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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit8《A green world》第2课时(Reading)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit8《A green world》第2课时(Reading)同步练习(含答案)

    1、八年级英语下册Unit8A green world同步练习第2课时 Reading一、根据句意和所给汉语完成下列单词。1My brother_(允许)me to go hiking with him yesterday2If you dont do your homework,your teacher will_(惩罚)you3The factory_(产生) less pollution this year because of the use of new energy4My toy car is made of_(塑料)5Please_(分开)the apples for us6The_

    2、(资源)arent endless, so you should save them7Dont walk on the grass, or the keeper will_(罚款) you ten yuan8My wife and daughter_(依靠)on me for their living9We should act _(明智地) when we are in trouble10The price of the house is reasonable and _(此外) the location is perfect二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词只能用一次。hold,

    3、 protect , draw, pollute, make, cut, different, limit, give, organize11Why not_our school greener and more beautiful?12There are two_in the following pictures13Next week a speech on art_by an artist in our school14The event of protecting the earth_next week15The disabled man depends on_pictures16Is

    4、there a special_to solve teenagers problems?17They have made the law_the children18Air_ is a big problem19They_down the trees and turned the land into a farm20We should do something_the increasing number of cars三、单项选择( )21Yesterday I_all the salt to cook dumplingsI need to buy some nowAate up Brun o

    5、ut of Cran of Dran out of ( )22A British high school is going to allow students_lessons in the afternoonAstart Bstarting Cto start Dstarted ( )23We are planning to go for a picnic this weekend,but it_ the weatherAkeeps on Bputs on Cdepends on Dgets on ( )24Switzerland is a country_high mountains and

    6、 clear blue lakesAhas BwithCthere is Dthere are ( )25Luckily,we have found new ways_use energy_the sun wind and waterAof;to Bto;from Cto;of Dto;to ( )26The teenagers_to choose their own clothesAallow Ballowed Care allowing Dshould be allowed ( )27If we_too many trees in the forests,many wild animals

    7、_nowhere to liveAcut down;have Bwill cut down; will have Ccut down; will have Dwill cut down;have ( )28-Where would you like to go on vacation this summer?-The World ParkBecause Water-Splashing Day_thereAwill be held Bwill hold Cwill be happened Dare held ( )29-Will_people come to visit this small v

    8、illage?-Yes_its surrounded by green mountainsAmore and more;Thats why Bmore and more;Thats because Cfewer and fewer;Thats why Dfewer and fewer;Thats because ( )30Many people in big cities dont know_old clothesCould you give them some_?Ahow todo with;suggestions Bwhat to deal with;advice Chow to deal

    9、 with;advice Dwhat to do with;advices 四、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A long time ago, trees in forests kept their leaves all year roundThats just the way it wasBut one winter, things _31_, and would never be the same againThe cold winter winds were blowing, and all the birds wer

    10、e flying south where it was warm except one small bird with a broken wingAs the injured bird watched its friends going south, it stood thinking, “I will not _32_ this coming winter”The little bird hopped (跳行) along with one wing _33_ uselessly at its sideIt came to a huge oak tree“Please, MrOak,” sa

    11、id the bird“May I take _34_ on your branches?”The oak tree huffed and puffed“I am the king of the forestI will never _35_ you on my branches”And so, the bird came next to a white birch treeThe birch tree thought it was the _36_ tree in all the landWhen the little bird asked for help, the birch tree

    12、said, “Go away from me! You will get _37_ and eat my leavesI must take care of my beautiful leavesMove along”The winter was fast approachingThe injured little bird _38_ came to a big spruce tree“May I take shelter on your branches?” pleaded the birdTo its surprise, the spruce tree _39_“Come, little

    13、birdI will do my best to keep you _40_”A pine tree noticed this and said, “I will stand here all _41_, little birdDo not worryMy branches will keep the _42_ from youYou will be safe with us”Later, the cold north wind came to blow in the forestIt blew so _43_ that it knocked all the leaves from the o

    14、ak and the birchIt was going to blow the leaves _44_ the spruce and pine toobut its father said no, for he had seen the good work of these trees in helping the birdAnd that, dear friend, is why some trees _45_ their leaves in winter, and some do not( )31AhappenedBfailedCchangedDappeared( )32Asurvive

    15、BsolveCserveDspend( )33AbeatingBmovingCflyingDhanging( )34AfoodBshelterCactionDtime( )35AinviteBgreetCrefuseDaccept( )36AstrongestBprettiestCtallestDoldest( )37AhomelessBhelplessChungryDhappy( )38AfinallyBsimplyCslowlyDquickly( )39AsmiledBpromisedCexplainedDagreed( )40AfreeBcalmCwarmDalive( )41Aspri

    16、ngBsummerCautumnDwinter( )42AwindBcloudCsunshineDrain( )43AwideBwellChardDbadly( )44AoverBoffCbelowDabove( )45AloseBblowCshakeDhurt五、阅读理解,阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Alice was beginning to get very tired of having nothing to doOut of nowhere,a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by herThere was nothing so special

    17、 in that;nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late! But when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat (马 甲)pocket,and looked at it,and then hurried on,Alice stood upShe had never before seen a rabbit with either

    18、a waistcoat pocket,or a watch to take out of itShe ran across the field after the Rabbit,and was just in time to see it jump into a large rabbithole under the fenceIn another moment,Alice went down after it,never once considering how in the world she was to get out again The rabbithole went straight

    19、 on like a tunnel for some way,and then dipped suddenly downAlice found herself falling down a very deep wellEither the well was very deep,or she fell very slowly,for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next Down,down,downWould the fall ne

    20、ver come to an end! I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth!How funny itll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward!But I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is,you knowIs this New Zealand or Australia?( )46What can you learn from the underlined

    21、sentence in paragraph 1? AAlice wanted to run away from thereBAlice didnt find anything unusualCAlice felt it on the wrong wayDAlice didnt think it natural( )47What made the Rabbit special to Alice? AIts pink eyesBThe way it jumpedCThe clothes it woreDThe words it talked to her( )48Why did Alice jum

    22、p into the rabbithole? ABecause she had run too fast to stopBBecause she wanted to have the watchCBecause she wanted to know more about the RabbitDBecause she was sure that it led to a whole new world( )49What do we know about Alices fall down the well? AIt was quick BIt lasted long CIt hurt her DIt

    23、 made her afraid( )50According to paragraph 4,we can know Alice is_Aimaginative Bfoolish Cpatient Dhonest.参考答案一、根据句意和所给汉语完成下列单词。1allowed; 2punish; 3produces; 4plastic; 5separate6resources; 7fine; 8depend; 9wisely; 10moreover二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词只能用一次。11make; 12differences; 13Given; 14will be held;

    24、15drawing16organization;17to protect; 18pollution; 19cut; 20to limit三、单项选择。 21-25、DCCBB 26-30、DCABC【解析】21句意:昨天我做饺子用光了所有的盐。现在我需要买一些。本题考查动词短语辨析,A吃光;B用完,耗尽;C捡起;获得;收拾;D建立。本题的时间状语是yesterday,所以用一般过去时,故选D。22句意:一所英国高中学校将要允许学生在下午开始上课。本题考查动词短语的用法,allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事。故选C。23句意:我们计划这个周末去野餐,但这要看天气而定。本题考查动词短

    25、语辨析,A:继续,选项B:穿上,选项C:取决于,选项D:开展,结合句意:我们计划这个周末去野餐,但这要看天气而定。故选C。24句意:瑞士是一个由有高山和澄蓝色湖泊的国家。根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知句子为一般现在时。a country with一个的国家,with表示伴随,high mountains 高山,clear blue lakes澄蓝色湖泊故答案为a country with high mountains and clear blue lakes故选B。25句意:幸运的是,我们找到了新的方法来利用来自太阳风和水的能量本题第一空是way to do sth,后接动词不定式,用to;第

    26、二空表示来自于,用介词from,故选B。26句意:应该允许青少年自主选择衣服。本题考查动词短语的用法,allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事的被动语态。故选D。27句意:如果我们在森林里砍伐太多的树木,许多野生动物将无处生存。本题考查时态,通过if可知这是一个条件状语从句,根据语法规则“主将,从现”,主句用will +do sth,从句用一般现在时,符合规则的是C。28句意:-今年夏天你想去哪里度假?-世界公园。因为泼水节将在那里举行。根据上文中时间状语this summer,可知举行该届奥运会是一个将来的事情,所以句子所使用的时态是一般将来时态;再根据主语Water-Splash

    27、ing Day 是谓语动词hold(举行)的承受者,二者是被动关系,可知句子所使用的语态应该是被动语态;所以句中谓语动词使用的是一般将来时的被动语态其构成为:will+be+及物动词的过去分词。happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态,故选A。29句意:-会有越来越多的人来参观这个小村庄吗?-是的。那是因为它周围都是青山。根据下文句意its surrounded by green mountains这小村子被青山环绕可知,将会有越来越多的来来参观,more and more 意为“越来越多”,fewer and fewer意为“越来越少”,because表示原因,why表示疑问,故选B。30句意

    28、:大城市里的许多人不知道如何处理这些旧衣服。你能给他们一些吗?本题第一空考查what to do with 和how to deal with 的区别,do是及物动词,需要疑问词what做宾语,deal 是不及物动词,需要疑问副词how做状语,所以第一空答案C、D正确;第二空考查两个名词辨析,suggestion 是可数名词,这里需要用复数,advice是不可数名词,没有复数,故第二空B、C正确。故选C。31C32A33D34B35D36B37C38A39D40C41D42A43C44B45A【解析】31句意:但在一个冬天,事情发生了变化,从此不再是以前的样子。happened发生;faile

    29、d失败;changed改变;appeared出现。根据“and would never be the same again”可知,事情改变了,故选C。32句意:我活不过这个即将到来的冬天。survive幸存;solve解决;serve服务;spend花费。根据“The cold winter winds were blowing, and all the birds were flying south where it was warm except one small bird with a broken wing”可知,凛冬将至,小鸟断了翅膀,以为自己活不过冬天了,故选A。33句意:小鸟一

    30、边跳着,一边无力地垂着一只翅膀。beating打败;moving移动;flying飞;hanging垂下。根据“with a broken wing”可知,一个翅膀断了,所以垂着,故选D。34句意:我可以在你的树枝上避风吗?food食物;shelter居所,住处;action行动;time时间。根据“May I take shelter on your branches?”可知,是找住所,故选B。35句意:我永远不会接受你在我的树枝上。invite邀请;greet问候;refuse拒绝;accept接受。根据“And so, the bird came next to a white birc

    31、h tree”可知,橡树不接受小鸟,故选D。36句意:白桦树认为自己是这片土地上最美丽的树。strongest最强的;prettiest最漂亮的;tallest最高的;oldest最老的。根据“I must take care of my beautiful leaves”可知,桦树认为自己是最美丽的树,要保护漂亮的叶子,故选B。37句意:你会饿的,吃我的叶子。homeless无家可归的;helpless无助的;hungry饥饿的;happy开心的。根据“eat my leaves”可知,小鸟饥饿时会吃叶子,故选C。38句意:受伤的小鸟最后来到一棵大杉树下。finally最终;simply简单

    32、地;slowly缓慢地;quickly迅速地。根据“The winter was fast approachingThe injured little birdcame to a big spruce tree”可知,冬天快到了,小鸟最终来到云杉面前,故选A。39句意:让它吃惊的是,云杉同意了。smiled微笑;promised承诺;explained解释;agreed同意。根据“Come, little bird”可知,云杉同意了,故选D。40句意:我会尽我最大的努力让你温暖。free自由的;calm冷静的;warm温暖的;alive活着的。根据“May I take shelter on

    33、your branches?”和文章内容可知,冬天到了,大树可以让鸟儿温暖,故选C。41句意:我整个冬天都会站在这里,小鸟。spring春天;summer夏天;autumn秋天;winter冬天。根据“The winter was fast approaching”可知,大树冬天都在,故选D。42句意:我的树枝会给你挡风的。wind风;cloud云;sunshine阳光;rain雨。根据“Later, the cold north wind came to blow in the forest”可知,大树挡风,故选A。43句意:风刮得很猛烈,把橡树和桦树上的叶子都刮掉了。wide广阔地;wel

    34、l好地;hard猛烈地;badly坏地。根据“It blew sothat it knocked all the leaves from the oak and the birch”可知,风刮得很猛烈,把树的叶子吹掉了,故选C。44句意:它还会把云杉和松树的叶子吹掉。over超过;off离开;below在下;above在上。联系前句可知,会把叶子吹掉,故选B。45句意:亲爱的朋友,这就是为什么有些树在冬天落叶,而有些树不会的原因。lose失去;blow吹;shake摇动;hurt伤害。根据“And that, dear friend, is why some treestheir leaves

    35、 in winter, and some do not”可知,有些树在冬天会失去叶子,故选A。46B47C48C49B50A【解析】46B细节理解题。根据There was nothing so special in that;nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself,这并没有什么特别的,爱丽丝也不觉得听兔子自言自语有什么特别的。可知从第1段带下划线的句子中,可以了解到爱丽丝没有发现任何异常。故选B。47C细节判断题。根据 But when the Rabbit act

    36、ually took a watch out of its waistcoat (马 甲)pocket,and looked at it,and then hurried on,Alice stood upShe had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat pocket,or a watch to take out of it但是当兔子真的从背心口袋里掏出一块手表,看了看,然后匆匆忙忙地往前走时,爱丽丝站了起来。她以前从来没有见过一只兔子有一个马甲口袋,或者一块手表可以从里面拿出来。可推断出兔子穿的衣服让爱丽丝感觉它很特别。故选

    37、C。48C推理判断题。根据She had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat pocket,or a watch to take out of itShe ran across the field after the Rabbit,and was just in time to see it jump into a large rabbithole under the fenceIn another moment,Alice went down after it,never once considering how in the

    38、 world she was to get out again她以前从来没有见过一只兔子有一个马甲口袋,或者一块手表可以从里面拿出来。她追着兔子跑过田野,正好看到兔子跳进篱笆下的一个大兔子洞里。又过了一会儿,爱丽丝追了上去,从来没想过她该怎么再出去。可推断出爱丽丝跳进兔子洞,因为她想更多地了解兔子。故选C。49B细节理解题。根据Alice found herself falling down a very deep wellEither the well was very deep,or she fell very slowly,for she had plenty of time as sh

    39、e went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next爱丽丝发现自己掉进了一口很深的井里。要么井很深,要么她跌得很慢,因为她有足够的时间下去环顾四周,想知道接下来会发生什么。可知爱丽丝从井里掉了下来,持续了很长时间。故选B。50A推理判断题。根据 Down,down,downWould the fall never come to an end! I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth!How funny itll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward!But I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is,you knowIs this New Zealand or Australia?向下,向下,向下。秋天永远不会结束!我不知道我是否会从地上掉下来!在那些低着头走路的人中间出现这样的情景是多么有趣啊!但是我必须问他们这个国家叫什么名字,你知道。这是新西兰还是澳大利亚?可推断出爱丽丝很有想象力。故选A


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