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    1、2023年安徽省合肥市包河区中考英语二模试卷1. Teachers sometimes work as a(n) _ to help you out and lead your life to be right way.()A. officerB. musicianC. engineerD. guide2. Bob has been more _ since he joined the football club.Yes,he was so quiet in the past.()A. livelyB. carefulC. seriousD. patient3. Tina keeps the

    2、good habit of checking her test paper _ she finishes it.()A. asifB. inorderthatC. nowthatD. assoonas4. I guess Helen really hurt Kevin yesterday. But in his eyes,it didnt matter.So he _ her soon.()A. controlledB. pardonedC. punishedD. refused5. Have you ever made your dad a hand-made present on Fath

    3、ers Day?Not yet.But I _ one for him this year.()A. makeB. madeC. havemadeD. willmake6. The number of words you remember depends on _ you review them. I agree with you,and I go over words every few days.()A. howsoonB. howlongC. howoftenD. howfar7. Can I book a ticket for Friday?Sorry,we have _ left.H

    4、ow about one for Saturday?()A. someB. nothingC. noneD. all8. Shenzhou-14 is expected to_ very soon and it will stay in space for six months.()A. setoffB. dropbyC. runawayD. fallbehind9. As middle school students,we should dress _ to make ourselves look clean and tidy.()A. quicklyB. properlyC. poorly

    5、D. warmly10. Remember to help your mum more when Im away from home. _.Im no longer a small kid.()A. NowayB. GoodjobC. GotitD. CheerupIm Tom Green and Im from London.One day our head teacher took us to Chinatown by (11) and we all looked very excited.Our teacher said this (12) would let us practice o

    6、ur language skills and learn more about Chinese culture. We entered Chinatown through the gate with big stone lions on each side.Then I(13)that the street signs were written in both Chinese and English.We first visited the Chinese Garden of Friendship.We(14)on the stone paths (小径) and drank tea at a

    7、 beautiful tea house.And we really had a (15) time there. At lunch time,we entered a big(16) with red lanterns and red dragons (龙) on the walls.The waiters welcomed us in Putonghua.We were also(17)to use chopsticks and choose dishes from the menus with Chinese writing.We really learned a lot there.O

    8、n the train back home,our teacher told us her(18)in China.She was just back from seeing the Great Wall of China.Its like a dragon lying in the mountains. Now more and more people are studying Chinese.I get to know why its a great(19).There is no doubt that we can always(20) some culture behind it.I

    9、cannot forget our trip to Chinatown.11. A. trainB. bikeC. planeD. coach12. A. subjectB. orderC. exampleD. trip13. A. wishedB. requiredC. noticedD. regretted14. A. sleptB. walkedC. fellD. shouted15. A. tiringB. lonelyC. fantasticD. difficult16. A. bookstoreB. cinemaC. libraryD. restaurant17. A. force

    10、dB. taughtC. promisedD. interviewed18. A. addressB. businessC. familyD. experience19. A. languageB. cultureC. riskD. report20. A. clearB. postC. discoverD. spareHave you ever asked your relatives or friends if there is Wi-Fi (无线网络) in their houses?Have you ever (21) Wi-Fi when you are at restaurants

    11、?The answers will probably be Yes.Most of us(22) Wi-Fi everywhere as if we cant live without it.But we can only use free Wi-Fi in some(23) places like hotels and movie theaters.We still have to spend some money(24) the Internet at most time.Here comes a piece of good news. A very big company (公司) ca

    12、lled Super Media has decided to (25) the way of online model completely by giving free Wi-Fi to every person on Earth.They have(26) hundreds of satellites(卫星) into space and more in the future.They made this decision for several (27). One is because they have made a (28)and found that only 60% of th

    13、e worlds population have been able to get connected on the Internet.Another is because many countries are unable to(29) the necessary service to connect the website for their people. We can expect to use(30) Wi-Fi everywhere in the near future.Technology will serve more and better.21. A. turned down

    14、B. pointed outC. searched forD. called of22. A. produceB. wantC. repairD. waste23. A. publicB. personalC. noisyD. wild24. A. avoidingB. breakingC. connectingD. recording25. A. protectB. increaseC. shutD. change26. A. returnedB. sentC. burntD. dropped27. A. reasonsB. rulesC. standardsD. levels28. A.

    15、surveyB. markC. mistakeD. decision29. A. pickB. cancelC. imagineD. offer30. A. freeB. traditionalC. secretD. weak31. A:The summer holiday is coming. (1) B:Im afraid I have to stay at home. (2) A:Thats OK.There are still many things we can do and enjoy at home. B: (3) A:If you like sports,its a good

    16、chance for you to do some practice.If you like reading,there is enough time to enjoy several great works. B:Thats true. (4) A:What hobbies do you want to take up? B:Cooking and planting.You know I always love delicious food and lovely plants. A: (5) You are certain to have a colorful holiday. B:Than

    17、k you. A.Like what? B.Sounds great. C.Are you serious? D.Do you have any plans? E.And I can also take up some new hobbies. F.Its not a good idea to travel outside now. G.Im going to visit my grandparents in Beijing.AHEADINGTON CHILDRENS PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITIONWere excited to hold a childrens photogr

    18、aphy competition this year.We hope children can care more about the daily life around us.The competition is for children aged 10 through 15 who live or go to school in and around Headington and a show of our favourite photos will be shown at Headington Festival on 6th June.Three winners will be chos

    19、en.THE PRIZESThe winners receive a family ticket to the Science Centre.All the photographs included in the festival show will also be shown at the Science Centre.THE RULESYour photograph should be about people,animals,plants or daily activities.Your photograph must be taken in or around Headington.W

    20、hen you are e-mailing your competition picture to us,please write a very short description of it.For example, A pet dog I found in my back garden. Your description will help us to understand why you took the picture.Tell us your nam,age,address and what school you go to.Choose the one you are most p

    21、roud of and email it to us at competition by 20th May.32. What will the winners of the competition get? _ A. A family ticket.B. A camera.C. A mobile phone.D. A pet dog.33. What should you do when entering the competition? _ A. Tell your phone number.B. Buy a family ticket first.C. Write a descriptio

    22、n for your photo.D. Take your photo in the Science Centre.34. Where does the text probably come from? _ A. A tourist guide.B. A history book.C. A medical report.D. A school magazine.BWhen she was little,Gladys Kalema liked to stay with dogs and cats at home.She wanted to work with animals when she g

    23、rew up.This dream came true when Kalema was in her early twenties.She became a wildlife doctor in Africa. That was thirty years ago.Since then,Kalema has never stopped caring for wild animals.She does her best to save the mountain gorilla (大猩猩).This animal is in great danger.But she doesnt just prot

    24、ect the animals.She also tries her best to help the local communities. Many local people lived a poor life.Some of them made money by catching wild animals.Kalema wanted to protect these animals.The key to doing it,she realized,was to make the local peoples life better.The woman provided these peopl

    25、e with fast-growing crops (庄稼).By growing the crops,the locals could feed themselves and make a better living.They no longer needed to animals.Slowly,their thought towards these wild animals began to change.Now,many of them have become animal protectors. Last year,Kalema received the highest environ

    26、mental prize from the United Nations because of her actions.35. What was Kalemas dream? _ A. Helping the poor.B. Travelling to Africa.C. Working with animals.D. Creating a new community.36. How do the local people make their life better now? _ A. By winning environmental prizes.B. By keeping mountai

    27、n gorillas.C. By catching a lot of wild animals.D. By planting fast-growing crops.37. What does the underlined word capture mean? _ A. 捕获B. 驯养C. 研究D. 购买38. Which of the following can best describe Kalema? _ A. Wealthy and patient.B. Wise and honest.C. Helpful and humorous.D. Kind and thoughtful.CIn

    28、recent years,we have been used to wearing masks (口罩) much more often in our daily lives.Do you think wearing a mask makes us prettier or uglier? Scientists did an experiment (实验) to answer this question.They prepared many photos of men faces.Each face was shown in four ways:without a mask,wearing a

    29、cloth mask,wearing a blue medical mask,and covering the lower half of the face with a black book. Then,the scientists showed the photos to 43 women.They were asked to pick out the most attractive (迷人的) face.According to the results,the photos with medical masks topped the list.And the photos with cl

    30、oth masks came in second place. In the past,we usually stayed away from mask wearers.We just thought that they might be sick and might make us sick,too.But now,the situation has changed.When we see people not wearing masks in public places,we might feel unsafe.As a result,mask wearers are now consid

    31、ered to be healthier and more attractive. Masks also make the wearer more attractive by covering part of his face.Our brain fills in the missing part of it.The appearance we imagine may be better than the real one. Its really helpful to wear a mask.Making you prettier is just one reason .39. Why did

    32、 the scientists do the experiment? _ A. To take nicer photos.B. To answer a question.C. To make people prettier.D. To make a new mask.40. Which of the following photos are the most attractive in the experiment? _ A. Photos without masks.B. Photos with cloth masks.C. Photos with a black book.D. Photo

    33、s with medical masks.41. What is the fourth paragraph (段落) mainly about? _ A. A change of ways to wear masks.B. Suggestions on how to be attractive.C. A change of ideas of mask wearers.D. Suggestions on how to keep healthy.42. What will the writer talk about in the last paragraph? _ A. Other reasons

    34、 of wearing masks.B. Development of medicine.C. Results of another experiment.D. Advice on choosing masks.DDuring COVID-19,many people have to stay at home.Though some are taking this chance to practice their cooking skills,others are missing delicious food that is often served in restaurants.Hotpot

    35、 (火锅) is on the top of the food list. In order to meet peoples needs,a new documentary (纪录片),Pot of Fire,has been on.It is directed by Qu Nan and it can help Internet users enjoy hotpot together online. As one of the famous meals in China,hotpot has been popular for ages,for its free for all and hea

    36、lthy.From vegetables to meat,from noodles to seafood,people just need to add different foods into the hotpot to enjoy the great freshness of food in this way.But eating hotpot is much more than an enjoyment for our taste and health.Its also a celebration of life and friendship.For most Chinese peopl

    37、e,eating hotpot is usually a social activity.A survey showed that 40.2% of Chinese usually eat hotpot with friends,while 17.6% take the chance to meet their family. As a popular saying goes, Theres nothing to worry about after having a hotpot.If you are still worried,then go for it twice. So if you

    38、feel empty or lonely,why not cook a hotpot to fill your stomach and heart as well?43. How does Qu Nan satisfy people who miss hotpot? _ A. By inviting people to sit together.B. By making a new documentary.C. By interviewing the Internet users.D. By serving hotpot in restaurants.44. What can we know

    39、from Paragraph 3? _ A. People can celebrate friendship through hotpot.B. Making hotpot needs some hard cooking sills.C. Hotpot can satisfy nothing but our taste and health.D. Chinese people like having hotpot with families most.45. What is the best title (标题) for the text? _ A. A New Documentary:Pot

    40、 of FireB. Food Served in Chinese RestaurantsC. Chances to Improve Cooking SkillsD. Hotpot Warms Your Stomach and HeartEShu Lins Grandpa,a childrens picture book by British-Chinese artist Yu Rong,was shown at the London Book Fair on Tuesday. This book tells a story about Shu Lin,a Chinese girl who m

    41、oves abroad with her family.She finds it hard to get acceptance in her new school,until her grandfather saves the day.With paper-cutting,ink (水墨) painting and other Chinese painting skills,the book creates a new kind of painting that is both traditional and modern. The rich paintings about the celeb

    42、ration of Chinese culture make readers think deeply.After reading,I want to visit China to learn about its culture,especially the traditional ink artwork, said Marianne Simon,a student at Kingston University. Nowadays,many people across the world would like to learn about China through Chinese stori

    43、es.There was also a hot discussion on how to bring to the world at the fair. We want to help international young readers discover more about Chinese childrens books, said the prize-winning translator Helen Wang at the discussion.Wang also said, Translators always play a leading role in bringing more

    44、 Chinese books to international readers. Nicky Harman,another prize-winning translator,said there are more and more young excellent translators helping international readers to better understand China.46. What can we know about Shu Lin? _ A. She studies in a traditional Chinese school.B. Her grandfa

    45、ther helps to solve her problems.C. She is good at ink painting and paper-cutting.D. It is easy for her to fit into the new environment.47. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 4 refer to? _ A. Painting skills.B. Traditional artworks.C. Chinese stories.D. Great translators.48. What is the purp

    46、ose of the text? _ A. To describe a famous translator.B. To give advice on translating.C. To teach people how to create artwork.D. To introduce a book and a discussion.49. There are four people in my family my father,mother,sister and I.They all love me deeply.But even in such a loving family,misund

    47、erstandings and problems cant be avoided. One day,I was doing my homework in my room and my sister entered.Busy with homework,I didnt talk to her and just kept working.But when I took a rest,I found some messy drawings on my notebook.At that time,I walked out of my room and shouted at my sister angrily,You are really a trouble-maker and I hate you.After hearing the words,


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