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    外研版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit 4 Time to celebrate单元整体教学设计

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    外研版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit 4 Time to celebrate单元整体教学设计

    1、外研版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit 4 Time to celebrate单元整体教学设计单元教学目标【Language Abilities】1.Use words and expressions in the unit to talk about festivals and holidays.2.Use adverbs of frequency and the simple present tense to talk about ways to celebrate festivals and holidays.3.Introduce different festivals and

    2、holidays as well as their culture.【Culture Awareness】1.Explore new approaches to follow traditions during festival occasions.2.Recognize the reasons why some people are unable to spend festivals and holidays with their loved ones.3.Enhance respect and understanding for the ways festivals are celebra

    3、ted in different cultural backgrounds.【Quality of Thinking】1.Make predictions according to the pictures.2.Be able to use effective means such as seeing, listening, speaking and discussing to obtain information.【Learning Abilities】1. Can actively participate in class activities.2.Be able to actively

    4、cooperate with others in learning activities and complete learning tasks.【Class Hour Division】Five periods第一课时Starting out&Reading第二课时Grammar第三课时Listening and Speaking第四课时Reading for writing第五课时Presenting ideas&Reflection单元教材分析本单元的主题是“人与社会”下的“历史、社会与文化”,归属于“世界节假日与庆祝活动”这一子主题内容。本单元教材围绕节日与假期展开,内容包括:谈论节日

    5、与假期;谈论节日的庆祝方式;理解怎样科学地庆祝节日与活动。旨在让学生了解中外各种各样的节日,并学会用更环保的方式庆祝节日。课时分解第一课时Starting out&ReadingTeaching Objects【教学目标】1.Talk about festivals and holidays. 2.Know the special way to celebrate the Spring Festival.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学步骤】Step 1Lead in【导入】D

    6、ifferent countries have their own festivals and holidays. Can you list some festivals in China?Starting outPage 63,11.Show the pictures to the Ss, and then ask them to answer the following question. What are they doing in each picture?2.Let some Ss say their answers.3.Check the answers with the clas

    7、s.4.Ask the Ss to answer the questions:What are the festivals in the pictures?What do you know about these festivals?5.Give the Ss some prompts for question.For example, time, activities and meaning. Page 63,21.Ask the Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions.What other festivals or holida

    8、ys around the world do you know?Which one do you think is the most special?Why? 2.Let some Ss share their answers with the class.3.Make appropriate supplements according to the Ss answers.Understanding ideas(14)Step 2 Pre-task【准备任务】Page 64,11.Show the picture on Page 65 to the Ss, and then ask them

    9、to answer the following questions.What are the people doing?What is on the table?2.Give the Ss some prompts. For example, Spring Festival, dinner, family reunion and dish.3.Ask some Ss to say their answers.4.Check the answers with the class.Step 3 While-task【过程任务】Page 64,21.Ask the Ss to look at the

    10、 title of the passage on Page 65, and then ask them to answer the question: What did the writer do during the Spring Festival? 2.Let some Ss share their answers with the class.3.Check the answer with the class.Page 66,31.Ask the Ss to choose the writers words after the meal.2.Check the answer with t

    11、he class.Page 66,41.Show the chart on page 65 to the Ss, and then let them guess what may be filled in the blanks.2.Ask the Ss to complete the chart with the words from the passage.3.Check the answers with the class.Step 4Post-task【后续任务】Think and share1.After learning the passage, ask the Ss to answ

    12、er the following question: What is unusual about the writers Spring Festival? 2.Give the Ss some prompts as follows. Whats the common way of celebrating the Spring Festival? How did the writer celebrate the Spring Festival?3.Ask the Ss to answer the question: What is your familys traditional dish fo

    13、r the Spring Festival? Can you cook it?4.Give the Ss some prompts.5.Let the Ss share the answers with the class.Step 5Language points【语言要点】1. treat 的用法(1)作动词,表示“款待,招待;看作”,常见用法:treat . with.“用招待”;treat as“把当作”; treat sb. to sth.“请某人吃某物”。例如:The waiter treats every customer with kindness and warmth.这位服

    14、务员以善良和热情招待每一位客人。I always treat Amy as my best friend.我一直把埃米当作我最好的朋友。I treated my neighbour to some seafood yesterday.昨天我请我邻居吃了一些海鲜。(2)作名词,表示“请客,做东”。例如:Its my treat today.今天我请客。2.smell 的用法(1)作系动词,表示“闻起来”,后接形容词作表语。例如:It smells terrible.它闻起来很糟糕。(2)作名词,表示“气味”。例如:The smell is terrible.这气味真难闻。3.辨析 alone 与

    15、 lonelyalone 只表示“独自”的客观状态,没有感情色彩。lonely 可表示人“孤独的,寂寞的”,也可表示地方“荒凉的,人烟稀少的”。例如:I was travelling alone in the lonely mountain. I didnt feel lonely though I was alone.我独自行走在荒凉的山里。我虽孤身一人,但并不感到寂寞。4. taste的用法(1)taste作动词时,有两种用法:taste 后可跟名词或代词,意为“品尝某物”。例如:Tom smelled the mooncake and then tasted it again.汤姆闻了闻

    16、月饼之后,又尝了一口。taste 作系动词后可跟形容词,意为“有的味道”。例如:The mooncakes with nuts taste more delicious than those with sugar.有坚果的月饼比有糖的月饼更好吃。(2)taste可作名词,意为“味道,滋味”。例如:Please have a taste of this cheese.请尝尝这乳酪。5.stay的用法stay 作不及物动词,意为“停留;待”;作连系动词,意为“保持原状;维持”,后常接形容词。例如:Lisa stayed in the UK for a year to study.为了学习,莉萨在英

    17、国待了一年。I cant stay awake any longer.我没法再保持清醒了。【拓展】stay 短语小结:stay up 熬夜 stay at home 待在家里stay away from.远离 stay out 夜不归宿 6.辨析 take place 与 happentake place表示“发生,举行,举办”。一般指有计划、事先安排的事情的“发生”,没有偶然性。happen 表示“发生,碰巧”一般用来指偶然或突发性事件,强调事情发生的偶然性或未能预见性。例如:When does the party take place?派对什么时候举行?If anything happen

    18、s,please let me know.如果有什么事情发生,请让我知晓。7.sure 的用法(1)作形容词,意为“无疑的;确信的;有把握的”。常见用法:be sure of/about “确信;对有把握。”例如:Im sure of/about the answer.我对这个答案有把握。(2)作副词,意为“当然”,用于回答他人提出的请求或提议,表示同意或愿意。例如:May I ask you a question?我能问你一个问题吗?Sure.当然。8. prefer 的用法prefer 为动词,相当于“like. better”,一般不用于进行时态。常见用法如下:(1)prefer (to

    19、 do) sth.表示“更喜欢(做)某事”。(2)prefer (doing) A to (doing) B表示“比起(做)B来,更喜欢(做)A”,其中 to 为介词。(3)prefer sb. (not) to do sth.宁愿/更喜欢某人(不)做某事。例如:I prefer swimming to skating. (I like swimming better than skating.)比起游泳,我更喜欢滑冰。I prefer you not to go.我宁愿你不走。Step 6Summary【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students self-ass

    20、essment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.I can talk about festivals and holidays.I can know the special way to celebrate the Spring Festival. Step 7Homework【家庭作业】1.Review the words, phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students book.Teaching reflection【教学反思】The topic of thi

    21、s unit is “Time to celebrate”. After learning, the students can talk about festivals and holidays.From the simple to the complex, the content of this lesson is gradually introduced, which is easy for students to understand. And the teaching effect is good.第二课时GrammarTeaching Objects【教学目标】1.Master th

    22、e usage of the adverbs of frequency.2.Talk about the ways to celebrate a traditional festival.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学步骤】Step 1Lead in【情景导入】1.Show the following sentence to the Ss, and then ask them to pay attention to the bold words.(a) Sometimes,

    23、she cooks for me.(b) I often watched Grandma cook, but I never cooked anything myself.(c) My family always have it at the Spring Festival.2.Lead the Ss to learn the grammar adverbs of frequency.Understanding ideas(58)Step 2Pre-task【准备任务】Page 67,51.Ask the Ss to make more sentences with adverbs of fr

    24、equency.2.Let some Ss share their answers.3.Show some examples to the Ss.Step 3Grammar learning【语法任务】1.定义:Adverb of Frequency 表示动作发生或状态存在的频率的副词。2.常见的频度副词:never seldom sometimes often usuallyalways【注意】never, hardly, rarely, seldom在句中表示否定,且不与否定词not连用。Step 4While-task【过程任务】Page 67,61.Ask the Ss to comp

    25、lete the diagram on page 67 with the words in the box. 2.Let some Ss say their answers.3.Check the answers with the class.4.Ask the Ss to make a sentence with each word.5.Show the Ss a sample as follow.My parents always stay up during the Spring Festival.Page 67,71.Show the blog post on page 67 to t

    26、he Ss. Then ask the Ss to predict what may be filled in the blanks.2.Ask the Ss to complete the blog post with always, often, sometimes, or never.3.Check the answers with the class.Step 5Post-task【后续任务】Page 68,81.Ask the Ss to work in pairs to talk about their ways to celebrate a traditional festiva

    27、l. Use the thinking map to organise their ideas. l Who do you celebrate it with?l What activities do you do?l What food do you have?l How do you feel?2.Let the Ss use the words and expressions from the reading passage and the Useful expressions to help them.l How do you usually celebrate.?l I often.

    28、 But I never.l Sometimes I.l My family always. for.l My favourite activities include.l . is a must for.Step 6Summary【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students self-assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.I can master the usage of the adverbs of frequency.I can talk about the ways to

    29、 celebrate a traditional festival.Step 7Homework【家庭作业】1.Review the words, phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students book.Teaching reflection【教学反思】Learning grammar is an important task in this period. We always learn grammar when we have learned enough language. Students can practise gramm

    30、ar by using what they have learned. Its important for them to master the usage of adverbs of frequency. We can give them some examples.第三课时Listening and SpeakingTeaching Objects【教学目标】1.Identify the facts and opinions. 2.Pronounce /, / correctly and remember the letters and letter combinations that r

    31、epresent them. 3. Talk about different ways to celebrate a festival or holiday.4.Cultivate awareness of environmental protection during the festivals. Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAI Teaching Steps【教学步骤】Step 1Lead in【情景导入】1.Show the picture on page 69 to the Ss, and then a

    32、sk them to answer the following question. What can you see in the picture?2.Let some Ss say their answers.3.Check the answers with the class. Step 2Pre-task【准备任务】In the West, people usually celebrate Christmas with their families. They put up a Christmas tree at home, share a large meal together, an

    33、d give each other presents. Nowadays, there are also some creative ways to celebrate Christmas.Step 3While-task【过程任务】Page 69,11.Show the three sentences on page 69 to the Ss and make sure they understand the meanings of them.2.Ask the Ss to listen to the news and choose the topic.3.Check the right a

    34、nswer with the class.Phonetics in use1.Let the Ss read the words on page 69 freely, and then ask them to pay attention to the bold letters and find the similarities of pronunciation in each column. 2.Play the recording and ask the Ss to repeat them.3.Tell the pronunciation of /, / .4.Have the Ss rea

    35、d the words together.5.If possible, provide more target language materials for the Ss to practise.Page 70,21.Show the poster to the Ss, and then ask them to guess what may be filled in the blanks.2.Ask the Ss to listen again and complete the poster. 3.Check the answers with the class.4.Introduce fac

    36、ts and opinions to the Ss. Then ask the Ss to write F(fact) or O(opinion) in the boxes.5.Let some Ss say their answers.6.Check the answers with the class.Page 71,31.Show the conversation on page 71 to the Ss, and then ask them to guess what may be filled in the blanks.2.Ask the Ss to listen to the c

    37、onversation and complete the ideas. Then ask them to match the ideas to the people.3.Let some Ss say their answers. 4.Check the answers with the class.5.Ask the Ss to listen again and talk about how the speakers agree and disagree.6.Introduce the way to express agreeing and disagreeing to the Ss.Ste

    38、p 4Post-task【后续任务】Page 71,41.Ask the Ss to work in pairs to talk about different ways to celebrate a festival or holiday.2.Show the Ss some examples.3.Let the Ss talk about what they have learnt about the new ways to celebrate festivals or holidays.Step 5Summary【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students s

    39、elf-assessment form to check what they have learnt in this lesson.I can identify the facts and opinions. I can pronounce /, / correctly and remember the letters and letter combinations that represent them.I can talk about different ways to celebrate a festival or holiday.I can have known about the e

    40、nvironmental protection during the festivals.Step 6Homework【家庭作业】1.Review the words, phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students book.Teaching reflection【教学反思】In the learning process, we should use listening practice to improve the students listening ability. At the same time, we should lea

    41、d students to cultivate awareness of environmental protection during the festivals. From the simple to the complex, the content of this lesson is gradually introduced, which is easy for students to understand. And the teaching effect is good.第四课时Reading for writingTeaching Objects【教学目标】1.Understand

    42、the greatness of medical workers in China.2.Write a short paragraph about a person on duty during festivals.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学步骤】Step 1Lead in【情景导入】1.Ask the Ss to answer the following question.What do you usually do during the festivals?2.Let

    43、 some Ss say their answers.3.Tell the Ss something about festivals as follows.Festivals usually mean a break from work and happy family reunions. But there are someone who still works during the festivals. Step 2Pre-task【准备任务】Page 72,11.Ask the Ss to look at the three pictures on Page 72 and answer

    44、the following questions using the words and expressions on page 72.Who can you see in the pictures?What are they doing?How do you think they spend festivals? 2.Let some Ss say their answers.3.Check the answers with the class.Step 3While-task【过程任务】Page 73,2Ask the Ss to read the story on page 7273 an

    45、d check their answers to the questions.Page 74,31.Show the chart to the Ss, and then ask the Ss to guess what may be filled in the blanks.2.Ask the Ss to complete the chart with the words and expressions from the passage.3.Let some Ss say their answers.4.Check the answers with the class.Page 74,41.A

    46、sk the Ss to read the story again and answer the following questions.What does “her loved ones” mean?How does Leng feel after working “without any breaks for 20 hours”?Why is their work brighter than fireworks? 2.Let some Ss say their answers.3.Check the answers with the class.Step 4Post-task【后续任务】P

    47、age 74, Think and share1.Ask the Ss to read again and answer the following questions.What does the title mean?What other jobs require people to work during festivals?2.Give the Ss some prompts. For example, what jobs provide services to our society?3.Let some Ss say their answers.4.Check the answers wit


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