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    1、2023年四川省成都市锦江区九年级二诊英语试卷A卷(共 100分)第一部分 听力测试(共 30 小题,计 30 分)一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)1. A. Well, be patient. 2. A. Thank you. 3. A. Good idea!4. A. Dont worry. 5. A. Not yet.B. Im sorry to hear that. B. I see. B. With pleasure!B. Sounds good. B. No problem.C. I dont think so. C. Not

    2、 really. C. Sure. C. Lucky you. C. Sometimes.二、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在答题卡的相应位置。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共 10小题,每小题 1分;计10分)11. A. He went fishing. 12. A. By bus. 13. A. Comedies. 14. A. At 7:10. 15. A. On the street. 16. A. For 2 years. 17. A. February 3rd. 18. A.

    3、Reading. 19. A. Shy and thin. 20. A. $40.B. He planted vegetables. B. On foot. B. Action movies. B. At 7:15. B. In the library. B. For 5 years. B. March 8th. B. Speaking English in daily life. B. Strong and confident. B. $45.C. He fed the chicken. C. By car. C. Scary movies. C. At 7:25. C. Across fr

    4、om a shopping mall. C. For 7 years. C. March 10th. C. Singing English songs. C. Outgoing and popular. C. $50.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)21. How old is Tom now?A. Eight. B. Eleven. C. Fourteen.22. How long did it take them to get to the airport?A. Half an hour. B. An hour. C. Two hours.

    5、 23. Who left the tickets at the service station?A. The teacher. B. The guide. C. The driver. 24. What did Tom eat in Paris when he got there?A. Some ice cream. B. Some cream cakes.C. Some bread with butter. 25. What did Tom think of the trip?A. Terrible. B. Educational. C. Meaningful. 五、听下面一段短文,根据内

    6、容补全所缺信息。短文念三遍。(共5小题,每小题分;计5分)The ways to have 26_Reading*You need to read different kinds of books so that different areas of your brain can be 27_.*Books full of amazing pictures and information with knowledge can be your 28._.29_*Music can help both the young and the old feel better. *Soft music m

    7、akes your mind peaceful at night.Doing sports*Its good to take up a sport. *Youd better not play online games, or you will 30 _ feel bored with study, life or everything.第二部分 基础知识运用(共30小题, 计40分)六、选择填空。(共15小题, 计20分)A. 从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10小题, 每小题1分;计10分)31. Do you have any idea about where to g

    8、o on our school trip?What about visiting _nature museum in Chengdu University of Technology?A. aB. anC. the32. Tom, Mothers Day is _May 14th this year. Thanks for reminding me. Lets get some gifts for our moms. A. in B. on C. at33. Earthquakes have taken place during the past year in Luding _is a to

    9、wn with a population of over 80, 000 in Sichuan Province. Its said that the strongest one had a magnitude(震级)of 6. 8. A. whoB. whereC. which34. To go abroad or not to go after graduation, its a question. You may take _of the roads. But being home in the end matters. A. neitherB. eitherC. both35. Hav

    10、e you ever heard of Chat GPT? It is an Al-language model developed by OpenAI. Yes, I have. I _what changes it will bring to our life. A. wonderB. wishC. believe36. Mary, do you know _?Yes, I do. It will be held from July 28th to August 8th. A. why the Chengdu Universiade will be heldB. when the Chen

    11、gdu Universiade will be heldC. where the Chengdu Universiade will be held37. There are many wonderful bookstores in our city Chengdu. Of all, I think the underwater bookstore next to Xinglong Lake is _. A. the most beautifulB. more beautifulC. beautiful38. Look! Who does the book Journey to the West

    12、 on the desk belong to?It _Toms book. He is a book lover of Chinese ancient classics. But Im not sure. A. cant beB. must beC. may be39. Doctor Wang, Im having a cough, a sore throat and a fever these days. You should be tested whether you have _ first. A. the fluB. a headacheC. a toothache40. We are

    13、 supposed to eat delicious zongzi when celebrating Dragon Boat Festival. _. This helps us to better understand our Chinese traditional culture. A. Well doneB. I dont think soC. I totally agreeB. 补全对话, 根据对话内容, 从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话. (共5小题, 每小题2分;计10分)A. Oh, I wont miss that special!B. Why do you want to

    14、go there?C. Do you have any plan for your graduation trip?D. Tm going to be a volunteer to teach in the mountains. E. It only takes less than 4 hours to get there by high-speed train. A- Judy B-TinaA: Tina, we will graduate soon. 41_B: Oh, I am thinking about visiting Xian, Judy. A: 42_B: You know I

    15、m interested in history. Xian is an ancient capital of six dynasties. Besides, its not far from Chengdu. A: You are right. 43_ I went there last year with my parents. The food there was delicious, especially the famous biangbiang noodles. B: 44 _What about your plan?A: 45_ I want to help kids in poo

    16、r villages have a better education. B: You really have a kind heart. 七、完形填空。阅读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(共15小题, 计20分。A篇每小题2分, 计10分;B篇每小题1分, 计10分。)ADay 1 Guess where I am! Well, I, along with my dad Liu Boming and his workmates Nie Haisheng and Tang Hongbo, am sitting inside the Shenz

    17、hou-12 spaceship. Dad told me that he was going to bring me along on a journey to a place Id 46 been to. Ive been expecting this day for weeks!Day 17 Dad and his workmates finished an important task this morning. They went outside of the spaceship to install(安装)some scientific equipment(设备). Everyth

    18、ing went 47 . Im proud of them!Day 38 Dad and his fellow(伙伴)taikonauts are kept 48 every day. But its Sunday today and they dont have to work. Uncle Tang is now exercising on a special bicycle, and Uncle Nie is taking pictures at the window. Where is dad? Oh, hes watching TV. Day 76 A new school yea

    19、r begins today. Dad was 49 to talk to students across China by many schools. He made a speech about dreams. Day 92 Its the last day of our 50 space journey! I wish I could someday visit this wonderful place again!46. A. neverB. everC. only47. A. strangelyB. smoothlyC. secretly48. A. busyB. healthyC.

    20、 relaxed49. A. orderedB. sentC. invited50. A. five-dayB. three-monthC. twelve-weekBBeing a high school student is difficult. Along with the worries about schoolwork, you also have to face 51 as you grow. You might look at the other boys or girls in your class and wonder 52 some of them are so tall i

    21、n a night and some of them seem like grown-ups already. Its normal for us to 53 ourselves to others. However, what you must remember is that we all grow up at our own speed, whether thats physically or mentally. The bad news is that there is nothing you can do to make yourself grow physically 54 wai

    22、t. And what about mental growth? 55 putting yourself in a certain situation may help you feel more like a grown-up mentally, in fact, mental growth could be the same as physical growth. For example, asking your 56 to allow you to deal with your pocket money or look after your sick grandparents on yo

    23、ur own might be a good way to build your character. Also, things like 57 rules, and being polite and helpful are true signs of mental growth. However, theres no rush to become a grown-up mentally. Like physical growth, mental growth happens 58 over time. So for now, keep your eyes on the 59 time. Ju

    24、st think about who you are but not who you think you should be. And remember to be 60 with yourself. After all, everyone on this planet is different and thats what makes it such a beautiful place. 51. A. changesB. regretsC. fails52. A. whereB. whyC. when53. A. preferB. introduceC. compare54. A. andB

    25、. butC. or55. A. SoB. AlthoughC. Unless56. A. teachersB. parentsC. neighbors57. A. breakingB. makingC. following58. A. quicklyB. suddenlyC. slowly59. A. futureB. pastC. present60. A. pleasedB. strictC. busy第三部分阅读理解(共15小题, 计30分)八、阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂“A”, 错误的涂“B”。(共5小 题, 每小题2分;计10分)Not long ago,

    26、 a foreign blogger(博主)from England asked in surprise, Why dont Chinese like to use their own photos as their social images(形像)online? The cultures of Chinese and foreign social images online are very different. He searched his WeChat(微信)group chat, and found that most foreigners used their own photo

    27、s as their social images. However, Chinese people seem to prefer to use pictures of other things, such as pictures of beautiful scenery, the photos of cats, cartoon characters and so on. As a foreigner, this blogger said that foreigners used their own photos to make others believe themselves. 4tIf y

    28、ou dont use your own photos, people will think that you want to hide who you are and you may tell lies often, said the foreigner. Most of the time, Chinese people take WeChat images as a chance to express themselves. Some of them give reasons why they dont use their own photos as their social images

    29、 online. A Chinese blogger Xiao Tian said, Im not embarrassed of my face, but Im not a huge fan of it, either. On WeChat, Id like people to know me by my words, not my look. Words can speak best for me if theyre not competing for attention with my age, clothes, look and so on. Another blogger Lin Fe

    30、ng said that he just wanted to make sure of his safety online. 61. The foreign blogger(博主)is worried about the differences of social images online. 62. The foreign blogger found that Chinese people liked to use pictures of beautiful scenery most. 63. To get trust from others, most foreigners prefer

    31、to use their own photos as social images. 64. Xiao Tian hopes that people know about him through words instead of other things. 65. Safety is one of the reasons that Chinese people dont use their own pictures as social images. 九、阅读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10小题, 每小题2分;计20分)_? about HamburgersAlthough h

    32、amburger has a German name, it actually started in the USA and is now popular all over the world. The most basic hamburger is two buns with a piece of beef and some lettuce and sauce in the middle, but a hamburger can have many other ingredients as well. In Shanghai, you can eat all different kinds

    33、of burgers. In Las Vegas, you can even taste a burger with gold foil(金箔)!66. When did people start eating hamburgers?A. 100 years ago. B. 120 years ago. C.200 years ago.67. Which of the following pictures could be a part of the menu for the first McDonalds self-service drive-in restaurant?67. Which

    34、of the following pictures could be a part of the menu for the first McDonalds self-service drive-in restaurant?A. B. C. 68. What can we know from the pie chart?A. Hamburgers belong to Sandwiches. B. People doesnt like hamburgers with beefC. Hamburger restaurants are the most popular restaurants in t

    35、he US. 69. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the article?A. Hamburgers were created by Americans. B. Hamburgers may have different ingredients all over the world. C. The most expensive hamburger makes a good lunch for a person. 70. What could the missing word in the title po

    36、ssibly be?A. Stories. B. Facts. C. Ads. BPeople do volunteering for different reasons, but mainly to help other people or animals. Volunteering not only is good for those who receive help, but also even brings much to the help-givers. For school-aged kids, volunteering helps build social skills and

    37、develop sense of self-worth. Through volunteering, high school students may help themselves get into a good college, and college students can improve themselves for better jobs after graduation. Volunteering plays a key in making our society stronger. Volunteer organizations provide services that he

    38、lp build a united society together with other organizations. Volunteering helps develop socially responsible business practice (惯板!I). The practice helps get business decisions made with respect for the neighborhood and environment. Socially responsible businesses also like to be known for setting u

    39、p or supporting charity programs. To volunteer, one should know how to choose right work. If you are a first-time volunteer, short-term work will provide you with the best chance to see if the work is right for you. Short-term volunteering is especially valuable if you can help by providing skills n

    40、ot found at the organization. When you find the right volunteer program, serving a longer term gives you the chance to develop a higher level of skill. 71. How can volunteer work help high school students?A. It prepares them for a better job. B. It helps them get a deep understanding of society. C.

    41、It helps them to have a better chance of further study. 72. What does Paragraph Two mainly talk about?A. The relationship between business and society. B. The relationship between volunteering and society. C. The relationship between volunteering and the environment. 73. Why is short-term work valua

    42、ble for first-time volunteer?A. It gives you the skills not found at the organization. B. It helps you find what is the right program for you. C. It gives you the chance to develop a higher level of skills. 74. Which question of the following is NOT answered in the passage?A. What volunteering work

    43、is suitable for kids at different ages?B. How does volunteering help develop social skills?C. What is necessary when you do volunteering?75. What saying matches the meaning of the passage?A. Action speaks louder than words. B. Nothing is difficult for a man who will try. C. Roses in her hand, the fl

    44、avor(味道)in mine. B卷(共50分)一、补全单词, 根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。(共5小题, 每小题1分;计5分)1. Pandas can be a b_ of communication between China and other countries. They help people abroad know more about us. 2. Spring is a season which i_ picture the beauty of it. 3. Its OK to pay u_ visits in Columbia, while its impolite t

    45、o drop by without calling first in Switzerland. 4. T_, people have their hair cut on February 2nd. It is a custom called Longtaitou formed long time ago. 5. The relaxing reading before bed can s_ excitement or worries. 二、完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(共10小题, 每小题1分;计10分)(On an evening of 202

    46、3)A: Hey, dad! Good news for you! Justin and I have decided to get 1_on Dec.3rd.B: Wow! Congratulations, Grace! Im sure that day will be one of the best 2_ in your life! Its a pity that I cant attend your wedding ceremony because of my leg. A: Come on, dad! You will surely not 3_ my wedding since I will record a video of that day to share my joy with you. We are together forever. B: My sweet heart, although I have problems walking out because of eight 4_ illne


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