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    译林版七年级英语下册Unit6《Outdoor fun》Period6(Task & Self-assessment)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版七年级英语下册Unit6《Outdoor fun》Period6(Task & Self-assessment)同步练习(含答案)

    1、七年级英语下册Unit6Outdoor fun同步练习Task & Self-assessment姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、词组翻译1喝了少许_ 2低头看_3瓶上的便条_ 4变得越来越小_5进入花园_ 6走向门_7太而不能_ 8感到有点不舒服_二、词汇检测1What activity will you have this weekend?We want to_ the hill this SundayWould you like to go with us?2-Where will you go to spend your summer holiday, Thailand or Nepa

    2、l(尼泊尔)?-I cant _.These two places are both really beautiful.3-Can you _ the light switch(开关)from here?-Yes, my arm(手臂)is long enough.4- _ about your work! Lets play some outdoor games.-Sorry, but I have to hand it in(上交)tomorrow.5-Did the man swim across the river successfully(成功地)?-No, he didntHe_

    3、_at last.6-Why does Annie go to see her dentist(牙医).Whats wrong?-She eats _ food too much, like candies, cakes and chocolate.7Your books_(落下)on the floorPlease pick them up.8Johnny_(击中)the ball and won(赢)the game.9There is a_(矮)wall in the garden.10Did you_(注意)his new watch? It is Rolex(劳力士)!11The d

    4、og behind the door_(使措手不及)me a lot.1 wondered why it was here.12-Where do you want to go this summer holiday?-I want to travel around_ countries, like England, France or German.13-Now_ to Tibet(西藏)is very popular in China.-But you have to buy a good bicycle first.14-Who helped the girl with her mode

    5、l plane? -She did it_Isnt she clever?三、单项填空( )1This kind of bread tasted _!I dont want to eat it any more. Agood Bbetter Cbad Dwell( )2.A note on the table _ Ill be back in three hours.” Awrote Bspoke Csay Dsaid( )3What happened _ the little girl yesterday? She seems so afraid. Aat Bto Cin Don( )4.-

    6、Can you speak French? -Yes, but only _. Afew Ba few Clittle Da little( )5This woman wanted to keep fit so she decided _ Yoga(瑜伽). Ato do Bdid Cdoing Dof doing( )6John looked _ and found some ants lying on the ground. Aat Bup Con Ddown( )7This house isnt _We have to buy a bigger(更大的)one. Asmall enoug

    7、hBbig enough Cenough small Denough big( )8Eddie was_ tired _ the bagHe stopped to have a rest. Aso; to carry Btoo: carrying Ctoo; to carry Dthat; carrying( )9Annie _ her homework againThe teacher was very angry. Aforgot bringing Bforgets to bring Cforgets bringing Dforgot to bring( )10He walks _ the

    8、 bridge and walks_ the police station. Across;through Bacross;towards Cthrough; to Dcross; towards( )11- Can you _ the salt here? -NoWould you please pass it to me? Areach Bwant Cneed D1ike( )12.Mr Brown _ to China last year and _ in love with this country. Agoes; falls Bwent; fell Cwent; felt Dwent

    9、; were四、动词填空1.-_ _she_ (practise) playing her guitar yesterday?- No, she didnt.2I will go back to have a rest when Tom _ (get) here.3There_ (be) a football match on TV yesterday morning, but I _ (have) no time to watch it.4We usually_ (walk) home after school.5._ (not forget) _ (taste) the fish befo

    10、re you give it to the guests.6.-Where _ (be) you last night? Your brother looked for you for a long time.-I_ (be) at my classmates home.7We decided_ (enter) the hotel through the back door.8He tried a new way, but_ (fail).9The boy stopped _ (cry) after his mother gave him a toy.10We often _ (write)

    11、to each other when we were young.五、完形填空John is a famous writer nowBut he said that he was not a 1 student when he was youngHe was 0ften late for 2 and didnt like doing his homeworkSometimes,he slept in class while the teacher was teachingHe didnt understand much, 3 he always thought he understood ev

    12、erythingOne day the teacher 4 the students a question,“When J ack was ten years old, 5 brother Bob was twentyJack is fifteen now and 6 is his brother Bob?”John said,“ Thats easyBob is twice as old as Jack,so he is now thirty”Another time,the 7 in a science class asked,“When it thunders(打雷), 8 do we

    13、always see the light before we 9 the sound?”“But,Miss,”said John quickly,“ dont you 10 our eyes are in front of our ears? ”( )1Agood Btall Crich Dfat( )2Asleep BLunch Cclass Dplay( )3Aso Band Cor Dbut( )4Asent Basked Ctold Dfound( )5Ayour Bmy Chis Dher( )6Ahow many Bhow old Cwhat Dwho( )7Ateacher Bf

    14、armer Cnurse Dpoliceman( )8Awhat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhy( )9Abreak Bmake Chear Dsmell( )10Aread Bhope Cstudy Dknow六、阅读理解A traveler came out of the airportThere were a lot of taxisHe asked every taxidriver his nameThen he took the third oneIt cost 5 dollars from the airport to the hotel“How much does it co

    15、st for the whole day?”the man asked“100 dollars,”said the taxi-driverThis was very expensive,but the man said it was OK The taxi-driver took the man everywhere-He showed him all the parks and museums(博物馆)in the cityIn the evening they went back to the hotelThe traveler gave the taxi-driver 100 dolla

    16、rs and said,“What about tomorrow?”The taxi-driver looked at the man and said,“Tomorrow?Its another 100 dollars”But the man said,“ThatS OK!See you tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was very pleased. The next day the taxi-driver took the traveler everywhere againThey visited all the parks and museums againAn

    17、d in the evening they went back to the hotelThe man gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars again and said,“Im going home tomorrow. ” The taxi-driver was sorry because he liked the traveler and above all(首先),100 dollars a day was a lot of money“So you are going homeWhere do you come from? ”he asked“I come

    18、from New York”“New York! ”said the taxi-driver,“I have a sister in New YorkHer name is SusanDo you know her? ” “Of course I know herShe gave me 200 dollars for you”( )1Where did the traveler come from? AEngland BAmerica CCanada DFrance( )2Why did the traveler take the third taxi? Because Athe other

    19、taxi-drivers asked for more money Bthe third taxi-driver was a kind-hearted man Che didnt want to spend his own money on the coming visit Dthe other drivers didnt like to take him( )3Usually the cost of traveling one day by taxi may be A$100 B$200 C1ess than$100 Dmore than $ 200( )4Who asked the tra

    20、veler to give the money to the taxi-driver? AThe travelers sister BThe traveler himself CNobody DThe drivers sister( )5The driver was unhappy Awhen he heard the travelers last words Bwhen the traveler asked every taxi-driver his name Cwhen the traveler asked him for his sisters name Dduring the two-

    21、day visit七、翻译句子1没有人知道她发生了什么事。_2他们决定明天去野营。_3这个女孩已经够大可以去上学了。_4我们的电脑正变得越来越小。_5她太小够不到钥匙。_6昨天Alice不知道该做什么。_参考答案一1drink a little 2look down 3a note on the bottle 4become smaller and smaller 5enter the garden6walk towards the door 7tooto 8feel a little ill 二1climb 2decide 3reach 4Forget 5failed 6Sweet 7fel

    22、l 8hit 9low 10notice 11surprised 12Western 13cycling 14herself/alone三1-5、CDBDA 6-10、DBCDB 11-12、AB四1Did, practise 2gets 3was, had 4walk 5Dont forger, to taste 6were, was 7to enter 8failed 9crying 10wrote五1A 他现在是一位著名的作家,但当他年轻的时候,他并不是一位好学生。 2C 上课经常迟到,be late for class。固定搭配。 3D 他没有理解,但他以为自己理解了。前后构成转折,用

    23、but。4B 老师问了学生一个问题,ask a question。5C Jack是男孩,因此用his。6B 老师的问题是:当Jack 15岁时,他的哥哥几岁?7A 这次,自然科学的老师问了一个问题。8D 老师的问题是:我们为什么先看到闪电,后听到雷声?9C 听见声音,hear the sound。10D John质问老师:难道你不知道吗?我们的眼睛长在耳朵的前面。六1B文章最后乘客说“I come from New York”,因此选B。2C文章最后告诉我们,这两天花的200美元实际上是出租车司机的妹妹让他带给这位司机的,因此说明这位乘客选择第三位司机是因为他不想花自己的钱。3C文章第二段“T

    24、he taxi-driver was sorry because he liked the traveler and above all,100 dollars a day was a lot of money”出租车司机听说乘客要回去感到很遗憾,毕竟100美元一天是不小的一笔钱。由此判断,按照常理来说,一天要不了100美元。4D根据最后一句“Of course 1 know herShe gave me 200 dollars for you”可知,钱是司机的妹妹让乘客带来给司机的。5A在乘客最后说出事情真相后,司机感到很不开心。七、1Nobody knows what happened to her.2They decide to go camping tomorrow.3This girl is old enough to go to school.4Our computers are getting/becoming smaller and smaller.5She is too small to reach the key.6Alice didnt know what to do yesterday.


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