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    译林版七年级英语下册Unit6《Outdoor fun》Period5(Integrated skills & Study skills)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版七年级英语下册Unit6《Outdoor fun》Period5(Integrated skills & Study skills)同步练习(含答案)

    1、七年级英语下册Unit6Outdoor fun同步练习Integrated skills & Study skills姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、词组翻译1有很长的历史_ 2在山东省_3从那时起_ 4进行野餐_5在历史上_ 6一项受欢迎的户外运动_7因出名_ 8放风筝_二、单词拼写1This table is made of_(木材).1t can last for a long time.2Which_(时期)of history would you like to live in?3Peoples life in the 20th_(世纪)was very different from

    2、 that in the 21 st.4I hear that she is an_(意大利的)woman.5I was so_(激动的)when I saw our president Xi Jinping pass by.6Many Japanese came to China to learn Chinese in the Tang_(朝代)三、单项选择( ) 1Were planning_ one-day tripItll be_ great day. Aa; the Bthe; a Ca; / Da; a( ) 2Jingdezhen is famous_ making china

    3、(瓷器). Afor Bat Cin Dof( ) 3If the word herself is on Page 958 in a dictionary, hurry on Page 1002, then hole may be on Page_ . A945 B956 C976 D1007( ) 4-Millie, why_ you go camping with your classmates? -I was too_ and I couldnt sleep all nightSo I missed the bus this morning. Adid; exciting Bdidnt;

    4、 exciting Cdid; excited Ddidnt; excited( ) 5My mum said it was very dangerous_ with matches(火柴)._ , Ato play Bplaying Cplayed Dof playing( ) 6Which word is before present in the dictionary? Apretty Bprotect Cphoto Dquick ( ) 7-Will you come to my birthday party next Friday? - _I will go to my grandp

    5、arents. AI think so BIm afraid not CId like to DI agree with you( ) 8He is to carry that heavy box for me. Aweak enough Benough weak Cstrong enough Denough strong四、动词填空1-_ (be) she tired after studying so long?-No, she_ (not be)She was very happy.2Last Sunday I met a friend on the street, so I stopp

    6、ed_ (talk) with him.3-When_ you_ (write) this song?-I _ (write) it last year.4Thank you for_ (invite) me to your party yesterdayWe all (enjoy) it very much.5Our English teacher_ (work) in her office nowWe can go and ask her for help.6Yesterday I -_ (search) the Internet (因特网) and_ (find) some intere

    7、sting things.7-When_ she_ (get) here? In three hours.8We usually_ (stay) at home on rainy nights.五、完形填空When you have a post office box(邮箱),the postman(邮递员)does not bring letters to you,but you have to go to the 1 and get your letters from your boxThe box is locked(锁住的),and you have the key,so the le

    8、tters are quite 2 0ne day Mr Stone wrote to the post office and 3 for a post office box for himselfHe soon got an answer to this letterIt 4 ,“We will give you a box 5 one week” Two weeks later,Mr Stone wrote to the post office 6 ,“Why havent I got a post office box yet?” Three weeks 7 ,there was sti

    9、ll no newsMr Stone got so 8 that he went to the post office and asked whyThe office worker said,“ We have written two letters to you and told you to come and get the 9 to your box,but you didnt come” “Where are the letters? ” “We sent 10 to your box”( )1Aschool Bpost office Cstation Dpostman( )2Astr

    10、ong Bgood Csafe Dlong( )3Aasked Bwent Cphoned Dsaid( )4Atold Bspoke Ctalked Dsaid( )5Ain Bfor Cafter Dbetore( )6Athen Bagain Cclearly DaIready( )7ALate BLater Cafter Dago( )8Ahappy Bangry C hungry Dgl ad( )9Akey BLetters Cmuch Dbox( )10Aours Byou Cit Dthem六、阅读理解Pat Hogan was traveling around the cou

    11、ntry in his carOne evening he was driving along a road and was 1ooking for a small hotelWhen he saw an old man at the side of the road,he stopped his car and said to the old man,“ 1 want to go to the Sun HotelDo you know it? ”“Yes,”the old man said,“ Ill show you the way” He got into Pats car,and th

    12、ey drove for about twelve milesWhen they came to a small house,the old man said“Stop here” Pat stopped and looked at the house“But this isnt a hotel,”he said to the old man“No,”the old man answered,“this is my houseAnd now Ill show you the way to the Sun HotelTurn round and go back nine milesThen yo

    13、ull see the Sun Hotel on the left”( )1Where was Pat looking for? AThe Sun Hotel BThe Star Hotel CThe Moon Hotel DThe old mans house( )2Whom did Pat meet? AA policeman BAn old marl CAn old woman DA young marl( )3Where did the old man take Pat to? AThe Sun Hotel BA supermarket CThe old mans house DThe

    14、 police station( )4How far did Pat drive after the old man got on his car? AFive miles BTwelve miles C Three miles DNine miles( )5How far was the hotel from where Pat saw the old man? ATwenty-one miles BTwelve miles C Nine miles DThree miles七、翻译句子1潍坊,自那时起就因做风筝而有名。 _2记得要带上你的手机。_3Marco Polo告诉了西方的人们关于风

    15、筝的一切。_4他发现了一种造纸的新方法。_5他用木头造了一只鸟。_6和蛇一起玩是危险的。_参考答案一1have a long history 2 in Shandong Province 3from then on 4 have a picnic 5in history 6a popular outdoor activity 7be famous for 8fly kites二1wood 2period 3century 4Italian 5excited 6dynasty三DACDA CBC四1Was, wasnt 2to talk 3did, write, wrote 4inviting;

    16、 enjoyed 5is working 6searched, found 7will, get 8stay五1B 邮递员不需要把信件送给你,你自己到邮局的信箱取信 2C 你有信箱的钥匙,因此信件是安全的。3A Mr Stone写信给邮局,申请一个邮箱。ask for,想要得到。4D 信上写道,表示文字显示,应该用say。5A in后加一段时间,表示将来。6B 两个星期以后,他还没有得到邮箱,所以又一次写信给邮局。again,又一次,再一次。7B 三星期以后,three weeks later。一段时间+later,表示一段时间之后。8B 等了三星期还没得到邮箱,因此他很生气。9A 信箱的钥匙

    17、,the key to the box10D 两封信,应该用复数them。六1A 根据第一段最后两句“I want to go to the Sun HotelDo you know it?”可知Pat要去的是阳光酒店。2B 根据第一段第二、三行“He stopped his car and said to the old man”,Pat向一位老人问路。3C 根据最后一段第一句“No,the old man answered,this is my house”,老人让他开车去了自己的家。4B 根据第三段第一句“He got into PatS car,and they drove for a

    18、bout twelve miles”,老人上车后开了12英里。5D 根据最后一行“Turn round and go back nine milesThen youll see the Sun Hotel on the left”,走了12英里,返回9英里,实际距离是3英里。七1Weifang has become famous for making kites from then on. 2Remember to take your mobile phone. 3Marco Polo told people in the west all about kites. 4He found a new way to make paper. 5He made a bird out of wood. 6Its dangerous to play with snakes.


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