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    1、2023年江苏省连云港市海州区中考二模英语试题一、单项选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. Tom and Jerry is _ funny cartoon. It is still popular today.A. theB. anC. aD. /2. This isnt my umbrella. _ is over there, behind the door.A. IB. MeC. MyD. Mine3. Amy has a good voice and she wishes to be a singer _ her mother some day.A. likeB. pa

    2、stC. fromD. into4. Will Sandy come to the party? Im not sure. She didnt give me a _ reply.A. secretB. directC. specialD. central5. The public sign “” means people are not _ to take photos.A. allowedB. helpedC. warnedD. reminded6. Simons grandparents live _ in the countryside and they like the life t

    3、here.A. hardlyB. politelyC. carefullyD. peacefully7. The _ of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 is “Heart to Heart, Future”.A. placeB. dateC. themeD. event8. Every year, Samuel _ a DIY present to his father on Fathers Day.A. will sendB. sendsC. will be sentD. is sent9. I wonder _.Maybe next week.A.

    4、 where will Jim give a talkB. when will Jim come backC. where Jims family will goD. when Jim will see us again10. I think teenagers should sleep over 8 hours every day. _ Enough sleep is good for their health.A. I agree with you.B. I cant believe it.C. Its my pleasure.D. Its hard to say.二、完形填空 (共15小

    5、题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Liu Gongquan was a famous Chinese calligrapher (书法家). He was smart and showed a gift for calligraphy _11_ an early age. He was so proud of his _12_ and often displayed his calligraphy works to others proudly. One day, he was _13_ again. A man who

    6、 sold tofu saw his works and said, “Your handwriting is not _14_ enough. You have nothing to be proud of.” Liu felt angry and said, “_15_ dont you write a few characters for us to judge (评判)?” The man smiled and said, “I _16_ write well. But someone writes much better than you with his _17_! If you

    7、dont believe me, you can go to the city and see for _18_.” The next day, Liu got up very early and went to the city. When he arrived, he saw many people _19_ under a big tree. They were watching a(n) _20_ man without arms writing with his feet. His handwriting was beautiful and brought loud cheers.

    8、Liu was _21_ and wanted to learn calligraphy from the old man. _22_. the old man refused to teach him. _23_ he couldnt teach Liu calligraphy, he told the boy his secret to _24_hard work and persistence (毅力). Liu kept the old mans words in mind and _25_ hard. At last, he became a top calligrapher.11.

    9、 A. atB. onC. inD. of12. A. ageB. looksC. talentD. job13. A. showing offB. falling downC. getting awayD. hurrying up14. A. correctB. bigC. clearD. good15. A. WhatB. WhyC. HowD. Who16. A. mustntB. cantC. mustD. can17. A. feetB. handC. mouthD. nose18. A. themselvesB. yourselvesC. himselfD. yourself19.

    10、 A. playingB. standingC. singingD. reading20. A. tallB. kindC. oldD. ugly21. A. lonelyB. lazyC. afraidD. amazed22. A. AnywayB. MoreoverC. HoweverD. Therefore23. A. UnlessB. ThoughC. BecauseD. Whether24. A. successB. happinessC. growthD. friendship25. A. imaginedB. practicedC. thoughtD. chose三、阅读理解 (

    11、共两节,20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。,Welcome to Shanghai Science & Technology MuseumShanghai Science & Technology Museum has three halls. The main hall of the museum is on Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China. It has a floor area of 68,000 square meters. There are

    12、more than ten showing areas and four cinemas in the museum. Opening hours9:00 a.m.5:15 p.m., Tuesday to Friday8:00 a.m.5:30 p.m., Saturday to SundayClosed on Mondays Tickets Adults: 60 yuan per person Children taller than 1.3 meters, those aged from 6 to 18 and college students can buy tickets for 3

    13、2 yuan with student ID cards. Ways to go By underground or by bus26. What is the right time for visiting the museum?A. At 9:00 p.m. on Monday.B. At 6 p.m. on Saturday.C. At 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday.D. At 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday.27. If Mr. Green with his eight-year-old son goes to the museum, how much sh

    14、ould he pay?A. 32 yuan.B. 64 yuan.C. 92 yuan.D. 120 yuan.28. Where can the text be found?A. In a travel guide.B. In a private diary.C. In a history book.D. In an art magazine.BAnne and Diana stood in the garden. They were looking at each other shyly. The Barry garden was beautiful. “Oh, Diana,” said

    15、 Anne. “Do you think you can like me enough to be my best friend?” “I think so,” said Anne. “Im very glad you came to Green Gables. Its great to have somebody to play with.” “Do you promise to be my friend forever and ever?” asked Anne. Diana nodded her head and the girls promised to be friends fore

    16、ver. “Youre a strange girl, Anne,” said Diana. “But Im going to like you a lot.” “Well, do you think Diana can be a best friend?” asked Marilla when they were back at Green Gables. “Oh yes,” said Anne. “Oh Marilla, Im so happy. Dianas going to give me a picture to put up in my room. I wish I had som

    17、ething to give Diana.” “Well, remember youre not going to play all the time,” said Marilla. “You have work to do, too.” Anne was so happy, she had a best friend now. Later, Matthew gave Anne a box of chocolates. “Chocolates are bad for her,” said Marilla. “Anne, dont look so sad. You can eat them. B

    18、ut dont eat all of them at once. You can eat more fruits, such as apples, bananas, oranges .” “Oh, no, certainly not,” said Anne happily. “I can eat one tonight, Marilla. And I can give Diana half of them. Its wonderful that I have something to give Diana.” Anne went to her bedroom. “Well, she is ge

    19、nerous,” said Marilla. “Im glad. Now, dont laugh, Matthew. I cant imagine Green Gables without Anne.”29. How did Anne feel after she returned to Green Gables?A. Worried.B. Happy.C. Shy.D. Angry.30. What does the underlined word “one” probably refer to?A. A banana.B. A chocolate.C. An orange.D. An ap

    20、ple.31. What can we learn about Marilla from the text?A. She might accept Anne at last.B. She was satisfied with Annes study.C. She said a bad word about Diana.D. She advised Anne to send Diana gifts.32. Which of the following is the correct order for what Anne did? a. Anne went back to the bedroom

    21、of her own. b. Anne and Diana promised to be friends forever. c. Anne received a box of chocolate from Matthew. d. Anne and Marilla came back from Mrs. Barrys house.A. bdcaB. bcadC. dbcaD. dcabCWang Jianggang, 60 now, was born and raised in Beijing. He said he has everything a man could wanta flat,

    22、a car, a successful business, and a happy family. However, Wang decided to plant trees in the Gobi Desert (沙漠). Now, he has lived in the desert in Inner Mongolia for about 8 years. In June 2015, Wang went to Ejina of Inner Mongolia with some partners. On the day they arrived, they got caught in a sa

    23、ndstorm. The sky got dark and was filled with sand. They had to hide in the cars, waiting for the sandstorm to stop. When the sandstorm finally stopped, he found there was nothing in the desertno road, no grass. Wang and his team started digging and planting trees in the same year. For years, they c

    24、ouldnt put up tents because of the heavy sandstorms, they had to drive about 200 kilometers to buy machine parts when their machines broke down, and they didnt even have enough water. But Wang didnt back down. So far, Wangs team of about 100 workers has planted 20,666 hectares of trees in the desert

    25、. The first group of trees has grown to 2 meters of high, and one tree can fix 10 square meters of sand. “Ive always wanted to achieve something big. Thats why I decided to create a forest in the desert,” Wang said. “Human life is short, but trees can live for up to thousands of years. They will hav

    26、e a great influence on our children and our childrens children.”33. When Wang arrived in the desert for the first time, what happened to him?A. His car broke down.B. He met a sandstorm.C He and his team got lost.D. His partners left him alone.34. What does “back down” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.

    27、 Fall behind.B. Push in.C. Stay out.D. Give up.35. Paragraph 4 mainly talks about Wangs teams _.A. worriesB. membersC. achievementsD. action36. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. An excellent scientistB. The life in DesertC. A group of brave touristsD. A Forest in DesertDWhat c

    28、omes to your mind when you read the word “robot”? Many people think about big and modern machines in car factories or films. Few of us think about the past. But people were building unbelievable machines with human abilities hundreds of years ago! Philo of Byzantium, an ancient Greek (希腊) inventor,

    29、built a robot thousands of years ago. If someone placed a cup in the robots hand, it mixed water and wine to make a drink. But it wasnt popular because people didnt need robots to work at that time. Another ancient robot was a robotic arm called “The Claw” Polybius, the Greek writer, wrote about it

    30、in 213 BC. It was built during a war with the Romans and hung over the city wall towards the sea. When a Roman ship came close, the arm picked up the front of it and lifted the ship into the air. Then the ship fell backward into the sea and sank. Again, we dont know whether the machine was built, bu

    31、t it was possible with Ancient Greek technology. Leonardo da Vinci, the famous artist, loved designing robots. Few of his designs were built, but his plans were very detailed (详细的). Mark Rosheim, a modern-day robot engineer, still learns from those ideas when he works! One of da Vincis robots was a

    32、lion. He built it in 1515. It could walk and present flowers! In 2009, engineers used the plans to rebuild the robot lion. It worked perfectly. As time went by, more and more robots were built, and they could do more difficult tasks, such as playing the flute, writing, and drawing a picture. Althoug

    33、h modern technology has moved on, these historical robots still amaze people today.37. What can we learn about Philo?A. He invented a nice drink.B. He was quite wealthy at that time.C. He was a German inventor.D. He was born thousands of years ago.38. According to paragraph 3, what may “The Claw” lo

    34、ok like?A. B. C. D. 39. Which of the following best describes Leonardo da Vinci?A. Patient.B. Helpful.C. Creative.D. Modest.40. The author writes the passage to _.A. encourage more people to buy robotsB. make up a few interesting ancient storiesC. show some amazing robots from ancient timesD. compar

    35、e the ancient robots with the modern ones阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺连贯,其中有两项是多余选项。I loved everything about school except for one person: Mildred. Every day, as we walked home after school, she would step on the backs of my shoes. _41_Soon, my mother found something was wrong. I told her t

    36、he whole story. My mom told me not to worry and said she had a plan. _42_ Just as we got to the top of the hill, we saw Mildred. “Hello, Mildred,” my mom said quietly, Mildred stopped, standing still as a statue. Her hands and face were bright red. Her big coat hung open. There were only two buttons

    37、 (纽扣) on it. My mom didnt say anything at first. _43_ “Im Marions mother. I need your help, Mildred.” My mothers hands held Mildreds as she spoke. “Marion doesnt have any brothers or sisters. She needs a best friend at school, someone to walk up the hill with her after classes are over. Would you be

    38、 Marions friend, Mildred?” _44_“Oh, thank you!” my mother said. “I just know you are someone I can depend on.” Then she hugged us and left as if nothing unusual had happened. Mildred and I walked on to school. _45_ Id never seen her smile before. We walked up the hill each day after school together

    39、and pretty soon we became best friends. I didnt understand my moms plan at the time. But finally, I came to understand her message: Love never fails.A A smile is the best medicine.B. Whats worse, she often scared me.C. My mother has taught me a lot so far.D. Mildred thought for a while and nodded.E.

    40、 As I looked over at her, I saw Mildred was smiling!F. The next morning, my mom walked up the hill with me.G. Instead, she buttoned up Mildreds coat and tidied up her coat.四、词汇运用 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) A. 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。46. In our city, the roads are much _ (繁忙) during rush hours.47. Before yo

    41、u get off the bus, you should wait _ (直到) it stops.48. The spirit of Lei Feng is worth _ (传播) forever.49. “A spring morning”, written by Meng Haoran, is one of the most famous _ (诗歌).50. The artist enjoys painting. He always takes his brushes and ink with him _ (到处).根据短文意思和首字母提示,写出一个完整正确的单词。A Thousa

    42、nd Li of Rivers and Mountains is also called Qianli Jiangshan Tu. It is one of the best traditional Chinese paintings. It has become very popular s_51_ it was created in the 12th century. Wang Ximeng is its painter. To peoples s_52_, he finished this painting when he was only 18 years old. The paint

    43、ing is about 12 meters 1_53_. It has six parts. Each part is c_54_ with bridges and water. The painting not only shows Chinas natural beauty, but also shows harmony (和谐) b_55_ humans and nature. From the painting, we can find Chinese peoples love for life, their home and the country.五、选词填空 (共10小题;每小

    44、题1分,满分10分) 从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空 (每个词或短语只能用一次)。visit; write to; cut down; look through; show an interest in; little; open up; hand in; take a message; in ones spare time56. _, Daniel often helps look after the animals at Xinpu Zoo.57 The old tree _ soon because of the disease. Holly wants to plant

    45、 a new one there.58. Jack isnt at school today. Would you be kind enough _ to him, Suzy?59. In Garden Expo Park, I found a foreign _ passport and returned it to him at once.60. Look! Kitty _ the shopping list quickly and working out the price.61. “Peter, you should _ your homework tomorrow morning.”

    46、 The teacher said.62. David _ his pen-friend at 8 oclock last night.63. Tom always _ outer space and dreams of becoming an astronaut.64. Shirley spends _ time on Tiktok in her class. She thinks its a waste of time.65. So far, the scientists _ a whole new world to us in AI.六、阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题,每个题目的答案不超过5个单词。How much do you know about Kunqu Opera? This Chinese opera first appeared in Kunshan, Jiangsu. It has a history of more than 600 years. But can you imagine performing this traditional art form with some Western


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