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    译林版七年级英语下册Unit6《Outdoor fun》Period4(Grammar)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版七年级英语下册Unit6《Outdoor fun》Period4(Grammar)同步练习(含答案)

    1、七年级英语下册Unit6Outdoor fun同步练习Grammar姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、单项选择( ) 1Mary _ to school last Monday because she was ill. Adont go Bdidnt go Cwont go Ddoesnt go( ) 2-Excuse meLook at the sign: NO SMOKING! -Sorry, I _ it. Adont see Bwasnt see Cdidnt see Dwont see( ) 3Tom with his mother _ some shopping yesterday

    2、afternoon. Ais doing Bdoes Cdid Ddo( ) 4Please _ your hands if you have some questions. Aput on Bput of Cput down Dput up( ) 5-He didnt go shopping with you three days ago, did he? - _. AYes, he did BYes, he didnt CNo, he did DNo, he doesnt( ) 6-How much _ the new iPad _ you when you bought it? -5,0

    3、00 yuan. Ado; cost Bwas; cost Cdoes; cost Ddid; cost( ) 7- _ you _ your lunch? -At my grandparentsThe food was great.AWhen did; have BHow did; have CWhere did; have DWho did; have( ) 8-Who cleaned the classroom yesterday morning? -My sister _. Aclean B does Cwas Ddid( ) 9-Where _ you two hours ago?

    4、-I _ in the garden with my mum. Awere; was Bwere; were Cwas; was Dwas; were( )10-Im sorry I broke (弄坏) your bike. -Oh, really? _I can ask someone to fix it. AYou were too bad BIt doesnt matter CNot at all DDont be sorry二、句型转换1I did my homework last night.(改为否定句)I _ _my homework last night.(改为一般疑问句,并

    5、作否定回答)_ _ _ _ homework last night?_,I _.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ last night?2He took a photo in the park.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ he_ in the park?3He left his hometown two years ago.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ his hometown two years ago?4This city was beautiful when l was a little child.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)- _ this city beautiful w

    6、hen you _ a little child?- _, _ _.5Tom read the new book last Sunday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Tom _ the new book?三、动词填空1Who_ (be) late for school yesterday morning?2Tom_ (visit) us in three days.3I saw him_(fall) off the sofa just now It was dangerous.4-_ he_ (have) breakfast at school this morning? -Yes, he di

    7、d.5The sad news_ (surprise) everybody a lotSome of them cried.6It always_ (take) me two hours to do my homework last year.7_ (stand) up! The monitor (班长)said when the teacher came in.8-When_ you_ (pass) by the chocolate store (店)? -At about 3 pmyesterday.四、完形填空Mr Brown lived by the seaHe had a big 1

    8、 and had to work hard,or his wife and children would be hungryso he had to 2 early in the morningAfter breakfast he left for the sea in a small boatHe always hoped to 3 more fish One morning the man got to a good place for 4 He threw a long rope(绳)with many hooks(钩)into the waterHe found it 5 and pu

    9、lled the hooks out of the seaHe saw there was a gold chain(金链)on the hooksHe was of course very 6 “Ill sell the gold chain for a lot of 7 ”he thought to himself“ Ill build a new house,and buy lots of expensive thingsIll be 8 man in the world” Mr Brown went on thinking and didnt notice(注意)what was 9

    10、to his boatIt began to sink(下沉)As he was pulling the gold chains,the boat sank into the seaHe 10 not only the gold chains,but also his boat and life!( )1Afamily Bhouse Cfarm Dfactory( )2Ago to bed Bget up Cgo home Dgo to work( )3Abuy Bfind Ccatch Deat( )4Aresting Bsleeping Cswimming Dfishing( )5Adan

    11、gerous Blight Cheavy Dsafe( )6Ahelpful Bglad Cworried Dstrange( )7Afood Bfruits Cclothes Dmoney( )8Athe richest Bricher Cpoorer Dthe poorest( )9A1istening Bhappening Cthinking Dsaying( )10Afound Bhad Clost DGot五、阅读理解Americans with small families have a small car or a large oneIf both parents are wor

    12、king they usually have two carsWhen the family is large,one of the cars is sold(卖)and they will buy a van . A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is verycrowded(拥挤)A van hold seven persons easily,so a family with three children could ask their grandparents

    13、to go on a holiday travelThey could all travel together Mr Green and his wife had a third child last yearThis made them sell a second car and buy a vanThe sixth and seventh seats are used to put other things,for a family of five must carry many suitcases when they travelWhen they arrived at the gran

    14、dparentshome,the suitcases are brought into the room,the two seats can then carry the grandparents Americans call vans motor homesA motor home is always used for holidaysWhen a family are traveling to the mountains(大山)or to the seaside,they can live in their motor home for a few daysAll the members

    15、of a big family can enjoy a happy life when they are traveling together That is why motor homes have become popular(欢迎)In America there are many parks for motor homes( )1From the passage,a van is called Aa motor car Ba motorbike Ca motor home Da big truck( )2Before Mr Green and his wife bought a van

    16、,they Asold their old house Bmoved to their grandparentshouse Cbuilt a new place for a van Dsold their second car( )3Americans usually use motor homes Ato travel with all the family members for holiday Bto do some shopping with all the family members Cto visit the grandparents at weekends Dto drive

    17、the children to school every day( )4Motor homes have become popular because Athey can take people to another city when people are free Bthey can let families have a happier life when they go out for holidays Csome people think motor homes are cheap Dbig families can put more things in motor homes( )

    18、5What does“van”mean in the passage? A货车 B电动车 C房车 D摩托车六、翻译句子1昨天我们在靠近湖的地方搭起了一个帐篷。_2我们没有非常享受这次野营旅行。_3昨晚他和朋友练习跳舞了吗?_4.我度过一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。_5昨天晚上Millie不得不做饭,因为她的父母不在家。_参考答案一、1-5、BCCDA 6-10、DCDAB二、1didnt do, Did you do your, No, didnt, What did you do2How many photos did, take3Did he leave4Was, were, Yes, it w

    19、as5When did, read三、1was 2.will visit 3fall 4Did, have 5surprised 6took 7Stand 8did, pass四、1A 他有一个大家庭a big family下文提到“his wife and children Would be hungry”。2B 早晨起床早,get up early。3C 他是渔夫,所以要捕鱼为生。4D 一天,他找到一个钓鱼的好去处。a good place for doing sth。5C 他发现把鱼钩从水中拉上来很重,因为下文提到他钓到了一条金链子。6B 钓到金链子,当然很开心。7D 卖掉金链子能得到许

    20、多钱。8A 得到许多钱,就是世界上最富有的人,用最高级。9B 因为他想到有钱太激动了以至于没有注意到他的小船当时正发生什么事情了,what was happening to sbsth。10C 最终,他失去了不仅是金链子,还有他的生命和小船。五、1C 根据第四段第一句“Americans call vans motor homes”可知。2D 根据第三段第一句“Mr Green and his wife had a third child last yearThis made them sell a second car and buy a van”可知卖掉了第二辆车,重买了房车。3A 根据第

    21、二段“They could all travel together。”以及第三段,都可以看出房车可以带人们旅行。4B 根据第四段最后一句“All the members of a big family can enjoy a happy life when they are traveling together”,房车变得更受欢迎,因为家庭成员一起旅行玩得很开心。5C 根据文章这种车能载很多人,在里面能待好几天,故称为“房车”六1Yesterday we put up a tent near a lake.2We didnt enjoy the camping trip very much.3Did he practise dancing with his friends yesterday evening?4I had a busy but exciting weekend.5Millie had to do the cooking yesterday evening because her parents werent at home.


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