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    1、2023年黑龙江省牡丹江市中考英语试卷第一部分 语言知识运用(共计45分). Multiple choice(本题共15分,每小题1分)Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.1 Your skirt _ so special. Oh yes, its very popular these days. Its a horse-face skirt.AlooksBsmellsCtastes2Although our school life is a little busy, it

    2、 is full of _.ApainBsadnessClaughter3 Is that boy in a white shirt over there Leo? No, it _ be him. He has gone to Kunming.AmustBcantCmight4A man should be strict with himself, but be _ to others.AsimilarBharmfulCfriendly5We should spend our pocket money (零花钱) _ and use it to do something meaningful

    3、.AwiselyBpolitelyCquietly6Red Star over China (红星照耀中国) is so popular that _ of the students in our class have finished reading it.Atwo thirdBtwo thirdsCsecond three7 Rex, guess what? Born to Fly (长空之王) _ last week. Yes. It shows the dangers and risks that the pilots face.Acame outBgave outCworked ou

    4、t8Zhang Guimei once said. “_ Im alive, I will donate (献身) myself to teaching.”AEven thoughBAs soon asCAs long as9Xu Mengtao won the 2022 Touching China award. Never giving up _ the key to her success.AisBareCwere10 Nancy, where is your brother? He _ for the physical experiment (物理实验) exam in the lab

    5、oratory.ApreparesBis preparingCwas preparing11_ down air pollution, we should walk or take the bus instead of driving.ACutBTo cutCCutting12The 19th Asian Games _ in Hangzhou from September 23 to October 8, 2023.Awas heldBwill holdCwill be held13 Alice, I wonder _ you won the tug-of-war (拔河比赛) yester

    6、day. Yeah! We pulled together and made it in the end.AwhatBwhereCwhether14If we study hard with big dreams, there is nothing _ cant be achieved.AwhoBthatCwhom15 Its bad for us to drink too much coffee._ I seldom drink it.AThats for sure.BIts up to you.CHope things work out. Communication(本题共15分,A题每小

    7、题1分,B题每小题2分)Choose the best response from A to G in the box to complete the dialogue. Each choice should be used only once.(Lillian, Amy and Iris are talking on WeChat.)Lifelong Friends (3)Hi, girls! What are you doing now? 16 A poster? Yes. Its my English homework.Wow, its interesting. 17 About our

    8、 hometown, Mudanjiang! My teacher asked us 10 make an introduction to it.What fun!Lifelong Friends (3)Yes, and I think its meaningful. 18 I like to dub (配音) a film in English.Cool! I like drawing mind maps. 19 Amy Iris I enjoy it very much. 20 I really hope we can do somepractical (实践的) homework.AMe

    9、, too.BIm busy making a poster (海报).CWhats it about?DWhat do you think of drawing mind maps?EWhere are you going?FWhat kind of English homework do you like?GHow do you make a poster?Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.(Xiao Qi meets her American friend Emily on the street.)A: Hi, Emily! What

    10、 are you going to do this Sunday?B: Nothing much. Whats up?A: I heard a baby panda was born in the zoo. Im going to have a look. 21 ?B: Sure, Id love to. You like pandas, dont you?A: Yes. In fact, pandas are my favorite animals.B: 22 ?A: Because they are very cute. And they are a symbol of China.B:

    11、Well, I become interested in them. 23 ?A: OK. Pandas mainly live in Southwest China. They can live to be 20 to 30 years old.B: 24 ?A: They eat bamboo and fruit.B: Oh, I see. Are they endangered?A: No. Thanks to the government and workers efforts, pandas are no longer endangered now.B: 25 ! Thank you

    12、 for telling me so much.A: Youre welcome. See you this Sunday. Cloze test(本题15分,每小题1分)A man lived happily in a village because everyone praised him.One day, he heard some people _ about him when he passed by. Hiding behind a tree, he started listening to them. But what they said made him _. They sai

    13、d he was too proud.From that day on, whenever he saw _ talking, he thought they were saying something bad about him. He was unhappy _. So he went to a wise old man and told him _.The wise old man said, “ Stay in my house tonight.” The man _. When he went sleep a night, the croaking of frogs (青蛙呱呱的叫声

    14、) fell in his ears. A pond (池塘) was behind his room and the sound _ from there. The more he wanted to ignore (忽视) the sound, the _ the frogs seemed to croak.The next morning, the man went to the wise old man and said, “ I _ sleep well last night. It felt like there were hundreds of frogs in that pon

    15、d. You must also have _ because of them. Can I take them out and put them far away?” The wise old man nodded.So the man went to the pond. To his surprise, only ten frogs _. Then he went to ask the wise old man _ the other frogs were.The wise old man said, “ Even at night there were only ten frogs. B

    16、ecause you paid a lot of attention to the _, you thought there were hundreds of them. It is the same in your life as well. And always remember, no matter _ good you are, there will always be some people _ will talk bad about you.” The man understood the wise old mans words and thanked him.Choose the

    17、 best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.26AtalkBto talkCtalking27AsadBhappyCexcited28AotherBothersCanother29Aon timeBin timeCall the time30AnothingBeverythingCanything31AleftBagreedCrefused32Awill comeBis comingCwas coming33AloudBlouderCloudest34AcouldntBneedntCshouldnt35AtroubleBfame

    18、Cpower36AcaughtBare caughtCwere caught37AwhyBwhereCwhen38AnoiseBroomClife39AwhomBwhatChow40AwhoBwhichCwhose第二部分 阅读理解(共计35分). Reading comprehension(本题共35分,A、B、C题每小题1分,D、E题每小题2分)(A)Match the information according to what you read. 41 Lucy enjoys running and has recently moved to a new city. She is loo

    19、king for a club where she can join in races. 42 Bill wants to find some ways to keep healthy at home and talk online with other people. He wants to find a free website. 43 Linda is a member of a local gym. She does not get much time to shop, so she wants to buy sports clothes and shoes online. 44 Pe

    20、ter loves riding a bike to the countryside each weekend to keep healthy. He wants a website which can give him suggestions. 45 Paul is looking for a gym where he can keep healthy. As a student, he doesnt want to be a member. He only wants to pay each time he visits the gym.A. This website is for peo

    21、ple that like living a healthy life and enjoy the countryside. There is also information on bike races.B. Steve Amos started this website for busy people wanting to keep healthy .He designs (设计) and sells a lot of sports clothes and shoes on it.C. This online shop offers books, magazines and DVDs ab

    22、out keeping healthy. You can find information about sports you are interested in.D. www.NAG.comIt helps you to find out where your nearest sports club is. It also provides information about running races and other sports events around the country.E. This is a free government website that encourages

    23、people to keep healthy. It has an online chat room (聊天室) where you can talk about sports.F. This website tells you how you can keep healthy at these gyms (健身房). You dont have to be a member of them. Every time you go, you need to pay.(B)Liam Pope-Lau is a student at St. Michaels University School in

    24、 Victoria, Canada. A few years ago, he fell into the ocean when he was learning to sail (航行) on a boat. He had no idea what he was in for (即将遭受) at that moment. “ I just remember how cold I was,” said Liam. “ It really kind of scared me and shook me up.” Thankfully, Liam was wearing a life jacket (救

    25、生衣).“ Even if it was summer, I got really cold in the water,” said Liam. “ Later I looked up this physiological phenomenon (生理现象) on the Internet and found out it is called I hypothermia (失温症). Liam saw many people die of hypothermia every year. So he decided to create something to help people keep

    26、warm in water-related (与水相关的) accidents.Liam then went to his friend, Fraser Tuck, for help. And together they came up with the idea of “ LifeHeat” -a self-heating life jacket. After several experiments (实验), Liam and Fraser came across calcium chloride (氯化钙): a chemical (化学品) that creates heat when

    27、 touching water. The boys put the chemical into a small bag, which can be glued to the inside of a common life jacket.Liam and Fraser spent a lot of time on LifeHeat, and they even tested their invention by jumping into the ocean themselves. They won several prizes and got some advice from experts.

    28、Now Liam and Fraser are still working to improve LifeHeat. They hope to turn it into a business.Liam and Fraser have advice for kids that want to create their own new technology. “ Dont be afraid to try it out because you never know where it could end up,” they said.Judge the following statements tr

    29、ue (T) or false (F) according to the passage.46Liam fell into the ocean without wearing a life jacket a few years ago.47Liam decided to create something to help people keep warm in water-related accidents.48Liam and Fraser Tuck thought of the idea of “ LifeHeat”together.49The underlined word “ They”

    30、in Paragraph 4 refers to “ experts” .50Liam and Fraser encourage kids to create their own new technology.(C)As children grow up, they have a birthday every year. But in modern China, a birthday held at the age of 18 has special meaning. Its the celebration of coming of age (成年).In ancient China, the

    31、 coming-of-age ceremony was very important for the young people. According to the book LiJi (礼记), it was the symbol of their right (权利) to get married and their duty (义务) to share family responsibilities. Only after the ceremony could the young people be called “ adults” .At the coming-of-age ceremo

    32、ny, after all the guests sat in the right position, the parents would give a short speech. A respected (受尊敬的) elder that was chosen to hold this ceremony would wash hands and do the guan li or ji li in several steps. Then, the child would kneel on the ground and listen to his or her parents expectat

    33、ions and words used to educate the child. After showing thanks to guests, he or she could stand next to his or her parents as a real adult.In modern China, the coming-of-age ceremony in some universities and senior high schools is getting its popularity. Besides a traditional ceremony mentioned abov

    34、e, some young people may wear traditional Chinese clothing or modem clothing and take professional photos to record this special event. Some choose to make a charitable donation (慈善捐赠) such as money or time to a charity or an organization. They also reflect on their achievements to set better plans

    35、for their future education, career (职业生涯) or personal development.Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage.51After the coming-of-age ceremony, the young people could get married and had to _ in ancient China.Agive a short speechBhave a birthday partyCbe responsible for their fa

    36、milies52The underlined word “ kneel”in Paragraph 3 means “_” .Astand upside downBgo down on ones kneesClie down on ones back53Who would do the guan li or ji li at the coming-of-age ceremony in ancient China?AA respected elder.BSome friends.CThe parents.54What may some young people do at the ceremony

    37、 in modern China?ATake photos.BGet married.CMake money.55The passage is mainly about _.Athe book Li JiBmodem clothingCthe coming-of-age ceremony(D)There was a little boy living in a city with his parents. Every summer holiday, the parents would take their son to visit his grandparents. 56 And the bo

    38、y loved to stay with them.Year by year, the boy grew up. One day, he said to his parents, “ Now, I am big enough. This holiday, I can go to my grandparents house alone. 57 ” The parents said yes, but they were worried about him. So they taught him everything he needed to know to travel alone.The day

    39、 came when the boy was to leave for his grandparents house. His parents came to the train station to see him off. While waiting, the boys father handed him a letter and said, “ Son, if you feel afraid on the way, open this letter and read it. 58 ” The train began to move and the boy was very excited

    40、. It stopped at every station and people kept coming and going. At one station, a big man got on the train and sat next to the boy. The boy got a little scared. 59 He opened the letter, “ Dont be afraid. I am here with you on this train.”Just after reading the letter, all his fear was gone.In fact,

    41、life is like that. When we do something alone, we neednt be sad or afraid. 60 We can just do whatever we want and remember we are actually not alone.Choose five out of the six sentences to complete the passage. Each choice should be used only once.APlease let me go by myself.BIt will help you calm d

    42、own (镇静).CHis parents decided to go with him.DThey lived far away in another city.EThen the boy remembered his fathers letter.FOur parents and friends are always on the journey with us(E)“ In life there is no such thing as complete happiness. Happiness always comes with worry.” These are the words f

    43、rom Yang Jiangs famous work We Three.Yang Jiang was a writer and translator. She wrote several successful comedies and novels and was also famous for her translation work.Yang Jiang was born in Beijing in 1911 and grew up in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. She started studying at Tsinghua University in 19

    44、32 and there she met Qian Zhongshu. They married in 1935. During 1935-1938, they were abroad to study at Oxford University and University of Paris. In Oxford, Yang gave birth to their daughter Qian Yuan in 1937. They came back to China the next year. In 1949, Yang began to teach at Tsinghua Universi

    45、ty. She passed away in 2016.The book We Three is a national bestseller (畅销书). Its about Yang Jiangs family life with her husband and their daughter. Yang started writing it at the age of 92.In the book, Yang used simple language to describe all the joyful and difficult times she spent together with

    46、her husband and daughter. From her words, you can feel the love between them. The love usually cannot be described with words alone. You can not only understand what the three of them had achieved and how proud Yang was to have her husband and daughter, but also feel how sad she was for having to spend the rest of her life without her loved ones. However, like Yang wrote, “


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