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    人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 6语法知识点讲义

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    人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 6语法知识点讲义

    1、人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 6语法知识点讲义Unit 6 A day in the life语音1、掌握以下几个辅音音标/s/ sad this/z/ those zoo/ sheep fish/ usually television/t/ chair watch/d/ Jane orange/ three think/ that then2、掌握重读规则Lu Jiaqi: Hi! Im Lu Jiaqi, a school reporter. Whats your name?Tom: Tom.Lu Jiaqi: So Tom, what time do you usually

    2、get up?Tom: At six fifty.短语1.make use of 使用;利用 2. take a shower 淋浴3. get dressed 穿衣服4. brush teeth 刷牙5. on duty 值班6. get up 起床;站起7. do ones homework做作业8. go to bed 上床睡觉9. play sport 做运动10. have class 上课11. for a while 一会儿12. at weekends在周末13. daily routine日常生活14. home economics 家政课15. ice hockey冰球运动

    3、;冰上曲棍球16.prepare sth. for为把某物准备好17. get off work下班18. another four hours另外四小时19.a 10-minute walk走十分钟的路20.on the way to.在去的路上21. on the way home 在回家的路上22.on the way to school在上学的路上23.on ones way to.在某人去某地的路上24. on my way to school在我去学校的路上25.have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper吃早/中/晚饭26.do some reading阅

    4、读27.go to school去学校28.go to bed上床睡觉29.go home回家30.ask sb. about .问某人关于某事.31.stay to home待在家里32. have class上课33. day routine日常惯例34.on Monday afternoon在周一下午35.make breakfast做早饭36.meet friends会见朋友37.go to a restaurant with his family for dinner和他的家人去饭店吃晚饭38.get home到家39.get to school 到学校40.after that在那

    5、之后重点词的用法:1.make用法1)制作,制造,如:make a model plane制作一个飞机模型make a meal做一顿饭make a cake做一个蛋糕make tea沏茶make dumplings包饺子2)使,让make sb. do让某人做某事如:make me cry 让我哭3)make sb./ sth. + adj. 使某人或某物怎么样。如:make me bored 使我无聊make me happy使我高兴2.want是动词,意为“要;想要”。常用结构:want sth. 想要某物;want to do sth. 想要做某事;want sb.to do sth.

    6、 想要某人做某事。如:I want a cake for my birthday.我想要一个生日蛋糕。He wants me to go with him.他想让我跟他一起走。He wants to help me.他想要帮助我。3with用法(1)with意为“具有;带有”,表示伴随。如:China is a country with a long history.中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。The girl with long hair is my sister.那个留长发的姑娘是我妹妹/姐姐。People have birthday cakes with candles.人们吃带有蜡烛

    7、的生日蛋糕。(2)with还有“用;使用(工具、手段等)”的意思。如:We see with our eyes.我们用眼睛看。He is writing with a pencil.他正在用铅笔写字。4.learn 用法1)learn.about.关于学到2)learn.from.向学习如:3)learn to do 学会做某事I learned a lot about robots.我学到许多关于机器人的知识。We must learn from each other and help each other.我们必须相互学习,相互帮助。5.watchthe stars 看星星,watch t

    8、he flowers 看花,watch movies 看电影,watch TV 看电视,watch monkeys 看猴子,watch a soccer game 看一场足球赛6.interested是形容词,常用结构be interested in (doing) sth.意为“对(做)感兴趣”。如:My father is interested in history.我父亲对历史感兴趣。We are interested in drawing pictures.我们对画画感兴趣。7. as 作为;当作;当时候;因为;和一样1) 作为。如:As a student, we should st

    9、udy hard.作为学生,我们应该努力学习。I work as a teacher.我作为老师而工作。2) 当时候。和when 意思相近,后+句子。如:They talked as they walked.他们边走边谈。3) 因为。和because意思相近后加句子。如:As I havent seen the film,I cant tell you what I think of it.由于我没有看这部电影,所以谈不出对影片的什么看法。4)和一样。look/be the same as看起来和一样。如:This book looks /is the same as that one.这本书

    10、看起来和那本一样。5) asas和一样。如:She is as tall as me.她和我一样高。She writes as carefully as me.她写得和我一样认真。8.wake up1) wake up sb., wake sb. up 叫醒某人。如:wake up my sister = wake my sister up 叫醒我妹妹,wake her up叫醒她2) wake up 醒来 如:He usually wakes up at five in the morning.他通常早晨五点醒来。9.(not) like at all/ a little/ a lot/ v

    11、ery much/ better/ best1)not like at all 一点也不喜欢。如:I dont like coffee at all. 我一点也不喜欢咖啡。2)like a little 喜欢一点。如:I like coffee a little. 我喜欢一点咖啡。3)like a lot = like very much 非常喜欢。如:I like cafe a lot. 我非常喜欢咖啡。I like coffee very much. 我非常喜欢咖啡。4)like better 比较喜欢。如:I like coffee better. 我比较喜欢咖啡。5)like best

    12、 最喜欢。如:I like coffee best. 我最喜欢咖啡。10.be able to和can用法1)be able to可以用于任何时态。如:I am able to swim. 我能游泳。She will be able to play the piano. 他将能够弹钢琴。I was able to swim at the age of six. 我在六岁的时候能够游泳。2)can只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时。如:I can swim. = I am able to swim. 我能游泳。I could swim at the age of six. = I was able

    13、to swim at the age of six. 我在六岁的时候能够游泳。11.read, look, see, watch用法1)read,看,侧重于阅读。如:read newspapers读报纸read a story读一个故事read a map看一个地图read my notes看我的笔记read a magazine看一本杂志2)look,看,侧重于看的动作。如:look at the blackboard看黑板have a look看一看have a look at the tree看一看那棵树look for寻找3)see,看见,侧重于看的结果;明白。如:see sb. do

    14、看到某人做某事see sb. doing看到某人正在做某事see a film看电影I cant see you.我看不到你。I see.我明白了。See you later.再见4)watch,看,侧重于集中注意力看,观察。如:watch a soccer game看足球赛watch TV看电视watch flowers看花watch a movie看电影12.around用法1) 介词 在周围 around = round 如:around the school在学校周围2) 副词 adv. 在周围 如:walk around 四处走动run around四处跑look around向四周

    15、看3)副词adv. 大约 around = about如:about 200 tress = around 200 tress大约200棵树13.make use of 使用.;利用.use 在此作名词,其前可以用best、full、good等形容词作修饰语,表示对某物的利用程度。We can make use of light from the sun to light match.我们能利用太阳光点燃火采。Everyone should make full use of time每个人都应该充分利用时间。14.prepare 用法prepare for .为做准备prepare sth (

    16、for.)(为.)把某物准备好prepare sb for sth使某人为某事做准备prepare to do sth准备做某事prepare for .为做准备15.on the way to.1)相当于on ones way to.,其后跟home、here、there等副词时,要省略to。如:Youll pass a bank on the way to the train station.你在去火车站的路上会经过一家银行。I met a cat on my way home.我回家的路上遇到一只猫。2)on ones way to do sth在某人去做某事的路上It happened

    17、 on my way to play.事情发生在我出去玩的路上。句子:1.How can you make good use of your time?2.you know the saying,Early to bed, early to rise !”嗯,你知道这句谚语:“早睡早起!”3.After dinner, he usually plays the guitar for a while.晚饭后,他通常弹一会儿吉他。4.How different are peoples daily routines?人们的日常生活是如何不同的?5.Its only a 10-minute walk。

    18、步行仅仅十分钟的路。6. Each lesson is 45 minutes long and theres a break between lessons.每节课四十五分钟,两节课之间有休息时间。7. The afternoon lessons begin at 12:30 and finish at 2: 15.下午的课十二点半开始,两点十五分结束。8.Its already dark outside.外面已经天黑了。9.Thats an important part of my everyday life.这是我日常生活中重要的一部分。10.Then I prepare my schoo

    19、lbag for the next day.然后我准备第二天的书包。11.We talk a lot on the way home.我们在回家的路上聊很多。12.After that, I read with my parents for an hour.之后,我和父母一起读一个小时的书。13.At 9:30, its time for me to go to bed.9:30,是我睡觉的时候了。句型:1.-What time do you usually get up?你通常几点起床?-I usually get up at 7oclock.我通常7点起床。2.-When do you t

    20、ake a shower?你什么时候洗澡?-I usually take a shower at night.我通常在晚上洗澡。3.Its time for sb. to do sth.是该某人做某事的时间了。Its time for me to go to bed.是该我睡觉的时间了。语法1What time 和 When1. what time提问具体时间(钟点):-What time do you usually get up?你通常儿点起床?-I usually get up at 6: 30 a.m.我通常早上六点半起床。2.when 提问时间(特定时间+任何时间段):(1)-Whe

    21、n do they go to the music club?他们什么时候去音乐社团? -They go on Monday afternoons.他们星期一下午去。(2)-When do you usually go to bed?你通常什么时候上床睡觉?-At9:30.在九点半。 2时间的表达对时间的提问:Whats the time?/What time is it? 几点了?回答可用多种方式:如:“五点钟”可说Its five./ Its five oclock./ Its 5:00./ Its 5:00 am./ Its 5 pm./ Its about five oclock./

    22、Its around five oclock.“几点几分”可用两个基数词表示,也可用past或者to表达时间。当分钟数少于30时,用past。如:6:05 six o five/ five minutes past six7:10 seven ten/ ten past seven8:15 eight fifteen/ a quarter past eight当分钟数等于30时,用half past。如:11:30 eleven thirty/ half past eleven当分钟数大于30时,用to,分钟数用60减去原分钟数,小时数用原小时数加上1。如:12:35 twelve thirt

    23、y-five/ twenty-five to one在钟点前用介词at。如:at half past six 在六点半3Reading plus翻译Wenwens mother,ChinaMy mother is a nurse in a hospital. When she works at night,we eat dinner together at 6:30p.m.,and then she goes to work.Her work starts at 10:00. She checks on each patient every three hours.She finishes w

    24、ork at8:00the next day and arrives home by9:00.Her bedtime is around 10:30.She is busy with her work,but when she is free,we go to the park and have a good time together.Colins father,UKMy father is a bin worker. I usually dont see him in the morning because he gets up at 4:00 a.m.He has something t

    25、o eat and then goes to work.By 5:00,he is at his first house to empty rubbish bins into a lorry. Work ends around3:00 p.m.Then he comes to school to pick me up at 4:30.We talk a lot on the way home. Dinner is at 6:00.After dinner,he watches TV for a while.Then he goes to bed early at 8:30.We try to

    26、keep quiet at night so he sleeps well.雯雯的妈妈,中国我妈妈是医院的护士。她上夜班的时候,我们晚上6点半一起吃晚饭,然后她就去上班。她10点开始工作。她每三小时检查一次病人。第二天8点下班,9点到家。她的就寝时间是10点半左右。她工作很忙,但是当她有空的时候,我们就去公园,一起玩得很开心。科林的父亲,英国我的父亲是一名垃圾箱工人。我通常不会在早上看到他,因为他早上4点起床。他要吃点东西,然后去上班。5点的时候,他在他的第一个房子里把垃圾桶倒进一辆卡车。下午三点左右结束工作。然后他四点半来学校接我。我们在回家的路上聊了很多。晚餐6点开始。晚饭后,他看一会儿电

    27、视。然后他八点半就上床睡觉了。晚上我们尽量保持安静,这样他就能睡得很好。单元范文背诵My name isLi Ming.Im12years old.I livewith my parents in Hebei.Everymorning,I usually get up at6.ThenI run for 30 minutes.My school begins at8.We havemath, Chinese and Englishin the morning. After that,we have lunch.In the afternoon,we have four lessons.I usually get homeataround4pm.ThenI have dinner. At 7pm,its time for me todo homework.第 11 页 共 11 页


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