To delete all the numbers in your telephone book.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)下面文章中有五处(第1-5题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。_16_We all know that our bodies need water. Water cleans our body, controls our temperature, and helps to keep us hea

    35、lthy. About 70% of our body is water._17_We often read that we need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. In fact, how much water we need depends on the weather and on what were doing. When we are hot, or if we do sports or exercise we need to drink more._18_No. When temperatures are very

    36、low we also need to drink more than on a normal day. This is because we wear a lot of clothes so we sweat (出汗) a lot and lose water._19_Yes, of course. We get water from food, especially fruit and vegetables (an apple is 85% water, an onion is 87%). We can also get water from other drinks like fruit

    37、 juice, coffee and colas, which contain a lot of water._20_No. It can be dangerous to drink a lot of water. Recently a British actor nearly died after drinking eight liters of water a day for several months.A. Why do we need to drink water?B. Do people need less water when the weather is cold?C. Can

    38、 we drink milk and coffee together?D. Can we get the water we need from other drinks or food?E. How much water do we need to drink a day?F. Can we drink too much water?第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。Kyle Haynam and Scotty Craighead were on

    39、a boating trip with five other children. They were rowing (划船) down the Salmon River in Idaho, when they saw _21_ coming from a mountain in the distance. They could see fire on the other side of the _22_ when they reached camp in the afternoon. The fire was still two miles away, so _23_ was worried.

    40、 Then, suddenly, the wind changed direction and the fire was pushed _24_. Everyone was surprised but nobody was scared. _25_, a fire couldnt jump the river. Or could it?That evening, the wind changed again. Kyle and his group were _26_ surrounded (被围绕) by a forest fire. There was only one way to esc

    41、ape (逃脱). They had to keep rowing the boat to the _27_ campsite. It was very hot and the thick smoke _28_ their eyes, so they put wet towels (毛巾) over their faces. When they reached the next campsite, they found the fire on the campsite was out, _29_ it was safe to stay there. However, the mountain

    42、above was still on fire and thick smoke _30_ the air. That night, they slept with wet towels over their faces.When they _31_ early the next morning, it was very cold. The sun was _32_ by the thick smoke and they couldnt even see the river. Kyle and his friends were _33_. The fire was getting nearer

    43、and nearer. “We were rowing hard and _34_ because we didnt want to be in the smoke another day,” says Scotty. At five oclock in the afternoon, they finally reached the rivers end. Luckily, everyone on the river that day _35_ safely, but Kyles group were the last group to escape from the fire.21. A.

    44、cloudB. childrenC. smokeD. water22. A. buildingB. riverC. countryD. bag23. A. everybodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. nobody24. A. closerB. deeperC. higherD. farther25. A. As a resultB. In totalC. By the wayD. After all26. A. suddenlyB. luckilyC. carefullyD. simply27. A. sameB. onlyC. nextD. first28. A. pi

    45、ckedB. hurtC. openedD. cleaned29. A. butB. thoughC. becauseD. so30 A. filledB. clearedC. cooledD. emptied31. A. ateB. arrivedC. wokeD. finished32. A. caughtB. reflectedC. movedD. covered33. A. boredB. scaredC. proudD. comfortable34. A. sadlyB. kindlyC. fastD. happily35. A. hung outB. got backC. gave

    46、 upD. turned around第II卷注意:将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上无效。第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第二节(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。For thousands of years, people used animals such as horses to get from one place to another. Then, at the beginning of _36_ 20th century, the invention of cars _37_ (change) th

    47、e way we moved around forever. It took only a few years for people _38_ (make) the move from animals to cars, so the move from petrol (汽油) cars to driverless electric cars will be even _39_ (fast).Traffic _40_ (create) huge environmental problems, so cities and towns around the world are looking for solutions (解决办法). Scientists have invented driverless cars that run on electricity instead _41_ petrol. Compute scientists have developed software (软件) for transportation. If we put these inventions toge


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