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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit4(第2课时)Section A 3a_3c课时练习(含答案)

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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit4(第2课时)Section A 3a_3c课时练习(含答案)

    1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag第二课时 Section A (3a3c)A 基础起航 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1Can you _come_(来) to my home for dinner? 2My computer is on my _desk_(书桌)3I _think_(认为) your bag is under the table. 4Where are my sunglasses?Theyre on your _head_(头). 5Its cold outside. Please put on your _hat_(帽子)6My grandpa

    2、rents like watching TV in the living room_. 7Lily and Lucy are in their_ mothers car.8Wheres my cat?Sorry, I dont know_. 根据图片提示填入适当的介词。1The ball is _on_ the floor.2The hat is _under_ the chair.3His pencil is _in_ the pencil box.4The two girls are _under_ the tree(树)5The computer is _on_ the desk.单项选

    3、择。( C )1.Where _ the books?Aam BisCare Ddo ( C )2._ your pencil over there?No, mine is yellow. AIs this BAre theseCIs that DAre those ( D )3.Where is grandpa and grandmas dog?Its in your _room. Agrandparent BgrandparentsCgrandparents Dgrandparents ( D )4.There are some boys playing near the tree. Ma

    4、ybe these are _bags. Aher BhisCmy Dtheir ( B )5.I _think they are at school. Aam not BdontCnot Dam.从方框中选择合适的单词完成句子。under, They, on, their, Where, in1.Where are the pencils?_They_ are on the desk.2Is his bike _under_ the tree?3_Where_ is your brother?He is at school.4Those are _their_ books.5Is the k

    5、ey _in_ the door?6Come _on_. The teacher is coming.根据汉语意思完成句子。(每空一词)1书在哪里?在你的书桌上吗?没有,在椅子下面。_Where_ _is_ the book? _Is_ it on your desk?No, its _under_ _your_ chair.2你的钥匙在书桌上吗?不,它们在我的书包里。_Are_your keys _on_ _the_ _desk_? No, theyre _in_ _my_ _schoolbag_3我认为它在你祖父母的房间里。I _think_its in your _grandparent

    6、s_ _room_4你的棒球在椅子下吗?我不知道。哦,它在沙发下面。_Is_your baseball _under_ _the_ _chair_?I _dont_ _know_. Oh, its _under_ _the_ _sofa_B 语法扬帆 .从下列句子中找出一个语法错误,画线并改在下面的横线上。1Where your parents?_Where 后面加 are_2My pencil box under the chair._box 后面加 is_3The books are in bookcase. _in 后面加 the_4My computer game is under t

    7、he my bed._去掉 the 或 my_5I think my notebook is in my grandparents home._grandparents 改为 grandparents_.句型转换。1The map is in_my_grandpas_room(对画线部分提问)_Where_ _is_the map?2My rulers are in_the_pencil_box(对画线部分提问)_Where_are _your_ rulers?3They are under the chair. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_Are_ _they_ under the c

    8、hair?_Yes_,_they_ _are_4I know it. (改为否定句)I _dont_ _know_ it.5I think it is green. (改为否定句)I _dont_think it _is_green.C 提升冲浪 .用所给单词的正确形式填空或根据上下文填写合适的单词。(每空一词)Im Bill. Im 1._an_ English boy. Look! This 2._is_ (be) a pencil box. Its 3._my_ (I)pencil box. Do you 4._know_(know) whats in it? A ruler. It i

    9、s my ruler. The ruler is blue 5._and_ white. That is a pencil box, 6._too_. It is black and white. But it 7._isnt_ my pencil box. Is it yours? 77770123 is my 8._telephone_ (telephone) number. You can call 9._me_ (I). Look! That girl is Jenny. 10._Her_(she) pencil box is on her desk. That boy is Dale

    10、. His green pen is in the pencil box. .完形填空。Here is a picture of my room. Please look _1_ the picture. You can see _2_ things in my room. A map of China is _3_ the wall. Can you _4_ my city Hangzhou in the map? A sofa is on the floor. Some newspapers _5_ on it. Can you see a _6_, too? On the desk, t

    11、here are some books _7_ a clock. _8_ are very beautiful. My jacket is on the bed. _9_ the bed are some of my balls. Oh, you can also see a cat. It is under the desk. It is really a very _10_ room. I like it.( B )1.A.for Bat Cin Dlike( A )2.A.many Bmuch Clot Dany( C )3.A.by Bat Con Dunder( D )4.A.hav

    12、e Blike Cknow Dfind( A )5.A.are Bis Cbe Dam( C )6.A.table Bsofa Cdesk Dbed( A )7.A.and Bwith Cbut Dfor( B )8.A.We BThey CYou DHere( B )9.A.With BUnder CIn DBetween( D )10.A.bad Bill Cterrible Dnice.阅读理解。Hello, my name is Julia. I am a Chinese girl. Now I am in Class One, Grade Seven in No.2 Middle S

    13、chool. I have a nice room. In my room, I have a bed, a desk, a bookcase, some chairs and some other things. I always put my books in my bookcase and on the desk.Where are my tennis balls? Oh, they are under the bed. But my basketball is under my chair. My parents love me very much. Their room is nex

    14、t to mine( A )1.What class is Julia in?AClass One. BClass Two.CClass Seven.( B )2.Does Julia have a desk in her room?ANo, she doesnt.BYes, she does.CWe dont know.( B )3.Where is her basketball?AIts under her bed.BIts under her chair.CIts in the bookcase.( A )4.What does the underlined word “put” mean in Chinese?A放置 B朗读 C扔( C )5.Next to Julias room is _Aher sisters roomBher brothers roomCher parents room猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展mine _pron.我的_


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