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    1、Revision8A Unit1,Learning aims,1.To review some useful words, expressions and sentences.2. To review the Grammar of Unit 1.,8A Unit 1 复习主要内容:,重点句型,语法回顾,词组再现,词汇识记,1.口渴的 2.诚实的 3.秘密 4.关心5.你自己6. 杂志 7. 幽默的,8.礼貌的9.整洁的 10.信任 11.谎言 12.确实的13.嗓音,thirsty honest secret careyourselfmagazine humorous,politetidy,(

    2、s),dishonest,thirstier,careful,careless,yourselves,(s),humour,impolite,(ly),(ly),untidy,trust,truth,truly,lie,(s),true,voice,adj.,v. tidy up,14.社会的 15.无聊的 16.重量 17.耐心的 18. 笔直的 19.微笑的 20.选择 21.害羞,22.勤奋的23.游泳者 24.竞赛 25.不快乐的 26.更糟 27. 高度 28.歌手,social bored weight patient straight smiling choose shy,soc

    3、iety,boring,weigh,impatient,adj/ adv,smile (v/n),choice,hard-workingswimmer competitionunhappy worse height singer,unhappily,worst,high,test,exam,(s),1. I am much_ (口渴的). I want something to drink. 2. _ (相信)our friends is important. 3. Sometimes I like reading _ (杂志). 4. Daniel is an _ (诚实的) boy, we

    4、 all like him. 5. Ill check it as soon as possible. Please be _(有耐心的) 6. Its not p_ to talk loudly in the library. 7. Millies w_ is only 30 kilos. She should eat more. 8. He was the first in the drawing c_.,thirstier,Trusting,magazines,Check your learning,honest,patient,olite,eight,ompetition,1. 一些更

    5、多的食物 2. 保守秘密 3. 讲滑稽的笑话 4. 准备好做某事 5.有一副好嗓子 6. 富有幽默感 7. 戴着又小又圆的眼镜 8. 对.觉得无聊 9. 从不说任何人的坏话 10.使某人(感觉)开心,some more food,keep a secret/ secrets,make sb. (feel) happy,tell funny jokes,be willing/ ready to do sth.,Task2.词组再现,have a good voice,wear small round glasses,have a good sense of humour,feel bored w

    6、ith.,never say a bad word about anyone,11. 给有需要的人让座 12. 仔细地倾听人们的问题 13. 在所有中国艺术家中 14. 帮助他们解决问题 15. 成为一名和.一样有名的艺术家 16. 一个扎马尾辫的女孩 17. 由铁做成的塔 18. 制作未来的计划 19. 在左边的男孩 20. 明亮又会笑的眼睛 21. 成为一名优秀的教师 22.面带微笑,give seats to someone in need,listen to people carefully,among all the Chinese artists,help them with pr

    7、oblems,to be an artist as famous as sb.,a girl with a ponytail,make future plans,a tower made of steel,the boy on the left,bright smiling eyes,make an excellent teacher,wear/ have a smile on ones face,He often talks with a smile on his face,Check your learning,一、单项选择 ( ) 1. -_ honest boy you are ! -

    8、Thank you!A.What an B. What C. How an D.What a( ) 2. -Can I have _? - Of course. Here you are.A. some more cakes B. a few food C. quite a few food D. a little eggs( ) 3. -What else do you want?-_ else. I think I have got everything now.A. Something B. Everything C. Nothing D. Anything( ) 4. Whats _

    9、you?A. worry B. worrying C. worry about D.worrying about( ) 5. My friend Simon never _ bad words about anyone.A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks( ) 6. The funny story made the boy _.A. to laugh B. laughing C. laugh D. to be laghing,A,A,C,B,C,C,( ) 6. Our English teacher looks _ now, and she is talk

    10、ing _with the students.A. happy; happy B. happily; happy C. happily; happily D. happy; happily( ) 8. Do you know him very _?A. well B. good C. much D. a lot( )9. Many students in our school _ the old and they usually offer their seats to them on buses.A. worry about B. care about C. take care D. agr

    11、ee with( )10. Lily is a beautiful _ big eyes and dark brown hair.A. in B. with C. on D. at,D,A,B,B,Task3.重点句型,1. 我能吃点什么吗?2. 我能吃一些更多的食物吗?3. 也许我们能分享它。4. 什么适合好朋友?5. 你能相信他们因为他们从不说谎。6. 她乐于助人并且在任何时候都准备好帮助他人。,Can I have something to eat?,Can I have some more food?,Maybe we can share it.,What makes good fri

    12、ends?,You can trust them because they never tell lies.,She is helpful and willing to help people any time.,7. 他擅长讲滑稽的笑话并且总是使我笑。8. 他的长腿在他的桌子底下容不下。9. 她经常笑并且从不说任何人的坏话。10. 当有事情困扰我时,我总是去找她。,He is good at telling funny jokes and always makes me laugh.,His long legs dont fit well under his desk.,She often

    13、smiles and never says a bad word about anyone.,I always go to her when something worries me.,11. 我可以仔细聆听并且帮助人们解决问题。I can listen to people carefully and help them with their problems. 12. 我喜欢遇到很多人,并且和他们交朋友。I like to meet a lot of people and make friends with them. 13. 当我长大的时候,我想要成为一名艺术家。When I grow u

    14、p, I would like to be an artist. 14. 在所有的中国艺术家中,我最喜欢徐悲鸿。Among all the Chinese artists, I like Xu Beihong best. 15. 他的马的画作是美丽的艺术品。我想要和他一样出名。His pictures of horses are beautiful works of art. I want to be as famous as he is.,16. 你会选择谁作为你最好的朋友?17. Kate 既是我的邻居,又是我最好的朋友。Kate is both my neighbour and my b

    15、est friend. 18. 她总是面带笑容,看起来很开心。She always has/ wears a smile on her face and looks happy. 19. 她辅导我作业,并且很耐心。She helps me with my homework and she is very patient. 20. 我认为她会成为一名优秀的教师。I think she will make an excellent teacher.,Who would you like to choose as your best friend?,Task4.语法回顾,形容词的比较级和最高级1.

    16、形容词的变化规则:规则变化和不规则变化2. 其用法的解析,longer,longest,smaller,smallest,一般情况下直接加”er”或者”est”,nicer,nicest,finer,finest,以“e”结尾的形容词直接加”r”或者“st”,prettier,prettiest,easier,easiest,以辅音字母+“y”结尾的形容词吧“y”改“i”加“er”或“est”,slimmer,slimmest,bigger,biggest,重读闭音节并且只有一个辅音字母结尾的形容词双写加“er”或者“est”,more beautiful,most beautiful,部分双

    17、音节词或者多音节词直接加“more”或者“most”,more important,most important,Irregular forms,1. thirsty 2. tired 3. friendly 4. bright 5. bad/ badly 6. sad 7. early 8. slim 9. healthy 10. thin 11. far 12. hot 13. little 14. few,thirstier the thirstiest more tired the most tired more friendly the most friendly brighter

    18、the most brighter worse the worst sadder the saddest earlier the earliest slimmer the slimmest healthier the healthiest thinner the thinnest farther/ further the farthest/ furthest hotter the hottest less the least fewer the fewest,基本用法:,1. 比较级系v. + adj.比较级 (+ than) 两者间比较Sandy is taller than Amy.Who

    19、 is younger, Tom or Daniel?2. 最高级系v. + the + adj. 最高级 (+ 比较对象) 三者及以上I am the shortest in my family.,1. Which of the shirts is _(good), the blue one or the red one? 2. Peter is _(high) of the six boys. 3. This is _ (happy) day in my life. 4. Which one is _(cheap) of the three? 5. The Great Wall is _

    20、(famous) sightin China. 6. My mother is_ (patient) than my father in my family. 7. Is Mr Gao _ (friend) than Mrs Gao?,Check your learning,better,the highest,the happiest,the cheapest,the most famous,more patient,friendlier,1. 强调比较级超出一定程度时,形容词的比较级前可用 much, far, a lot, a little, even等来修饰。Im much talle

    21、r than you.This classroom is a little bigger than that one.Today is even hotter.,特殊用法:,Have a try !I think the price of shoes in this shop is_ than that shop, you can come and have a look.A. a little cheaper B. cheapC. a little lower D. low,C,2. 用“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”(后面不接than从句)China has become stro

    22、nger and stronger.She became more and more interested in music.3. 形容词比较级前加the, 有以下两种情况1) “ the+比较级, the+比较级”表示“越.越”The more, the better.The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.2) “the+比较级+of the two”表示“两者中比较的一个”The girl is the taller of the two.Shanghai is the stronger of these two cities.,

    23、Have a try ! 1. When it comes into autumn, the nights will get _. A. the shorter and shorter B. the longer and longer C. shorter and short D. longer and longer2. -Who will you recommend as the manager, Tom or Amy?- I think Tom will be _ choice. A. good B. better C. the better D. well3. _ we work, _

    24、mistakes we will make. A. The harder; the fewer B. The hard; the fewer C. The harder; the less D. The hard; the less,D,C,A,4. “ one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最的之一” (V单N复形高)Dalian is one of the most beautiful cities in China.5. 形容词最高级前通常要加the, 但当前面有序数词,物主代词,指示代词,名词所有格等限定修饰时,最高级前不加the.Changjiang is the th

    25、ird longest river in the world.He is our best teacher.,Have a try !1. They are very helpful to others, and Sandy is _ among them. A. helpful B. more helpful C. the most helpful D. helpfulest2. They all did badly in that exam, but Tom was _. A. worse B. the worst C. worst D. bad,C,B,6. 比较级+ than+ any

    26、 + n单 (不在范围内) 比较级+ than+ any other + n单 (在范围内)Shanghai is richer than any city in South Africa.Shanghai is richer than any other city in China.7. 比较级与最高级间的转换Shanghai is more crowded than any other city in China.= Shanghai is more crowded than the other cities in China.= Shanghai is the most crowded

    27、city in China.,Writing:,Name,Looks & personality,Have different paragraphs with different main ideas. 段落分明、层次清晰,Have the right word spelling, grammar .单词拼写,语法正确,Have new ideas and good sentences and neat handwriting .好思想、好句子,书写工整美观,10,5,5,Future plans,Homework,Finish the other exercises.,Thank you!,


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