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    1、2024-2025学年八年级上册英语单元测试卷Unit 1Friends(基础卷)一、根据首字母提示填写单词(10分)1The girl has a good v. She can sing very well.2The story tells us that we should be p when we ask for help.3On my way home, I saw a dog l on the side of the road.4Everyone here likes David because he is so h. He always makes us laugh.5Polly

    2、 tries to keep f by running every day.6He is an h boy, and he never tells lies.7The girl is so s that she is afraid of speaking in public.8To be an excellent host in a TV program, you need to have a good s of humor.9Its raining so we d to play games at home.10You can spread j and happiness with a br

    3、ight smile. Its one of the best gifts that you can give to others.二、用所给单词适当形式填空(10分)11Of the three post offices, this one is the (close) to my house.12Jack, how about (plan) a trip to San Francisco after we have our final exam?13This is one of the biggest (factory) we built in the 1990s.14Taian is o

    4、ne of the (lively) cities in Shandong.15Youd better go to hospital at once, or youll get even (ill) later on.16My friend Tom is very (humour).17I try my best (help) them.18Amy is one of the best (swim) at the school.19At the foot of the mountain (lie) a village.20He felt (happy) because he lost his

    5、wallet(钱包) on his way home.三、单项选择(10分)21Mr. Green is one of _ in our school. We all like him very much.Athe most popular teacherBthe worst teachersCthe best teachersDthe oldest teacher22Of all the subjects, I do _ in math. Its really hard for me.AbestBworstCfastestDhighest23Amy, you should be _ and

    6、wait until I finish the work.ApatientBtiredCfriendlyDfrustrated24I think the popular singer Zhou Shen has a good _.AsoundBbirthCnoiseDvoice25This apple is _ bigger than that one.Aa littleBlittleCa fewDfew26How delicious these cakes are!They would taste _ with cream.AbadBgoodCbetterDworse27The comput

    7、er is one of _ in modern society.Amore important inventionBthe most important inventionCmost important inventionsDthe most important inventions28Whats the _ for this English competition?A computer. I like it and Im going to take part in the competition.ApowerBprizeCweight29Whats the_of this camera?I

    8、ts $350.AlengthBweightCprizeDprice30This is one of _ man-made disasters in Korean history.Yes. _ people have lost their lives in the tragic accident.Athe worst; Hundreds ofBthe worst; Hundred ofCthe worse; Hundred ofDthe worse; Hundreds of四、完形填空(10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Jonah ran to

    9、 the library as soon as the class was over, while others were heading to the playground. He sat near a window of the library alone. How he wished he could play with some 31 !Suddenly, Jonah heard a sound and saw the librarian walking to him.“Hi, Im Mrs. Lim.” She greeted him with a smile.“Umhi, Im J

    10、onah,” Jonah said. His face turned red.“ 32 are you reading when you could be playing with your friends?”Lowering 33 head down, Jonah knew it was because he did not have any friends. In fact, Jonah would stay up late talking with his old friends. But he found it 34 to make new friends in the new sch

    11、ool.“I know how you 35 .” Mrs. Lim said, as if she could read Jonahs mind. Jonah was 36 . “I can see it in your face. You look lonely.” Mrs. Lim added.Jonah didnt say a word, not knowing what to do next.“Just say hello to someone,” she said, “Once youve made the first move, it just gets easier.”Mrs.

    12、 Lim did not understand how hard it was, Jonah thought. 37 he still thanked her.In the hallway outside the library, a boy was 38 something on the floor. Pens and pencils had dropped out of his pencil case. Fighting the urge to just walk away, Jonah picked up a few pens. Suddenly, he remembered what

    13、Mrs. Lim 39 him.“Hello, Im Jonah. Let me help you,” he offered. The boy looked up at him. “Thanks. Im Ruben.” Jonah was 40 . Now he knew his new school life really began.31AfriendsBteachersCtoysDballs32AWhenBWhatCWhyDWhere33AhisBherCtheirDour34AimportantBdifficultCexcellentDexciting35AstudyBfeelCpla

    14、yDread36AsadBsorryCsurprisedDhappy37ASoBAndCButDOr38Apicking upBpointing atCcleaning upDwriting down39AgaveBshowedCadvisedDbought40AcarefulBpleasedCsillyDworried五、阅读理解(20分)AFriends are important. They can be people we met as kids, classmates, or even online friends from different countries. We conne

    15、ct with them because we have something in common and enjoy being together. Friends are there to help us in difficult times and celebrate with us in good times. Doctors say that having friends is important for our heath. Friendship is not only important for people, but also for the world. When we see

    16、 people different from us as friends, it helps create peace.International Day of Friendship started with the World Friendship Crusade (十字军) in 1958. Dr. Ramon ArtemioBracho and his friends in Paraguay (巴拉圭) wanted to show how friendship can bring peace. They celebrated Friendship Week, ending on 30t

    17、h July, which became Friendship Day. Overtime, the celebration spread around the word, and in 2011, the UN made 30th July the International Day of Friendship.Different countries have their own Friendship Days. Paraguay celebrates on 30th July, while Argentina, Brazil, and Spain celebrate on 20th Jul

    18、y. India and the US celebrate on the first Sunday in August. In Finland and Estonia, Friendship Day is on the same day as Valentines Day, 14th February.On this day, friends get together. They have meals, send small gifts or greetings online to show their love to each other. The celebrations may be d

    19、ifferent, but they all remind us of the importance of friends and the power of friendship.41What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?AFriendship Days around the world.BThe importance of friends.CHow Friendship Day began.DWhat people do on Friendship Day.42What does the underlined word “spread” in Paragraph

    20、2 mean?ATo make something smaller.BTo share something.CTo cover a larger area.DTo put things closer.43India and the US celebrate Friendship Day on _.A14th FebruaryB20th JulyC30th JulyDthe 1th Sunday in August44Why do friends have meals, send small gifts or greetings online on this day?ATo show their

    21、 love to each other.BTo enjoy spending time together.CTo remember their favourite song.DTo remember the past.45Which can be the best title for the passage?AThe way to develop friendshipBThe history of different countriesCDifferent Cultural TraditionsDInternational Day of FriendshipBIm Kate. Lulu has

    22、 been my friend since I could walk. Her house is just next to mine. Sometimes if I want to play with her, I will open the window and shout her name. Being the only child in her family, Lulu often feels bored in her own place. So she often visits my family. She is like a member of my family.Lulu and

    23、I went to the same day care center, same primary school and now we are in the same middle school. We are on the same volleyball team and we practice every Monday and Thursday. After practice, either my parents or Lulus parents will drive us home.Lulu and I had a great friendship until I became capta

    24、in (领导者) of the school drama (戏剧) club. I started the drama club and I know it well. I got quite excited when we were preparing for the-end-of-year drama last year. The teacher gave us several dramas to choose from, and I decided myself. Lulu, who was also in the drama club, was unhappy and refused

    25、to come to rehearsal (排练). I didnt realize what the problem was until I talked to the school counselor (辅导顾问). The counselor told me, “Kate, you should not make the decision yourself. A great captain should listen to everyone elses opinion.”This simple and short talk made me regret what I did and I

    26、said sorry to Lulu later. She came back and together we discussed and created a wonderful drama.46How many children are there in Lulus family?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.47Kate practices volleyball _.Aonce a weekBtwice a weekCthree times a weekDfour times a week48_ made Kate realize what her problem was.

    27、ALuluBThe teachersCLulus parentsDThe school counselor49The underlined word “regret” in the last paragraph means “_” in Chinese.A宣告B重复C后悔D忽略50Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AKate created a wonderful drama alone last year.BLulu and Kate started the drama club together.CKate an

    28、d Lulu live in the same neighborhood.DLulu isnt interested in playing volleyball.六、短文首字母填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Dickon pushed the wheelchair s 51 round and round the garden. He often stopped to s 52 Colin somethinggreen buds, a feather, an e 53 eggshell (蛋壳).“Im going to come back tomorrow, and the da

    29、y after, and the day after,” said Colin. Suddenly he p54 to the high wall and said, “Whos that man?”Mary and Dickon t 55 and looked. It was Ben Weatherstaff on t 56 of a ladder (梯子)! “What are you doing?” he shouted a 57 . “How did you get into this garden?”“The robin showed me the door!” Mary shout

    30、ed b 58 to him. Colin a 59 Dickon to push his wheelchair over to the wall.“Do you know who I am?” demanded Colin, like the young Rajah. Ben Weatherstaff stared and stared at him but he didnt say a w 60 .“Do you know who I am?” demanded Colin again. “Answer!” Ben Weatherstaffs voice was shaking when

    31、he replied. “I know who you are. You look like your mother. You are the poor hunchback (驼背).” Colins face went red.七、阅读填表(10分)根据短文内容,完成下列表格。每空一词 Its good to be someones best friend. But how can we know a friend fits the role of “BFF”(best friend forever)?Jeffrey Hall , a teacher from the University

    32、of Kansas(KU), thinks he has an answer. He finds out how long it takes to make a friend, and how long it takes to make way through the different classes of friendship.Hall and other teachers from the KU did the study in two ways. In the first part, the study team looked into (观察)255 people. These pe

    33、ople just moved to a new place and were looking for new friends. Six months later, these newcomers matched people they met to one of the four classes: acquaintance (熟人), casual (感情不深的) friend, friend, or close friend. In the second part, Halls team asked 112 KU newly admitted students about two pers

    34、ons they met when they started school. Then the team followed up for four and seven weeks to see which class of friendship the students fell in. Here are the results: It takes about 40 to 60 hours to become a casual friend, 80 to 100 hours to be a friend, and about 200 hours to become a good friend.

    35、“We have to put that time in” Hall said. “ Having close relationships (关系) is the most important work we do in our lives.” You cant order someone to be friends with you, and of course no relationship can be watered down(冲淡)to numbers alone. But if you want to be close friends with someone, the best

    36、way is to spend more time with him/her. The KUs study on friendship 61 *How long does it take to make a friend?*How long does it take to 62 different classes of friendship?StudiesPeople move to a new place 63 a year later, they match people to four classes.112 64 students in the KUThey fall in diffe

    37、rent classes of friendship in different weeks. Findings*It takes about 200 hours to make a good friend. *If people want to have 65 relationships, they should spend more time together.八、书面表达(20分)你校Buddy Club正举办以“My Best Friend”为题的英语演讲比赛,假如你是Peter,请根据下表所提示的要点,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的好友Tom。(100词左右,文中不得透漏学校、班级、人名等

    38、信息)基本情况黑色短发,明亮的笑咪咪的眼睛,一所混合学校的八年级学生。品质有幽默感,乐于助人,慷慨大方(请分别举出适当的例子)兴趣爱好痴迷于DIY课程(至少列举一例):对旅游感兴趣,去过许多名胜景点;他的未来计划希望(至少列举一例并说明原因)My Best FriendHello, everyone! Today I will introduce my best friend Tom to you. _参考答案1The girl has a good v. She can sing very well.【答案】(v)oice【详解】句意:这个女孩有一副好嗓子。她唱得很好。根据“She can

    39、sing very well.”和首字母提示可知此处表示嗓音,且空前有a,应用名词单数形式voice。故填(v)oice。2The story tells us that we should be p when we ask for help.【答案】(p)olite【详解】句意:这个故事告诉我们,当我们寻求帮助的时候,我们应该有礼貌。根据“when we ask for help.”及首字母可知,我们寻求帮助的时候要有礼貌,polite“礼貌的”,形容词作表语。故填(p)olite。3On my way home, I saw a dog l on the side of the road.

    40、【答案】(l)ying【详解】句意:在我回家的路上,我看见一只狗躺在马路上。根据“on the side of the road”可知,空处指看见狗躺在马路上,lie“躺”。see sb doing sth“看见某人正在做某事”,为固定用法,所以空处用动词的现在分词形式,lie“躺”的现在分词形式是lying。故填(l)ying。4Everyone here likes David because he is so h. He always makes us laugh.【答案】(h)umorous【详解】句意:这里的每个人都喜欢大卫,因为他如此幽默。他总是使我们大笑。根据“He always

    41、 makes us laugh.”及所给首字母可推测空缺处为形容词humorous“幽默的”,在句中作表语。故填(h)umorous。5Polly tries to keep f by running every day.【答案】(f)it【详解】句意:Polly试图通过每天跑步来保持健康。根据“by running every day”可推出每天跑步是为了保持健康,keep fit“保持健康”。故填(f)it。6He is an h boy, and he never tells lies.【答案】(h)onest【详解】句意:他是个诚实的男孩,从不说谎。根据首字母及“and he neve

    42、r tells lies”可知,他从不说谎,说明很诚实。honest“诚实的”,形容词,作定语修饰名词boy。故填(h)onest。7The girl is so s that she is afraid of speaking in public.【答案】(s)hy【详解】句意:这个女孩太害羞了,害怕在公共场合讲话。根据“she is afraid of speaking in public.”可知她害怕在公共场合讲话,可见她很害羞,shy“害羞的”。故填(s)hy。8To be an excellent host in a TV program, you need to have a go

    43、od s of humor.【答案】(s)ense【详解】句意:为了成为一个优秀的电视节目主持人,你需要有好的幽默感。根据“To be an excellent host in a TV program”并结合首字母可知,a sense of humor“幽默感”符合语境,故填(s)ense。9Its raining so we d to play games at home.【答案】(d)ecide【详解】句意:下雨了,所以我们决定在家玩游戏。根据“Its raining so we.to play games at home.”可知正在下雨,所以决定在家玩游戏,decide“决定”,句子用

    44、一般现在时,主语是we,谓语动词用原形。故填(d)ecide。10You can spread j and happiness with a bright smile. Its one of the best gifts that you can give to others.【答案】(j)oy【详解】句意:你可以用灿烂的微笑传播快乐和幸福,这是你能给别人的最好的礼物之一。根据“and happiness with a bright smile”可知是传播快乐和幸福,空格处缺少名词,结合首字母提示可知应填joy,此时为不可数名词,故填(j)oy。二、用所给单词适当形式填空(10分)11Of t

    45、he three post offices, this one is the (close) to my house.【答案】closest【详解】句意:在这三个邮局中,这家离我家最近。根据“Of the three supermarkets”可知,三者之间的比较用最高级,close的最高级为closest“最近的”,故填closest。12Jack, how about (plan) a trip to San Francisco after we have our final exam?【答案】planning【详解】句意:杰克,我们期末考试后去旧金山旅行怎么样?about是介词,后接doing形式,plan“计划”,其动名词形式是planning,故填planning。13This is one of the biggest (factory) we built in the 1990s.【答案】factories【详解】句意:这是我们在上世纪90年代建造的最大的工厂之一。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最之一”,故填factories。14


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