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    外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 6 重点语法知识点背记提纲

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    外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 6 重点语法知识点背记提纲

    1、外研版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 6 重点语法知识点背记提纲Unit 6 The power of plants课时1Starting out & Understanding ideas: Reading1. within prep. 在(建筑或地区)里2. quarter n. 一刻钟,十五分钟3. workshop n. 车间,工场 4. collect v. 收集,采集;使集中5. sunlight n. 阳光 6. root n. 根7. send v. 送出,发出 8. rise v. 升高,上升9. stem n. (植物的)茎,梗,柄 10. mix v. (使)混合,拌

    2、和11. produce v. (自然地)生产,产生,出产 12. leaf n. 叶,叶子13. sugar n. 糖 14. product n. (自然过程或化学反应的)生成物15. oxygen n. 氧 16. though conj. 虽然,尽管17. breathe v. 呼吸 18. dark adj. 昏暗的;黑暗的19. rest n. 休息(时间) 20. natural adj. 自然的,天然的21. enter v. 进入1. collectcollection (名词) 2. naturalnature (名词)3. importantimportance (名词)

    3、importantly (副词)4. produceproduct (名词) 5. breathebreath (名词)1. the growth of 的生长 2. work hard 努力学习3. more than 超过 4. rise up 上升5. be different from 与不同 6. most importantly 最重要的是7. be useful to 对是有用的 8. send up 发送9. get dark 变黑 10. take a rest 休息11. natural world 自然界1. There are 20 to 100 workers in

    4、each workshop. 在每一个车间都有20到100个工人。2. Then workers in the leaf will mix water, CO2 and sunlight. 然后树叶里的工人将混合水,二氧化碳和阳光。3. Without plants, the natural world would be very different!没有植物,自然世界将变得很不同!4. It means a lot to animals and humans,thoughthey need it to breathe!尽管它们需要它呼吸,但是它对动物和植物来说意味着很多!5. They wi

    5、ll take a rest. 他们将会休息。课时2Understanding ideas: Grammar1. grow v. 生长 2. sunflower n. 向日葵3. seed n. 种子,籽 4. rainforest n. (热带)雨林5. influence v. 影响,对起作用 6. climate n. 气候1. simplesimply (副词) 2. rainraincoat (雨衣)rainforest (雨林) 3. cloudcloudy (形容词)1. different parts 不同的部分 2. walk through 走过 3. take a rai

    6、ncoat 带雨衣 4. be sure 确定5. look up 向上看 6. thousands of 成千上万7. at the top of 在顶端 8. turn into 转化,转变1. The sunflower seeds will grow into tall plants. 太阳花的种子将长成高大的植物。2. We will learn different parts of plants tomorrow. 明天我们将学习植物不同的部分。3. The leaves will change into different colours in autumn. 在秋天树叶将变成不

    7、同的颜色。4. We will walk through the forest today. 我们今天将会走过森林。5. Im sure it will rain later. 我确定一会儿将要下雨。课时3Developing ideas: Listening and speaking1. rose n. 玫瑰;蔷薇 2. cotton n. 棉花3. bamboo n. 竹,竹子1. healthhealthy (形容词) 2. useuseful (形容词)1. in different ways 用不同的方法 2. around the world 全世界3. for example/s

    8、uch as 比如,例如 4. be used to 被用来 5. a part of 的一部分 6. be good for 对有好处7. ask for 询问;要求8. corn silk 玉米须1. Rice, wheat and corn are the worlds top three food plants. 大米,小麦和玉米是世界上排行前三的植物类食物。2. People around the world eat them in different ways. 全世界的人们使用不同的方法吃它们。3. How do you usually eat them?你经常怎么吃它们?课时4

    9、Developing ideas: Reading for writing1. popular adj. 受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的 2. key adj. 至关重要的;必不可少的;关键的3. teahouse n. 茶馆,茶楼,茶室 4. news n. 消息5. coffee n. 咖啡 6. secret n. 秘密7. husband n. 丈夫 8. adult n. 成人,成年人9. weekend n. 周末 10. chat n. 闲聊,闲谈,聊天11. relax v. 放松,休息 12. yard n. 庭院13. biscuit n. 饼干 14. connect v. 联结

    10、,连接1. weekweekend (n. 周末)2. relaxrelaxing (形容词,修饰物)/relaxed (形容词,修饰人)1. take sb. to sp. 带某人去某地 2. share sth. with sb. 把某物与某人分享3. choose to do sth. 选择去做某事 4. a cup of 一杯5. most of 大多数 6. its no secret that 众所周知1. Most of my classmates prefer coffee, but I always choose green tea. 我的大部分同学更喜欢咖啡,但是我总是选择

    11、绿茶。2. Its no secret that Brits love afternoon tea. 众所周知,英国人喜欢下午茶。3. A cup of warm tea always makes me feel like Im back home. 一杯温暖的茶总是让我感觉像回家一样。4. What is the most popular drink in the world after water?什么是在水之后世界上最流行的饮品?5. It is not only good for our health, but also a key part of many cultures. 它不仅

    12、仅对我们的健康有好处,也是许多文化的一个重要部分。6. What does tea mean to you?茶对你意味着什么?7. In Chengdu, we have as many teahouses as leaves in a cup of tea!在成都,我们有和一杯茶里的茶叶一样多的茶馆!8. Grandpa used to take me to the teahouse. 爷爷过去经常带我去茶馆。9. Its more than a drink for me. 对我来说它不仅仅是一种饮品。Dear Jack,Im glad to hear from you. And now I

    13、m very happy to share something about Chinese tea culture with you. Tea was first drunk about 5,000 years ago. Shen Nong discovered (发现) it by accident(偶然). We grow tea plants on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked(摘) by hand. Tea is good for health! Welcome to China to experience it yourself. Yours,Li Hua- 5 -


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