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    1、2023年江苏省扬州市仪征中考三模英语试卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。1. Do you still remember when he performed _ musical Cats. I only remember it was on _ hot summer evening.A. a; the B. an; the C. the: a D. /; a2. If you dont take the GPS with you, you will be _ a blind man in the rainf

    2、orest.A. as good asB. as well asC. as silly asD. as slow as3. The “Wandering Earth” series and TV drama “ThreeBody” once again brought Liu Cixin, a famous science fiction writer, to the _ of Chinese people.A. noticeB. interestC. attentionD. attraction4. Look at Lucy! How weak she looks! Well, she ne

    3、ver eats and thats why she is not healthy.A. completelyB. rapidly C. smoothlyD. properly5. Chinas Beidou System can now be directly _ to mobile phones, so we can find where the phones are even when theres no signal.A. connectedB. pointedC. devotedD. reported6. Did you have a good sleep last night, E

    4、ric?Yes, I have never slept _. Now Ive got a fresh mind again.A. betterB. bestC. worseD. worst7. Betty will join a summer camp that shes looking forward to _ different kinds of abilities.A. developB. to developC. developingD. develops8. The high school entrance examination is coming! Yes, our teache

    5、r tells us we_ be too careful while taking exams.A. mustnt B. shouldntC. neednt D. cant9. _are crazy about listening to pop music in their spare timeA. Bill as well as his friends B. Neither Victor nor TomC. Not only Tim but also the twins D. Either Anita or Jack10. What are the workers doing on the

    6、 power poles (电杆)? Look, they are _ some cute boxes on the poles as new homes for birds.A. putting onB. putting outC. putting awayD. putting in11. There are more than 900 national wetland parks in China, and now ninety percent _ to the public for free.A. was openB. are openedC. has openedD. have bee

    7、n open12. That was his first invention. It was a machine _ clothes. A. that was used to washB. which was used to washing C. which got used to washing D. that used to wash13. Boys and girls, what do you want to know about H1N1(甲流)? I wonder _.A. when the disease has happenedB. what we can do to fight

    8、 against itC. how long the virus startedD. why has the disease spread so fast14. I love the Internet. Ive come to know many friends on the Net. _ . Few of them would become your real friends.A. I cant agree more B. Im pleased to know thatC. Thats not the case D. Thats for sure 15. Mr Wu, Im sorry to

    9、 make so many mistakes. I promise I will spend more time on English. Tom, remember that _. You should really do what you say you will do.A. every dog has its dayB. actions speak louder than wordsC. it never rains but it poursD. many hands make light work二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出

    10、一个最佳答案。Oleita, an African-American student and environmentalist, lives in Detroit, US. She thinks she may find the way to _16_ two of our countrys problems: litter and poorness. Its called the Chip Bag Project. She is asking chip lovers for _17_: Instead of throwing empty chip bags into the waste bi

    11、n, _18_ them. So she can turn them into sleeping bags _19_ the homeless.Chip eaters _20_ their bags at two places in Detroit: a print shop and a clothing store, where Oleita and her volunteer-helpers collect them. _21_ they clean the chip bags in soapy (肥皂质的) hot water, they open them, _22_ them fla

    12、t, and iron (烫平) them together. They use padding (内衬) from _23_ coats to fill the insides.It takes about four hours to make a sleeping bag, and each takes around 150 to 300 chip bags, depending on the _24_ of single-serve or family use. The result is a sleeping bag that is waterproof, lightweight, a

    13、nd _25_ to carry around.The Chip Bag Project has collected more than 800, 000 chip bags and _26_ 110 sleeping bags since its start in 2020._27_, it would be simpler to raise money to buy new sleeping bags. But thats only half the goal for Oleitawho moved to the US with the _28_ of getting a better l

    14、ifeand her fellow volunteers. “We are making an effect not only _29_, but environmentally,” she says.As Oleita said, “I think its time to show the _30_ between all of these things.” And it has become the symbol of recycling bags that would otherwise land in the waste bin and using them to help the h

    15、omeless.16. A. discussB. face C. solve D. consider17. A. helpB. advice C. money D. food18. A. matchB. reuse C. present D. design19. A. toB. with C. for D. by20. A. cut offB. get off C. turn off D. drop off21. A. WhileB. After C. Before D. Since22. A. layB. place C. clear D. brush23. A. dirtyB. cheap

    16、 C. old D. modern24. A. shapeB. size C. height D. number25.A. normalB. freeC. special D. easy26. A. createdB. soldC. served D. kept27. A. LuckilyB. CertainlyC. Finally D. Immediately28. A. actionB. directionC. support D. dream29. A. naturallyB. culturallyC. socially D. physically30. A. connectionB.

    17、relationC. influence D. background三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A strange siphonA siphon(虹吸管)is a simple tool for moving water from one place to another and its usually made with a hose(软管)of some kindHeres one thats made of nothing but paper: Youll needToilet paperTwo drinking

    18、 glasses1. Tear off(撕掉)five squares of toilet paper and gently roll them into a tong cylinder(圆柱形).2. Fill one of the glasses with water, stand it next to the empty glass and lay the paper into as shown in the picture. 3. Leave the glasses and check them a day later. What happened? Some of the water

    19、as much as half of the water if your siphon works wellwill have moved from the full glass to the empty glass. Water is made up of tiny particles(粒子). and a piece of paper contains tiny spaces between the paper fibers(纤维)that hold onto water particles. Those tiny spaces null water along with a force

    20、called capillary action(毛细管作用)”, In your siphon, they pulled the water particles over into the empty glass.31. What is the siphon made of in this experiment?A. Hose.B. Paper.C. Water. D. Plastic.32. How much toilet paper do we use to make a siphon?A. 4 square meters.B. 5 square meters. C. 4 squares.

    21、 D. 5 squares.33. What makes the water move from one glass into the other?A. Paper fibers. B. Tiny particles. C. Capillary action. D. Water particles.BIn a restaurant, a big bug (虫子) suddenly flew out of nowhere and landed on a woman. She started shouting out of fear. With a shocked face, she starte

    22、d jumping around with both her hands shaking, trying to scare away the bug. Her reaction (反应) was so strong that it made everyone in her group nervous. She finally got the bug off her, but then it landed on another woman in the group. Now it was her turn to continue the reaction.A waiter rushed to t

    23、heir table. The second woman managed to get the bug onto the waiter. The waiter stood quietly and looked at the bug on his shirt.While remaining calm, he carefully picked up the bug with his fingers and then threw it out of a window. People around him were surprised.Watching the event go on, I start

    24、ed wondering: Was the bug the reason for their behaviors? If so, then why was the waiter not troubled? He solved the problem perfectly without any mess.In fact, it was not the bug, but the ability of those people to deal with the trouble caused by the bug that influenced the women.Then I realized th

    25、at it was not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that influenced me, but my ability to deal with the trouble caused by their shouting that influenced me. Its not the traffic jams on the road that troubles me, but the lack of my ability to deal with the mess caused by the traffic jams th

    26、at troubles me.It is not the problem, but my reaction to the problem that creates trouble in my life.34. From the story, we can know that the second woman _.A. was not scared because she was strong B. continued watching the event go onC. threw the bug back on the first woman D. reacted the same way

    27、as the first woman35. Which of the following is the right order of the story?The waiter helped solve the problem.The big bug landed on a woman.The woman tried to get off the bugThe writer realized what created trouble.A. B. C. D. 36. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The wai

    28、ter stayed calm when trouble hit. B. It was the women who caused the trouble.C. The two women were able to deal with big bugs.D. The bug was the cause of peoples different behaviors.37. The writer thinks _ are the most important when facing difficult situations.A. attitudes and experiences B. causes

    29、 and resultsC. ones ability and reaction D. ones goals and plansCSales of electric vehicles (EVs), like electric cars and electric buses, grew 40 percent last year worldwide. Nearly a third of drivers want their next car to be electric.But EVs are nothing new. Scottish inventor Robert Anderson devel

    30、oped the first electric carriage (马车) around 1832, then William Morrison of Iowa perfected the model years later. By the turn of the century, nearly a third of all road cars in the US were electric. One of the earliest fans of electric cars, Thomas Edison said that electric cars would need to depend

    31、 on powerful batteries (电池), though he was unsuccessful in developing one himself. However, one of todays best-known electric car companies called Tesla has successfully produced electric ones.EVs are becoming more affordable though some of them are still expensive. Teslas latest one will start at $

    32、200,000, while the cheapest model is $41,000. Plenty of others are even more affordable. Companies like Nissan and Chevy all offer models for around $30,000. Meanwhile, many states in the US will offer buying incentives (刺激) if people are choosing an electric car.In China, there are about 49,000 pub

    33、lic energy stations outside, which make it easy to get electricity. But for most electric car owners, charging (充电) at home is the way to go. It takes longer, but you can do it overnight when electricity is cheapest.Most EVs get about 250 miles from a full charge, which is far less than the distance

    34、 most gas-powered cars can go on a full tank. But EVs are catching up. Tesla comes the closest. Its 2020 Model S gets about 400 miles on a single charge, and the newer 2021 one gets closer to 500. Charging technology is also improving. For example, BMW makes a fast-charging system that adds about 60

    35、 miles of drive in about six minutes.EVs produce far fewer wastes than common cars do, however, they arent without environmental problems. For example, coal is still burned to create the electricity that charges them. EV production is also harmful because of the need to extract lithium (提炼锂) for the

    36、 batteries.38. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us _ of EV.A. the inventors B. the sales C. the advantages D. the development39. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The price of EVs is keeping rising these days.B. Half of the families will choose EVs in the near future.C. Producing an

    37、 EV will also cause an environmental problem.D. Its still difficult to get charged while driving an EV outside.40. How does the writer show the improvement of charging technology in Paragraph 5?A. By listing numbers. B. By expressing ideas.C. By making examples. D. By comparing differences.41. The p

    38、assage is written to _.A. introduce the facts about EVs B. guide people how to save electricityC. encourage people to choose EVs D. make people know the history of EVsDMedicine development is a risky and expensive business. Many possibly effective medicine fails to cut the mustard during the experim

    39、ents. One reason is that medicine which works on lab animals may not work quite so well in human tests. Being able to pick winners and losers as early as possible would save money, and the One Health Company thinks it may have found a way. It is offering to help medical groups test their cancer medi

    40、cine on sick pets. There are several benefits(益处). By treating animals with cancers, it hopes to avoid a problem with modern animal research, which is that the “model” animals and diseases that are used to test medicine are not always good stand-ins (替身) for the natural illness. For example, mice us

    41、ed to test cancer medicine may have had their tumours (肿瘤) placed into their bodies, or their immune systems(免疫系统) weakened with medicine.Another benefit is that pet owners who are very knowledgeable about their four-legged friends can take care of their pets. They are likely to report even small ch

    42、anges in behaviors. However, lab animals are checked far less often. Perhaps the most useful aspect of using pets for medicine experiments, however, is that there is no law on animals medical records. One Health has been able to get 98% of records on animals from hospitalsa number that is impossible

    43、 for humans. That allows the company to find the right animals for a medicine experiment.Based on the benefits above, the company hopes that pets will prove useful in other diseases in addition to cancers. Horses, for example, seem to be good stand-ins for humans when it comes to arthritis (关节炎). Cats, meanwhile, may prove instructive in breast cancer research.42. What do the underlined words “cut the mustard” in Paragraph1 probably mean?A. Meet the requirements. B. Reduce the pain.C. Affect the test results.


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