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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit8《A green world》第3课时(Grammar)同步练习(含答案)

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    译林版八年级英语下册Unit8《A green world》第3课时(Grammar)同步练习(含答案)

    1、八年级英语下册Unit8A green world同步练习第3课时 Grammar一、根据句意和所给汉语完成下列单词。1The designer will_(展示)his new style clothes at the show2Water pollution is bad for the_(活的)things3Drinking too much Coke_(伤害)the childrens health4There will be a party in the town_(广场)this evening5All the students know the importance of pro

    2、tecting the_(环境)。6-Why is the environment so bad?-Because it has been _(污染)by these factories7Most of the other scientists are studying how to _(减少) the pollution8-Can you go for a picnic as planned, sir?-It _(取决于) on the weather, I think9Mr Green often _(惩罚)his children by not letting them play gam

    3、es10We must find some new ways to use _(能源) from the sun , the moon and water二、用所给单词适当形式填空。11Mike_(not invite) to the party by Millie tomorrow12The government has made the law to prevent the water_(pollute)13Driving after drinking wine_(not allow) in China14The 2014 Youth Olympic Games_(hold) in Nan

    4、jing from August 16th to 28th15The village is building a schoolI hope it_(finish)before August this year16-How old these photos are!-They_(take) in the USA many years ago17If no paper is used in business, at least one million tons of paper_(save)18The waste_(separate) into different groups before be

    5、ing thrown into the bin19Hurry up if you need to go to the toiletThe plane_(take) off in a minute20-When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?-Not until the work_ (finish)tomorrow三、单项选择( )21-I want to borrow the book, but I dont know how long it may _-For two weeksAkeep Bbe

    6、 borrowed Cborrow Dbe kept ( )22From May 6,people_10yuan if they run red lights,according to Beijing traffic authoritiesAwill fine Bwere fined Care fine Dwill be fined ( )23It is said that an Asian Culture Village_inside the AYG,Village in Nanjing in the comingAsian Youth Games periodAbuilds Bis bui

    7、lding Cwill be built Dwas built ( )24Cigarettes must_before you go into a roomAput out Bbe put out Cput up Dbe put up ( )25The 17th Asian Games _in South Korea that SeptemberAhold Bwas held Cwill be held Dheld ( )26-The government is thinking of building a bridge across the lake-I hope they will thi

    8、nk about it carefullyThe environment will be_if there is too much trafficAprotected Bproduced Cprevented Dpolluted ( )27-MrSmith must give up drinking-Yes, Because of his drinking, both his health and his family_Ahave harmed Bare harmed Chas harmed Dis harmed ( )28-Its a pity that I missed the show

    9、of Qi Baishis paintings-Well, you have a second chanceThey_ sometime next monthAwill display Bare going to display Cwere displayed Dwill be displayed ( )29-Is smoking allowed in public places in your city?-NoIf anyone is found smoking in public, he_by the policeAis going to be punished Bis going to

    10、punish Cis punishing Dhas punished ( )30-Haze has been a serious problem in our city in the past few months-YesAnd the situation will be worse if nothing _to fight pollution in the futureAhas done Bwill do Cis done Dwill be done 四、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was a very cold

    11、winterA couple had to move out from their beautiful and big house because their company was brokenThe husband worked day and night to _31_ the family but with no care of his wifeSo she thought, He doesnt love me any moreHe just thinks about his _32_ One day,she wanted to take a bathHe _33_ her at th

    12、e door, Let me take it first Why not let me shower first? she askedI was _34_,dearYou take it later,OK? She was very sad_35_ a boring day,she found_36_ to do and turned on his computerAfter _37_minutes,her eyes were full of tearsit was his diary:Today,I was quite sadShe asked me _38_I was always tak

    13、ing the shower first,and I said to her,I was tiredShe was_39_In her mind,I treated her not as _40_ as usual,but how can I do?I wasnt as rich as before!We moved to the_41_flat,and there was only a shower in such a freezing winterBut I found that_42_one took the shower first,the room could get a littl

    14、e warmerSo every time I _43_ to the bathroom first,I was thinking that,when she took the shower,the room would get _44_by 1,2,3Now I cant give her comfortable life,bring her to the expensive restaurant,buy expensive dresses for her,but_45_ I can give her 1( )31AbringBraiseCprotectDmake( )32AfeelingB

    15、abilityCbusinessDinterest( )33AmetBobeyedCfeltDstopped( )34AtiredB0sleepyCbusyDsick( )35AOnBInCAtDWith( )36AsomethingBnothingCanythingDeverything( )37Aa littleBa fewCa numberDa bit( )38AwhatBwhereCwhyDhow( )39AunhappyBboredCworriedDlazy( )40 AearlyBhardCrightDwell( )41AbigBbeautifulCsmallDsweet( )42

    16、AsinceBbeforeCtillDif( )43AjumpedBflewCrushedDjogged( )44AhotterBwarmerCcoolerDcolder( )45Aat leastBat lastCat firstDat time五、阅读理解,阅读短文,选择最佳答案。February 18,2004,is the birth date of Su Yiming,a historic gold medalist in the Beijing 2022 mens snowboard big air with a combined score of 18250 points at

    17、Big Air Shougang on Tuesday Su Yiming(苏翊鸣),a snowboarding talent from North Chinas Jilin province,won a silver for snowboard slope style on Feb 7 during the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics,marking the first snowboarding medal won by a Chinese athlete during the Games Over the past four years,Su has com

    18、bined his talent with hard work to produce one of the swiftestfaster than everrises the sport has ever seen The biggest motivation for me is my love for snowboarding, Su said,when asked about the secret to his successIn snowboarding,I feel like I can show my own style and creativityEvery time I ride

    19、 my board,its always a very happy momentThrough my experience,I hope more young people will get interested in the sportI enjoy snowboarding just as much as I enjoy acting, said Su,a former child actor,who turns 18 on FridayI think:I still have a lot of possibilities to explore in my future career ei

    20、ther in snowboarding or in actingBut now I just want to enjoy the moment and celebrate it as the best possible birthday gift( )46What did Su Yiming achieve during the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics? AHe won a history medalBHe added a gold medal to a silver oneCHe got a silver medalDHe received two mor

    21、e big air medals( )47What does the word swiftest mean in Paragraph Three? Ahighest Bmost difficult Cmost important Dfastest( )48What is the secret to Sus success? AThe love for snowboarding BThe creativity of snowboardingCThe special style of his own. DThe happy feeling of riding( )49What can you in

    22、fer about Su Yiming from the last paragraph? AHe was a former child actor BHe likes acting very muchCHes happy with the result DHe enjoys snowboarding( )50Whats the best title of the passage? ASu Rockets Into History Book BSu Won Snowboard Big AirCSu:A Snowboarding Talent DSu:A Possible Famous Actor

    23、参考答案一、根据句意和所给汉语完成下列单词。1display; 2living; 3harms; 4square; 5environment6polluted; 7reduce; 8depends; 9punishes; 10resources二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词只能用一次。11will not be invited; 12pollution; 13isnt allowed; 14was held; 15will be finished16were taken; 17will be saved;18is separated; 19will take; 20is fini

    24、shed三、单项选择。21-25、DDCBB 26-30、DBDAC【解析】21句意:-我想借本书,但是我不知道能够借多久。 -两周。结合语境可知宾语从句中主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。选项B表示瞬间动作,不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。故选D。22句意:按照北京交通当局的说法,从五月六日起,如果他们闯红灯,行人将被罚十块钱。结合语境可知本句描述的是将来发生的动作,句子主语是动作对象,故用被动语态,选D。23句意:据说在即将到来的亚洲青年运动会期间,要在南京亚运村里面建一座亚洲文化村。根据in the coming Asian Youth Games period“在即将到来的亚洲青年运动会

    25、期间”,可知用将来时,主语是Asian Culture Village“亚洲文化村”,与动词build“建设”是被动关系,被动语态的构成:be+动词的过去分词。build的过去分词是built,A是一般现在时的主动语态,B是现在进行时的主动语态,D是一般过去时的被动语态。故使用一般将来时的被动语态,选C。24句意:你进房间前必须把烟熄灭。本题考查动词短语辨析,短语put out熄灭;put up举起;张贴cigarettes作主语,为动作的承受者,应该用被动语态;由主语cigarettes可知应用be put out,故选B。25句意:第十七届亚运会那年九月在韩国举行。本题考查被动语态,The

    26、 17th Asian Games是“被”举办,要用被动语态,that September是过去时的时间状语。故选B。26句意:-政府正在考虑建造一座跨湖大桥。-我希望他们仔细考虑。如果交通太多,环境会受到污染。本题考查动词辨析,A受保护,B产生,C预防,D受污染的,估计句意,选D。27句意:-史密斯先生必须戒烟。-是的,因为他的吸烟,他的健康和他家人都受到了伤害。本题考查动词的被动语态,have harmed已经伤害,现在完成时;are harmed一般现在时的被动语态;has harmed现在完成时;is harmed一般现在时的被动语态。根据句意可知,主语his health and h

    27、is family与动词构成被动关系,应使用被动语态,排除A和C主语由and连接,谓语动词用复数,故选B。28句意:-很遗憾我错过了齐白石的画展。-好吧。你还有第二次机会。它们将在下个月的某个时候展出。本题考查被动语态,they 指代上文Qi Baishis paintings,和动词之间的关系是被动的关系,next month是一般将来时,所以本题用一般将来时被动语态,故选D。29句意: -在你的城市里允许在公共场所吸烟吗?-不,如果有人被发现在公共场所吸烟,他就会受到警察的惩罚。本题考查动词的被动语态,is going to be punished一般将来时被动语态;is going to

    28、 punish将要惩罚;is punishing正在惩罚;has punished已经惩罚,现在完成时。根据句意可知,主语he和动词之间构成被动关系,应用被动语态,故选A。30句意:-在过去的几个月里,雾霾一直是我们城市的一个严重问题。-是的。如果在未来不采取措施对抗污染,情况会更糟。i本题考查动词的时态和语态,本题是由if引导的条件状语从句遵循“主将从现”原则:主句使用一般将来时,从句使用一般现在时;A、B、D错。故选C。31B32C33D34A35A36B37B38C39A40D41C42D43C44B45A【解析】31考查动词。bring带来;raise筹集,养育;protect保护;m

    29、ake制作。根据The husband worked day and night(丈夫夜以继日的工作)可知,丈夫夜以继日的工作,是为了养家。句意:丈夫夜以继日地工作养家糊口,却没有照顾妻子。故选B。32考查名词。feeling感觉;ability能力;business生意;interest兴趣。根据上文可知,丈夫一直夜以继日工作,因此妻子觉得丈夫只想着自己的生意。句意:他不再爱我了。他只想着他的生意。故选C。33考查动词。met遇见;obeyed遵守;felt感觉;stopped停止。根据Let me take it first(让我先洗)可知,此处是指在门口拦住了妻子。句意:他在门口拦住了她

    30、。故选D。34考查形容词。tired累的;sleepy困倦的;busy忙碌的;sick生病的。根据I was always taking the shower first,and I said to her,I was tired(我总是先洗澡,我对她说,我累了)可知,此处是指丈夫累了。句意:我累了,亲爱的。故选A。35考查介词。On后加具体到某一天或具体某一天的早晨、下午和晚上;In后加某年某月某季节;At后加具体的时刻;With和。空后a boring day是指具体的某一天,用介词on。句意:在无聊的一天,她无事可做,于是打开了他的电脑。故选A。36考查代词。something某事;no

    31、thing没有什么;anything任何事;everything所有事。根据turned on his computer(打开电脑)以及a boring day(无聊的一天)可知,无聊说明没有什么事可做。句意:在无聊的一天,她无事可做,于是打开了他的电脑。故选B。37考查短语词。a little一些,修饰不可数名词;a few一些,修饰可数名词复数;a number一个号码;a bit一点儿,修饰形容词。空后minutes是可数名词复数,用a few修饰。句意:几分钟后,她的眼里充满了泪水。故选B。38考查疑问词。what什么;where哪里;why为什么;how如何。根据She asked

    32、me(她问我)和I said to her,I was tired(我跟她说,我累了)可知,此处是指问为什么先洗澡。句意:今天,我很伤心。她问我为什么总是先洗澡。故选C。39考查形容词。unhappy不开心的;bored厌烦的;worried担心的;lazy懒惰的。根据She was very sad可知,此处是指妻子不开心。句意:我累了。她很不高兴。故选A。40考查副词。early早地;hard努力地;right正好;well好地。根据He doesnt love me any more(他不再爱我)以及I treated her not asas usual,(我对她不像平常一样)可知,此

    33、处是指像往常那么好。as well as usual和往常一样好。句意:在她心里,我对她没有平时那么好,可我怎么办?故选D。41考查形容词。big大的;beautiful美丽的;small小的;sweet甜的。根据I wasnt as rich as before!We moved to theflat(我不像以前那么有钱了!我们搬到了公寓0可知,此处是指小的公寓。句意:我们搬到了小公寓,在如此寒冷的冬天只有淋浴。故选C。42考查连词。since自从;before在之前;till直到;if如果。根据one took the shower first,the room could get a l

    34、ittle warmer(一个人先洗澡,房间会暖和一点)可知,此处前句是后句的条件,用if引导条件状语从句。句意:在如此寒冷的冬天只有淋浴。但我发现如果一个人先洗个澡,房间会暖和一些。故选D。43考查动词。jumped跳;flew飞;rushed冲,迅速移动;jogged慢跑。根据So every time Ito the bathroom first,(所以每次我先上去洗澡间) 可知,此处是指冲向浴室。固定短语rush to冲向。句意:所以每次我先冲到浴室。故选C。44考查比较级。hotter更热的;warmer更温暖的;cooler更凉爽的;colder更冷的。根据the room cou

    35、ld get a little warmer(房间会暖和一点)可知,此处是指更暖和。句意:我都在想,等她洗完澡,房间会暖和1,2,3。故选B。45考查短语。at least至少;at last最后;at first起先;at time有时。根据butI can give her 1(我可以给她1)可知,此处是指给不了她以前的生活,但是现在至少可以给她1。句意:现在我不能给她舒适的生活,带她去昂贵的餐厅,给她买昂贵的衣服,但至少,我能给她1。故选A。【点评】首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意,逐一得出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。46B47D48A49C5

    36、0C【解析】46细节理解题。根据February 18,2004,is the birth date of Su Yiming,a historic gold medalist in the Beijing 2022 mens snowboard big air with a combined score of 18250 points at Big Air Shougang on Tuesday(2004年2月18日是苏一鸣的生日。周二,苏一鸣以总分18250分在首钢大航空夺得了2022年北京冬奥会男子单板滑雪大空中接力金牌。)以及Su Yiming,a snowboarding talen

    37、t from North Chinas Jilin province,won a silver for snowboard slope style on Feb 7 during the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics(2月7日,来自中国北方吉林省的单板滑雪天才伊明在2022年北京冬奥会单板滑雪花样滑雪项目中获得银牌。)可知,他获得了一块金牌和一块银牌。故选B。47词句猜测题。根据Over the past four years,Su has combined his talent with hard work to produce one of the swifte

    38、stfaster than everrises the sport has ever seen(在过去的四年里,苏将自己的天赋和努力结合起来,创造了这项运动有史以来发展最快的一次。)可知,在过去的四年里,苏将自己的天赋与努力相结合,创造了体育史上最快的发展速度。此处swiftest的意思是最快速的,故选D。48细节理解题。根据 The biggest motivation for me is my love for snowboarding, Su said,when asked about the secret to his success(对我来说,最大的动力就是我对单板滑雪的热爱。当被问

    39、及成功的秘诀时,苏说。)可知,当被问及成功的秘诀时,苏翊鸣说:我最大的动力是我对滑雪的热爱。故选A。49推理判断题。根据But now I just want to enjoy the moment and celebrate it as the best possible birthday gift(但现在我只想享受这一刻,把它当作最好的生日礼物来庆祝。)可知,苏翊鸣现在只想享受这一刻,把它当做最好的生日礼物来庆祝,所以他对现在的结果还是很满意的,故选C。50最佳标题题。根据February 18,2004,is the birth date of Su Yiming,a historic gold medalist in the Beijing 2022 mens snowboard big air with a combined score of 18250 points at Big Air Shougang on Tuesday(2004年2月18日是苏一鸣的生日。周二,苏一鸣以总分18250分在首钢大航空夺得了2022年北京冬奥会男子单板滑雪大空中接力金牌。)可知,本文主要向我们介绍冬奥会男子单板滑雪冠军苏翊鸣,选项C苏:滑雪板天才符合主题,故选C。


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