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    1、 六年级英语练习题AOne day, an old woman is walking on the street. She sees a little boy trying toreach a doorbell. But the boy is so short that he cant reach the bell. The old woman isa kind person, so she says to the little boy, ”Let me help you.”Then she pushes( 按)the bell so hard that all people can hear

    2、 the bell. The little boy looks up at her andsays,” Now lets run away. Come on!” And then the old woman knows what ishappening. the naughty( 淘气的 ) boy runs away.选择正确的答案( ) 1. An old woman isA taking a walkon the street.B riding a bikeC playing with a child D doing some exercise( ) 2. The little boy

    3、isA playing on the streetC skating on the street.B trying to reach a doorbellD helping his grandmotherso he .( )3. The boy isA fat; cant run fastB kind; wants to help the old womanC short; cant reach the bellD tall; cant come into the house( )4. Pushes doorbellA. The old woman; the boysC. The boy; t

    4、heB. The boy; the old womansD. The old woman; the( )5. The old woman isA happy; helps the boyC naughty; pushes the doorbellso that she.B kind; helps the boyD old; cant reach the doorbellBA father takes his son to hospital. He wants the dentist to pull out a tooth for hisson. After finishing it, the

    5、dentist asks the father to pay him forty yuan. “What? Fortyyuan? Why? I should pay you only eight yuan for one tooth in common(通常 ).”The father is very angry. “Thats right,” says the dentist,” But, when I pull out the tooth for your son, he cries so terribly that he frightens(恐吓 ) my other four pati

    6、entsaway. So you should pay me another thirty-two yuan for it.”选择正确的答案( )1. The boys gotA a toothache.B a headacheD a bad coldC a stomach ache( )2. There is something wrong with the boysA one tooth B four teeth C five teeth( )3. The dentist asks the boys father forA eight yuan B fourteen yuan C fort

    7、y yuanforD three teethD eighty yuan( )4. The patient should payA forty yuan; one toothC eight yuan; one tooth.B eight yuan; five teethD forty yuan; four teeth( )5. The boy cries so terribly thatfrightened away.A his father isC the nurse isB the dentist isD four patients areCIt is nine thirty in the

    8、morning. Mr. Green and his students are going out for apicnic. Theyre now in the park. The children are having a good time. Look, the girlsin the beautiful dresses are Su Hai and Su Yang. Theyre twins. Theyre singing anddancing. Whos the girl under the big tree? She is Nancy. She is reading a storyb

    9、ookcarefully. Where is Mr. Green? He is playing games with Helen and other students.Liu tao and David are fishing near the river. Then a park keeper comes up tothem. He points to a sign near the river. He says to the boys, ”Cant you see the signover there? It says No fishing, please.” Liu Tao and Da

    10、vid say sorry and leave therequickly.选择正确的答案( )1. ItsA half past ten in the morning.B nine thirty in the evening C half past nine in the morningD ten thirty in the morning( )2. Mr. Green and his students are.A in the zooB at schoolC in the parkD on the playground.( )3. The twins areA reading a story

    11、book carefullyC playing games with Mr. Green( )4. Nancy is readingB singing and dancingD fishing near the river.A under the treeB on the grassC near the riverDD in the treeIt is a hot day in summer. A lion is walking along a lake. He is looking forsomething to eat. He is very hungry. A duck is swimm

    12、ing in the water. The lion isvery happy to see him. ”Aha, there is my lunch,” the lion says to himself.“Hello, Mr. Duck! ” Go away, bad lion! ” says the duck.” I have good news foryou.” “What is it?” asks the duck. “I dont want other animals to hear it. Please comehere,” says the lion. The poor duck

    13、 gets out of the water and runs to the lion. The lioneats him up.选择正确的答案( )1. The lion wants toA walk along the lakeC find something to eat.B find something to drinkD swim in the lake( )2.says to , “There is my lunch”A. The duck; the lionC. The lion; the duck( )3. The duck thinksA the lion is goodB

    14、. The duck; himselfD. The lion; himselfat first.B the lion is badC the lion is his lunch D the lion is his friend( )4. The duck wants toA be the lions good friend B eat the lion. C know about the good news( )5. IsD run awayat last.A . The duck; not the lions lunchB. The lion; the ducks lunchC. The d

    15、uck; the lions lunchD. Another animal; the lions lunchEA wolf is in the pit( 深洞 ). He is very hot and hungry. He cries.”Help!”A rabbitsees him and says,”Lets help the wolf!”A cat says“, he is going to eat you.”A sheepcomes and asks, ” Whats the matter?” The cat and the rabbit tell him about it, and

    16、thesheep makes a rope( 绳子 ), they help the wolf come out.The wolf says,” Thank you, friends. I m hungry now. I will eat you!” The wolflaughs and laughs. He laughs so much that he drops into(掉进 ) the pit again! Thistime, the cat, the rabbit and the sheep will not help him again!判断正( T)误( F)( )1. There is a wolf in the pit.( )2 the rabbit would like to help the wolf.( )3. The sheep makes a rope to kill the wolf.( )4. The wolf thanks the animals sincerely(真诚的 )for helping him.( )5. The wolf drops into the pit again at last. 答案A:A B C D BB: AA C C DC: C C B AD: C D B C CE: T T F F T


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