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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit7《International charities》Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit7《International charities》Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习(含答案)

    1、八年级英语下册Unit7International charities同步练习Reading姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、单项填空( ) 1We should carry on_ our work after a few days break. Aat Bfor Cwith D/( ) 2He is very_ his son_ his good result in the exams. Aproud of; because of Bproud of; because Cproud as; because of Dproud for; because( ) 3Call us at_ you

    2、need_ 4008-823-823KFC is ready for you!Aany times; for Bany time; onCsome time; on Dany time; for and asking a teacher for advice are( ) 4If you are weak_ a subject, _and asking a teacher for advice are helpful. Aat; working hard Bin; work hard Cat; work at Din; working hard( ) 5Last weekend many pe

    3、ople went to the concert, _ young people. Areally Balmost Cmostly Dmost( ) 6-_ did you tell him about the news? -By_ an e-mail. AHow; sending BHow; sent CWhat; sending DWhat; sent( ) 7The book Steve Jobs_ LucysAs I know, she is the only person who has the book in our class. Amay be Bmust be Ccant be

    4、 Dmustnt be( ) 8There are so many kinds of computersI really dont know_ to choose. Awhat Bwhich Chow Dwhere( ) 9Luke does_ and they are all thankful to him. Aso important work Bsuch an important job Csuch an important work Dso important job( )10.-In the old days, most teenagers had to work for the l

    5、andlord (地主) in the field to help_ their families, because their families couldnt_ education for them. -What a pity! Asupport; have Bafford; support Csupport; afford Dafford; give二、单词拼写 1Lilys parents are_ (自豪的) that she is doing well at school. 2Do you want to have a look at these letters from your

    6、 _(读者) 3Since we are in need of_ (药物) now, we should ask for peoples help. 4The boy was _(治疗) in time and he is safe now. 5Its hard to say how the market will_ (发展)Hope everything goes well.三、动词填空 1Amy says that she_ (come) back in two days. 2Up to now, I_ (learn) ten English songs and Im good at th

    7、em. 3-Is this the book you told me about yesterday? -Yes, I_ (buy) it last month. 4They_ (live) in the town since they were born, so they know the town very well. 5Millie spent a lot of time_ (record) the results of the football match. 6We are often told that to give is better than_ (take). 7-Jane,

    8、I cant find Mike in the playground. -Oh, he_ (play) the piano in the music room. 8.-I phoned you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but nobody answered me. -Sorry, I_ (water) the flowers in the garden at that time.四、完形填空 Sunday was going to be the birthday for me and my other two classmatesAs we wereborn

    9、in the 1_month, we decided to have a big party to 2_it. On that evening, we invited all of our classmatesWe prepared a lot of food and drinksAfter singing the birthday song, we 3_the delicious cake togetherWe sang more songs and played gamesThen someone told funny stories, and 4_laughedThree hours f

    10、lew by quicklyBecause we had to 5_before 11:00, we ended our party at 10:00. Before we left, our classmates gave 6_of us a birthday card with their best wishes 7_ we took some pictures together. What a great time we had! At that moment, I felt love, happiness and friendship. Before the party, only m

    11、y 8_could remember my birthday, and I had never had sucha big party and so many friends wishes 9_I wanted to say to my classmates, Thank you, and I will 10_forget this evening, especially each of you!( )1Adifferent Bbest Csame Dsome( )2Acost Bcelebrate Claugh Dlove( )3Asent Bremembered Cprepared Dsh

    12、ared( )4Aeveryone Bsomeone Canyone Dno one( )5Ago to the party Bgo to bed Cgo to school Dgo to work( )6Aboth Bsome Ceach Dmost( )7AFinally BFirstly CHowever DAnyway( )8Ateachers Bclassmates Cparents Dfriends( )9ASince BSo CThough DAfter( )10Aalready Byet Cever Dnever五、阅读理解 A young woman carrying a t

    13、hree-year-old child got on a busThe conductor(售票员)hurried to give her a warm welcome and then kindly asked the other passengers(乘客)to make more room for the woman and her childOn seeing this, people began to talk. You know this conductor used to be very rudeNow suddenly he has changed his bad attitu

    14、de(态度), said a middle-aged man. “Yes, he should be praised(表扬)and we must write a letter to the company, said the second passengerThats right,” another lady said, “I wish a newspaper reporter were here so that more people could learn from this conductor.” Just then a gentleman who looked like a teac

    15、her turned to the conductor and saidExcuse me, but can I know your name, please? Your excellent service must be praised.” Before he could open his mouth, the three-year-old child sitting on the young womans lap said, I know his nameI call him Dad.”( )1.The passengers were_ to see the conductors kind

    16、ness to the woman and the child. Aexcited Bworried Cinterested Dsurprised( )2.One passenger suggested(建议)writing a letter to the company to_. Amake a demand(要求)for more buses Bthank the conductor for his good service Ccriticize(批评)the conductor for his rude attitude Dinvite a newspaper reporter to w

    17、rite about the conductor( )3.What was the gentleman? AHe was a teacherBHe was a newspaper reporter. CHe was the conductors friendDNot clear.( )4.The underlined word he in the last paragraph refers to_. Athe gentleman Bthe conductor Cthe middle-aged man Dthe three-year-old child( )5.Which is right ac

    18、cording to the passage? AThe conductor has changed his attitude to his work. BThe conductor has been kind and polite to all passengers. CThe conductor has not changed his rude attitude to passengers. DThe conductor has been kind and polite to women with children.六、翻译句子1能帮助人们恢复视力且改善他们的生活,我很自豪。_2现代医学正

    19、快速发展,大部分眼部问题都能被治疗和治愈。_3继续开展我们的工作需要更多的钱。_4你还有其他什么想要和我们的读者说的吗?_5ORBIS飞机被用作医院和培训中心。_参考答案一1-5 CABDC 6-10 ABBBC二1proud 2readers 3medicine 4treated 5develop三1will come 2have learned 3bought 4have lived 5recording 6to take 7is playing 8was watering四110 CBDAB CACBD五1-5 DBDBC六 1Im proud to help people see again and improve their lives. 2Modern medicine is developing quickly. Most eye problems can be treated and cured 3More money is needed to carry on with our work 4Is there anything else youd like to say to our readers? 5The ORBIS plane is used as a hospital and a training center.


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