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    1、2023年浙江省温州市中考英语试卷一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One day, Miriam got a letter along with a watermelon seed * from Uncle Esai. The letter said:Miriam,This is a magic seed for you. Plant it, and it will grant * 1 three wishes. Remember to be patient: the world has its

    2、 own rhythm *.Uncle EsaiMiriam thought, “A magic seed? Maybe its Uncle Esais 2 , but why not have a try?” She planted the seed in the yard, and made her 3 wish, “I want the watermelon io grow as big as a mountain!”The next morning, Miriam was very 4 to see a huge watermelon in the yard. She couldnt

    3、believe it. “I must 5 it at once!” She hurried to cut the watermelon, but it was too hard. She became angry. “This is a silly watermelon! I dont want it!”Immediately the fruit became a seed again. Miriam 6 her second wish had been granted. “Humph! This is not fun!” she cried.A few days later, Miriam

    4、 found Uncle Esais 7 and read it again. She stopped when she saw the words “be patient”. How could she forget it? She rushed out of the door and 8 ran to the yard to find the seed. This time, she promised she would make the best use of the third wish.She thought for a while. “I hope my 9 could spend

    5、 more time together.” But her parents needed to work. How could the seed help? Although it seemed impossible, she still decided to 10 the seed with patience.Miriam got some information about 11 to plant a watermelon, and then followed the steps carefully. When the seed turned into a normal-sized wat

    6、ermelon, she 12 it with her friends and neighbours. Everybody liked its taste.Miriams family got the seeds 13 the watermelon and planted more afterwards. They were so delicious that the neighbours offered to buy some. The watermelons brought extra money 14 Miriams parents didnt have to be away for w

    7、ork as much. They had more family time.Miriam finally knew what Uncle Esai meantbe patient, and life will be as 15 as a watermelon!1AmeByouChimDher2AruleBjokeCchoiceDexample3AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth4AboredBafraidCrelaxedDsurprised5AeatBwashCclimbDdraw6AheardBexplainedCrealisedDimagined7AbookBpostc

    8、ardCletterDnewspaper8AcalmlyBcarefullyCpolitelyDquickly9AclassBfamilyCteachersDneighbours10Apat awayBtalk toClook afterDsearch for11AhowBwhyCwhenDwhere12AwateredBprotectedCwatchedDshared 13AforBfromCbehindDbeside14AsoBifCbutDunless15AnewBbigCsweetDquiet二、阅读理解(本题有15小题。第1618小题,每小题1分;第1929小题,每小题2分;第30小

    9、题5分。共30分)阅读下面短文,第1629小题从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,第30小题在答题纸规定区域作答。AE-wasteElectronic waste (e-waste) comes from computers, cameras, phones, fridges, TVs and so on.How much e-waste has been produced?There is too much e-waste on the earth. In the past ten years, 506. 5 Mt of e-waste has been produced. Tha

    10、t is as heavy as about 50,149 Eiffel Towers.What can we do with e-waste?E-waste is harmful to the environment. Repeat the three words in our life: reduce, reuse and recycle. Here are some examples.Quadloop Junichi Kawanishicreated solar lanterns with e-waste.turned about 79,000 tons of e-waste into

    11、medals.Mixed Reality LabAlex Lin designed educational toys with recycled about 136 tons of broken computers into ones e-waste for poor kids.that can be used again.16In 2022, how much e-waste was produced in the world?A53.4 Mt.B53.6 Mt.C48.2 Mt.D39.8 Mt.17What did Alex Lm do with e-waste?AHe made med

    12、als.BHe created lanterns.CHe designed toys.DHe recycled computers.18In which part of a website can we read the page?AFood.BHealth.CTravel.DEnvironment.BA marathon is a long running race of 26.2 miles (42. 195 kilometres). The first Olympic Marathon was held in Athens. Now, many cities host their own

    13、 marathons every year. Some of the best-known marathons around the world are the New York City Marathon, the Boston Marathon and the Tokyo Marathon. Among them, the Boston Marathon which started in 1897, is the oldest yearly marathon in the world. As time goes by, the sport has become more than just

    14、 a race.Themes of marathons add fun and meaning to the hard miles. Runners run for helping sick kids, celebrating important events, or just enjoying nature. There is a famous marathon in Gisborne, New Zealand, which is known for being the first city in the world to welcome the sunlight every day. Ru

    15、nners can greet the sunrise as they race along the golden sandy beaches.Marathon routes bring people more understanding of the old sport. Some routes provide great sporting challenges for runners. The routes offer various surfaces, from bridges to sand to hills. Runners of all skill levels can sweat

    16、 freely and push their limits * in the race. Some routes are well planned for runners to explore the many sides of a city. For example, the route of the Great Wall Marathon takes the runners along the great wonder of the world. The race can be an amazing chance to get to know Beijing, its people and

    17、 local food.A marathon is quite a journey for runners to enjoy the run, challenge themselves and experience the culture. There is so much more behind the race for us to explore.19According to the passages the oldest yearly marathon is _.Athe Tokyo MarathonBthe Olympic MarathonCthe Boston MarathonDth

    18、e New York City Marathon20What might be the theme of the marathon in Gisborne?AFirst Light.BLively Kids.CGreen Miles.DFun Beach.21The writer uses the example of the Great Wall Marathon to tell that the route _.Ais difficult to planBshows the city cultureCoffers different surfacesDbrings challenge to

    19、 runners 22Whats the best title for the passage?AMarathon: Not Just a RaceBMarathon: Routes and RulesCMarathon: History and ThamesDMarathon: A Race for EveryoneCTaihu Tunnel *, 10.79 kilometres long and 43.6 metres wide, has been the longest underwater tunnel in China. It stands out as one of the “2

    20、022 Chinas Top 100 Buildings in the New Era”.When building Taihu Tunnel, the project team faced many challenges, such as high safety risks and time limit. To deal with them, they made workable plans. They divided the tunnel construction * into 19 parts. The construction of each part mainly took four

    21、 steps.Step 1 Remove. The team built a cofferdam to remove water from the area, so the workers could go inside and do their work in dry conditions.Step 2 Clear. The team dug deep into the lake bed, and cleared the soil and stones out in order to make space for the next step.Step 3 Build. The team bu

    22、ilt the floor, walls and roof of the tunnel in this step. They used high-quality building materials to waterproof the tunnel.Step 4 Backfill. The team put the soil and stones back. Then this part of the tunnel was buried deep down the lake bed.The construction of the 19 parts was streamlined*. The p

    23、roject team used a new method. The work group of each step moved to the next part and repeated their work after they finished the work in the previous part. Different work groups co-operated well with each other. From part to part, the construction started from the opposite ends, and got connected s

    24、omewhere in the middle. The construction took about four years to complete, shorter than people had expected.The drivers safety is fully considered in Taihu Tunnel. There are 200,000 LED lights on the ceiling * of the tunnel. They show vivid pictures of blue sky, starry night and so on. The pictures

    25、 can help drivers fight tiredness and travel through the tunnel safely. Besides, there are two systems in the tunnel. The police can check the traffic situation through a monitoring system. If traffic accidents happen, the police can give instructions and warn drivers in the tunnel over an audio sys

    26、tem to prevent further accidents.The construction of Taihu Tunnel shows great value in engineering and the tunnel brings much convenience to people living nearby.23Which picture shows how a “cofferdam” works?ABCD24The construction of Taihu Tunnel _.Awas divided into four partsBlook more time than pe

    27、ople had expectedCstarted from the middle of the lakeDwas completed by using a streamlined method25What can we learn from Paragraph 8?APictures in the tunnel can help keep drivers safe.BDrivers can control the LED lights in the tunnel.CThe police can warn drivers through a monitoring system.DAn audi

    28、o system can help drivers check the traffic situation.26What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo advise people to protect Taihu Tunnel.BTo introduce the construction of Taihu Tunnel.CTo share the advantages brought by Taihu Tunnel.DTo tell the difficulties of constructing Taihu Tunnel.DI was trav

    29、elling on a British ship from India to London in 1905. Among all the passengers, no one would fail to notice Padishah, an Indian businessman. From the moment he got on the ship, he kept showing off the diamond * on his turban. The big diamond successfully attracted attention, including that of the f

    30、ive ostriches on the deck *.One morning, as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed* his diamond suddenly. The bird ran around and mixed itself with the others in no time.“Whose are these stupid ostriches? I want my diamond back!” Padishah shouted angrily. People began to crowd on the deck.

    31、I was among the first to arrive. I didnt feel half sorry for the man as he was asking everyone what to do for the diamonds return.Word swept across the ship about the accident, reaching a man named Potter. After lunch in the hall, Potter went to Padishah and claimed, “Ive contacted the ostriches own

    32、er in London. He accepted my offer for all five and now I am the owner. I have the right to keep the birds and the diamond inside.” I thought Potter was rather smart and regretted deeply at a lost chance.Padishah was so upset and blurted, “Theres no way you can get my diamond,” he continued as he go

    33、t calmer. “I can offer you 100 pounds for the birds.” Potter simply refused and left.After a while, Potter came back to the hall with a sly smile. He announced that he wanted to sell four birds separately to separate people by auction*. The starting price was 80 for a bird. One of them, he would kee

    34、p for himself.Before the crowd realised what was happening, a diamond businessman got one bird for 100 pounds. The prices for the following birds rose higher and higher. After the fourth being sold, Padishah got half mad, not knowing what to do. Potter seemed suddenly sorry and said, “I should have

    35、kept them all. But. Trust me! The last bird must be the one.”I stared at the last bird for quite a while and asked Potter for a private conversation. After a long talk, I finally got the bird for 700 pounds._The next morning, I was waiting in line to get off the ship, picturing the amazing future li

    36、fe in mind. Then, I saw Padishah and Potter walk arm in arm on the shore, just like old friends. At that moment, I learnt a lesson worth a diamond.27What happened to Padishah on the deck?AHe was hurt by a passenger,BHe failed to get others attention.CPeople shouted angrily at himDAn ostrich took awa

    37、y his diamond.28Palter came back to the hall to _.Asay sorry to PadishahBtell people he was the new ownerCsell ostriches at high pricesDtalk with the diamond businessman29Which of the following can he put into _ in Paragraph 8?AHow worried I was!BWhat a great deal it was!CHow upset Padishah was!DWha

    38、t an honest man Potter was!30What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence n the last paragraph?(请用约40词回答)_三、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)A用小方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。Chinese Customsusually during child luck clean31People _ the house before Spring Festival every year.32_ should accept gifts from their

    39、 elders with both hands.33On Mid-Autumn Day, Chinese people _ have a family dinner.34_ the Spring Festival month, people seldom have their hair cut.35Most people like to wear red on important days because red is a _ colour.B根据对话内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下对话。Diana: Welcome to Teens Talk. Today well talk a

    40、bout teenagers dream jobs. Mary, whats your dream job?Mary: I want to be a pilot because the job has a 36 (特别的) place in my heart. My father is a great pilot. He trains hard to perfect his skills of flying different 37 (飞机). Though he is busy, he keeps learning and has 38 (甚至) got a doctors degree.

    41、Hes my hero! I believe I can be someone like him.Diana: Thats the spirit. What about you, Cindy?Cindy: Ive always wanted to work in an art museum 39 (自从) I visited the Louvre Museum in 2018. I was so amazed by the collections that I started studying art history. I wrote 40 (六) articles about it last

    42、 year.Diana: Great! You work towards your dream at such an 41 (早的) age. Leo, you plan to be a musician, dont you?Leo: Yes. For me, music is a way to express 42 (我自己). I write down what I see or feel in my daily life. Every 43 (星期日), I put my thoughts to music. And I spend hours 44 (唱歌) my new songs

    43、and playing the piano.Diana: Surely you will be a good musician! Next week, we 45 (遇见) more teenagers. Theyll share their dream jobs with us. Goodbye for now.四、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的适当形式。Tina is a thirteen-year-old middle school student. Last year, she went to 46 sum

    44、mer school in France and stayed with a local family, the Truffauts.At first, things didnt go well 47 she couldnt speak French. Simple things like finding the right bus stop became big problems. The Truffauts helped her a lot and treated her like part of the family. They played 48 (game) and shared t

    45、raditional food with her. Tina was helpful as well. She did some housework with the family every day. On the weekend, she 49 (join) a community club and did volunteer work. For most of the time, she used body language to communicate. People showed 50 (they) thanks with smiles and she would always sm

    46、ile back. Language was not a problem 51 her any more. As a new member of the club, Tina 52 (invite) to have parties with the other members. Day by day, she made more friends. Tina began 53 (love) her new life. “A smile is a second language we were born to speak. It is also the best gift I have got,” she often said 54 (proud).Smiles and a helping hand can always make people 55 (close) than a language can.五、书面表达(本题有1小题,共20分)56请根据以下征文海报,结合所提示的六类英语作业,写一篇英语短文投稿,分享你最喜爱的一类作业及理由,并例举一次相关作业经历谈谈你从中得到的收获。English homeworkhelps me LEVEL UP!What kind of English homework do you like b


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