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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit7《International charities》Period5(Integrated skills & Study skills)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit7《International charities》Period5(Integrated skills & Study skills)同步练习(含答案)

    1、八年级英语下册Unit7International charities同步练习Integrated skills & Study skills姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、词汇检测 1_(传单) were printed yesterday and they will be handed out tomorrow. 2Floras mother_(举行)a big party to celebrate her birthday last night. 3She had a_ (检查) on the guest list again and again to make sure of the

    2、number of people in the party. 4We talked a lot about_ (战争) and peace that night. 5We couldnt_ (组织) this charity show well without your help. 6-Your face looks_Are you OK? -NOI couldnt even standCould you please take me to hospital? 7-Whats the_ with you and why do you seem angry? -My wallet was tak

    3、en by a man and he ran away. 8-Can I ask a day off this Sunday? -Sorry, everyone should take part in the activity, _ you.二、单项填空( ) 1Usually before exams; the students_ two minutes to write down their names. Awere given Bgive Cgave Dare given( ) 2He makes money for his family_ driving a taxi. Aat Bin

    4、 Cwith Dby( ) 3UNICEF_ in many countries and it helps governments and families better world for children. Awork; to make Bworks; make Cworks; making Dworked; to make( ) 4I hope my parents_ me to work as a volunteer doctor in ORBIS. Awill support Bsupporting Csupports Dto support( ) 5Dont worryThe ch

    5、ildren_ in this new school. Atake good care Bare taken good care Ctake good care of Dare taken good care of( ) 6The organization is_ their club and it_ three months ago. Aa part of; set up Bpart of; is set up Cpart of; was set up Dparts of; was set up( ) 7Bob_ to be one of the best students in his c

    6、lass. Ahas thought Bis thought Cwas thinking Dthought( ) 8When the work_ tomorrow, we can have three days off. Awill finish Bfinishes Cis finished Dhad finished( ) 9_ exciting news! Weve never had_ long vacation before. AWhat; such a BWhat an; such aCHow; such a DWhat; so a( )10-Would you mind me_?

    7、-_Do it as you like please. Ato play the piano; Good idea Bplaying the piano; Of course not Cplaying the piano; Of course Dplay the piano; All right三、完形填空 There was a boy in India who was sent to a boarding school(寄宿学校)by his parents. 1_being sent away, this boy was the best student in his class 2_t

    8、he boy changed after he went to the boarding schoolHis grades started droppingHe 3_being in a groupHe was lonely all the timeAnd sometimes he even felt like killing 4_All of this was because he felt no one loved him. His parents started 5_the boySo his dad decided to travel to the school and talk wi

    9、th him. They sat on the beach near the schoolThe father started asking him questions about his classes, teachers and sportsAfter some time his dad said, Do you know 6_I am here today, my dear son? The boy answered back, To check my grades(成绩). “No, noI dont care about your 7_, ”his dad repliedI am h

    10、ere to tell you that you are the most important person for meI only care about youI only want to see you 8_YOU ARE MY LIFE. These words 9_the boys eyes filled with tears(泪水)He hugged(拥抱)his dadThey didnt say anything to each other for a long time.Now the boy knew there was 10_ on this Earth who care

    11、d for him deeplyHe meant the world to someoneAnd today this young man is one of the best students in a university and no one has ever seen him sad!( )1.AAfter BBefore CIn front of DFor( )2.ABut BAnd CSo DSince( )3.Aliked Benjoyed Chated Dfrightened( )4.Ayourself Bherself Cmyself Dhimself( )5.Aworryi

    12、ng about Blaughing at Cgiving up Dstaying away from( )6.Ahow Bwhen Cwhere Dwhy( )7.Asports Bclasses Cgrades Dteachers( )8.Aexcited Bhappy Chard-working Dangry( )9.Amade Bsent Ctaught Dtold( )10.Anobody Bsomeone Canyone Deverybody四、阅读理解 A young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of tro

    13、usersWhen he got home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them onHe found that they were about two inches too long. He came downstairs, where his mother and his two sisters were washing up tea things in the kitchenThese new trousers are too long, he saidThey need shortening(缩短)by about two inch

    14、esWould one of you mind doing this for me, please? His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything. But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quietly upstairs to her sons bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inchesShe came downstairs without saying anything to

    15、her daughters. Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brothers trousersShe was a kind-hearted girl, so she went quietly upstairs without saying anything to anyone, and shortened the trousers by two inches. The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came back, she, too, reme

    16、mbered what her brother had saidSo she ran upstairs and took two inches off the legs of the new trousers.( )1The young man bought the new trousers_ his size. Aas long as Btwo inches longer than Cas big as Dtwo inches shorter than( )2He asked_ to shorten his new trousers. Ahis mother and sisters Bhis

    17、 two sisters Chis elder sister Dhis mother and one of his sisters( )3His mother and sisters_. Aagreed to do that Bdidnt want to do that Csaid nothing to him Dsaid something to him( )4His elder sister shortened the trousers_. Aafter finished washing Bbefore she went to bed Cwhen she came back from th

    18、e cinema Dafter having supper( )5The next morning the young man would find the trousers were_. Atwo inches shorter Bfour inches shorter Csix inches shorter Deight inches shorter五、完成句子 1很多孩子的生活都因为这场战争改变了。_ 2他们发出很多噪音,所以我不得不说得大声。_ 3UNICEF使世界成为孩子们生活更美好的地方。_ 4他们通过卖卡片和组织其他活动来筹钱。_ 5对孩子来说,接受基础教育是重要的。_ 6这药一天

    19、3次,饭后服用。_参考答案一1Leaflets 2held 3check 4wars 5organize 6pale 7matter 8including二1-5 DDBAD 6-10 CBCAB三1-5 BACDA 6-10 DCBAB四BACDC五1Many childrens lives were changed because of the war. 2They were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak loudly. 3UNICEF makes the world a better place for children to live. 4They raise money by selling cards and organizing other activities. 5Its important for children to receive basic education 6Take this medicine after meals three times a day.


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