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    1、2023年江苏省南通市启东市中考一模英语试卷一 、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Daniel, what is _ article you are reading about?Its about Jonathan, _ 190-year-old tortoise. How amazing!A. an; aB. the; aC. an; theD. the; an2. Except for playing _, mixing songs together is another way of expres

    2、sion to show love for music.A. instructionsB. instrumentsC. invitationsD. introductions3. After working for a whole day, the farmer threw himself _ the big tree and fell asleep quickly.A. alongB. aboveC. aroundD. against4. Peter sent two of his articles to Teenagers magazines last month, but its a p

    3、ity that _ of them was good enough to be published.A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none5. Chinas Beidou System can now be directly _ to mobile phones, so we can find where the phones are even when theres no signal (信号).A. connectedB. pointedC. devotedD. reported6. Did you have a good sleep last night, Eri

    4、c?Yes, I have never slept _. Now Ive got a fresh mind again.A. betterB. bestC. worseD. worst7. Betty will join a summer camp shes looking forward to _ different kinds of abilities.A. developB. developsC. developingD. to develop8. Volunteering is a great contribution to our world _ a chance for us to

    5、 learn and grow.A. as well asB. as good asC. as far asD. as long as9. Mum, I want some snacks, not the sandwich!My dear, dont forget that you _ fall ill without eating much unhealthy food last week.A. mayB. mustC. couldntD. shouldnt10. Trips to the old towns are _ valuable experiences that we can no

    6、t only enjoy the beautiful sights but also learn more about the history.A. tooB. soC. quiteD. such11. What are the workers doing on the power poles (电杆)?Look, they are _ some cute boxes on the poles as new homes for birds.A. putting onB. putting outC. putting upD. putting in12. There are more than 9

    7、00 national wetland parks in China, and now ninety percent _ to the public for free.A. was openB. are openedC. has openedD. have been open13. How many books can _ at a time, Mrs Green?At most three. And you can _ them for ten days before you must return or renew them.A. borrow; keepB. be borrowed; k

    8、eepC. borrow; borrowD. be borrowed; borrow14. In the third lesson of the “Tiangong Class” the Chinese astronauts showed the students _.A. whether they have grown some plants in the laboratoryB. when a water ball became “lazy” under the low gravityC. how did they drink water from a 2-metre-long straw

    9、 (吸管)D. why two T-handles (T型手柄) can “dance happily” in space15. Mr Wu, Im sorry to make so many mistakes. I promise I will spend more time on English. Tom, remember that _. You should really do what you say you will do.A. every dog has its dayB. many hands make light workC. it never rains but it po

    10、ursD. actions speak louder than words二、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。It was a fine afternoon. As I was riding a bike home from my office as usual, I noticed a person cycling in front of me, about 300 metres away. I could tell he was a little _16_ than me and I d

    11、ecided to try to catch up with him. It was about one kilometre to go on the road _17_ I had to turn off, so I started cycling faster and faster. Every block, I was gaining on him just a little bit. In a few minutes, I was only about 100 metres behind him. I got so _18_ that I really picked up speed,

    12、 trying my best to push myself. Maybe you have _19_ I was cycling in an Olympic triathlon(三项全能运动). _20_ I made it. I passed him by and felt pretty good on the inside at that moment. I beat him, of course, but he didnt even know we were _21_. He was still cycling slowly along the street. And after ri

    13、ding past him, I was _22_ that I had missed my turn as a result of being so focused(专注的) on competing with him. I had gone almost six blocks further and had to _23_ and go all the way back. Isnt that what happens in life when we pay too much attention to _24_ with co-workers, neighbours, friends or

    14、even strangers, trying to pass them and prove that we are more _25_? We spend our time and energy chasing after them and at last we miss out on our own _26_. Whats even funnier is that we just put on a one-man show, for the people we see as our opponents(对手) may know _27_ about it. The _28_ of such

    15、unhealthy competition is that its a never-ending cycle. There will always be somebody ahead of you in one way or another, someone with a better job, a nicer car, more money in the bank, etc. So, dont _29_ yourself in the event of endless comparison. Take what life has given you: the height, weight a

    16、nd personality. Dress well and wear it proudly. Stay focused and live a _30_ life. Theres no competition in destiny(命运). Run your own race and wish others well!16. A. olderB. lighterC. slowerD. taller17. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. since18. A. worriedB. excitedC. tiredD. relaxed19. A. discoveredB. im

    17、aginedC. suggestedD. remembered20. A. FinallyB. SuddenlyC. QuietlyD. Naturally21. A. movingB. trainingC. racingD. searching22. A. awareB. luckyC. proudD. satisfied23. A. look outB. give upC. hold onD. turn around24. A. agreeingB. dealingC. comparingD. meeting25. A. carefulB. successfulC. peacefulD.

    18、cheerful26. A. chancesB. coursesC. directionsD. discoveries27. A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing28. A. problemB. advantageC. reasonD. challenge29. A. hideB. teachC. remindD. lose30. A. freeB. busyC. commonD. modern三、阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。APl

    19、anting the right seeds at the right time will not take as lots of efforts as we think. And some easy garden vegetables do grow themselves with little care. Here are four vegetables that are perfect for a backyard garden. There is really only one important rule for planting green beans dont plant the

    20、m too early. They wont survive a frost (霜) which can cause the seeds to become bad. They may also stop producing in the middle of the summer, but if you water them, they will continue to produce once the temperatures start to drop in early fall. The more beans you pick, the more the plant will grow.

    21、Brussels sprouts (抱子甘蓝) this sweet vegetable can be grown in nearly any home garden with rich sunlight. They have a long growing season compared with other vegetables. Their taste improves if they are covered with frost. However, they only bear a few days of cold weather, so be sure to harvest them

    22、quickly.Broccoli (西兰花) is a cool-weather plant that grows best in spring and fall. If grown in winter to avoid heavy frost, broccoli can also be grown indoors and moved to the garden when temperatures rise. When you grow broccoli, be sure to watch out for pests (害虫). If you start seeing pests, just

    23、pick them off by hand.Peas are a great choice for new gardeners. All you need is a container that is at least 10 inches deep and something for the plants to climb. They prefer lower temperatures, and once the heat of summer hits, pea plants will stop producing. If garden space is limited, you can pu

    24、ll them up and replace peas in summer with another crop that likes the heat.31. What can you do if you want to harvest more green beans?A. Plant the seeds in earliest spring.B. Avoid watering them in summer.C. Collect them as often as possible.D. Keep them warm through autumn.32. Which of the follow

    25、ing descriptions about Brussels sprouts is true?A. They can produce all year round.B. They cant survive a long cold winter.C. They can grow well in any garden.D. They taste better if covered with snow.33. What do broccoli and peas have in common (共有的) according to the passage?A. They enjoy cool weat

    26、her.B. They take up a lot of space.C. They can deal with frost.D. They stop growing in summer.BFive years ago, when Zhu Qing was 28, he paid a visit to Africa. While there he discovered the beauty of the land as well as the difficulties the local youth were facingeducational, economic(经济的) and envir

    27、onmental problems. As a global affairs(国际事务) and international peace studies major, Zhu did field research at more than 10 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), national forest parks, governments and companies in six African countries including Kenya, Uganda and South Africa. He then decided to hel

    28、p solve these real-world problems by setting up a consulting firm(咨询公司) called Pumbaa Eco. “Whether it is a government, an NGO or an individual(个人), they cannot solve all the social problems on their own. Many gaps can be filled by business power, in an efficient(高效的) way.” said Zhu. Pumbaa Eco star

    29、ted plenty of projects to empower young African people and encourage cultural exchange. The Africa True Story is a project that aims to draw the publics eye to Africa and help African content creators. More than 100 young journalists (记者), environmentalists, scholars and business workers in Africa h

    30、ave taken part in it. They have written articles and research reports and made videos about their lives or related social issues. Some of their works were posted on platforms like Toutiao, Wechat, The Paper and the IFeng website. Some works were sold to companies so these young people can make money

    31、 as well as express themselves. Pumbaa Eco has also worked with African Wildlife Foundation to hold wildlife protection forums(论坛), and organized dance and music classes as well as soccer competitions for kids in slum areas(贫民区). Now they are working to build an international volunteer center in Nai

    32、robi, the capital of Kenya. “The center will open this spring. It will be a space for youth from across the world to communicate and a platform for sharing all kinds of projects.” explained Zhu. “More young Chinese people can connect to Africa more easily, too, whether through ecological(生态的) resear

    33、ch trips, ecotourism(生态旅游) or volunteering experience.”“I myself have achieved a sense of self-fulfillment(自我实现) through my work. I hope my work can help more young people, from both China and Africa, to live their lives to the fullest.” Zhu added.34. What did Zhu Qing learn after his field research

    34、 in Africa?A. There were not any consulting firms in Africa.B. African youth were facing real-world problems.C. The beauty of Africa could attract many tourists.D. People in Africa didnt know how to do business.35. According to the passage Pumbaa Eco helps Africans by attracting the talented African

    35、 people to work in China organizing classes and competitions for some poor kids selling their works on different platforms to make money starting some projects to support African content creatorsA. B. C. D. 36. What do we know about the international volunteer center in Nairobi?A. It will provide co

    36、mmunication space for people of all ages.B. It will be the biggest platform for sharing different projects.C. It will work to hold activities in slum areas all over the world.D. It will encourage cultural exchanges between China and Africa.37. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Zhu Qing re

    37、grets not doing his work to the fullest.B. Zhu Qing feels proud of what he has already done.C. Zhu Qing has finished his work for helping the youth.D. Zhu Qing will explore more fields to increase business.CIs it shi(是) or si(斯) in the sentence “Thus when Heaven is about to confer a great office on

    38、any man(故天将降大任于是/斯人也)”? Not long ago, people had a heated discussion online about this. Most people “clearly remember” that its si, while their childhood textbooks say its shi. It shows how unreliable(不可靠的) our memory can be. According to US psychologist Faith Brynie, memories can be influenced by i

    39、magination, belief and time. Many studies have proven that “feeling certain” about a memory sometimes has nothing to do with the facts. Attitudes and beliefs change our memory.Scientists at Cornell University, US, told college students a story about a man who walked out without paying a restaurant b

    40、ill. The first group was told that the man “liked to steal”. The second group was told that he left because he got an emergency(紧急的) phone call. One week later the first group remembered a higher bill10 to 25 percent more than the bill actually was. The second group remembered a lower bill. The stud

    41、y showed that how we expect or believe things to happen can distort(扭曲) our memories. Remembering things that never happenedIn another experiment(实验), people watched a film and were asked: “How fast was the white car going when it passed the barn(谷仓) while traveling along the country road?”Actually

    42、there was no barn in the film. But about 20 percent of the students said they had seen the barn. Northwestern University scientist Kenneth Paller said that parts of the brain for really seeing an object and imagining an object overlap(重叠). So imagination after getting a hint(暗示) could leave a memory

    43、 trace(痕迹) in the brain. Si or shiIn the case of si or shi, some people said that si sounds more like ancient Chinese. Thats why most people relate it to the ancient classic. On the Internet, the version(版本) of si is also more widespread than shi, giving people a wrong hint.38. In the first experime

    44、nt, the first group remembered a higher bill because _.A. the students forgot the bill completelyB. the students thought the man was rich enoughC. the scientists made the students believe the man was badD. the scientists told the students that the man should pay more39. What does the underlined word

    45、 “hint” in the second experiment refer to?A. The sights in the film.B. Kenneth Pallers words.C. The word “barn” in the question.D. A real barn in students memories.40 What can we learn from the case of si or shi?A. Feelings can decide peoples memories.B. The version of shi is more widespread.C. Peop

    46、les memories are always unreliable.D. There was no sound of shi in ancient Chinese.41. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Are you really sure?B. Have you forgotten yet?C. What should be remembered?D. How is the memory improved?DOn the first day of school, our professor intro

    47、duced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didnt already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady with a smile. She said, “Hi, handsome! My name is Rose. Im eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?”I laughed and warmly responded, “Of course you may!” She gave me a giant squeeze (拥抱). “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent (幼稚的) age?” I asked. She jokingly replied, “Im here to meet a rich husband,


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