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    1、2023年广东省广州市从化区中考英语一模试题一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从各题所给 的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Peter, a successful businessman, told an experience of his childhood. When he was 12, his parents died. He was alone and didnt get on well with 1. No one showed kindness to him. People al

    2、ways laughed 2 him. His only friend was a dog called Lucky. His dog 3 enoughtoeatand drink, but he was a little rude to it sometimes. One clay when he 4 down the street, he sawa young lady 5 in front of him. Suddenly one of her bags dropped from her arms. As she stopped to pick it up, she dropped ot

    3、her bags. Peter came to help 6 Thank you, clear! You are a nice little boy!” The lady said kindly and politely, smiling. A special feeling came to him. He had never heard such kind words before. He watched her 7 she went far away. He was very 8, then he whistled to his dog. “Thank you, clear! You ar

    4、e a nice little boy!” He repeated the womans words. Then in a low voice he said to his dog, You are a nice little dog!” Lucky raised its ears. It seemed that the dog had understood 9 he said, Even a dog likes it!” he thought. Well, Lucky, I wont say unkind words to you anymore. he said. Lucky waved

    5、its tail 10. Later, they went directly to the river nearby. When he arrived at the riverside, he looked at himself in the river. He saw11 but a dirty boy. He washed his face carefully. After that, he saw 12nice clean boy. From then on, he started a new life. After 13 this story, the businessman stop

    6、ped for awhile. Then he said, Ladies and gentlemen, she was thatkind woman 14 planted the first seed of kindness in me. All of us 15learn about kindness. What great power it has!1. A. othersB. the othersC. anotherD. other2. A. toB. onC. inD. at3. A. gaveB. was givenC. giveD. is given4. A. goB. has g

    7、oneC. was goingD. goes5. A. walkB. walkedC. walkingD. to walk6. A. sheB. herC. herselfD. hers7. A. whenB. untilC. ifD. unless8. A. exciteB. excitingC. excitedD. excitedly9. A. whatB. howC. whereD. when10. A. happinessB. happyC. happierD. happily11. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing12. A

    8、. aB. theC. anD. /13. A. tellB. tellingC. toldD. tells14. A. whoB. whichC. whoseD. whom15. A. needB. wouldC. shouldD. must二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选 出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。During the Tang Dynasty, there lived a man named Zhao Gu. He was good at writing 16 and so many p

    9、eople enjoyed reading them. One day, people who liked Zhaos poems got together. They 17about Zhaos old works happily. But it was such a pity that Zhao didnt write18 poems very often. So they discussed how they could get Zhao to write. After a while, a man said, Zhao will travel to Yuhang in Zhejiang

    10、 province. He will 19visit Lingyan Temple because it is very famous. He 20 , Lets do something before he arrives.”Finally they came up with a good21 . There was a wall in the temple for people to write. So they invited a man to write only two lines of poem on the wall. After several days, Zhao went

    11、to Lingyan Temple. When he saw the two lines of poem on the temple wall, he could not help adding another two lines to make it a 22 poem with four lines. When Zhaos fans 23 it, they were excited. The man was not as 24 as Zhao, but the two lines led to Zhaos wonderful poem. This could be described as

    12、 “throwing a brick to attract jade (碧玉)Now people often express in this way when they give an opinion or a speech. It is a polite and modest way to show their hope in seeing other people offer something 25. Have you learnt it?16. A. lettersB. poemsC. storiesD. articles17. A. saidB. talkedC. spokeD.

    13、wrote18. A. funnyB. usefulC. greatD. new19. A. surelyB. correctlyC. suddenlyD. carefully20. A. wroteB. finishedC. describedD. continued21. A. ideaB. surveyC. signD. present22. A. strangeB. simpleC. completeD. difficult23. A. heard aboutB. waited forC. cleaned upD. looked after24. A. beautifulB. poli

    14、teC. talentedD. quiet25. A. smallerB. worseC. betterD. bigger三、阅读(共两节, 满分35分)第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分, 共30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。ASam, a foreign student at Communication University of China, often shares his experiences of Chinese culture on his vlog. In one video, for example,

    15、Sam shared how he had learned the Chinese word “ dongxi, He translated each part separately into east west. And he introduced one theory about how “dongxi” came to mean “things”. He told people that all marketplaces in ancient Chinese cities were set up along a single road that ran from east to west

    16、. So when you would say “qu mai dongxi, youd be saying, Tm going to buy things. Some other videos show his reading Chinese poems and performing kung fu in Chinese traditional custom, which are quite welcome among his 40, 000 followers. “Many of my followers are learning Chinese, M Sam said. But sadl

    17、y, they know little about Chinese culture and the country. nLike many foreigners, Sam once believed that all Chinese could perform kung fu, flying onto roofs and walking over walls. He thought the country was not that developed. But after he got a scholarship (奖学金)to study in China in 2019, his view

    18、 changed. China has entered a new period, but many peoples impressions of China are still stuck in the 1970s, Sam said. Thats why I started to shoot vlogs to share Chinese culture in 2019. Until now, Sam has posted more than 40 Chinese culture vlogs online. But making these vlogs is not easy. Take r

    19、eading the poem Second Farewell to Cambridge by Xu Zhimo as an example. “I can understand and read every word in the poem, Sam said. But to touch readers, I need to use proper feelings while reading. , , So he needed to look for much background information and make his feelings suit each part of the

    20、 poem. Though shooting these vlogs takes lots of time, the young man feels proud that his vlogs have inspired many people. Sam said that he wanted to continue bridging the differences between two cultures. This goal may not be achieved easily, but I will spare no efforts to do my part. , , 26. What

    21、made Sam shoot vlogs?A. His dream to be a big vlogger. B. His interest in Chinese culture. C. His hunger for new technology. D. His wish to show the real China, mean in paragraph 5?27. What does the underlined word “stuckA. remainedB. returnedC. suggestedD. succeeded28. The poem Second Farewell to C

    22、ambridge is mentioned to _. A. meet the followers needsB. express Sams love for poemsC. show Sams efforts at vlog-making D. give an example of Chinese cultureBWhat object has the magic ability to provide you with a whole new world, where you can read books, send messages or go online chatting, post

    23、pictures on social media or watch TV programmes anytime? What can entertain you day and night? Yes, you know the answeryour handphone. Clearly, the handphone satisfies all our wants and needs, leaving us desiring more. According to a survey report by Connected Life, Singaporean youths spend an avera

    24、ge of 3. 4 hours a day on their phones. This may not seem like a big number to you, but think: what could you do in three hours? Cycling at the park with your family, reviewing your work, helping a friend with his work. Time wasted is life wasted. Is the sacrifice worth it? No, phone addiction must

    25、come to a full stop today. How?One way to stop addictionis to download some apps to follow thetimeyou spend on your phone daily. You will find many mobile appsthat helptrackthe exact length of time you spendon your phone, telling you ifyou run over time. Each day you can start afreshwith a new goal,

    26、 with a newsense ofwhatyou need to do and what you do not. Another method is to keep your phone off and place it out of sight. When your phone is off, you would be unable to check it so often. Although there may be a strong desire for your phone, keep in mind the many different tasks you need to do

    27、instead and work on them. When you feel like turning it on, smack your hand and tell yourself firmly, Later!”In short, the most effective way is to busy yourself with other activities and push the complaints of the loss of valuable time with Mr Smartphone out of your mind. After all, these joys are

    28、only short-term, and will be your regret in the long run. Now is the time to lock your handphone and unlock your life. Be alive in this world, full of hopes and dreams, beauty and wonders. Cherish your youth while you can. You do not want to regret. 29. Whats the purpose of paragraph 2?A. To tell wh

    29、at handphone addiction is. B. To tell the time that was wasted by adults. C. To tell the reason to cut down handphone time. D. To tell how to stop overusing the handphone. 30. What is the best way to stop phone addiction according to the passage?A. Check the phone as much as possible. B. Use some ap

    30、ps to check the time you work. C. Keep yourself busy with many different tasks. D. Spend no more than 3. 4 hours on the phone a day. 31. Which of the following saying best describes the second method?A. No pains, no gains. B. Out of sight, out of mind. C. Practice makes perfect. D. Rome was not buil

    31、t in one day. 32. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Keep Your Handphone OffB. Satisfy Your NeedsC. Turn Your Handphone OffD. Unlock Your LifeCLi Qingzhao (1084-1155) is one of the best-known female writers in Chinese history. She showed great love for writing and was known as a talented specia

    32、l woman then. But her life was a bittersweet story. Born into a famous literary family, Li was someone who always wanted to destroy old customs and traditions from the start. Women in the Song Dynasty stayed indoors. They didnt discuss politics, and only spoke when spoken to. But just at the age of

    33、17, Li Qingzhao made a name for herself. She was lucky in her marriage. In 1101, she married Zhao Mingcheng, with whom she shared the interest in the art collection. They lived in present -day Shandong. They were not wealthy, but they lived happily together. Li and her husband collected many books.

    34、They shared a love of poetry and often wrote poems for each other. They sold clothes and went hungry to slowly build up a big library, and they always spent their nights on literary drinking games like this one: An event would be chosen from a pile of books, and the person would win if he or she fir

    35、st named the book, chapter, page, and line where it was found. This happy life was ruined by the wars of 1127. The Northern Song capital fell this year during the Jin-Song wars. Fighting took place in Shandong and their house was burned. The couple took many of their possessions and ran away to Nanj

    36、ing, where they lived for a year. Zhao Mingcheng died in 1129, leaving her childless and alone. Li Qingzhao9 s life was full of turns, but she left many valuable poems to us. 33. What can we know about Li Qingzhao from the first two paragraphs?A. She was different from other women of her age. B. She

    37、 often guided other women to write poems. C. She liked staying indoors when she was young. D. She always followed old customs and traditions. 34. According to the passage, whats the correct order of the following events?a. The Northern Song capital fell during the Jin-Song wars. b. Li and her husban

    38、d tried their best to set up a big library. c. Li left her hometown with her husband because of the war. d. Li made a name for herself. e. Li lived alone after Zhao Mingchengs death. A. b-c-e-a-d B. b-a-c-e-d C. d-a-c-b-e D. d-b-a-c-e35. Which of the following is NOT Li Qingzhaos hobby?A. Collecting

    39、 books. B. Planting flowers. C. Collecting artworks. D. Playing literary drinking games. 36. What is the structure of this passage?DWant to enjoy some exercise at home? Here are some online fitness live courses for you!LIU GENGHONGS SHUTTLECOCK EXERCISEBuild strong bodies in a fantastic way!Shuttlec

    40、ock exercise does not require equipment and is perfect for people to perform at home. Liu Genghong helps you to keep going until the last minute, and you can bum your fat fast. Time: 7 p. m. -8:30 p. m. on weekdays 9 a. m. -1030 a. m. at weekendsLATIN DANCE WITH KARENHave fun and get fit!Do you love

    41、 dancing and parties? Well, Latin dance is for youit mixes great music and dancing with hard exercise (burn 1, 000 calories an hour). Karen is an experienced Latin dance trainer and many people like her classes very much. Time: 2 p. m. -4 p. m. on weekdays 9 a. m. -l 1 a. m. atYOGA WITH SARAExercise

    42、 your body and mind!Saras yoga classes are perfect for people who want to improve their strength and shape their bodies. Sara has trained in several different styles of yoga. Time: 3 p. m. -4 p. m. every Monday and Wednesday for beginners 4 p. m. -5 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday for experienced l

    43、earnersJOHNS SPIN CLASSESHave a lot of fun on a bike!Spin classes are a safe and effective way to work outit doesnt matter how old you are or how fit you are. John is an excellent spin trainer wholl inspire you to do your best in every class. Time: 7 p. m. -8 p. m. every day. 37. If Mike is busy wit

    44、h his work and he only has free time after 5 p. m. at weekends, he can go to _.A. Latin dance B. Shuttlecock exercise C. Spin class D. Yoga class38. If Susan likes dancing and doesnt mind hard exercise, whose course can she take?A. Liu Genghongs B. Karens. C. Saras. D. Johns. 39. Which of the follow

    45、ing is TRUE according to the material?A. Spin classes are only fit for young people. B. Karens Latin dance classes are liked by few people. C. Yoga classes on Tuesday are suitable for the beginners. D. Shuttlecock exercise can help people lose weight quickly. 40. Where is the material probably taken

    46、 from?A. A tour guide. B. A sports website. C. A news report. D. A fashion magazine. 第二节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分, 共5分)阅读短文及文后A-E选项, 选出可以填入41-45各题空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Climate change is one of the biggest challenges were facing. Human activity over the last 200 years has meant that were standing on the brink

    47、 (边缘)of an environmental disaster. Yet were told that there are still things we can do to protect the planet. 41_Drive less often42_ Instead of driving to your workplace, take public transportation, walk, skate, or ride a bike. Not only are they good for the planet, but theyre also good for your health. Depending on the weather, you may enjoy this new trip mode even more than sitting in traffic. 43_Though it may seem unimportant in the whole wide world, your shopping habits can actually influence our en


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