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    译林版七年级英语下册Unit6《Outdoor fun》Period1(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版七年级英语下册Unit6《Outdoor fun》Period1(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)同步练习(含答案)

    1、七年级英语下册Unit6Outdoor fun同步练习Comic strip & Welcome to the unit姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、词组翻译1快点,赶快_ 2去骑马_3帮我扛包_ 4在外面玩_5户外娱乐_ 6去溜冰_二、单词拼写1She is very kindShe never_(抱怨)too much.2The bag isnt_(那么)heavyWhy dont you carry it yourself?3We can_(骑)on camels when we travel in deserts(沙漠)4If you want to go to school on

    2、time, youll have to_ (急忙)up.5We will go_(骑自行车旅行)this summer.6Lets go_(野营)this weekend, shall we?三、单项填空( )1My grandfather likes_ after dinner. Ajog Bjogging Cjogs Dgo jogging( )2Dont eat_ for dinnerIts bad for health. Amuch too Btoo much Cmany too Dtoo many( )3There are_ people in this roomLets go ou

    3、tside. Amuch too Btoo much Cmany too Dtoo many( )4Tom loves horsesHe often goes_ _. Acamping Bswimming Criding Djogging( )5Harry is very helpfulHe_ _water for the old man every day last year. Acarried Bcarries Cis carrying Dwill carry( )6This kind of car is cheap and beautiful and I really want to b

    4、uy _ Aa Ba kind Cone Done car( )7-Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow? - _.AYes, we shall BI dont like cinemas CThats a good idea DNo, I dont四、动词填空1He_ (call) you if he gets there next month.2-You look great in this blue dress! -Thank youBut it_ (cost) me a lot of money.3Daniel was the first_ (hear)

    5、the babys cry.4We_ (meet) at the train station and the teacher showed us around this city.5-Who_ (sing) this beautiful song in the next room? -Mr Li is.6I want to read your interesting new bookPlease remember_ (bring) it to me.7The Greens were all having dinner when suddenly a strange man _ (come) i

    6、n.8He often_ (ride) to school, but last week he_ (take) a bus because of the bad weather.9Nobody_ (be) in the classroom when I opened the door.10We all look forward to_ (see) you at the party.五、完形填空Tom is the son of a farm 0wnerOne New Years Day,when he was 15,his father 1 him to work on the farm fo

    7、r one year when he was freeTom was 2 with his fathers idea“That is nt my jobI have 3 school work to do”Hearing this,his father said,“I promise(许诺)to give you the best present if you 4 finish one years work”Tom thought for a while and 5 Starting one Saturday,the boy got up early and worked 6 until ev

    8、ening ,just like any other farmerTime passed quicklyToms crops(庄稼)grew well 7 the last day of the year,the father said,“ Im happy to see that you have worked very hard the whole yearNow,tell me 8 you want” The boy smiled and showed his father a big piece of bread made from his wheat( 小麦)“Ive already

    9、 got the 9 presentNo pains,no gains(一分耕耘,一分收获)I think this is what you wanted 10 to know”His father was quite pleased to hear that( )1Aasked Blet Cmade Dstopped( )2Ahappy Bunhappy Cexcited Dsorry( )3Amuch too Bso little Ctoo much Da lot( )4Ashall Bmust Cneed Dcan( )5Asaid Banswered Cagreed Dbegan( )

    10、6Ahard Bhardly Cslowly Ddifficulty( )7AAt BOn CIn DBy( )8Awhere Bwhich Chow Dwhat( )9A1east Bworst Cbest Dfewest( )10Amine BI Cmy Dme六、阅读理解It is my birthday todayThere are a lot of presents in my roomMy best present is a trip to the zoo with my friendsAll of us are very happy The zoo is a little far

    11、,so we dont ride our bikesWe take a bus to the ZooIn the zoo,there are many animals(动物)But we like monkeys bestThere are a lot of monkeysThey are very friendly(友好的)There is a baby monkeyIt is very funnyThere are old monkeys,tooI think they are very hungry(饥饿)because they eat my lunch ! It is very la

    12、te when we get homeI am very tired(疲劳)!( )1I on my birthday Aget up early Bsee a film Cget many presents Dhave a cake( )2I go to on my birthday with my friends Athe park Bthe zoo Ccinema Dschool( )3We go there Aby bus Bby bike Cby car Don foot( )4The monkeys are ,so they eat my lunch Ahungry Bfunny

    13、Chappy Dold( )5Which of the following is wrong? AWe are tired when we get home BWe are all happy in the ZooCThe monkeys are very friendly DI am very hungry when I get home七、翻译句子1这本书不是那么有趣。_2我喜欢在外面,靠近漂亮的湖泊和小山。_3你想要尝试什么户外活动?_4不要抱怨他们。_5请替我把这个箱子搬到教室去。_参考答案一1hurry up 2go riding 3carry the bag for me 4pla

    14、y outside 5outdoor fun 6go skating二1complains 2that 3ride 4hurry 5cycling 6camping三1-5、BBDCA 6-7、CC四1will call 2cost/costs 3to hear 4met 5is singing 6to bring 7came 8rides, took 9was 10seeing五1A父亲让他在农场工作一年,“ask sb to do sth”。2B根据“That isnt my jobI haveschool work to do”可知tom一开始很不开心。3C我有很多作业要做。too mu

    15、ch修饰不可数名词,much too修饰形容词,a lot后要加of才能加名词。4D“如果你能够完成一年的工作”,应该选情态动词can。5C tom想了一下,并且同意了。“agree”,同意,答应。6A“努力工作”,“work hard”。7B与下文day搭配的介词应该为on。8D“告诉我你想要什么”。代词what作want的宾语。9C对应上文,父亲承诺给他最好的礼物,此处Tom说“我已经得到了最好的礼物”。10D作宾语,用宾格“me”,want me to do sth。六1C根据文章第一段第二句“There are a lot of presents in my room”可知选C。2B根

    16、据第一段第三句“a trip to the zoo with my friends”可知。3A根据第二段第二句“We take a bus to the zoo”可知。4A根据文章最后一段倒数第三句“I think they are very hungry because they eat my lunch!”可知。5D根据文章最后两句“It is very late when we get homeI am very tired!”可知,D选项没有依据,而A,B,C选项都能在文中找到。七1This book isnt that interesting2I like being outside near the beautiful lakes and hills.3What outdoor activity would you like to try?4Dont complain about them 5Please carry the box to the classroom for me.


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