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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit7《International charities》Period2(Reading I)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit7《International charities》Period2(Reading I)同步练习(含答案)

    1、八年级英语下册Unit7International charities同步练习Reading I姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、单词拼写1His grandma should get_(医疗的)help in time.2The_(病例)is not commonDoctors are having a discussion about it.3Dont worryHe will be_(治愈)in a few days.4Dr Wang has_(做手术)on three people with arm problems since 6 a.m.5.-This new sports car

    2、is on sale(上市)nowWill you take one? -SorryI cant_(买得起)it6Please give the_(病人)some soft foodThey have just finished their operations.7Tom couldnt take part in the sports meeting because of his_ (blind).8.-How is your father now? -He is still under_ (treat) in hospital.9Are you ready? The_ (interview)

    3、 are already outside.10They_ (most) live far away from the town center.二、单项填空( )1.-Which charity helps blind people? -_ AORBIS BThe Red Cross COxfam DUNICEF( )2Many children are poor and they_ to go to school. Aare able to afford Bcan afford Ccant be able to afford Dcant afford( )3The people in poor

    4、 counties havent got money_ medical treatment. Ato Bof Cfor Din( )4The patient is badly hurtHe needs_ at once. Ato operate on Bto be operated Coperating Dan operation( )5The plane is used_ a training center_ the local doctors and nurses. Aas; to train Bto; train Cfor; trains Das; training( )6Many pe

    5、ople_ eye problems will get help from ORBIS. Ain Bon Chave Dwith( )7.-How do you keep in touch with him? -_ writing letters. AWith BBy COn DIn( )8Seventy-five percent_ the teachers_ women teachers in our school. Aof; are Bof; is C; are D:is三、完形填空 People all over the world celebrate Valentines DayHow

    6、ever, the holiday 1 differently in different countries 2 each culture has its own Valentines Day customs. For example, people in the United States and Japan both celebrate Valentines Day 3 February 14But in Japan, only romantic partners come together, while in America, it can be shared by anyone 4 i

    7、s close, friend or loverChocolate is the most preferred gift in the US 5 it is common in Japan, tooHowever, in the US other kinds of gifts are 6 given, and many people exchange cards. The biggest 7 is that in Japan, only girls and women 8 chocolates to boys and men, but in the US boys and girls will

    8、 give cards or small gifts to all of 9 friendsAnd while American men and women both receive gifts, women usually get 10 expensive gifts than menThats why I would like to be a man in Japan but a woman in the US!( )1Acelebrates Bis celebrating Ccelebrated Dis celebrated( )2Aalthough Bwhere Cbecause Di

    9、f( )3Aon Bin Cat Dby( )4Awhom Bwho Cwhose Dwhich( )5Aso Bas Cand Dor( )6Atoo Beither Cneither Dalso( )7Adifference Bdifferences Cdifferent Ddifferently( )8Agive Bto give Cgiving Dgiven( )9Atheirs Bthey Cthem Dtheir( )10Amany Bmore Cfew Dfewer四、阅读理解 A poor boy had to sell things door by door to pay f

    10、or his schoolingOne day he found that he only had one dime(一角钱)left, and he was hungry so he decided to beg(乞)for a meal at the next house. However, he felt nervous when a lovely young woman opened the doorInstead of a meal, he asked for a drink of waterHe looked hungry so she brought him a large gl

    11、ass of milkHe drank it slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe(欠) you? You dont owe me anything, she answered, Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness. He said, Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As the boy left that house, he not only felt strongly moved(感动) , but also

    12、believed in people greatlyHe was about to give up before this point. Years later the woman was badly illThe local doctors tried their best, but couldnt cure herThey finally sent her to a hospital in the big cityDr Howard Kelly, now famous, was called inWhen he heard the name of the town she came fro

    13、m, a strange light filled his eyesImmediately(立刻) , dressed in his doctors clothes, he went through the hospital hall into her roomHe recognized(认出)her at onceHe went back to his office and decided to do his best to save her lifeFrom that day on, he gave special attention(关注) to her. After some time

    14、, the woman was well enoughDr Kelly asked the nurse to bring him the final bill(药费单).He looked at it and then wrote something on the sideThe bill was sent to the roomShe was afraid to open it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay it offFinally she looked, and the note o

    15、n the side of the bill caught her attentionShe read these words, Paid in full with a glass of milk-Dr Howard Kelly. Tears of joy flooded her eyes!( ) 1A poor boy had to sell things_ to get money for his schooling. Afrom house to house Bat the market Cin the shop Din the street( ) 2The boy had to beg

    16、 for a meal one day because he_. Adidnt have breakfast Bwas thirsty Chad little money with him Dwanted to save money( ) 3The lovely young woman gave him_. Aa glass of water B a bowl of rice Ca glass of milk Da big meal( ) 4Many years later the poor boy _. Awas badly ill Bbecame a famous doctor Cwork

    17、ed in a local hospital Dstill sold things door by door( ) 5Which of the following is NOT true? AThe boy changed his idea about people after meeting the kind-hearted young woman BYears later the woman was badly ill and was cured in a local hospital. CThe woman was sent to the hospital where the famou

    18、s doctor worked. DDr Howard Kelly paid all the bill for the woman.五、翻译句子1我们已经学习了一些有关失明的事。_2百分之八十的病例可以被预防或治愈。_3很多有眼部问题的人需要医学治疗。_4很多病人去不起医院。_5当地的医生被请上飞机了解眼部手术。_6上周有150位病人动了手术。_7通过培训当地的医生,我们可以帮助更多的人。_参考答案一1medical 2case 3cured 4operated 5afford 6patients7blindness 8treatment 9interviewers 10mostly二1-5

    19、ADCDA 6-8 DBA三110 DCABC DAADB四1-5 ACCBB五1We have learnt something about blindness. 280 per cent of the cases can be prevented or cured 3Many people with eye problems need medical treatment. 4Many patients cant afford/dont have money to go to hospital. 5Local doctors are invited on board to learn about eye operations. 6150 patients were operated on last week/150 patients had operations last week 7We can help more people by training local doctors.


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